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    Friday, May 8, 2020

    Borderlands [BL3](SPOILERS) You cannot be serious with Ava.

    Borderlands [BL3](SPOILERS) You cannot be serious with Ava.

    [BL3](SPOILERS) You cannot be serious with Ava.

    Posted: 08 May 2020 10:25 AM PDT




    This annoying little shrill harpy

    1 - Got Maya killed, 100% her fault

    2 - Is an immature, selfish, self-centered little narcissistic brat who blames ALL of her own failings on people who have FAR more experience and worth than her when they are CLEARLY all her fault

    3 - Has shown multiple times she is TOTALLY incompetent, does NOT think things through, does NOT know how to control her temper

    Yet the entire cast likes her? Scratches head

    She inherits Maya's powers? Rips out hair

    She's sent on the final mission with us instead of LITERALLY ANYONE ELSE? Reaches into own skull and scratches brain



    What kind of total shlock writer created this terrible Mary Sue? This is quite possibly the WORST character I have EVER encountered in all my years of gaming since the SNES. How did this fucking writing get approved?Who sucked enough dick to get their edgy teen self insert not only IN THE GAME, but to be DIRECTLY TIED TO THE PLOT?


    submitted by /u/ShortchangeParamecia
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    Best mayhem 10 build, cannot die in mayhem 10 and one shots everything

    Posted: 08 May 2020 02:48 AM PDT

    https://youtu.be/1jj85vaJh4c this build took me a while to figure out. hopefully no one else did this before me!

    submitted by /u/kurzo002
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    It's time to finally buff Fl4ks pets now that mayhem 2.0 is out

    Posted: 08 May 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    Seriously, the only way to build Fl4k right now is either Fade Away (which got nerfed a while back) or Rakk Attack which with this one you're just abusing Anointments with "On Action Skill End".

    I want to be able to build toward actually being a beastmaster, I want my pets to actually do something instead of just existing. If I build into Gamma Burst I want my pets to be able to kill things on Mayhem 10. The Blue Tree is almost completely pointless to build into because of how bad the pets are. Please also buff the "Dominate" perk

    submitted by /u/AmbidextrousWaffle
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    8 new DLC3 Achievements spotted for BL3

    Posted: 08 May 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    Screenshot of achievements

    Screenshot of app update spotted by SteamDB

    stats/Achievement_61_Stat/displayName: DLC3: West

    stats/Achievement_62_Stat/displayName: DLC3: Challenging

    stats/Achievement_63_Stat/displayName: DLC3: Hunter

    stats/Achievement_64_Stat/displayName: DLC3: Stone

    stats/Achievement_65_Stat/displayName: DLC3: Wash

    stats/Achievement_66_Stat/displayName: DLC3: Track

    stats/Achievement_67_Stat/displayName: DLC3: Ruin

    stats/Achievement_68_Stat/displayName: DLC3: Bounty

    What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Belphegor1
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    God I love Krieg

    Posted: 08 May 2020 03:27 PM PDT

    I hope they add him as a playable character again

    submitted by /u/Codudeol
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    I just spent 8 hours shredding Traunt for the kaoson (Youtubers are so lucky !)

    Posted: 08 May 2020 04:53 PM PDT


    I saw some youtube videos showing some players having the kaoson weapon with this bonus :
    While under 50% health, deal 150% bonus radiation damage.



    First this video. The youtuber (love this guy) had his first Kaoson at 1:00 of the video after 15 tries he said.
    We can see that he has the bonus On action skill end, fire rate increased + reload speed.
    But at 2:25 of the video, we see that he is showing a Kaoson with the bonus While under 50% health, deal 150% bonus radiation damage.


    Then this guy (weapon presentation at 00:50) with the bonus While under 50% health, deal 150% bonus radiation damage.

    Then this guy (weapon presentation at 00:40) with the bonus While under 50% health, deal 150% bonus radiation damage.

    And many others.

    Well I just stop playing, to tired. I can kill Traunt in less than 15 seconds. If I take a look to the loot + disconnect + reconnect I can say that in 1minute I can restart another Traunt. I played more than 7 hours, with litlle breaks talking in discord.
    Without abusing, I can easily say that I killed Traunt way more than 300 times this afternoon.

    I had a lot of Kaosons : But none of those had the bonus I want...
    My question : How The f did they do it ? Is there an hour or something to have this bonus ? I don't know, I feel so unlucky.Can someone tell me the secret ? Maybe I'm just to tired and unlucky so this post is useless

    submitted by /u/ekit0Kun
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    Opinions/Elaborations on Anointments

    Posted: 08 May 2020 06:39 PM PDT

    As the title says; what are your most sought out anointments for weapons and why? No comments saying "cuz it melts lol :DD" but rather elaborate on what makes it viable, for example why 300/90 is better that 200% a.s.e. on some guns

    Personally I still rock my ye olde Fade Out Fl4k with asa anointed O.P.Q. on M10 (trying to find an opq without a 5x scope because it hate when I zoom straight into oblivion)

    submitted by /u/KnightAppe
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    Mayhem 2.0 bug discovery: Mayhem 10 guns are currently scaled to Mayhem 11

    Posted: 08 May 2020 10:13 PM PDT

    The reason this worries me, is because if they fix this before rebalancing the game properly, we're looking at an even worse power creep, and even worse build diversity. This isnt the only scaling problen either. Currently mayhem 10 takedown drops mayhem 0 weapons..

    submitted by /u/Incendi4ry
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    Claptrap deserved better...

