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    Monday, April 6, 2020

    Borderlands Anyone else miss the unique action skill timer for each VH?

    Borderlands Anyone else miss the unique action skill timer for each VH?

    Anyone else miss the unique action skill timer for each VH?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 09:12 AM PDT

    Maya had a mysterious looking siren animation timer. Sals was a small circle in the middle. Zer0 had a red number countdown. Each vault hunter was different. Each vault hunter had a unique action skill timer which made each character feel more unique, I guess? Which I liked!

    In 3, they all have the same yellow timer animation. I don't know why they decided to go that route.

    Also, miss class mods adding to your character name under your xp bar

    submitted by /u/Cl4ptrap93
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    Just rolled credits on Guns, Love, and Tentacles and my highlight was...

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 05:55 PM PDT

    There's a new character that I believe can be a mainstay in the series going forward.

    I really like Eista. He has a great design, an eccentric language (SLASS), and fits perfectly in this world. I liked Mancibus, but I think he only works in The Lodge. Eista can fit in anywhere. If Borderlands wanted to move on from Hammerlock, Eista could be the character to give out hunts.

    He could even be a playable character in a Pre-Sequel-esque game. Obviously, his Action Skill could be based around plants, since that is where he derived his powers from when you slassed, and his hammers.

    submitted by /u/uAbustaCJ
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    Can we please get more circles of slaughter and proving grounds? Preferably one for each DLC

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 09:37 AM PDT

    I'm surprised both of the dlcs we've gotten so far haven't had them, since I remember proving grounds being kind of a big deal before launch, and people like being able to just farm the circles of slaughter, especially with matchmaking. It'd just be nice to have more then 3 Cos and a handful of proving grounds

    submitted by /u/iconiccord590
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    Most Actions Skills are the equivalent of Axtons slag turrets and that’s honestly a shame

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 02:27 AM PDT

    With the amount of ASE anoints in the game and the overwhelming effect they have on your total damage, most skills are no longer used because they are really fun or impactful. They're used because of the anoints they proc when in use or when they're done.

    I really don't have an issue with ase anoints as a whole, but there is no real alternative anoints other than "while ability is active" anoints which is honestly the same as ase but timed differently. The issue is they're not involved. It's "press button, get damage." That's lame. Most actions skills are good because of how fast they finish, not because of how good the skill itself is. The only abilities I actually use for the ability and not the anoint is Fade Away, Barrier, and Phasegrasp and even then Phasegrasp is just used on the ground to activate anoints normally.

    I just hope we get more engaging anoints in the future and I'm not talking sliding or jumping but maybe anoints like "on fade away end all damaged enemies emit a nova for x amount of damage" or "enemies hit by Phaseslam can be launched away with a melee."

    We also need abilities themselves to scale better. They're what make us special and clone can't even stay alive in M4 which defeats the purpose of it. Not even gonna talk about Moze, she needs completely redone

    submitted by /u/Ewvan
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    Favorite vault hunter from each game??

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 06:40 PM PDT

    I'm wondering everyone's favorite vault hunter from each game. My favorite are

    Bl1: Brick Bl2: Krieg BlTPS: Claptrap Bl3: Zane

    submitted by /u/FF5615
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    HELP: Trying to play Borderlands TPS split screen on PS4 and save both players progress... second account shows as "Controller 2"

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 07:44 PM PDT

    My roommate and I played Borderlands TPS split screen the other night from the beginning. We both got to Level 6 and saved and today we found his progress saved but mine did not.

    A few facts:

    • His account is the system account (it's his PS4 we're playing on)
    • My account was created on the PS4 and is registered to my email address (no PSNow subscription)
    • every time the games loads and I join, my profile name doesn't display on the screen. It shows "Controller 2" even though I am signed into another profile (not a guest account) on the PS4

    Does this game support split screen saving (so I don't lose progress as the other account logged in to the game)?

    Do I need to have a PSNow subscription for my progress to save?

    Any help would be appreciated, just trying to make this quarantine as best as we can.

    submitted by /u/kinda_torqued
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    Is it just me or is the Krakatoa sniper rifle very op?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 01:52 PM PDT

    Bad luck, Power and Love

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 04:22 AM PDT

    Heyo, boyos!

