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    Monday, April 13, 2020

    Borderlands Too much unnecessary friction in the game?

    Borderlands Too much unnecessary friction in the game?

    Too much unnecessary friction in the game?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    TLDR: I feel that too much walking, uninteresting tasks & interaction issues are hurting the great things the game has to offer: maps, guns, gameplay, bosses, intros, cut scenes... I'm curious what you think about that.


    I've bought Borderlands 3 in Epic Store recently and been playing regularly. I deeply enjoy the core gameplay, weapons & tone of the game. A few things have been grinding my gears though. I'm curious what do you guys think of these.

    Core Experience:

    "Every minute I spend not pulverizing my enemies is wasted." Amara.

    I cannot help but feel that I spend too much time walking without anything relevant to do. I'm going from point A to point B and it's just not interesting. There's nothing happening in between. I often have to go from point A to point B just to talk to someone who I seem to be able to contact via visio-call anyway. So what was the point? After each mission I have to come back to sanctuary to discuss with Lilith although she can speak to me by visio-conference or directly in my head anyway. They constantly ask me to perform low-skill tasks pressing a button while they are giving orders. "Okay bro, how about this instead: I protect you, you press the buttons?" At least this way I can concentrate on the fun part. But when NPCs are actually there with me, they constantly steal the spotlight. Like I need to enter an area by punching a control panel to open the door. But in fact I cannot be the one punching it, I have to wait for a slow big dude to finally come and do it.

    I also want to discuss the conversations. I enjoy all the short high production value cut scenes. Then there are simple conversations going on. I enjoy those conversations when I doing stuff, but sometimes I actually have to wait for what feels like ages until the conversations are finally over and I can do something. My character rarely has any place in those conversations. It's just the important characters talking to each other. They have "enormous intellect", they are "The Firehawk", they are all heroes and badass. And I'm just here to perform small tasks for them like fetch & find. So what, I'm not important after all? Then let me play Lilith or whatever important character. Being their goodest boy doggo isn't sufficient, sorry. It feels like the devs were more in love with the NPCs & the world that with the playable characters, which is odd.

    Some tasks they ask me to perform just feel like an excuse for the devs who wanted me to take a look at the world they designed. I hate this, because it takes the fun out of it. I love it when I have real great stuff to do somewhere and I discover that the area is also super cool. Double the fun. But when you just make me click on buttons & speak to people who do not have anything interesting to say for 5 minutes just as an excuse to make me wander the place, you are taking the fun out of it and it becomes 0 fun instead.

    All of that makes me feel like I'm just a Deliveroo rider doing the boring stuff while the real heroes are discussing the future of the galaxy. I feel that there is too much boring or frustrating stuff between actual cool scenes, cool fights, cool boss intros & fights, cool places and cool guns.

    Interaction Friction:

    Tons of feedback are unclear. For example, it seems that you cannot fast-travel when a dialog is ongoing, but it's not explained. It just indicates that the action cannot be performed, but it doesn't say like "Cannot fast travel during a dialog" so everytime you are left wondering: "Is that a bug? What's happening?".

    The mini-map is un-intuitive. The movement controls I use to travel in the world are not the ones used here to navigate, I don't know why. Mouse drag and drop barely works either. All the codes laid by Google Maps or even other games do not seem to apply. Sometimes you click on a point and you cannot teleport, you do not know why. Sometimes you are just trying to navigate, happen to click on something and boom no confirmation you start loading the area. The most reliable way seems to be to use menu navigation, but there's no "back to galaxy" button or something, there is an alternate area of the screen stating the additional shortcuts you need to use while navigating the menu with the mouse. There's no straightforward line to follow like in the division for example. I constantly get lost in convoluted pathways that are not as simple as following the direction of the quest dot. It's frustrating because I don't have fun opening the full map each 20 seconds to make sure I'm on the right path. Also, the map isn't always oriented in the same direction. It's not like always north above, south down etc... Depending on how I stand the map moves with me and it's an orientation nightmare.

    Some game breaking bugs are still there despite the fact I see them on tons of forum posts back from the release date. For example, when a mission vehicle is destroyed in the main campaign on pc, there is no key binding associated to respawn in at a catch-a-ride. The feedback about it itself is hard to see, but even once I see it I cannot follow the call-to-action as there is no key binded to it. It's not an option in the controls so I cannot remap it. I had to plug an xbox controller on my pc to be able to respawn the vehicle. I had 3 other game-breaking bugs like that.

    Some situation seem to artificially add unnecessary friction. Like you need to park your car in a specific spot in a specific direction to trigger an event to blast through a door. Couldn't I just get in a global area like I usually have to? Or even better: blast through that door myself with the car's weapons?

