• Breaking News

    Saturday, April 25, 2020

    Borderlands A small sample of the damage difference between weapons that dropped on the old mayhem 4 and the ones that are dropping on the new mayhem 10

    Borderlands A small sample of the damage difference between weapons that dropped on the old mayhem 4 and the ones that are dropping on the new mayhem 10

    A small sample of the damage difference between weapons that dropped on the old mayhem 4 and the ones that are dropping on the new mayhem 10

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    It should go without saying that this is not comprehensive.


    submitted by /u/MessiahComplexx
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    Anyone Else Constantly Crashing?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 01:52 PM PDT

    I've been trying to do the new event several times now and it keeps crashing at random moments. Screen freeze, audio loop, has to be terminated in task manager, the whole 2005 Valve feel.

    PC M6, if that last one matters.

    submitted by /u/BTulkas
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    Ranking All 29 Mayhem 2.0 Modifiers & 20 Extra Modifier Ideas

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 09:55 PM PDT

    Introduction: I wanted to make this because I thought it would be a good test for my writing skills, be helpful to some people contemplating Mayhem mode, and to share my thoughts on the new Mayhem 2.0 modifiers. I'll also include a list of 20 ideas for new modifiers I came up with and discovered on old BL3 posts.

    Lists are descending from best to worst modifiers in each tier. Let's get started!

    Easy Modifiers

    Found in Mayhem 1-10

    • #1 Big Kick Energy - Gun Damage increased by 25%. Recoil is increased by 100%. Weapon Spread is increased 100%.

    Reason: Gun Damage is great to get for any mayhem level. The recoil and weapon spread are not too big of a problem unless you are using very specific gear.

    • #2 Galaxy Brain - Enemy head size is increased by 100%.

    Reason: This modifier is a good time to use, making many enemies more vulnerable by having the most common crit spot (the head) enlarged. However, this can interfere with hitting specific boss crit spots like Graveward and have unintended consequences such as messing with loot drops. But for general mobbing, this modifier is very valuable.

    • #3 Lootspolosion - Killing an enemy has a 10% chance of a large loot drop. Critical Kills guarantee this.

    Reason: This modifier increases loot drops and can provide a few extra legendaries for a better chance at getting what you want. In my experience, it doesn't always drop legendaries when triggered, so weighing this with something that can increase damage and consequently speed up loot drops is a tough decision.

    • #4 Speed Demon - Movement Speed increased by 50% for 10 seconds Effect can stack up to three times.

    Reason: For mayhem mode, it really helps to move fast. Whether to get out of danger, dodge bullets, or synergize with Amara or Zane damage increase with movement speed, this easy modifier is a solid neutral choice.

    • #5 More Than Okay Boomer - Grenade Damage increased by 25% Enemies drop grenade ammo when they die, which may be live.

    Reason: This can be great with characters like Moze, but the fact that grenade damage does not scale with Mayhem levels and the chance for a live grenade to drop make me cautious about using this one.

    • #6 Slayer - Non-boss enemies below 15% total armor, shields and health grow blue and explode into shield and health boosters if damaged by melee.

    Reason: This modifier is very niche to execute and does not offer enough benefit to chose over the other beneficial easy modifiers. Cool Doom reference though.

    Medium Modifiers

    Found in Mayhem 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, & 10.

    • #1 Healy Avenger - When enemies die they may drop a power-up that will heal the first enemy it touches or drop health and shield boosters.

    Reason: This is a small power-up that hovers over a dead enemy and slowly travels to another enemy. It is very easy to destroy before it reaches an enemy and gives bonuses to the player when it is destroyed. Even if an enemy is healed, it is a small amount and won't cause enemies to overwhelm you. This is my preferred 'Medium' modifier because of all these tame attributes.