    Love to y'all out there! Just wanted to say that I'm very amazed by this game and its community. Until a few days ago I played only casually, but after switching from Mayhem 3 to Mayhem 4 - I discovered that I needed to change as well.

    I came across khlapzy's "Level 57 Zane God Build" on YouTube. It seemed very powerful, so I decided to start grinding the sh*t out of this game.

    It took me almost 40 hours until I got the first gun for this build. A Hellshock pistol, with the 100% bonus cryo DMG. Bad luck indeed. Luckily Netflix got me through this.

    Then everything went easier. Finding the next two Cutsman SMGs was easy. Took me about 4 hours. Found a great Seein' Dead mod while doing all this as well.

    The last thing I needed to accomplish was getting a rad Redistributor. I've never beaten Wotan before, so I was a bit afraid of what was to come. I searched via Xbox LFG for somebody to join me in my final battle. And a fellow Zane came to the rescue.

    He destroyed everything. Nothing could escape him. Even Wotan was down in just 2 minutes. And what did I see? A perfect Redistributor on my first try. I couldn't handle it. The build was complete.

    Now I can run the entire raid on my own on Mayhem 4 on higher difficulty in just a few minutes. I've become the Zane of Light, God of Mayhem.

    But seriously, I feel op as f*ck. I used to play with 4 Lasersploders, but this - this is something different. I sometimes use a few different guns with the 100% bonus cryo DMG as well - just to keep things interesting.

    Anyway, my point is: I love this game. And I love all of you fellow VHs out there!

    submitted by /u/n0stalgicEXE
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    With the news that BL, BL2 and the Pre-Sequel are being released for Nintendo Switch, as a first time player who was going to purchase only one game, what would you recommend?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 09:57 PM PDT

    The games have appealed to me because of the ability to co op online and play single player within the same campaign. However I'd rather pick one game and put the hours into one rather than overwhelm myself with three new games at once, so wondering what you all recommend.

    submitted by /u/jtaylor92_
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    A Hunter, Through and Through. Xbox1

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 09:53 PM PDT

    Looking for someone to add me as a friend, have them kill the 4 rare spawns in DLC2 so I can get the rare spawn missions to pop up in the Lodge so I can get the achievement. My GT is UnDeAD UniON

    submitted by /u/dogmoore15
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    For what they are, the Slaughter dome style missions are really bad

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 08:45 PM PDT

    The Maliwan map is really really large and sometimes jetpack enemies get stuck in places the player cannot access. It was frustraing to look for the enemy that's way over my head literally and doesn't even appear as a red dot because they glitched out up there.

    The Slaughter Shaft is somewhat enjoyable but lacks any sort of corrosive enemies you should be fighting.

    The Cistern of Slaughter is sort of the same as the Slaughter Shaft. Enjoyable but lacks any sort of damage type variation.

    What ruins all of them is the ungodly round times. 5 rounds of 3 waves each containing 20-25 enemies? On smaller maps this isn't really a big issue as you can still wipe out most with just a few bullets and they're in a small enough area but on larger maps it becomes awful. To make it worse, if you leave after round 1, you have to play round 1 again. So it doesn't get harder next time you play and you must sit there through the boring pieces again.

    Having these missions is a pretty good way to break up the main quest monotony, but I'd much prefer the way they did it in BL2 and BL1; a break between each round where you could do whatever and come back to round 2 or whatever round was next. Playing half an hour of 1 mission where you mindlessly kill enemies in the same area is not fun. It's even less fun when you either play it all at once or it resets.

    submitted by /u/Sprinkley_Binkley
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    Ultimate Vault Hunter achievement

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 08:21 PM PDT

    So I'm really close to unlocking the last couple of base game achievements I need and I wanted to know if I need to do the dlc ones as well. I have the dlc, but I'm hoping I don't need them for this achievement as its a base game one.

    submitted by /u/Jafharh
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    A hunter through and through

