• Breaking News

    Saturday, April 11, 2020

    Borderlands Cool detail: Radiation weapons glow blue instead of red when they heat up, due to Cherenkov Radiation.

    Borderlands Cool detail: Radiation weapons glow blue instead of red when they heat up, due to Cherenkov Radiation.

    Cool detail: Radiation weapons glow blue instead of red when they heat up, due to Cherenkov Radiation.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    Running the borderlands day 10

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 12:38 PM PDT

    37 hours and 13 minutes in and my roland is lvl 46, I finished 215 missions and only crawmerax remains, If I manage to kill it, I'll reply to this post with how long it took to do it, ( big thank you to every one who interacted with my posts especially yesterday's I did not think that would get as many upvotes as it did, I hope that anyone who is interested will follow me as I do my BL 2 playthrough and I'm actually taking suggestions for who to play as, I'll be taking a two day break and starting the next game on Monday april 13th at 2pm CST)

    submitted by /u/longerboardjr
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    How does the Anarchy shotgun kill me?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 06:25 PM PDT

    Is it that it's being shot while I'm trying to throw it?

    submitted by /u/someshooter
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    Just finished BL3 for the first time and was very underwhelmed

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 05:01 PM PDT

    My friends and I are loyal BL fans since BL1 and have played all the titles including telltales, needless to say BL3 is a huge event for us.

    We finally finished the BL3 main mission today and were very underwhelmed by the story-writing and characters. It seems to have lost the magic it had in BL3. The story, especially towards the end, felt very rushed with no meaningful development (same feeling I had for GoT S8). The Calypso Twins didn't feel like the massive villains they said they were. Even the introduction cut screen that shows up every time a new important character/ boss appears seems sloppy and generic, as opposed to when in BL2 every one of them was cool and witty. The only character that HAS character imo is Balex.

    I love all the guns and improvements they made but I was just a bit let down by the story because I came in with such high expectation. Hope I can find the old BL2 magic in the DLC for BL3 again.

    Anyone feels the same? Or different?

    submitted by /u/TheSaddestSadBoy
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    I found not only my first Kyros Power Cyclops hybrid, but my first hybrid ever!

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 06:30 PM PDT

    Is there a mod for making bladed guns still use the base melee animation?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 09:01 PM PDT

    Hey guys. I've been looking for a mod like this for awhile, because the bladed gun animations are getting a tad stale to see on all my melee builds and I'd kind of like to see characters like Zer0, Krieg, and Gaige use their base melee animations for their melee attacks instead. Has anyone made a mod for this yet?

    submitted by /u/Kaegrin
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    New to the whole franchise just need to know what to play to understand three

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 09:00 PM PDT

    Hey I just bought borderlands three and I think I may have missed out on the other games what do I need to play/know to get three?

    submitted by /u/ethanswims
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    It is worthing replaying Borderlands 1 to play the Pre Sequel title?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 10:35 PM PDT

    I already finished Borderlands 1 a long time ago - but i didn't completed the DLC's. I also made a good play in the Borderlands Pre Sequel. However, i stop playing it and i want to go back again to the game, but catching all the story and don't miss anything from the plot. I know that the General Knoxx DLC in the first game has a good impact, mainly in the story to the Pre Sequel (because the lost legion, introducing Athena...). Honestly, i think B1 is a great title, but it is a kind slow on the gameplay compaired to the other ones, and i'm really looking to play for real the Pre Sequel.

    Should i revisit Borderlands 1 first and then play the Pre Sequel, or just skip it?

    submitted by /u/Thijusto
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    Changing game version

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 06:01 PM PDT

    Hey! Im trying to play bl2 with my freind who is on a mac (Im on pc) does anyone know how to downgrade to version 1.8.5 (the version my friend has) I've been trying for the past several hours and just cant get it

    submitted by /u/fuzzbutts3000
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    Has anyone gotten this error before. I need help

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 05:44 PM PDT

    Found A Couple Of Out Of Maps With Amara

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 09:25 PM PDT

    Amara required 2/3. Getting more usage out of the beam in out of mapping then regular gameplay. Hope any out of mappers enjoy couple more zones on my channel.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8Prf7hlaaI (Cankerwood)

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-4SEnfO6OU (Skittermaw Basin)

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsWq5U7poSg ( Another Cankerwood Amara not Required)

    submitted by /u/angusmcwangus
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    Slaughterhouse 3000 Bug?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 09:20 PM PDT

    I completed all 5 rounds of Slaughterhouse 3000 with my brother, but the mission itself is not appearing under the completed section of quests. I'm wondering whether it counts towards the side quests trophy, or is just something you can keep coming back to.

    submitted by /u/CrowOfCrows
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    Does anyone play BL1 coop anymore?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    I bought the game a year ago and have sunk about 100 hours in. I built my first PC in a decade and so it's been a while since I've played any graphic heavy games. I'm having a lot of fun but feel a bit bored - current level is in the mid 30s and I just found the third vault key. I think I'm a little OP because I finished the Island of Dr Zed DLC.

    Anyway, I'm interested in playing with other players. How does that work with my current campaign? And is there an active player base for this type of thing anymore?

    submitted by /u/intrinsic_space
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    Did they fix the awful screen tearing on consoles ?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 08:45 PM PDT

    I remember on launch game shipped with v-sync off and Gearbox promised to fix it... Did it happen ?

    submitted by /u/IKilroywashere
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    A theory on Gaige.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    Gaige is my favourite vault hunter and makes for an utterly chaotic playthrough. I have a theory on her character and personality, the direction she is heading in.