    • #2 Charred Mode - Enemies may be infused with Incendiary, which makes them immune to Incendiary damage and will release an Incendiary Nova upon death

    • #2 High Voltage - Enemies may be infused with Shock, which makes them immune to Shock damage and releases a Shock Nova upon death

    • #2 Acid Reign - Enemies may be infused with Corrosive, which makes them immune to Corrosive damage and release a Corrosive Nova upon death

    • #2 Chilling Them Softly - Enemies may be infused with Cryo, which makes them immune to Cryo damage and releases a Cryo Nova upon death

    • #2 Totally Radical - Enemies may be infused with Radiation, which makes them immune to Radiation damage and release a Radiation Nova upon death

    Reason: Number 2 has five variants of the same modifier: the only difference being the elemental type that enemies are immune to. It is your preference in whatever element you choose, and the fact that there are all 5 elements to choose from shows the versatility of this modifier. If you aren't using a certain type of elemental gun, use one of these to fill your modifier gaps. I wouldn't recommend having 2 of these active as some Mayhem levels allow, as this will pigeonhole your versatility in combat and leave you struggling to take out tankier enemies with this effect. But I think all of these are great modifiers to use, just try not to forget about it.

    • #3 Mob Mentality - Enemy damage and Fire Rate is increased 30% when near other enemies.

    Reason: This can be quite dangerous if you are facing a crowd of enemies. I'm not sure if it's just one other enemy or if there have to be 3 or more or something like that. Regardless, I would try to avoid this one on higher Mayhem modes, but lower Mayhem modes could use the challenge in my opinion.

    • #4 Freeze Tag - Enemies may leave a Cryo Orb upon death. Cryo Orbs constantly release Cryo Novas and are slowed when damaged

    Reason: Even though this affects enemies as well, I don't see this as worth using because of how Cryo damage can kill your movement and your momentum in combat. If you can manage this at a distance, I can see it working well in your favor. But overall, it seems too gimmicky to be helpful.

    • #5 Floor is Lava - Standing still in combat causes an Incendiary damaging pool will form beneath you.

    Reason: I find this one annoying and not useful at all. It constantly damages you and can put you down if you're not careful. It's easy to forget about in the middle of combat, and when you need to fallback to reevaluate your strategy, it can cause an untimely demise. I'd avoid this if I were you.

    • #6 Pain Tolerance - When damaged, enemies gain 3% Damage Reduction against the type of damage received for 3 seconds Effect can be stacked 20 times

    Reason: This one punishes you for having a higher fire rate. The more damage you deal quickly, the more resistant the enemy becomes. Enemies will probably average around 15-30% damage reduction if you are shooting them consistently. Also elemental damage will be nerfed with this significantly, so it is best to avoid this one in favor of the others.

    Hard Modifiers

    Found in Mayhem 4-7, & 10.

    • #1 Chain Gang - Nearby enemies are attached by a damaging elemental beam.

    Reason: I haven't noticed this one doing much damage at all, but maybe I haven't played with this one enough. These beams are attached to nearby enemies and disconnect at a healthy range. If this one does more damage than I think, switch it with number 2.

    • #2 Drone Ranger - Enemies may spawn a Healing Drone supporting them If the enemy is killed the drone will find a new target.

    Reason: This modifier has a healing drone that heals enemies. This drone is quite large to hit and can be taken out quite quickly with corrosive or cryo damage. The healing the drone does is not significant and it is pretty easy to take out the drone before you take out the enemy it is healing, so this is a solid modifier to keep on.

    • #3 Pool Party - Enemies drop Corrosive, Shock or Incendiary pools when their armor, shields or health are depleted

    Reason: Not sure if this one damages enemies, but if it does, this could be a great modifier to utilize for mobbing. Otherwise, this is a slightly better version of the "Floor is Lava" Medium modifier because it is more predictable.

    • #4 Laser Fare - Enemies have a small chance of dropping Spinner traps when damaged. Spinners emit rotating elemental laser beams.

    Reason: These spinner traps are surprisingly tanky, and they have an armored health bar, so you have to use corrosive or cryo to do good damage. The beam hurts a little bit, but it's easy to jump over. I don't mind this one too much; the only noticeable issue is that they are a little tanky with a yellow armor health bar.

    • #5 Boundary Issues - At close range, enemies will attach a damaging elemental beam to you

    Reason: This one sounds annoying, and is annoying. When enemies are doing constant damage up close, it ruins melee builds and point-blank gameplay. Any enemy can do this, so I don't think this is worth using at all.