    I couldn't just switch the language in a dedicated area from the epic store or the game, I had to go to an obscure part of the Epic Store menu and type a line of code. Dunno whether it's on Epic or Borderlands' side but still.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/PerfectPanda
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    Would An Armor Shield Work?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    To be specific I'm talking a shield that would act like armor(weak to corrosion not shock). I got the idea while playing Moze, I'm specced into a Mech and Shield build and wondered if a shield that uses armor would be fun/op in the game.

    submitted by /u/TheFancyLunatic
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    we have always been fighting a company in every borderlands game, either directly or indirectly

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    So this thought came to me while i was playing through borderlands 1 as part of the borderlands max level challenge im doing, which if i end up getting enough hype for it when i get a proper set up i might do it again and stream it all but i digress

    While in my opinion borderlands 1 feels more sideuesty untill comadant steel gets involved (atlas corperation, and a siren) you are still in the end fighting against a member of atlas (who make guns in that game and bl3)

    BL2 is more obvious with handsome Jack and hyperion even going as far as killing jack in the end of the game.

    TPS you fight against Colonel Zarpadon who works for Dhall (while you dont destroy a company due to it as they are present in bl2 you still fight dhall)

    BL3 you are fighting against the calipso twins who are founders of COV who are technically bandit and scav too but i digress

    submitted by /u/quickhakker
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    Where are you farming Old Gods right now?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 07:12 PM PDT


    Mostly hoping someone has a better suggestion using the mini-events or anything thats NOT farming Xam/Tom. Cause ultimately Gythian is gonna win with my ACTUALLY GOING INSANE trying to get one of these.

    submitted by /u/Ceraldus
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    Have we accepted that Maliwan Takedown is the best (replayable) content in the game yet?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 01:58 AM PDT

    First of all let me just start with this is obviously my opinion, as it's what I enjoy the most which is obviously different from person to person.

    That being said, Maliwan takedown is the best content currently added to BL3, it offers a challenge that asks the player to have a good build and know how to play it. Now I know the idea of some builds not being viable is a bit of a tricky concept, so I'm not going to touch on it anymore than saying build diversity doesn't mean that literally anything can work, I think it's important for the game to properly reward players for creating well functioning builds, and lets be honest BL3 has the best build diversity in the series thus far.

    Moving on from that I think that the actual content of the takedown is super well paced, with both mobbing and boss sections to test the players on different factors of their build and gear setup. Because of this it means that the takedown functions as a great way to highlight the weaknesses of your build, and as such the content has a really good place for building characters, especially when you consider how much great loot you can get. I find that the Takedown functions as a great test when I'm messing with builds and new weapons.

    Basically put, I really enjoy the Takedown style content and I am super looking forward to the future Takedowns that are being added because I really look forward to learning and building for them as I have done for the Maliwan Takedown. I also understand that there are a lot fo players who miss the more traditional raid bosses and I have nothing against that I just prefer the Takedown content as something more rounded and enjoyable for me. That being said there should be some more traditional raid bosses added too as some people play this game purely for bossing, and I understand that a takedown styled piece of content, for them can become a slog just to get to Wotan.

    Feel free to leave your thoughts on the takedown events below. Whether you think I'm right or wrong.

    Edit: I made the post a bit more readable and concise, I hope...

    submitted by /u/GreedsTemptation
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    The Invincible Challenge!

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 04:41 AM PDT

    Recently I made a challenge of doing each named invincible boss from every borderlands game so far.


    • Must reach max level in each game before fighting the invincible bosses!
    • Can not use old save files!
    • No modded gear!

    Here is the List!

    Borderlands 1

    Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

    Borderlands 2

    Borderlands 3

    submitted by /u/Soggywafflecakes
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    BL3 TVH

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 06:17 PM PDT

    Is it worth it to play TVH in BL3? Is it the best way to get maxed out gear? Or should I just go into mayhem right after I beat the normal game?

    submitted by /u/doughboy12323
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    Is BL3 multiplayer seriously just joining random games and hoping they're doing something you want to do?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 05:33 PM PDT

    I'm usually a solo player, but thought it'd be nice to do a little grouping, and it seems like all you can do is indicate you want to party, and get taken into random games in random locations? At least this is how it seems to work at max level, not sure if it's less awful while leveling.

    submitted by /u/scoxely
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    Borderlands PC FPS issues

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 02:05 PM PDT

    Currently using a RTX 2070 super, ryzen 5 1600x and 16gb of ram and getting sub 60 fps on low settings. any help?

    submitted by /u/Cloaked01
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    So about farming quest rewards

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    After finding out how OP The Pearl of Ineffable Knowledge is, I've been holding off from completing the main quest to farm several variations. However compared to Borderlands 2, farming rewards looks nigh impossible on console. Borderlands 2 had cross saves, Claptrap's secret stash and the second controller option. Compared to Borderlands 3 which saves every second or so, it seems you can't farm the same quest multiple times without resetting your entire playthrough. Is there some method out there I haven't tried yet or am I just out of luck?

    submitted by /u/Zoroarks_Angel
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    Need help figuring out how to save

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 05:12 PM PDT

    Every time I log off borderlands 3 it doesn't save any of the progress they've made. how can I make sure that it saves the progress it's happened twice now and I've lost like seven hours of progress

    submitted by /u/ethanswims
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    Anarchy shotgun on Moze freezing the game