    Prior to pandora

    Having kinda reduced Macie to paste and her father creating a distraction so she could slip away. I feel that this may have broke something inside her as a mechanic to deal with what just happened. She's just an eighteen year old woman who created a machine of pure awesomeness(in her words), and had the design nicked then sold by her rival, Macie. At the science fair, she had the best project and lost, Macie pushed her and activated Deathtrap's defense protocols because he viewed her as a threat. Macie ended up as paste and Gaige freaked out about being expelled or arrested. Then freaked out when it turned out to be both, judging by her last echocast on her way to Pandora because Hyperion won't tolerate a police force trying to hunt down somone. Emotionally, she's dealing with a lot of stuff and doesn't know how to process it. The echocast protrays some of it as she is hysterical then calms down and is surprised by her 20k subscribers then bitterly calls the police, macie and anyone involved with her being forced to flee(Not including her father as she clearly loves him) bastards and either represses it or had plenty of time to think about it. Went through a lot of emotions.

    Arrival on Pandora

    I feel that this is where she started to view stuff as a game as a way of dealing with living on a shithole of a planet that is Pandora. Bandits everywhere, she has no friends, no allies and just Deathtrap. She snuck aboard a train and either was forced to fight hyperion goons then almost did or took a nap and woke up in sheer agony before meeting the other vault hunters. She is the one vault hunter that really screams when lit on fire and her life just went from shit to even shittier because Hyperion wants her dead. So she decide to embrace the insanity because of the stress. Fastfoward to the main events and she likely is under a ton of stress, embraces the chaotic nature of combat and becomes heavily reliant on Deathtrap as a companion.

    After Jack's downfall

    Having beaten Jack and doing random things, she no longer enjoys being a vault hunter and is lost. She knows she's a badass and the BL2 hunters don't seem to be that close. I can see her befriending Tiny Tina, Brick, Mordy. Axton is more or less her friend in a canonical sense and Maya may have looked out for her. The Crimson Raiders hold bad memories for her due to Roland dying in front of her and i think that may have been the point where she decided to end being a vault hunter. Just kill jack, do random things(such as Torgue's constest of badassistude of badass to see who is the biggest F**cking BADASS!, hunting for the booty, joining hammerlock on a hunt because she has a crush on him and assisting the raiders with the torture of a hyperion guy). She leaves a few months before BL3 occurs, studies various professions, matures a bit but the stress of constantly being on the run has gotten to her. She seems to be someone that hides her feelings and with only Deathtrap as her constant source of companionship, she uses him to keep herself going. That and she seems to be enjoying life to a degree.

    What's next?

    Without any intervention, I think she will either end up going to Eden 5 to take down Macie's father or continues to be on the run and ends up with a massive drinking problem. Or she has adjusted to her life and enjoys the sh**t out of it and may end up working for MISTER F**CKING TORGUE FOR BEING THE SMALLEST BIGGEST BADASS THERE IS BECAUSE HE DOESN'T NEED HIS OWN F***KING COMPANY TO MAKE EXPLOSIONS! That said, I am more inclined to believe that she is a fun loving, partly insane woman who is searching for a purpose and is crossing stuff off her list. Hopes to get revenge on Marcie's father, SMASHING THE SYSTEM and ends up with Brick, Mordy and Tina. Or she ends up creating a weapons company that uses her anarchy tech and makes it big.

    I know it's not the best theory but just wanted to share it and wanted to see what others think of Gaige.

    submitted by /u/Thebritishdovah
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    Anarchy not working well?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 06:21 PM PDT

    I don't feel like the damage stacks are working properly? I'm doing a ammo regen Moze and there's suppose to be an effect Where it outlines in red and black and nothing happens.

    submitted by /u/DamineBones
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    Co op mission progress not in singleplayer

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 05:44 PM PDT

    I havent played since around launch and was on chapter 7. Last night I joined my friend whos on his second playthrough and we started on chapter 7 so I wouldnt miss any story. We played all the way past the first vault and today when I went back my game I was back on Chapter 7. I read theres supposed to be a point where it asks if you want to skip the missions you played but I played through chapter 7 again and it never came up. Whats going on?

    submitted by /u/EvilDeadly
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    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 05:04 PM PDT

    Are they gonna fix the level scaling when playing with others? What was the intent of changing it to begin, if someone was level ten the enemies were around that, and if you were a 50 the enemies were 50, what was wrong with it?

    submitted by /u/Fustar1988
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    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    ...other than from "Hostile Takeover." So I'm running a new Fl4k play-through using mission reward-only gear (...and gifts from Zero, Hammerlock, and Moxxi). It would be nice to eventually play with a class mod above uncommon green. -THANKS!!!

    submitted by /u/CaptainDuckypants
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    Woes running Echocast on xbox

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 03:40 PM PDT

    Crossposted from /Borderlands3 - hopefully that's not breaking a rule.

    Trying to stream on Twitch from the Xbox, and the ECHOcast extension doesn't seem to come up on the channel. It says it's installing, then just never comes up. Happening for me when I log onto my channel, and a friend trying it from her logon.

    Everything looks right in the game...(screenshot)

    Unless the fact that the Notification icon being a red exclamation point means something.

    The extension's installed on the channel, tho I don't yet have an affiliate account.

    Might there be something weird about my networking setup blocking that data? I recall a week ago or so, I got errors when I whizzed past the matchmaking page that my networking used NAT, or didn't or something - I ignored it.

    Is there a recent help page that I simply didn't find that holds all my answers?

    submitted by /u/VBartilucci
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