• Breaking News

    Sunday, March 22, 2020

    Borderlands Gaige sketch I made because she's best girl <3

    Borderlands Gaige sketch I made because she's best girl <3

    Gaige sketch I made because she's best girl <3

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 04:38 PM PDT

    The next level cap might've just leaked

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 07:35 AM PDT

    Someone from r/borderlands3 noticed that K1llerSix's character is currently at Level 57. Considering he's one of Gearbox's partners for Borderlands 3, it's likely he has a studio build of the game with the new level cap already patched in. Assuming he's at the new max level, we'll be getting 4 new levels next round.

    submitted by /u/chancehugs
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    Am I the only one that likes CL4P-TP

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    It seems like the developers hate him, when you pick him in Pre-sequel the game warns you how annoying he is. But I don't care I FRICKING LOVE that piece of recycled metal. He is one of the reasons I play the games.

    submitted by /u/Seikkuu
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    BL3--my 16 hour review

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 12:39 PM PDT

    16 hours of play-time since I snagged my Steam Super Deluxe BL3 pack, and I have to say I am loving it. The play is fast and furious. The enemies are fun to kill. The detail given to the game play is incredibly rich.

    When I first loaded Doom, back in --1992?--it was still only shareware. I downloaded it off of a BBS, and was stunned at the depth of the game play compared to what came before. BL3 hits me with that same feeling. Make no mistake, I think Handsome Jack was an infinitely better antagonist than the Millennial-Twins are, but in fairness, Handsome Jack was one of those legendary enemies. When they created him, they came up with an enemy that one loves to hate as much as The Joker.

    Those are... like being struck by GOOD lightning.

    The overall depth for the "game universe environment" is staggering. For example, yesterday I was playing with a shotgun that gets thrown like a grenade when you reload it. I was in a firefight, and reloaded. The shotgun zoomed to an enemy laser-sight beam (mind you, it was NOT pointed at me) locked onto the beam, and followed the beam back to the enemy mob holding the laser-sighted weapon.


    I've had sex that wasn't that good!

    Someone had coded into BL3 a routine that would make a thrown weapon head to the nearest laser sight beam, and follow the beam back to the originating mob before exploding.

    I was stunned. But, not totally surprised. The BL series has shown that the devs of that title are more interested in churning out a GREAT game than milking out dollars. Or, more accurately, this business model is that IF they provide a great game, they will ALWAYS sell LOTS of their games.

    Unlike some major companies *cough--Bethesda--cough*, Gearbox is giving us one of the best ******* games ever, with GOBS of story, GOBS of RPG (I mean, even our bajillion GUNS are RPG-based!), GOBS of humor, and, impressively, butt-load GOBS of map.

    The maps are HUGE. I mean--*H*U*G*E*--huge!

    And varied. So far, each world has its own feel, with sub-zones that fit in well.

    Oh, and the guns--squirt guns that kill, sawblade shooters, pistols that are full auto spray-fests vs. single-shot pistols that are better at sniping than most sniper rifles! Corrosive or freeze--switch between them on the same gun! The stats of the guns tell a tiny fraction of what the gun does. I hate selling green guns while out in the field because the "damage" rating of the gun is a tiny fraction of what a gun does. I have to take them all back to the Marcus shooting range to do pre-testing on them

    Simply put, a gun with lower stats might fit into MY play style a lot better, and so that is the one I star, and use.

    This game is so insanely good, with rich content, that I am GLAD I bought it as soon as it came out on Steam.

    To anyone sitting on the fence, the time is now--get your copy!

    submitted by /u/Cicero_Johnson
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    Will they add side mission re-play (Not reset in TVHM) function in future?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 09:04 PM PDT

    Just wonder will they add a re-play function for farming the unique rewards from side missions... I don't want to re-play the whole story each time just for re-playing the side mission when they release new level cap...

    submitted by /u/walteralism
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    Near the end of my Dr. Ned without shooting a bullet run, need some advice about the boss fight.

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 05:28 PM PDT

    Hey Guys.

    A month or two ago I came to the reddit asking whether or not it was possible to beat Mothrakk without shooting a bullet, using only Bricks Action Skill, Melee and Grenades. This reddit was able to help me in the past about strategies that i could use to kill Mothrakk, so I was hoping for the same with the Undead Ned bossfight.

    I've done a little bit of research on him and his attack patterns. Specifically fire is strong against him, but he has a devastating melee attack, and uses an attack similar to a Defilers, slowing me down and dealing out decent damage.

    So yeah, do you guys have any ideas on how to beat him? Any strategy, no matter how cheesy, will be welcome here.

    I'll be coming back to the reddit for ideas in the future for other dlc bosses, including.... crawmerax... oh boy...

    submitted by /u/MrAnimeEmo
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    So I’m 16 and I’m wanting to make a huge mural/ battle scene with all existing playable vault hunters against the vault monsters and villains in the franchise.

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 08:59 PM PDT

    I currently just finished Graveward and I still have plenty of characters I still have to finish as well as uniting all of them under the same background.

    This is my Instagram:


    submitted by /u/PapaHew24
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    borderlands 1 PS3 modded weapons question

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 09:54 PM PDT

    ive got the base game (no updates) so would it be possible to grab those insta kill weapons that patch 1.30 removed? only for offline ofc as online requires latest patch.

    submitted by /u/Praydaythemice
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    Who's a good let's player to watch play Tales of the Borderlands?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    Got into BL3 recently and remembered i missed a big chunk of story in the TFTBL game. Not really my sort of game though and it's cant be purchased anywhere anymore.

