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    Sunday, April 12, 2020

    Borderlands The greatest DLC was Tiny Tina Assault on Dragon Keep and they should make something similar for BL3

    Borderlands The greatest DLC was Tiny Tina Assault on Dragon Keep and they should make something similar for BL3

    The greatest DLC was Tiny Tina Assault on Dragon Keep and they should make something similar for BL3

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    I felt that it was the perfect parody of tabletop games and RPGs. In that same vein, I think they should do an anime and manga parody DLC for BL3. There is no shortage of source material and I think that adding some weapons that are melee centric using ammo as fuel could prove interesting.

    Edit 1: I should clarify that I haven't played the DLC for BL3 yet and I hadn't gotten through the Pre -sequel. However, Dragonkeep is my favorite between all of the DLC from BL1 and BL2. Also, I don't want to retread the same ground that Dragon Keep did. I am saying that in the same way that Dragon Keep parodied tabletop games and RPGs there should be a DLC that parodies anime and manga.

    submitted by /u/Aegis616
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    Handsome jackpot or guns love and tentacles?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    I only got enough money for one but I don't know which one to buy can you guys help me out? Thank you all for your feedback you gave me a lot to think about.

    submitted by /u/potatoman2169
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    Thoughts about the Calypsos (long post + spoilers)

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 04:30 AM PDT

    I was thinking about the ending and I still can't fully grasp why the writers didn't choose another way around.

    So Calypsos was raised by their father on a god forsaken planet ,because he thinks that the leech is too powerful to be let loose in the galaxy. Tyreen realized that at some point and escapes the planet with her brother to Pandora, which bring us to the events in the game.
    Troy and Tyreen establish their cult by promising the bandits a Family (e.g. meaning or somewhere to belong), which is not a bad thing in a bandit head i guess. Also they stream their murders to show bandits how powerful they are by taking Lilith's powers and later rendering Maya into dust. What's going on in bandits heads:
    "Man, these two are something. Maya and Lilith was kicking our asses all the time ,but these two actually defeated them. They are our saviors. "

    Then we get to Eden-6 where Troy kinda started to rise against Tyreen. But the power struggle never happened. And then we get back to Pandora and they are together again. We kill Troy and then Typhon contact us. We get to Nekrotafeyo and find out that he is their father.Why is he staying on Nekro most of the game,while he knows what they're capable of? If he wanted to stop them he should been out looking for them. Or at least contacting us sooner. I think the impact of revealing their relation could have been more powerful if we already had Typhon with us. While he's hiding his secret in hope for one last chance to save his children from themselves. His death would be quite more devastating since we get to know him earlier. I guess his logs had to do this job.
    In the end we fight Tyreen merged with the Destroyer and she dies with it.

    The message of these characters is kinda unclear. They start as arrogant pricks, overpowers us in the midgame and by the end we're expected to feel sorry for them,but at the same time we have to kill them.
    The end is where Borderlands 3 should have taken the turn and differentiate from 2. We may have to kill the Destroyer again,but Tyreen should survive without her powers.
    A far greater punishment is not killing her but leaving her powerless to her followers,along with her great remorse. She promised the bandits a family, but she annihilated her own. If the power struggle with Troy happened and she kills him , then killing Typhon, the whole realization in the end of what she did will crush her more than any bullet. Conscience can be a devastating thing once awakened in the heart of a merciless person. She may even beg us to kill her.

    That's how i would shed a tear for a girl that killed everyone who ever loved her because of her dreams of power.
    I assume that the writers might thought of this being too cruel, but in my opinion that's where the message of Tyreen is.
    It's just my opinion,you know. I wont criticize anyone who likes the current ending, but i personally expected a slightly different spin this time.

    Here's a small ending scene I wrote in regard to this:

    Tyreen's death scene

    Lilith, Tanis and Ava approach the corpse of the Destroyer. Tyreen crawls out from the corpse, still disfigured. She grabs Ava and tries to leech her but nothing happens.

    Tyreen (surprised):

    How? Why?


    Let her go, Tyreen!


    It seems that the Destroyer took her powers.

    Tyreen (angry):

    That's impossible! I'M A GOD!!! I was born for this!
    All of you should've been dead! I did everything right!

    Bandits appears in the scene.


    Kill them, children!

    Bandits approaching her. Ava phaselock a gun on the side and shoots Tyreen. Tyreen is on the ground and Ava is free. She joins Lilith and Tannis. Tyreen rise. She is on her knees with hands on the ground. She hits the ground.