    • #6 Ticked Off - Status Effect Damage against enemies is reduced by 90%

    Reason: Boo! Damage nerfs are so 1.0, so to see them return with Mayhem 2.0 is just frankly disappointing. This directly counteracts some of Amara's skills and also drastically affects matching elements on enemy weaknesses for any character, so I'd steer clear of this one.

    Very Hard Modifiers

    Found in Mayhem 8, 9, & 10.

    • #1 Buddy System - Enemies may be supported by a Invulnerability Drone, which grants immunity till its destroyed.

    Reason: This is my preferred 'Very Hard' modifier. The Buddy system drone is a small drone with an armor health bar. It is relatively weak, but also quite small. Any corrosive or cryo weapon will take it out quickly. Even with the immune enemy the drone buffs, it will usually not matter too much if you focus on taking out other enemies first. In my opinion, this modifier is an actual enjoyable game mechanic to face, as you will see how it contrasts with the rest of the 'Very Hard' modifiers later on.

    • #2 Post Mortem - Killing an enemy has a chance to release Death, which follow you. If it touches you, you'll enter Fight For Your Life.

    Reason: Death is represented as a tanky, floating black skull that slowly pursues the player until it touches and downs the player. Death is priority number one when it shows up because it can down you instantly. Because of this, it can heavily distract during boss fights or when there are many enemies around. Also close-range kills can cause unexpected downs if Death spawns. If you consistently get into Fight for your Life without dying completely, Death will probably finish the job. Overall, Death is one of the better 'Very Hard' modifiers, but it can also be very punishing in certain scenarios.

    • #3 Dazed and Infused - Enemies may be infused with a random element, which makes them immune to that type of damage and will release a Nova when killed

    Reason: This one is not much fun, but it can be countered effectively with a prepared player. This modifier requires the player to have various elemental weapons to bypass one weakness with another. Explosive or Non-elemental kinetic damage is also valuable with this modifier, but armored enemies immune to corrosive or cryo damage can be troubling to face. A better modifier than others, but still quite annoying to play around.

    • #4 Rogue Lite - Fight For Your Life removed. All enemies drop insta-health upon death.

    Reason: Not fun. The health drops obtained from enemies are insignificant compared to the risk you face without FFYL active. The FFYL speed & duration modifiers mean nothing with this modifier active. This is a hardcore mode if Borderlands ever had one. If you like the extra challenge, go for it. Just don't come crying to me when you have Wotan at 5% health and get eliminated immediately from a small slip-up with a rocket launcher.

    • #5 Not the Face - Critical Hit Damage is reduced by 75%

    Reason: Critical Hit Damage is one of the most important components to general gameplay. Nerfing it to this extent makes it pretty much the same as normal damage. Not having that advantage when facing enemies makes everything more tanky than it should be. This one scores higher than the next one very slightly, and both this and the next modifier should always be avoided.

    • #6 Holy Crit - Critical Hit Damage is increased by 25% Non-Critical Hit Damage is reduced by 50%

    Reason: Something Smells! Some weapons are incapable of scoring critical hits, so their damage is automatically nerfed by 50% with this modifier. Note that on Mayhem 8-10 where 'Very Hard' modifiers start appearing, this 50% nerf is insanely punishing because of the drastically bloated health, armor, and shield percentages. Even with the 25% Crit Bonus, it's not worth nerfing all damage that isn't a Crit by 50% whatsoever.

    After reviewing all these modifiers in great detail, I'll show you some of the modifiers I came up with.

    1. Low Gravity (Like on Skywell 27). Affects enemy movement, projectiles, grenades, explosions, etc.
    2. Explosive Barrels Appear More Frequently & Launch More Explosive Barrels when destroyed
    3. After the Revenge of the Cartels Event, enemies summon more enemies from a beacon (or make Revenge of the Cartels Permanent)
    4. Enemies have a higher chance to use legendary weapons, shields, and grenades and a higher chance to drop those weapons accordingly
    5. Chance to spawn overcharged enemies. Overcharged enemies deal a little extra damage and on defeat explode in chaotic fashion.
    6. Melee Damage is Tripled for you and your enemies
    7. Random Enemies are Level 1, but deal massive amounts of damage
    8. Elemental strengths and weaknesses are swapped
    9. Map layouts are mirrored
    10. Weapons from a designated manufacturer recieve a small damage bonus for both you and the enemies
    11. The HUD has the potential to lie to the player (ex. random numbers appear in magazine when firing your gun)
    12. When defeated, Annointed enemies create a lootsplosion of annointed gear
    13. When defeated, Badass enemies have a chance to cause a Tinksplosion
    14. Some enemies get an extra armor or shield health bar.
    15. Some enemies get suspended in mid-air by balloons. They can be shot down for extra damage dealt.
    16. Airborne, Slam, and Slide damage are significantly increased
    17. Picking up money adds 1-3 bullets to your magazine
    18. Dying costs twice as much and respawns you at the entrance to a map area
    19. Enemy friendly-fire can heal other enemies
    20. Enemies that cause elemental damage also apply a small amount of random elemental damage