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 08:32 PM PDT

    Anyone else have any issues with this? I just picked the thing up in my first run through the new DLC, and my game freezes every time I use it. Never had any issues with freezing in the past. Just curious if anyone else has experienced this... The damage on it is absolutely insane, so it's a damn shame.

    submitted by /u/Ageeeen
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    How does the one pump chump work?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    I love the concept of this gun but when actually using it it just doesn't seem like it actually does the damage its supposed to do? Can someone explain how it actually works?

    submitted by /u/aidanS01
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    Looking for game save just before unlocking 4th weapon slot to help a friend with a bug! (BL3)

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 05:53 PM PDT

    I was playing with a group of friends and sadly one of them had to restart the game just before handing in the quest after the first vault. This led to the game thinking he had finished the quest but he did not obtain the reward and thus no 4th weapon slot. We have now made it much further but he still does not have it. I think If I could re hand in the quest with him in the instance it should give him it. So if anyone has a character here or close to it that would be much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/shanethesport
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    Borderlands 3

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 01:55 PM PDT

    I really thought about asking this in r/ShouldIbuythisgame but i was afraid of empty anwsers, so i'm here to ask if Borderlands 3 worth a buy, taking note that i loved the previous ones, and If the game is an advance or retrocess compared to Borderlands 2. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Maximus-XVIII
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    What's next?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 05:05 PM PDT

    So now that you have beat BL3 and have some cool guns and went back and took out most of not all of the rare spawns, what is left to do? You beat both dlc's. What did you do next?

    submitted by /u/Ilogic26
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    BL2: Existing characters and level cap increasing DLC

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 04:33 PM PDT


    I bought borderlands 2 years ago to play with some buddies on a LAN and then forgot about it. As I'm currently in lockdown at home I started playing it again and was enjoying it so much I bought some of the DLC that came out since then.

    I continued playing my gunzerker from years ago but am now wondering, will he be able to go to lvl 80 or should I have created a new character for this?

    I ask because I read somewhere that the bar room blitz tier 3 on normal should be lvl 61 since they added the lvl cap of 80 but mine is 50.

    submitted by /u/gorambrowncoat
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    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 03:42 PM PDT

    I just wanned to ask if me and my friend can play the story mode of Borderlands 1 together ?

    submitted by /u/Authonious
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    Class mod drops?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 03:38 PM PDT

    I'm farming Eista for Moze's sapper com but I'm using my Zane build, and I have not seen a different class mod at all. Does he drop the other classes' mods or just the one you are currently using?

    submitted by /u/TwanosTheMadTitan
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    I think I am doing something wrong....? Uranus boss fight. He is not dropping Electric chair for me.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 09:58 AM PDT

    I've been farming him for 3 hours, and Im getting rarer drops before I get Electric chair...

    List goes:

    Conference call x3

    Legendary hunter class mod x2

    Soldier class mod

    Baby maker

    Venture Invader

    Murdering Slagga

    Razor Hammer Buster

    Straight shootin' Maggie

    Emperor x2

    Gentleman's volxano

    Pitchfork x2

    Impetous Hellfire



    Horse Hammer Buster


    Unkempt Harold x2


    Quasar nade

    Storm Front nade

    Shock nasty surprise and 4 other generic sounding nades aswell, all gold rarity.

    The wiki says its a 10 percent drop, which I call BS. Ive been doing this for an hour today, and 2+ hours late last night, (lost track) before I gave up and went to bed.

    Have I done anything wrong? Is there any secret requirements to get this to drop? Like do all sidequests within Helios Fallen? This effervescent loot cant be too hard to come by, i mean, I got 2 toothpicks and 4 or 5 retainer shields within 15 minutes.

    I hope Im just super unlucky in a way, because that means I still have a chance, rather than me missing some hidden/uncomplete element, and Ive wasted 4 hours of my life dicking around.

    Yes, I have completed the main story.

    Edit: literally got Antifection on THE FIRST TRY while facing cassius.....

    Anyone having issues like me, in the future, or whenever, try switching it up.

    Cassius was pretty easy too with my kunai spamming death mark unkempt harold spray. Not as fast, but was lucky on kunai, slagging him. Slag is amazing. I couldnt recommend it more on any 'VHM.

    Good luck out there, fellow vault hunters.

    submitted by /u/Irae37
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    Good guns or items to farm for after just beating the campaign?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, I am about to finish the story on normal for the first time, and I was wondering what some good weapons/items were to farm?

    I want to be able to go up the difficulties, and I just need a little guidance as I have never been to endgame content in any borderlands game.

    Thanks for any help!

    submitted by /u/turtlef1ve
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    Guardian Rank Rewards

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    This might have been answered already, and if so I apologize, but I've spent a while googling around and haven't seen the answer to it. The guardian rank rewards that I got on my first character all have little red slashes on them for my second character - what exactly does that mean? Do the rewards not transfer between characters on the same account?

    submitted by /u/LionelAlma
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    Running the borderlands day 0

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    The start of my run will begin after this goes up, I got several suggestions for who to play as but based off the most popular comment my character will be axton, name suggestions are welcome and I will post a more traditional update tommorow.

    submitted by /u/longerboardjr
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