    Tyreen (crying):

    Why is this happening?
    It was all mine! The stories they told me… The vaults… The Universe… All mine…
    The small man was too scared to do anything… Mom was even weaker. They never believed in me… only Troy did.

    Close up on Tyreen's eyes wide open.
    (memory sequence - audio only)

    A sound of children running and laughing in the distance.

    Child Tyreen (voiceover):

    "Look, Troy, this star smiled at me?"

    Child Troy:

    "Stars don't smile,silly. They only shine.

    Child Tyreen:

    "I will reach them someday."

    Child Troy:

    "Sure. C'mon, dad is looking for us."

    Child Tyreen:

    Wait for meeee!

    A sound of children running as their laughs fades away.

    (End of memory)

    Tyreen (crying):

    He's gone… dad is gone too…

    The bandits still approaching Tyreen. She wipes her tears.


    They're all gone!


    You are! It's the only family you have now.

    Two psychos grabs Tyreen.

    Tyreen (scared):

    What are you doing?! Let me go! Kill them!

    Here comes a player's choice to kill Tyreen or leave her to her followers.
    When "leave her to her followers" is chosen:


    Kill me, kid! We murdered your friend remember?

    Ava lowers her weapon. The bandits drag Tyreen out of the scene while she's begging to be killed.


    What will happen to her?


    She have no power over them now. Bandits praise only the strongest. She was feeding on them, I can't imagine what they'll do to her.


    According to her wounds i firmly believe that she will die before they make another meat bicycle from her.

    Cut to when the player choose to kill Tyreen:


    She's gone. But we still have a problem.
    The Great Vault is still opening.


    I had something in mind.
    Let me check if everything is ready.
    (She picks her echo device.)

    Ellie, did you do what I've asked for?

    Ellie (through the echo):

    Skywell attached and fully operational, Lil.
    All the lunatics on board.
    Just give the order!


    How did you get that?


    A small present from Rhys. I guess he never forgot his bandit bro here.


    You sure this will work?


    Should have happened years ago.

    (She refers to Pre-Sequel)

    Ellie through the echo:

    Ready to fire,Lil!

    All the characters goes on Sanctuary 3. Lilith goes in the central console with the laser controls.
    Close up on her face:


    That's for Maya,you alien piece of shit!

    Lilith fires the Skywell laser and blows up the moon. Everyone is looking at the explosion.


    submitted by /u/Britten_One
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    Rakk fights super annoying in bl3

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    Why is every rakk in bl3 as tough as mothrakk from the first game? Like every single one has way more health than past games and they're in the air so not the easiest target.

    submitted by /u/flower4000
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    Servers down?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 07:02 PM PDT

    Are the borderlands or 2k servers offline? I can't connect and get any hot fixes, my system is online, my PlayStation plus is active, but I can't connect. What gives?

    submitted by /u/JCthulhuM
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    Haven't played since right after Bloody Harvest ended. What have I missed?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 08:07 PM PDT

    Here's what I remember, game-wise:

    • Lyuda, Rowan's/Lucian's Call and Crossroads were the best guns in the game
    • The save/load abuse of Lilith's chest to get infinite legendaries (and lots of cheap Twitch views) was insane
    • The vault had a chance to eat all of your stored items
    • People complained for vault space
    • Level cap was 50
    • FL4K's pets were terrible no matter how you specced
    • Moze's mech was terrible
    • Zane's clone spec was terrible (his movespeed spec was a rising star though)
    • The Trial activities sucked for endgame rewards
    • The Torgue slaughter activities were not as bad (especially Slaughter Shaft)
    • Levelling additional characters after the first one was a slog (maybe this is a personal opinion)

    What all has changed? Content-wise I see two new DLCs have been released, but I haven't checked them out, and I only have a level 50 Amara.

    submitted by /u/ChaoticIntake
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    I hate level scaling in Borderlands 2

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 01:49 PM PDT

    I just realised I'm too powerful for the DLCs. I've just beat the main story and was going to go through the DLCs(aside from the last one as i've only got a PS3 but realised that it'll be little to no challenge and just tedious. Gaige is my character and so far, she is looking great as a build. I really wish that Gearbox made it scale at least a few levels above. Going to go into True Vault Hunter Mode as a reslt and aside from the booty DLC, i've not completed any. I just hate that i can't have a challenge at this point. The only thing that caused me hassle was the last circle of slaughter and fuck those RPG loaders.

