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    Sunday, April 5, 2020

    Borderlands The Hunt 2020!

    Borderlands The Hunt 2020!

    The Hunt 2020!

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    It is time for another borderlands hunt! This hunt will span across all borderlands games and will last for 1 month. The goal of the hunt for those who don't know is its a community made event where you start a new character and fight through the borderlands trying to get every unique and legendary item in the game. Each item is given a point value and the winner of the event is the person who has the most points at the end of the event. Traditionally this even is streamed but this year I encourage people to stream it so there is no doubt in the integrity of your points but it will not be a requirement because I don't want to exclude anyone who can't stream. So the rules of this event are as follows

    General Rules:

    1. The character you are playing on must be created after the hunt has begun.
    2. You can play co-op but only one person can claim points for any item that drops.
    3. Anyone you are playing co-op with they too must have created their character after the hunt has begun.
    4. If an item is the item of the day you must purchase it for it to count for points.
    5. An Item can only be counted for points once. No duplicate items.
    6. No community patch (This is to not give PC players an advantage over console players)

    Borderlands 1 Rules:

    1. No golden chest.
    2. Once you start playthrough 2 you can't return to playthrough 1.
    3. Can't count the 2 gearbox weapons that you start with for points you must obtain them again.

    Borderlands 2 Rules:

    1. Seraph weapons must only be obtained by their drop source.
    2. Once you start a new playthrough you cant return to the previous one.
    3. Once you gain an OP level you cant return to the previous OP level.
    4. Can't use out of bounds glitches to skip Digi-peak.
    5. Turn badass rank off
    6. Cant transfer gear from other characters.
    7. No golden chest.

    Borderlands the Pre-Sequel Rules:

    1. Cant use the grinder.
    2. No golden chest.
    3. Once playthrough 2 has been started you cant return to playthrough 1.
    4. Turn badass rank off.
    5. Cant transfer gear from other characters.

    Borderlands 3 Rules:

    1. No golden chest.
    2. Once TVHM has been started you cant return to playthrough 1.
    3. Can't use mayhem levels until you finish the main story on TVHM.
    4. Can't transfer gear form other characters.
    5. Characters must be on the normal difficulty level.
    6. Characters must be in cooperation mode.
    7. Turn off guardian rank.
    8. New Character must start at level 1.
    9. Can't play co-op until after April 30th to keep it fair to those who can only play solo thanks to the co-op loot event

    So if you would like to participate in this hunt please fill out the google form below. The Hunt will officially start on 4/12 and end on 5/12.

    Here is a link to view the spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1076yi6vZD_cNRdV7nvhN7NWRzXikDZ6poVQuC-K76jA/edit?usp=sharing

    Here is a link to the form to sign up for the hunt: https://forms.gle/oNUNmXe1xTT7sUnU6

    submitted by /u/UnluckyiCONBOY
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    After playing and finishing the first 2 DLCs released so far ... I really hope we are going to have much more than 4 story DLCs !

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    I REALLY love the first 2 DLCs released so far. The stories are great, the new characters are awesome and the environments are gorgeous.But I'm also sad we are ALREADY half way to complete the season pass. Just 2 DLCs left until September 2020.

    I know people might be against it, but I would die for a second wave of content for 2021, with a second Season Pass. 8 story DLCs would be SO GREAT ! Or at least a big expansion.

    Don't stop the story content for your game GBX, please ! Borderlands 3 is a big success and the creative teams are so talented, so much more can be told with this universe , make BL3 bigger than ever !

    submitted by /u/Redarks
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    I'm happy with the cool new cosmetics we get but I feel like weapons skins are getting overlooked a bit.

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    Being an FPS, I spend the entire time playing the game looking at my guns and having different skins for them is one of my favourite customization features in the game. The last time we had a new one was in October and I was a bit sad to see there was no new ones in either of the DLCs or the Christmas or Valentine's events. Even if they're current skins from legendary weapons like Thunderhead being the Storm skin, it would be nice to see more.

    submitted by /u/MissAJHunter
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    Anyone else a bit dissapointed in the loot inside the *LEGENDARY* vaults?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 06:00 PM PDT

    Just a bit sad really. Opening a vault that hasn't been opened for supposedly a very long time but there's no unique weapons, just a bunch of greens.

    Very frustrating imo

    submitted by /u/Sprinkley_Binkley
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    Why is 2k launching a set of almost 10 year old games for $90 (AUD) on Switch?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 03:13 AM PDT

    Most new switch games launch at $70 and the borderlands collection is so much cheaper on other platforms.

    submitted by /u/SwagSoldier420
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    3 new shift codes

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    Ammo not spawning in any chest or box during both slaughterhouse and WOTAN.

