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    Friday, April 24, 2020

    Borderlands Gearbox, please keep the new event anointments permanently!

    Borderlands Gearbox, please keep the new event anointments permanently!

    Gearbox, please keep the new event anointments permanently!

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    So far this is the first event I believe that has introduced new anointments that don't use a feature or mechanic from itself, e.g. Fear.

    Most of these new anointments are genuinely good and give the loot pool some variety and definitely give way to new build possibilities, also that we shouldn't need to wait an entire year for the event to come back around for anoints that don't rely on event mechanics.

    submitted by /u/WrittenOffski
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    Whoever decided that Kategawa would be the farm for the sandhawk can go to hell

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 06:10 PM PDT

    Seriously! The most annoying boss ever.

    submitted by /u/Claymoresama
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    The problem with the Cartels event and Mayhem 2.0 releasing on the same day...

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    I can't tell what exactly is making me hate the game right now.

    submitted by /u/criscothediscoman
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    In light of everyone bitching about unbalanced difficulty and damage, I wanted to provide an actual solution.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 06:21 PM PDT



    People are constantly complaining about attacks not being powerful enough. "FL4K's pets are useless!" "Amara can't do any melee damage even though she has an entire skill tree dedicated to it!" "What was the point of Iron Bear's buffs if Mayhem 2.0 immediately made it useless again?!" "I'm sick of anointments being more powerful and important than the actual gun itself!" And so on. People regularly debate ways to buff these characters, and always run into disagreements and problems, such as ensuring that abilities work on Mayhem modes without being overpowered for normal playthroughs.


    We wouldn't need to worry about certain guns, Iron Bear, FL4K's pets, every other damage-based action skill, melee damage and even grenade damage not being powerful enough, if enemies didn't have ludicrous amounts of health, that you have to slowly whittle down in a matter reminiscent of cutting up a leather jacket with a potato peeler. +12500% is taking enough piss to require every sniper in Australia and an entire factory to produce all the jars. Even the +1000% on Mayhem 4 was too much, and left most action skills in the dust (although it was at least possible to make a good build without being a complete shut-in and endlessly grinding for perfect gear). While it technically increases difficulty, it doesn't actually make the game more challenging, just more annoying, and shuts out all but the guns with the most damage/projectiles per shot.

    It's like a chef making eating a steak more challenging by making it the size of an entire table, and only giving you a spoon. So to make eating the steak easier, you have to spend hours banging your head against a locked box until it breaks, so inside you can find a knife and a fork. And halfway through eating the steak an update drops that makes the steak fill up the whole room so it takes even longer, and accidentally bends the prongs on your fork, so you have to find another one by smashing open another locked box, and this is where the analogy starts to break down.

    Additionally, part of Gearbox's attempts to make the insane amounts of health possible to fight against is to add more and more extremely powerful anointments. This adds another layer of RNG and makes it even harder for players to farm the right gear, because in addition to all the correct parts they have to find the best anointment. It also means that damage-based anointments are so desirable that every other anointment is completely useless. It's like asking us to cut down a tree, and giving us a choice between a chainsaw and a drinking straw.

    So here are the steps I would go through to solve the balancing/difficulty problem in the Mayhem modes:

    1. Reduce enemy health scaling to a far more conservative value.

    I don't know what the best way to have the scaling ramp up with higher Mayhem levels (Gearbox probably knows what they're doing there), but at Mayhem 10 or whatever the absolute max level will be down the line, I would put it at about 1000%. I would argue that's still too much, but the higher Mayhem levels are admittedly still meant to be difficult. Just not to the point that it locks out nearly all of the player's gear and attacks.

    2. Nerf damage-based anointments.

    As I said earlier, the powerful anointments make every other anointment useless, and force the player to rely even more on RNG to actually succeed. I would nerf all of them by about half, so the player can still get a nice boost, but not enough that it's essential. And nerf Amara's +250% Phasecast/+300% Phaseslam damage anointments even further. If the other damage anointments are like comparing a chainsaw to a drinking straw, then these two are represented by a goddamn lightsaber.

