• Breaking News

    Wednesday, March 11, 2020

    Borderlands Petition for Zane to press 'Use' on Digi-Clone to fist-bump/high-five/Spider-Man-pointing-at-himself-meme/etc.

    Borderlands Petition for Zane to press 'Use' on Digi-Clone to fist-bump/high-five/Spider-Man-pointing-at-himself-meme/etc.

    Petition for Zane to press 'Use' on Digi-Clone to fist-bump/high-five/Spider-Man-pointing-at-himself-meme/etc.

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 03:40 AM PDT

    FL4K can interact with his pets, so why not?

    C'mon Gearbox, you know you want it.

    submitted by /u/Xaldyn
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    [FANART] There's so few Cap Scarlett fanart

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    Follow-up on drop rate issues, something definitely seems off

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 10:14 PM PDT

    I killed Graveward 60 times on Mayhem 4. Half with Guardian Rank on, half with it off.

    # of legendaries, # of anointed legendaries:

    Graveward only anointed vault chests anointed
    w/ Guardian ON 104 32 29 20
    w/ Guardian OFF 97 38 21 17

    So with it on, from Graveward I got 32 anointments out of 104 legendaries, or 30.77%

    For the vault chests, that would be 20 anoints out of 29, or 68.97%

    Meanwhile, with it turned off, I got 38 anoints out of 97 legendaries or 39.18%

    Vault chests, while I did get fewer, the percentage was way higher, 17/21 = 80.95%

    I know 30 & 30 isn't the biggest sample size, but I mean, I don't feel like putting in the time to kill Graveward something like 200 times. Or I don't know what would be considered a big enough sample size. I feel like this alone verifies how I feel like something seems off.

    I've got the most points in the Hunter tree, and Luck is my biggest stat at 11.92% so I'm feeling pretty stupid if doesn't actually help you get anointed gear. Based on this wee sample size, seems like if anything it helps looting chests the most.

    And while at first glance this may seem like a lot of gear, keep in mind if I'm specifically only looking for anointed gear, I "only" got 107 anointed legendaries after killing him 60 times, so 1.78 each time. And if I was specifically looking or Lobs, I got 3. And with the wide variety of anointments, I got anointments like "swap w/ Digi-Clone, your gun is reloaded." Or, "while airborne, accuracy & handling are increased 75%" - woohoo. So I very well will need to kill GW another 60 times.

    Also for the record this is in Normal vs True because I still need to finish True, but this still shows a difference between guardian being on or off.

    submitted by /u/johhnymayhem
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    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 05:46 PM PDT

    I just started playing BL3 for the first time today and I got two infinity pistols from one loot tink. And I remember having to farm Doc Mercy for an hour and a half in BL2. Am I extremely lucky or is this common? I would include the ss but it there's no photo posts.

    submitted by /u/Endlqss
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    Play order

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 10:53 PM PDT

    So with the telease of BL3 om steam i started thinking of doing one long playthrough from start to finish. Butbbecause of the presequel it leaves an odd space (give that its before and after 2). So how would you guys do it? 1-ps-2-3 1-2-ps-3 And would you throw tales into the mix?

    submitted by /u/ThickThighIceQueen
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    Anyone else hate the PVP system in BL3?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 06:41 AM PDT

    Me and my friend loathe the PVP system. You have to wait like 30 seconds for it to start. Can we please go back to the BL2 one? I hit you, you hit me, then the fight starts.

    Anyone agree?

    submitted by /u/SonofGondor32
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    Preloading BL3 is enabled on Steam

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 04:50 PM PDT

    To the tune of a 62.9 GB download.

    Not sure anyone getting the game on Steam now is in any rush. Still, it is good to have a preload.

    submitted by /u/NeryK
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    Best element/gun for the 2 shielded enemies? For a gammaburst flak?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 07:26 PM PDT


    submitted by /u/dilly6977
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    Got 'em all(achievements) just in time(for 3)

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 06:57 AM PDT

    About 6 month later than I originally planned, but finally got off my ass and finish the achievements for all the borderlands game for the upcoming release of 3(on steam)


    Might not be much, but still quite happy i got them all.

    submitted by /u/Ichiorochi
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    Can I get a new character to do the Maliwan Takedown?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 05:44 PM PDT

    I recently started my first Zane. I love doing the maliwan takedown with my Amara and just can't seem to find a way to get my level 53 Zane to attempt it. I'm still finishing the TVHM story mode if that makes a difference, I'm not sure if you can only access the takedown after the story.