    Thanks so much for reading, and I hope I inspired some potential modifiers. I love this game and I think these ideas could help refine the endgame into something more enjoyable.

    submitted by /u/Wasthereonce
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    I just beat Borderlands3

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 06:21 PM PDT

    I hate to say this, but Borderlands 3 was lackluster. It wasn't the worst game ever, far from it. It just left me feeling underwhelmed. There are a lot of things I didn't care for, but the Michael Bay style ending was rough.

    submitted by /u/NerdInACan
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    Unplayable lag since new update

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 01:27 PM PDT

    Ever since this last update I'm getting really bad lag, before I had zero issues but now it's unplayable.

    Anyone else on ps4 having the same problem?

    submitted by /u/Holmen85
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    Mayhem 2.0 Hate

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 08:22 AM PDT

    There is a lot of hate for 2.0 I see. I don't like all of it myself, too much enemy health, making certain builds and guns useless again, floor is lava lol. Understandably from a gamer stand point nothing that is available to do in game is optional, even if it is. However I feel it's a really good start, and far more balanced than Mayhem 1.0. Some minor tweaks and improvements and I think everything will be good, not perfect but better.

    submitted by /u/Fustar1988
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    Moze annoints

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    I have an idea to make Moze anointment work, Iron Bear should be considered a weapon because then all the new anoints would affect Iron Bears Damage Output, especially "while action skill is active deal 200% weapon damage" cause at the moment, Gearbox why is iron bear not considered a weapon to Moze. This would increase her AND IRON BEARS usability and make Its damage worth it especially if they add scaling for Iron bear, pets and Zane clones

    submitted by /u/Katakalysmic
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    Any tips for someone who's pretty much new?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:13 PM PDT

    So I started to play Borderlands around I want to say 5-6 months ago. I don't mean like I i'm bad in the least egotistical way possible. So what I mean is bosses that are worth farming and things like that. For Borderlands 2-3.

    submitted by /u/MemeMan1273
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    My Lob isn't working.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 09:59 PM PDT

    At random my Lob chooses to do absolutely no damage even when firing directly at an enemy, i don't know if this is intended or not as i haven't used the Lob until the cartel event

    I play zane on ps4 mayhem six The modifers are: Lootsplosion, Floor is Lava, Healy Avenger and Laser Fare.

    plz help

    submitted by /u/Pillowheady
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    How to get Mayhem weapons?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 06:53 PM PDT

    I was under the impression that killing enemies while having Mayhem active would cause them to drop boosted Mayhem level weapons, similar to BL2's OP levels? I've been killing an M6 Gigamind, and getting fuck all. How do these work?

    submitted by /u/Sh4dowWalker96
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    Opportunity for easy Godliath

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    Heads up , if you get to Villa Ultraviolet and get the Burnt Ends as your enemy set, it's super easy to get a Goliath to evolve up to a Godliath. I've had at least a few spawn in each gated area before you get to Fancy House. Just pop the heads off every Goliath you see and then try to get every non Goliath enemy to a sliver of health. Takes a bit of patience and weeding but I got it to happen almost as an afterthought and on M6 he dropped 6 legs and 6 epics.

    submitted by /u/blaxative
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    What is the best way to farm cartel legendaries?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 04:05 PM PDT

    I keep doing Maurice's missions on M10 over and over, I've farmed cartel underbosses at the scraptrap heap, at Carnivora, guts of carnivora and in tazendeer ruins and all I've seen is one m4 yellowcake and a nopewpew. Has anyone found any good spots for farming cartel legendaries?