    That said, i've discovred how fun it is to let goliaths rampage. oh and i'm level 36 by the way. I hope that they fixed this with BL3 where there is an option to level scale or not. If I were to do the Scarlett DLC, i suspect i would get a measly few levels from it.

    submitted by /u/Thebritishdovah
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    A problem of the GOTY Edition of Borderlands 1 on Xbox One

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 08:44 PM PDT

    I was playing with my brother on Borderlands GOTY on Xbox One and whenever someone is the host, the people joining are extremely laggy (Me as host, brother is laggy and vice versa). I played Borderlands 3 with him and everything is fine. No lag and still on the same internet connection. Is this a problem that can be solved? Was the net code that bad in the original and it just carried over? All other connections for Xbox Live are excellent and my NAT type is open. I've seen a similar issue with someone else on PS4 on YouTube. It's set to friends only. We're also on the same internet connection and I don't want to do split screen mostly because I want him to stay out of my room. Is there a community manager who can report this to the team behind the remaster and tell them that this connection problem needs to be solved?

    submitted by /u/Lilmanike
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    Is there a fix for zone progress?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 08:04 PM PDT

    I've been working on zone progress and I'm getting stuff like 9/7 challenges or 106% zone completion. Is there a fix for this?

    submitted by /u/spidergnomes
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    Frame drops after hotfix

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 07:59 PM PDT

    Has anyone else been randomly dropping frames I keep goin from 80 to 40 randomly and I know it's not my hardware because it was running fine before this last update or before I downloaded saves from others.

    submitted by /u/Katakalysmic
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    Is it illegal for consecutive hits or moze anoints to spawn on weapons I want?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 10:28 PM PDT

    I just want dictators, hyper focuses, and star helixes with +125% ase moze or consecutive hits. Ive tried farming the power troopers and can get many anoints, just not the one I want. Dont even get me started with Agonizer and him never dropping even a single dictator after tens if not hundreds of kills.

    submitted by /u/Cyyyyclone
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    Which DLC is better so far?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 12:40 PM PDT

    Potential spoilers ahead if you haven't played the DLCs

    Which DLC of the 2 that have been released for Borderlands 3 do you think is the better one and why?

    While I loved both, I like Guns, Love and Tentacles better overall

    It had a more serious tone and didn't seem like it took as long in unnecessary steps to complete compared to Moxxis Heist

    Both had problems at parts and had useful equips from specific quests

    Moxxis has the Double Downer shield which is very helpful, and for a time Digbys Smooth Tube was a useful weapon, but now that I have better weapons of its type I dont use it anymore

    GLT has The Pearl of Ineffable Knowledge and I got a Sweet Assault Rifle from one of the "Brother" bosses which is useful vs Mobs of enemies without necessarily having to Crit

    I kinda feel like quest wise most of the quests from GLT didn't give anything significant and only ended up giving random equips and money (which is basically 99% useless to me after I got all SDUs maxed except for the bank) whereas more of the Moxxis quests gave moderately useful guns

    As far as Bosses go (Optional and main ones) I feel like GLT was a lot more annoying with some bosses just being unnecessarily difficult by either healing themselves over and over again, or having huge HP and being resistant towards elements that would normally be very effective

    Like the Wendigo only having HP, yet Fire is useless against it so you cant get the boost in damage you usually would by using fire against it

    That's like having a boss with Only shields that is immune to Shock attacks, or having enemies with only Armor that are immune to Corrosion

    Overall I was very satisfied with both of them though and both had their strengths and weaknesses

    submitted by /u/MrOgLee
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    Who to play to 100% bl2

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    Its quarantine and there's not much to do. So I thought I would 100% complete bl2. I don't want to play as Salvador or zero. Any suggestions? I would like to play as someone who is really fun and has a lot of build diversity

    submitted by /u/ldivm
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    Bloody Harvest Maurice on Sanctuary

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 05:52 PM PDT

    Why is Maurice still on the ship if its inactive is there a way to still see ghost enemies or wait till Halloween?

    submitted by /u/krumpyj
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    [BL3] [XBOX1X] Crash on multiplayer search.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    Console- Xbox One X

    Issue/Bug- System crashes while searching for a multiplayer/matchmade campaign game. Every time! I'll select matchmaking, it'll find and attempt to connect to the players, then before loading the game, it turns off my xbox.