    3. Remove Mayhem scaling on gear. Completely.

    For the same reasons as massive damage boosts on anointments, it only exists because of the absurd enemy health scaling, and serves to make the player grind even more.

    4. Change most if not all gun damage skills to general damage skills.

    All the main damage boosting skills on each character only boost gun damage (except maybe Amara, I don't have nearly as much experience with her so I can't say).

    • Zane: Violent Momentum, Donnybrook, Synchronicity, Playing Dirty, Confident Competence

    • FL4K: Megavore, Two Fang, Furious Attack, The Most Dangerous Game, Turn Tail and Run, The Fast and the Furryous

    • Moze: Cloud of Lead, Short Fuse, Armoured Infantry, Drowning in Brass, Experimental Munitions, Desperate Measures, Phalanx Doctrine, Tenacious Defence

    And probably some others I've forgotten. So while the player can rack up crazy damage numbers when shooting things, grenades, melee, action skills, DOT and other damage sources are left in the dust, and might as well not even exist. By changing all of the skills I just mentioned to boost general damage rather than gun damage, it allows other damage types to scale at the same rate as the player's guns, making them all more viable against larger enemy health meters. This should act as a decent solution to melee, action skills and so on not dealing enough damage. This was a problem with Mayhem 1.0 as well.


    With all these changes, the player should have far more diversity in gear options, and the devs shouldn't have to agonise over buffing damage in a way that doesn't make attacks overpowered for normal modes. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/CptnFabulous420
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    Mayhem 2.0 disappointed me

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 10:35 AM PDT

    I was really hoping with mayhem 2.0 they would try and make more builds viable and add fun modifiers(like the skulls from halo)but it didn't. Mayhem ten is stupid, 12500 percent more health is insane and the modifiers make farming so shit, I was hoping for fun modifiers but we just annoying bullshit witch just really makes the game less fun. I know we're meant to farm each level but who wants to farm the Maggie or redistribute with the right anoint ten times. And enemies get way more health than the guns do damage

    submitted by /u/MatTW4T
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    Mayhem Level instead of Item Level?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 02:21 AM PDT

    Just a random borderlands thought: since item scores on weapons are at best pointless and are at worse misleading, would it make more sense to instead put what mayhem the item dropped on? It would be amazing for inventory management and really that's the only worthwhile metric for weapon strength now.

    Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/AnewBnotC
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    Chest weapons, mission rewards weapons and mail reward weapons not scaling with mayhem ruins a lot of fun, please Gearbox, fix ASAP

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 08:22 PM PDT

    Imagine watching your favorite BL3 streamer hunting down those red chests and you will never get a good M10 weapon on that red chest events. This is bad for streamers, viewers and even players that want to use weapons like the Bekah or the Seventh Sense. Also, this was a pretty obvious thing that could happen when programming the Mayhem loot, and they not testing this or even thinking about this type of loot is insane.

    submitted by /u/BrWolf
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    Crashing/audio issues with mayhem 7

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 09:50 PM PDT

    I think current buffs/debuffs in mayhem 7 might be making my game crash. I play on xbox one s.

    So what I think is the root of my troubles is the laser beacons, i know for a fact its messing with my audio and makes it sound like its stuttering extremely badly. But in addition to the event, my multiplier and the number of mobs spawning, I think it's making my game crash, theres so much going on at once it's almost impossible to distinguish what's going on. Can anyone help and think of a way to help because I really wanna enjoy all this stuff but the poor audio and the crashes are making it hard to play.