    Thanks in advance for any help! I really want to try the takedown with Zane

    submitted by /u/Desert_Kestrel
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    Bought an Epic and Steam Copy. How do they interact?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 04:12 PM PDT

    I bought the steam copy because it was only 50$. I am going to let my friend use my Epic account to play BL3 over there while I play on steam. Is there anything that copuld go wrong with me linking my steam copy to my gearbox account since my current Epic copy is on that Gearbox account. Should I link my Epic account to a different gearbox account?

    submitted by /u/thewookie34
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    After all this time, is the weapon generation system better than bl2 & even bl1? Or is it predictable & boring after a while

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    curious cuz in bl1 i remember still actually using whites, blues & purples well into the later stages of the game, and not just uniques & boring legendaries

    submitted by /u/nuuance
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    Best way to spend iridium?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    I've got about 700 iridium at level 24 but no idea if it's worth buying a gun about 50 score higher than my current in that type. Are these guns worthwhile? If anyone could give me a rough guide on if these are good weapons and how to know if it'll be a shitty charge gun before I take the plunge it would be much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/rickl89
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    Grenade Build/Character?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    I haven't played since the launch of BL3 but I know the nerfed Moze a lot in regards to explosive spam. Is she still the best for grenade spam or has Zane taken over? How do they differ and could you provide some build examples or explanations as to how they work now? I loved everything about early game Moze with beam weapons, grenades, having no ammo issues but im not so sure shes the best pick based on the bits I have been hearing.

    submitted by /u/Raimsurion
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    Is the Season Pass worth the price?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 05:33 AM PDT

    I would gladly pick up BL3 as I own, except tales from the borderlands, every Borderlands with dlc on steam but I am not sure if 20 bucks more are justified for the season pass since 50 bucks is a lot for me...even 30 bucks but pssssht

    Would you guys say that the current price for BL3+SP is a good bargain or should I wait for other sales?

    submitted by /u/justcuriousoptc
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    Fl4k leveling build?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 03:07 AM PDT

    Since i wanna play the deathless build later, i decided playing another build while im getting the items/leveling would be beneficial. What would you recommend?

    submitted by /u/Weisshuf
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    GPU for BL3 @ 4k and 60 FPS?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 08:44 AM PDT

    Waiting for the Steam release, I haven't been paying attention to anything BL-related for the past six months. How demanding is BL3, and what kind of hardware upgrades should I be looking for if I want to play at max settings, 4k resolution, and framerate around 60?

    I'm currently running an old R9 280x 3GB, which I assume won't be good enough...just want to get some idea of what I should be looking for. Is something in the 1060 6GB range good enough, or should I really be looking at the 1080/2080 series cards?

    submitted by /u/tomgabriele
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    Should I get Borderlands 3?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    Hello. Big BL fan since the first game. Played them all except 3 which I only saw some gameplay.

    So Borderlands 3 is finally on Steam, 50% off. I know the story is really controversial for a lot of fans, myself included. But I was wondering if you would recommend this game to someone who is a fan of the saga. I loved the stories told on BL1, BL2, TFTB and BLPS (and their respectives DLC).

    However the main reason people like Borderlands is also the loot and game play, 3's game play seems vastly improved over 2's. I know that I can now skip the cut scenes in case I don't wanna watch them, and I like the playable hunters we have this time around, never understood why so many were against their choices, but to each their own. Would you recommend it to me? If so, which version should I buy?

    Extra Questions:- How many micro transactions are there, if any?- Is the first DLC worth it, if so the season pass? According to my past experiences in 1 and 2, the last dlc were always the best ones. (well, the 3rd dlc of 2 wasn't that much fun for me)- How balanced are the characters, and their diversity of builds? I've heard everything about everyone, Moze is the one I'm most interested in due to her being a mech pilot (with she had a cooler gundamy one tho). I used to play Roland, Axton, Maya and Gaige the most in the previous games. Here im looking into Moze, Fl4k and Zane atm.

    Thanks for reading my post! Happy looting the poor bandits who dare stand in your way!

    EDIT: I bought it with the Season Pass. Thanks for all the comments and opinions!

    submitted by /u/MurasaKiso
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    Wouldn’t it be nice if we could scrap weapons for parts and build weapons with the parts we wanted?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 04:15 PM PDT

    Maybe scrapping a weapon gives you a chance to get parts: barrel, stock, receiver, scope, magazine, whatever other parts I'm not really a gun guy.

    Then, once we have an assortment of parts, we can go to a workbench and build a gun out of our parts. I guess it would be similar to the way Fallout 4 did it, but instead of being able to upgrade an existing gun, you always have to build from scratch.

    Is this too much unlike Borderlands, or would it add something new and interesting to the game?

    submitted by /u/NOLAEducator
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    [BL3] Building Zane from the ground up

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 06:34 AM PDT

    So I just started as Zane. I'm only level 7 or so right now. I usually run turret and barrier as my action skills, switching barrier for grenades when I need one.

    I'm pretty sure I put my first 5 skill points on Adrenaline, but man do I feel weak. I died a couple of times trying to do the Under Taker mission, although I was able to do Skag Dog Days and take down a badass radioactive varkid without dying.

    Is there a better way to build Zane while leveling? I only played as Moze before, and only up to about the same level before I realized she wasn't for me.

    submitted by /u/NOLAEducator
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    Buying DLCs apart from the game on steam?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 11:01 PM PDT

    A mate of me gifted me the main game, I'm pretty thankfull so don't get me wrong, but of course I'd like to get DLCs as soon as posible, overall because they're off 50%, so I got in steam and I only see the options to buy the main game, main game + DLC's or main game + DLCs + skins or some of the sort, my question is: Is there a way right now or soon to get DLC's without having to buy all of it again?

    PS. If I try to buy any option I can only purchase them as a gift.

    submitted by /u/jugoandres
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