    The xbox then requires a hard boot/reset in order to work again.

    Are there any fixes for this?

    Thank you, Mason

    submitted by /u/DarthMason
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    Problems with the Oldridian and Night Hawkin

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    Hello all!

    I am experiencing some strange things with a couple of my SMGs, and I wanted to see if anyone else was having similar issues.

    With the Oldridian, I at first had a base damage somewhere in the range of 1100-1400 (I can't quite remember), and then after playing for some time, the damage dropped to around 950. This happened with both of the Oldridians that I had. And I'm not quite sure why this happened.

    With the Night Hawkin, sometimes the bullet multiplier will be x3, sometimes x2, and sometimes x1. and it seems to switch every now and again; and even sometimes when it is shooting 3 bullets, it will say x1 on the card.

    So I was curious if anyone else was having these problems, or maybe these are just somehow features of the guns that I am unaware of? But any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/integralofEdotdr
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    Hoards of Hoarder Tinks???

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 08:23 PM PDT

    I more or less just started a new play-through of Borderlands 3 and I'm just at the point before getting on Sanctuary 3. now. during the 2 or 3 missions before that I have run into 2 separate hordes of Hoarder Tinks (like 5-6 spawning in one area during missions) at first I thought it was just lucky I even ran into one group of them. but then not 2 minutes later another 5-6 of them spawned. Is this just luck? An event I'm unaware of? Bug? What is it?

    submitted by /u/Mixx007
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    Borderlands science boost durations

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 08:17 PM PDT

    Anyone know how to check how much time is left on a boost purchased from Borderlands Science?

    I've been using the 25% XP boosts but I don't know if any way to tell when they've expired and need to be renewed. Seems like every time I check the machine in Tannis' lab, it shows the full 2-hour duration ticking down, regardless of whether I refreshed it or not.

    I noticed the pink nanites icon at the bottom of the screen, but it doesn't seem to show any kind of duration on it, not does it ever appear to expire. Is this a glitch, or should I be looking somewhere else?

    submitted by /u/t3hmuffnman9000
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    Any Skill/Perk that boost reload speed does NOT work in Multiplayer . . . .

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 04:27 PM PDT

    Hello All,

    I am having some problems with just about all types of reload speed buffs in Borderlands 3 with Amara. I am using fast hands, and have reload speed buffs on my class mods and on artifacts, so my reload speed is really fast (which I love). When I go online and play with friends though, these buffs either straight up don't work or operate partially or inconsistently.

    WHAT IS GOING ON HERE? I have been doing research and haven't found others having this particular problem, but I guess there are other skills that straight up don't work in online multiplayer.

    This has been a problem for a while. I picked the game back up today (04/12/2020) and it's STILL a problem.

    What is wrong with this game??

    submitted by /u/Unclebiscuits79
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    Frame drop

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 08:11 PM PDT

    Is anyone else getting frame drops every like 6 seconds. Or so. Because after the newest hotfix I've been getting frame dips and it's not my specs because my friend has no problem and his specs are less than mine

    submitted by /u/Katakalysmic
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    Is loot just super common now? I just came back to the game.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 04:23 PM PDT

    So I haven't played in several months. I just started a new character for the fun of it, and after killing 2 loot tinks in the first 30 minutes, I have like 10 legionaries.

    Whats the deal?

    submitted by /u/JohnLockeN7
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    Did I just roll a bad Anarchy? Am I not using it correctly?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    I was super stoked when an anarchy finally dropped. But I've been underwhelmed.

    I dropped an Unlimited Anarchy, 12 pellets, no element, and the bounce module. It's annointed for Siren, Phasecast 250% Weapon Damage.

    I'm using a CCC/Kill skill Zane.

    The gun just underwhelms for me. I'll shoot threw 4 clips, build up anarchy, but it barely kills on Mayhem 3. It sucks compared to my SNTL cryo Hellshock.

    submitted by /u/ducksflytogether_
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    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 06:48 PM PDT

    Where did my BL Science arcade machine go in Tannis room.. it's nowhere to be found all of a sudden lol.

    submitted by /u/T-Dawg5000
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    Good build for movement speed?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 06:23 PM PDT

    I just finished Doom Eternal and decided to pick up 3 again. I feel like my feet are glued to the floor. I'm making a fresh start, does anybody have any good character/builds that greatly increase movement speed?

    submitted by /u/Rad_Dad6969
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