    I haven't tried out the new event yet, but I love the new mayhem system. It makes things interesting.

    submitted by /u/xiiAtoMicZ
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    They should definitely remove modifiers that affect your damage

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 04:39 AM PDT

    The modifier that removes 90 FRIGGIN PERCENT OF YOUR ELEMENTAL DAMAGE IS STUPID. Nobody's going to choose that modifier. And other modifiers that reduce your damage are stupid as well. I quite like some of the modifiers since they make things interesting but giving the players just blatant nerfs is silly

    submitted by /u/bellystraw
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    Mayhem 2.0 is a huge exp nerf? What gives gearbox?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 09:21 PM PDT

    The increased exp now only goes up by 20% each level, but the increase to health, shields, and armor is much higher than it was before at the same levels as well. What gives?

    For example, in regular mayhem mode level 2, enemies got +50% hp, and +75% shields/armor, and there was a +500% increase in exp and money, and +300% increase in loot

    Now in mayhem 2.0 level 2, enemies get a +400% increase to hp/armor/and shields, while there is only a +40% increase to exp and money?

    If that's actually true, it's going to make leveling up post game a slog.

    submitted by /u/IngwazK
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    The True Story of Sham 94% drop on PS4 literally 20 minutes ago. My thoughts.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    Not gonna ruin someone's life and lie that I got it "first try".

    I was casually farming Bunker after completing UVHM on Zero (my first Zero gameplay) and, obviously, it is super easy to B0re Bunker, get 20k exp. and perhaps get a "family friendly" smg (hey joltz) or the famous legendary shield.

    So, it was my 50-60 run. No legendaries before that. 2 heads dropped though, both on Mr Assassin, i.e. Zero. I had it anyways, so never even picked it up.

    I am playing the game for...5 years. Both PS4 and PC. Multiple OP8/10 characters, except for Krieg and Zero (that why I am playing Zero during the quarantine in first place). I used to get all drops, since I am the "farmer" guy. I just listen to music, talk on my phone and do 100+ runs on some weapons, since it is quite relaxing to me when I got a spare hour or two.

    Yet...now I was in a rush. Thought to myself: last time, last kill, got 2 levels of XP from Bunker already. And never need the shinny absorption shield anyways, since I'd rather farm for it @ lvl80 or OP10, or something, you get the point. But...but...guys...guys?/// guuuUUUuYyYYYYYsss....

    Guys. I. Literally. Saw. Sham. Perfect. Sham. Drop. From. Bunker. To. My. Feet.

    Perfect. 94 percent. After 5 years of farming...never really dedicated to farm it solely...but had 1000+ goes on Bunker throughout all the plays for sure. I literally got every drop in game legitimately (thought, I confess, I used gibbed while on PC just for the sake of saving time and trying out new builds), even the Cobra babe from torgue and not even once! But today, on 24th April, when I need to pay my water bills ( I live in Ukraine, that's the thing here), and while being in a rush to go for a walk with a poor german shepherd that has been waiting for me for the last hour...I got the perfect Borderlands 2 Sham drop from Bunker.

    Here is the photo. Time of acquisition: 19:45 (7.45pm), 24.04.20.


    Yet. That's it folks. I wish everyone to stay healthy during this tough time and don't spent even 1 try on farming this shield in the nearest future - I just got all the luck in the world to get one... (btw, I can drop it to anyone, just saying).

    Have a great evening! Bye!

    submitted by /u/God_Emziska
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    Thank you Gearbox for keeping us on our toes! [M2.0 Update Bug Thread]

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 01:49 AM PDT

    After weeks and weeks of hotfixes and patches that made the game run pretty well, just when things were calming down, the new update drops and so many things are breaking and busted.