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 03:50 PM PDT

    SOOOO FRUSTRATING. I already have a hard enough time getting maliwan takedown completed without bugging out, and now I cant replenish ammo. Screwed up my slaughterhouse run too.

    submitted by /u/Awdinrere
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    What if a future Vault Hunter was rewarded for using shitty gear?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 07:38 PM PDT

    As in, the skills trees would encourage using white tier loot? The character's backstory could vary. They could either be some scrapper dude that lives in a garbage dump and has learned to make the most out of bad guns. Or they could be a monk that is against materialism and uses shit gear to prove a point.

    Maybe they could even be the down-on-their-luck CEO of Tediore who has had to take up vault hunting to fund their company before it goes bankrupt.

    Either way, I think it'd be interesting to see a skill tree that makes shitty gear viable.

    There could be passive skills that provide increased stats depending on what tier of rarity your gun is, like -50% damage on legendary guns, but +200% damage on white tier guns.

    Or you could greatly increase fire rate at the cost of guns having the potential to jam sometimes.

    Maybe the capstone could be that you could transfer anointments or legendary/unique effects from a gun equipped in one slot, to a white gun equipped in the adjacent slot. Like in BL2 if you could transfer the trespassers shield-bypassing effect to a white-tier repeater or something.

    I don't know. I know fuck all about game balancing, and it'd probably be a nightmare to program but I just think it'd be funny to be digging through garbage like a stinky little goblin while my friends are all chasing after legendaries and purples.

    submitted by /u/CozyGhosty
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    Where are Axton and Sal?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 07:28 AM PDT

    It really upsets me that the Bl2 vault hunters didn't stick together in anyway. The first set stuck together and they went through less and had less reason to, with all the second set being part of Crimson Raiders. That being said, I can more or less accept the explanations we've been given. Maya going back to the defenceless planet she left behind, Krieg going into isolation to become sane, both of those are fine in my eyes. Gaige having to continue running from the law is alright as well, without Hyperion on Pandora they'd have an easier time finding her, but the wedding planner aspect feels somewhat forced to get her into Bl3s dlc 2. And sure, Zer0 working for Rhys is at the very least a nice reference to his appearance in Tales.

    But why on earth would Sal and Axton leave? Sal was loyal to his town even after they tried to hang him, so I don't buy him just up and leaving. We got that poster in the lodge, but that doesn't explain anything to do with why he's not with us. Did he do something unforgivable that got him kicked out, like Brick killing Shep? And Axton was the only one left in the Raiders with any sort of military experience, why would Lilith let him go? Why wasn't he promoted or something? And why would he even want to leave? Hunting vaults with the Raiders gave him all the glory he wanted and he could've turned them into an actual military force, closer to what they were when Roland was in charge than the useless handful of nameless layabouts we see on Sanctuary 3.

    It really bugs me that these characters we spent years with barely got a mention let alone any sort of development. I think head-canon is just as important as what they actually give us so I'd love to hear some ideas for what these guys are up to, because with 3 of them left to make actual appearance and only 2 more dlcs, I've got a nasty feeling at least one might get overlooked cries in Axton

    submitted by /u/ijustwantaquicklogin
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    moze tips on 1st playthrough

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 06:07 PM PDT

    I need tips for a first playthrough because I am dying constantly. I really like her combination of splash and mobility but the constant dying a the beginning is so annoying. Should I focus on bottomless mags and shield of retribution at 1st?

    submitted by /u/lirao
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    Is Borderlands 3 DLC playable offline?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 09:00 PM PDT

    As the title states, I want to know if the Borderlands 3 Season Pass content (the DLCs) are playable offline. I do not play online.

    I read that when it first came out (Moxxi's Heist), it was not playable offline, but that was a while ago. The threads on gearbox suggest that it can be played offline now, but it was explicitly stated on a thread that it will actually work offline, as of 16 days ago.

    submitted by /u/battlegods18
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    Borderlands 1 DLC

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 08:49 PM PDT

    So I've been working through the Mad Moxxie dlc and I used the split screen way with my main account as the second character. I finished the Prove Yourself quest in the host/dummy save and the trophy didn't pop on the main account. Did this lock out the trophy for doing the small arenas permanently on my account or do I just need to redo it with another character?

    submitted by /u/sadthrowaway403
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    Help finding gun stat (Borderlands 3 Faisor)

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 08:29 PM PDT

    I farmed a Faisor from Atom after I heard it was pretty good and had very positive experinces with it and I got an anointed version (+20% firespeed while in air) however this happend to cover up the shotgun damage. It was a lvl 37 and shock, Not the element I wanted but it will do, Anyway is there a way I check what it is since the annointed tag covers up where the usual stat would be.

    submitted by /u/Flashy_Scout
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    What happened to just doing

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 07:31 PM PDT

    In previous borderlands games their was not (speak to this person) after every other little thing we did.