    submitted by /u/Gibbothemediocre
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    Can't pick up last cold case quest from burton?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:55 PM PDT

    Title says it all. Going for the seventh sense but when I found Burton in the cankerwood he had no quest to offer. I did the previous 2. Is it possible I accidentally sold the purple seventh sense I got during the previous quest and thats why it isn't available? Anyone had this happen??

    submitted by /u/FragrantPoem
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    Is the Pre-sequel worth playing?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:53 PM PDT

    I'm playing B2 again after a long time and having a lot of fun with. I've also bought B3 recently and really excited to play it with all the new and cool graphics and gameplay. But I can't decide whether I should play the Pre-sequel before starting 3 or not. How good is it? Story, gameplay, world... . Overall is it worth my time after finishing B2 or should I just jump into B3?

    submitted by /u/Sleeping_Owll
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    Working BL3 Save Editor ("x-post" from r/borderlands3)

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:52 PM PDT

    So I searched around on the sub and saw no mention of this, but there is an actually WORKING save editor online.


    It doesn't have all the features that Gibbed used to have, or even WillowTree, but it's got weapon part descriptions and even support for item codes. It's also updated for Mayhem 2.0. I edited in a Sandhawk to test it and it worked. I'm not sure how to make it Mayhem 10 level though, maybe I missed something. The only issue I found so far is that the save file that gets exported has to be renamed, I think the underscore the program gives it makes it unrecognizable to the game.

    submitted by /u/tacolover1PSN
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    With everyone talking about the most powerful OP weapons, why has no one ever mentioned the 'Stark Krakatoa'?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:22 PM PDT

    I've used this gun since almost the beginning and it basically just turns every enemy into goo with its ridiculous damage and fast fire rate.

    submitted by /u/Durien9
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    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:19 PM PDT

    How come my game becomes basically unplayable when I enter villa ultraviolet.. I hope I'm not the only one but I just can't play it when it gets like this.. can't even move without it skipping all over the place. I'm on PS4 by the way

    submitted by /u/T-Dawg5000
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    What Mayhem 2.0 level do formerly Mayhem 4 exclusive drops (such as the R4kk P4k mod) drop at now?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:17 PM PDT

    I've looked all over the place and haven't found any mention of if/how the drops have changed.

    submitted by /u/big_papa_geek
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    Ok so we all have to play laggy, buggy, arcade mode borderlands now..... Great.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 06:13 PM PDT

    Who can't wait for the next dlc where we have to try and enjoy the story line with all these annoying f×cked up modifiers in order to have any kind of challenge/good loot??? Could there be like a "boring" stable mayhem 1.0 version we could play on?? Remember what happened to runescape after EOC???

    submitted by /u/MrHanoi
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    [SPOILER] Just finished TPS and...

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 09:57 PM PDT

    ...Jack's not an asshole?

    Lilith, Moxxi, and Roland were complete backstabbing jerks, and while I understand that Jack could be manipulative and got people to do his dirty work...the Crimson Raiders got the new vault hunters to do THEIR dirty work. So how is he the asshole of the situation?

    He wanted to rid Pandora of bandits, and didn't have any malicious intent until he was completely betrayed by those he thought he could trust. Rightfully so in my opinion. He even stopped the moonshot from destroying Pandora. I was ok with Lilith and Moxxi before, didn't like Roland just as a character in general before. But what Moxxi and Lilith did to Jack was unbelievable. NOT TO MENTION what Lilith planned to do to Athena as well.

    submitted by /u/The_Memeburglar
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    All 18 challenges on all 4 characters

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 05:58 PM PDT

    Finished 12 challengers on my FL4K, swapped to my Zane, and see that I have no rewards unlocked. Do you have to do all 18 challengers with every class to get all the skins? That seems really falsely extended. I don't really want to grind through this event a minimum of 40 times this month.

    submitted by /u/Juicebox247
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    Is anyone else having trouble linking their Playstation account to their shift account?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 09:42 PM PDT

    Every time I try to link the two it just says " There was an error in the authorization process. Please try again later "

    submitted by /u/cantpickaname8
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