    Can we collect all the known bugs and issues in one thread please? Comment below with what you've encountered

    submitted by /u/SenSei_Buzzkill
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    For anyone farming on lower mayhem levels: Big Head Graveward will ruin loot drop.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 08:10 AM PDT

    When he dies the loot gets thown into the room behind the level, some of it will go behind the wall or fall through the map. Lost two legendaries on my first try thanks to this

    submitted by /u/CasualRedditer13
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    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 07:21 AM PDT

    Just asking, is ANYONE else having the most horrifying frame drops on BL3 since the new Mayhem. Or am I the only one who drops to 10 fps mid firefight?

    submitted by /u/Hvonne-The-VII
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    Slide right before Joey Ultraviolet where door closes to chest

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    Is there a way to prevent the door from closing? I have yet to figure it out.

    submitted by /u/DimWhitman
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    Giving away bl handsome collection and Borderlands Game of the Year Enhanced key [STEAM]

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 03:49 PM PDT


    Bought the humble bundle and i already own both of these so i thought id just give them away.

    One key per person first to reply with which one gets it.

    submitted by /u/fonv66
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    Warden Mayhem 7, What a nightmare.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 06:46 PM PDT

    I just spent the past 45 minutes fighting this damn guy. Before this I didn't even know he transformed. 20 minutes of fighting godly warden with moze and he finally goes down, and doesn't drop a single legendary. One purple grenade mod and 2 blue pistols. Whats even the point. Never doing that again. Are the Mayhem drops just bad right now?

    submitted by /u/davidrforbus
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    Penetration Testing

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    The way to beat this challenge in Revenge of the Cartels is to 'Kill Franco Firewall with his own Crypto Spikes'. The way to do this is to run around Franco until the spike gets near him, shoot the spike and I will explode killing him on impact. (Make sure he is lower than half health when doing this)

    submitted by /u/MasterOfForce99
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    All Moze Heads

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 09:09 PM PDT

    Can someone show me all Moze heads are there 33 of today?

    submitted by /u/yingbubble
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    PS4 Ultraviolet Villa Laggy as Hell

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    I've tried twice to kill Joey Ultraviolet, once the day the Event came out but the whole villa once you get inside just chugs to the point where it becomes a slideshow, not only that, but I legitimately cannot figure out how to drop some of these cryptosec shields, I could brute force some of them with the Seventh Sense, but others won't take any damage from shock, or anything. I cannot inflict any damage on some of the cryptosec enemies and cannot figure out why. The lag makes it borderline unplayable.

    submitted by /u/NutsAndOrBerries
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    Base PS4 Cannot handle mayhem 2.0

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 06:16 AM PDT

    [All gameplay from Mayhem 5]

    My base model PS4 cannot handle the game anymore. Even simple tasks like driving or opening ammo boxes cause unplayable lag spikes. The longer I am in game for, the worse it gets, once cartel mobs start spawning, there is no hope. I played for 1.5 hours and the game crashed twice.

    In any other industry this would be grounds for a refund. As we discovered recently around the bonus controversy gearbox is a mismanaged company that does not treat it's profit projections seriously. The company does not have enough cash flow to offer refunds for this game-breaking update.

    On another note, I still refuse to pardon the bullying tactics that 2K games, gearbox's long term publishing partner carried out against one of the community's most energetic YouTubers, SupMatto before release.

    With the game in its current state it is obvious that Gearbox's development strategy and capability is nowhere near the refined level it had reached during peak Borderlands 2. (Pre Fight for Sanctuary release)

    The company should be desperately seeking the advice of the community's biggest creators, such as Joltzdude139 from now on in order to determine what needs to be done in order to allow the game to flourish as a title worthy of the franchise name.

    With Regards, A long time fan of the series

    P.s. Shoot, I think I am a gonner this time.


    submitted by /u/ultrabackpack_
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    Is there a way to view a gun's mayhem level?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 08:21 PM PDT

    I've began farming mayhem 5 and 6 but I cant seem to tell if theres a display for the gun's mayhem level. Or do they only display past mayhem 6?

    submitted by /u/xRedxDragonx
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    Gearbox. Please rollback till you get stuff fixed. We'd like to play the game!

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 10:32 AM PDT

    Subject says it all.

    submitted by /u/Cicero_Johnson
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