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 07:47 PM PDT

    Anyone else having trouble with this achievement? I've killed all four spawns countless times now and it still won't pop

    submitted by /u/JoshKamina
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    Question about pre-owned copies of Tales from the Borderlands

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 01:41 PM PDT

    I just bought this game used off of Amazon, and it came in. I won't know until I get home from work, but my brother warned me that I might not have access to the other chapters; that the disc might have come with download codes for Chapters 2-5 if it was new. Is this the case, and I'll have to purchase the extra chapters separately, or does the disc come with the whole game, even if it's used?

    submitted by /u/allav866
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    Specialist Axton Build

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    Just looking to try again in making the Specialist class mod effective.


    Nothing too special. The focus is on trying to get as much fire rate out of the build as possible, while also buffing the effectiveness of shields.

    Main Items

    • Class Mod - Purple Military Specialist: +5 to Duty Calls, +4 to Ready and Forbearance. Increased damage and, notably, firing rate to non-elemental weapons, with some small bonuses to reducing the durations of DoT/slag and speeding up reload speeds.
    • Shield - Blast-Proof Bee: Here's the big part of the build - the "make almost any weapon amazing" shield. What does it matter the damage of the weapon when you get such a large damage boost? All you need is a weapon that is fast and accurate, and you can stay at long ranges to just bombard the enemies.
    • Relic - Skin of the Ancients: Non-Elemental, Explosive, Incendiary, Recharge Rate. Just a good relic for protection coupled with speeding up the speed at which the shield recharges if it gets damaged.
    • SMG - Non-elemental Bitch: What better weapon to accurately put a massive amount of bullets into enemies at long range than the classic? Add in the fire rate boost from "Duty Calls", and especially the bonus from "metal Storm" on kill? Might as well be a death laser.
    submitted by /u/Mr_Fire_N_Forget
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    New skill trees when?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    Not that there's anything wrong with the current characters we have, I just love playing around with new abilities and such.

    Any word on a release?

    submitted by /u/SunGodSol
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    Demolition / Bottomless Mags Build Heavy Weapons.

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 05:32 PM PDT

    So currently I have been having a blast with moze using a big boom blaster shield and was wondering if anyone knows any good heavy weapons to run with the build?

    submitted by /u/RootyRooKangaroo
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    Heads-up for anyone planning on getting a physical copy of the Legendary Collection for the Switch

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 11:32 PM PDT

    In case anyone hasn't caught on and seen the fine print on the cover, the physical version only includes a game cartridge for Borderlands 1. Borderlands 2 and the Pre-Sequel do not come in cartridge form and are instead included as download codes. Some people might find this a deal breaker.

    submitted by /u/InternalHemorrhaging
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    Anarchy zane vs m4 Graveward

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 04:29 PM PDT

    Nope not OP at all https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umVguZJXPX8

    Build is basically a post nerf pearl and a god roll fire anarchy 18 pellets and 100% cyro sntnl buff at max stacks

    submitted by /u/Dorksoulsfan
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    Looking for people to play with

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 04:28 PM PDT

    (Borderlands 2) I have a level 43 Siren and am playing through the dragon keep dlc, or i can start a whole new character I don't really care lol. PSN is Human_Garbage34

    submitted by /u/Actual_Human_Trash34
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    What kind of guns exist IRL from borderlands?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 12:38 PM PDT

    If ya know. Thanks

    submitted by /u/verizonbear8
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    BL3 on standard PS4 - menu lag when playing split screen co-op

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 10:12 AM PDT

    I picked up BL3 over the weekend since I heard that a lot of the technical issues from launch had been improved. I'm playing co-op with my wife on a standard PS4 and the game sometimes freezes for several seconds when one of us opens a menu, item pictures dont load correctly, and text is distorted. Generally the menus feel very unresponsive. I knew this was an issue at launch but from searching online it seems like these issues were resolved for most people with updates. I have the latest update but still some severe menu lag and texture loading issues.

    Is this still a known issue with non-pro PS4 or is something weird happening with my specific system or game? Any settings changes that improve the experience?

    Thanks in advance for any advice!

    submitted by /u/kwami42
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