    What happened to getting talked to and being told what your about to do, but your already half way there cause you knew what was next.

    Well not in borderlands 3, you have to speak to Lilith or you have to speak to Tannis, Everytime it just upsets me, when I know where I'm going and what I'm doing and I can't leave they're side cause I gotta talk to them first.

    Only slightly annoyed

    submitted by /u/superstove0989
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    I started a new character to do the DLC's and used the skip story feature. I'm now hideously overleveled for the main story. Is there any way to fix this?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 05:49 PM PDT

    Like will the story's level fix itself once I complete a quest or am I boned?

    submitted by /u/FrankWest21CP
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    Borderlands 2 newbie. (Level 13)

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 04:57 AM PDT

    Hi, so I am loving this game but there are a few things I don't really understand.

    1. I chose Zero and have her (or him, think it's female though) at level 13 which is fine, but only the assassin mods fit Zero. Do some ppl start up a new character? If so, why? Won't this character have to start at the bottom with level 1 guns? How would you level the new character up quickly?.

    2. I just did the mission to rescue Roland, seemed a good mission against all the robot things, there were quite a few pink bars that I collected. Is it a good idea to replay that mission to farm more bars. Is that the way this game works rather than just following the story in a straight line?

    3. I only play alone, but if I played with a friend how would I decide which mission to play? What's the point?


    submitted by /u/faveguy
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    A Question About BL vip

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    hello. so i just knew about the vip program and i collected all the point but it seems that i can't get all the skins and other stuff for everyone since o don't have enough points . so my question is can i get all of them or do i have to choose which ones do i like the most ?

    submitted by /u/AceInDaHand
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    Not getting the buffs we need

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    does anyone else find that the only character that's gotten large buffs has been Moze, Zane did get some much-needed buffs, beastmaster has been pretty much completely untouched besides small things here and there, I would personally like to have the ability to play something other than spam lighter fluid covered bats or fade away

    submitted by /u/ShutDownHeart
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    Is it common to get a lot of legendarys?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 01:19 AM PDT

    I don't know if this is normal but when I kill badasses, I almost always get a legendary drop. Is there some kind of event going on or is that how it normally works? Sometimes 2 legendarys drop from one mob. Just started playing this game about 3 days ago. Other borderlands games didn't give as many from what I played.

    submitted by /u/Ricky940A
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    Was Fl4ks new comm an early April fools joke? Please rework it.

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 11:04 PM PDT

    Sorry for the negative rant, but:

    what. the. fuck.

    I've been a fl4k main since release. Love the character, love the looks, the playstyle, etc. But this is paid content. And it feels like the biggest slap in the face this character has gotten (Aside from anointments when compared to literally anybody else).

    What's wrong with this class mod? Hmm..

    "Let's take Fl4ks worst skill. Then, lets make it only proc when Fl4k's PET gets a kill(Spoilers: already barely ever happens in higher difficulties), and THEN on top of that, it will only happen 25% of the time, and for 20 seconds."

    I'm all for fun pieces of gear, even if sometimes they're not necessarily good. But when you make this Fl4ks only new option from this (Otherwise pretty good) DLC... Quite frankly I feel like Randy just cock slapped me in the face.

    If you wanted to make this mod better, and really... really wanted to run with this idea, Gearbox... Maybe buff the enemy that's effected? Maybe DON'T make it a 25% chance? Maybe have Fl4k's pet be remotely useful in the first place? I don't know. I feel like for all the work they've been putting towards balancing, both Fl4k and Moze have been left in the dust completely, and essentially told to go fuck themselves. I'm really sick of it, personally.

    submitted by /u/Incendi4ry
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    Go play the slots!

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    So I saw that the slot machines on sanctuary have increased odds of legendary or grenades. So I've been playing them for about 5 minutes and I've got 40 legendaries. So if you've got cash and eridium, go play!

    I've found a transformer with 21k hp, handful of class mods, and a ton of grenades.

    submitted by /u/confusedsquirrel
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    Bl switch question

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    Will all 3 headhunter packs be included? Yhey don't say that they arent included but aren't in the list of included dlc....so???

    submitted by /u/Deviousraptor74
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    Means of Destruction not working with 'Cloning maddening tracker' grenade?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    I was playing earlier and i was attempting to refill my guns ammo simply by throwing grenades but I did not see it increase at all. I decided to try some tests, and I went to an area with enemies and threw 11 cloning maddening trackers (which theoretically causes 12 mini explosions per grenade) and did not see one grenade or bit of ammo regenerate through means of destruction.

    Has anyone else noticed or tested this? I'm pretty sure this is bugged.

    I just did another test with a class mod with +3 into means of destruction, this is a 20% chance to add ammo and +12% chance for a grenade and nothing. This is 100% bugged.

    submitted by /u/R-con
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