    So who would be a good youtuber to watch play though it? Either cos they're entertaining or act close to the lore and characters?

    Would appreciate any recommendations.

    submitted by /u/Sneakyleader272
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    So when do you think that level increase will come?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 07:34 PM PDT

    I really hope with the dlc this week itll make no sense to not have a level increase get all the new gear and then BAM next month is the new mayhem mode with the 10 mayhem levels with the level increase If that makes sense

    submitted by /u/EverBlack697
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    Replaying Pre-Sequel, can't connect to friends (PC/Linux/Steam)

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 10:11 PM PDT

    Hey guys.

    My partner and I can't for the life of us invite each other to games. They're on Linux, I'm on PC, we're both using Steam. We played BL2 together with no issue. We get the invites in Steam, but nothing happens in-game.

    What could be the problem? The only change is that I've moved since last time we played together. Would it be a router issue on my end?


    submitted by /u/lauraisbored
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    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 08:47 PM PDT

    I know they upgraded the bank and I appreciate it but lately I've been having to throw away a lot of gear and I refuse to make a mule for it hopefully we can get more bank space.

    submitted by /u/IDKIDC0079
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    Is now a good time to jump back into BL3?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 08:20 PM PDT

    I pre-ordered BL3 and picked it up on launch day back in September. I got my Moze up to level 30 and decided to quit. The frame drops, disappearing and broken quests, dialogue cutting out, and broken online services made me decide to give up and check back on the game in a few months.

    Now that I'm stuck at home for the foreseeable future I think now might be a good time to try BL3 again. Has performance gotten better with updates? Are the DLC packs any good? How is performance on Xbox One vs PS4? I have the Xbox one version, but my buddy has a PS4 copy he's willing to lend me until he finishes up his backlog of games. Is there a good place online to find other vault hunters to play with? Back in the BL2 days I would just play with my friends from high school but now that I've graduated and my college classes have moved online I find it a little tricky to find people to game with.

    submitted by /u/PhatJax19
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    I miss Psycho/Krieg.

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 08:18 PM PDT

    Learning that Amara was going to be a Melee-based Siren, seeing her Siren Fist Powers, I was so hyped to play her.

    I'm level 32 with her and she feels so very underwhelming for being a Melee/oriented Class. Krieg was so much more fun, his crazy Skill Tree and Ability was super unique, and there were lots of options for Melee-Specific builds that were pretty high-energy.

    Amara feels so boring. Her Skills are pretty underwhelming (minus the PhaseLock fists) and her melee ability in the green tree is really lame.

    I wish they'd bring back the old Borderlands 2 Characters because I miss the insanity of playing Krieg.

    submitted by /u/Medichealer
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    Amara’s current state

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 05:17 PM PDT

    hello, I've recently returned to the game and have started levelling Amara, however when I google anything about the character I find people talking about her skills not working.

    So I am looking for a place to find which of Amara's skills are not working

    Any help is appreciated

    submitted by /u/Dark_Joels
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    Looking for friends for Borderlands 3

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    Hey! My names Marina (24 f) I'm stuck self isolating and don't have a lot of multiplayer games, really craving some social interaction, but don't have many friends who play games. Would love to find some people who wanna play together! PSN: Spanish-heaux

    submitted by /u/queenofnumb
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    Should i play UVHM in bl2 before bl3/bl1?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 05:14 PM PDT

    Title. I am new to BL, haven't played 1st and 3rd, but started UVHM in bl2. Should i complete it or just skip to 1st or 3rd game? Haven't found anything like this in FAQ, so i am asking here.

    submitted by /u/codera_
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    How to activate/download the gold weapon pack on steam?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 04:50 PM PDT

    Whenever I click the download button it just opens the game.

    submitted by /u/MakeGamingGreatAgain
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    What have I missed?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 07:54 AM PDT

    Left right before first DLC drop and haven't followed the patch notes.

    Has everything (anything?) been fixed yet?

    submitted by /u/52316XO
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    How do you get to Bloodshot Ramparts from Bloodshot Stronghold?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 04:35 PM PDT

    There's no fast travel option for the Ramparts, and I've been running around the Stronghold for an hour trying to get to the exit. It's marked on the map. No idea how to reach it.

    submitted by /u/zprewitt
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    [BL2] Mordecai is on top of the tower in Tundra express, and I can’t reach him

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    He has a mission called "Rakkaholics Anonymous...AND MORE!". Is there any way to reach him?

    submitted by /u/zprewitt
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    Why are my crew challenge rewards not appearing?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 02:14 PM PDT

    Ive recently wanted to make a splash moze build, so I decided I wanted the Scoville from the Handsome Jackpot dlc. I shot all the tourge bottles and I did not receive the reward in my mail or inventory. I though maybe it was a glitch and switch over to my zane to try and complete the challenge. Upon shooting the last bottle, still I was not awarded with the pistol. I also tried this with ember's crew challenge as well, and the same result. Any suggestions on what to do/ what went wrong?

    submitted by /u/Cyyyyclone
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    True Takedown Exclusives?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    Been doing the takedown on M4 and was wondering if I should swap to true takedown or if there's no difference other than more challenge? Are there items that will only drop in True Takedown?

    submitted by /u/JcWolfYT
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    If I buy BL3 on Steam, am I still able to use saves from Epic launcher?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 05:33 PM PDT

    I wanted to buy the season pass on Epic for $40 but the game + season pass is on sale for a Steam key at about the same price here. Would I lose anything if I moved to Steam?

    I also had like an early adopter thing from the VIP program when the game came out, not sure if that's connected to the Shift account or to my Epic account.

    submitted by /u/paralite
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