    Posted: 08 May 2020 04:47 AM PDT

    Just finished BL3. Really don't get the hate for most of the story I read before going into it (I actually really liked the character arc of Ava, for example). But I am absolutely floored by the horrendous writing at the end of the Claptrap buddy quest. Even if you wanted to do the whole, "a woman doesn't owe you her body" thing (which is a completely valid point and one not to be taken lightly) the way it was written and played out at the end of this makes Veronica look like a needlessly cruel and aggressive person and ultimately weakens the point that is trying to be made (and really the "I'm a strong independent woman who don't need no man" line is such a played out parody of a line that it almost comes off as making the exact opposite point by now).

    On a related note, I am getting pretty sick of the ongoing bullying of Claptrap at this point in general. Dude needs a proper redemption arc and fast (if not BL3 DLC than end of BL4 minimum). Bare minimum I would love to see the relationship between him and Ava expanded on in a positive way. The bit where she was ecstatic to see him and he was happy for the first time in possibly ever was quite literally my favorite part of the whole game. No hyperbole.

    submitted by /u/beanstheclown
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    OPQ drop rates...

    Posted: 08 May 2020 02:45 PM PDT

    I've been farming Josie for a while and zero. This used to drop all the time for me. Nothing now but I'm getting weapons that I haven't seen before. Anyone running into this?

    submitted by /u/trixity01
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    Good Ways to Catch Up in Levels and Gear?

    Posted: 08 May 2020 08:42 PM PDT

    I haven't played since before they did the first level cap increase and have noticed a lot of my gear isn't handling all that well. Any tips on some ways to go about getting better gear and leveling up a little quicker? I don't have much time per day to play.

    submitted by /u/Moist_Monarch
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    Transformer not converting shock damage?

    Posted: 08 May 2020 08:41 PM PDT

    Sorry if this has been asked before, but I'm getting very inconsistent conversions from transformer. Sometimes it does what the tin says, and sometimes it does not.

    So when does it convert shock damage and when does it not? Because it's pretty game breaking stuff. I've had grenade self damage kill me, high voltage modifier kill me, while fighting the fabricator, its big shock ball kill me multiple times, Alchemist seems to heal, but that's the only consistent source I can get to work.

    submitted by /u/wrxwrx
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    Are the DLCs worth buying?

    Posted: 08 May 2020 04:34 PM PDT

    I bought borderlands 3 about a month ago and I've beaten and replayed it a lot at this point. I am fairly happy with the base game.

    I didn't enjoy it as much as any of the other games and I have more then a few problems with the story, but I still have had a lot of fun messing around with the characters and just enjoying the general borderlands atmosphere and style that is still very much there despite this particular ones problems.

    So, I've done pretty much everything I care to do thanks to having a lot more free time, and now we come to the crux of the post: are the DLCs worth buying?

    I absolutely adored the DLCs in the previous games, and the basic summaries of the current DLC that's available gives me hope that they're fun, but considering how much of a drop in quality there was in the base game compared to the other games, I worry if the drop in DLC quality is just as bad or worse

    submitted by /u/TonyFubar
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    Help with a mordecai build plz

    Posted: 08 May 2020 07:56 PM PDT

    Hello everybody, I've recently began playthrough 2 with mordecai, but when i look up builds, it goes mainly snipers or mainly pistols. I was wondering if any of you have any good sniper revolver hybrid builds i can use. Thanks to anybody who submits a build

    submitted by /u/soliar_
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    Sure the enemies get this, but we don't?

    Posted: 08 May 2020 07:48 PM PDT

    I've always loved thought the enemies having shields, armor, some blood ritual 2nd-3rd bar of health to give difficulty and changing situations. I've always wondered why enemies even carry caustic/radiation weapons if we don't have an armor bar. Like this would add another depth to the game allowing for some serious clutch situations, new customizable skills/equipment, even changing your strategy up as you play (focusing on enemies with certain elemental weapons first so you stand a better chance taking down the rest) I'm just asking, why would this not get implemented?

    submitted by /u/Exister420
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    Boss kill log

    Posted: 08 May 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    Was just thinking it would be cool if we had some way of tracking how many times we've killed a specific boss similar to other systems games have in place.

    Would be good as well if a leaderboard could be compiled from the data too.

    submitted by /u/Ben921
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    Is anyone having trouble farming Yellowcake in Mayhem 10?

    Posted: 08 May 2020 06:41 PM PDT

    So everyone knows about this launcher, and I wanted one for myself too. I started farming the bosses on the Mansion, then took advantage of the Loot the Universe and farmed cartel until Fish Slap and Tyrone until I got one, then it changed to Eden-6 and I got tired and went back to the Mansion. I still can't get it. It's been days, weeks, and Fish Slap always drops the grenade and Tyrone doesn't drop anything. On Mayhem 10. With Loot The Universe, on the respective locations.

    Edit: For anyone that posted, I JUST GOT IT. Today I farmed 6 hours. There's day where I farmed way more, and I've been farming since Loot the Universe started. BUT I GOT IT. I don't even care the roll. Thanks to everyone who tried to help

    submitted by /u/Rikipalooza
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    A Hundred Names for Sand, and Master of All You Survey achievements won't unlock even though I've found all 223 locations.

    Posted: 08 May 2020 02:53 PM PDT

    So apologies in advance, since I guess this probably comes up a lot, but I've looked online a bunch, and tried to do what's been said, and none of it has worked so far. Also, I'm on PC (Steam user), and I have been doing co-op (I hear that might cause problems).

    Just to clarify, these are the achievements for finding all the named locations on Pandora, and all the named locations in the galaxy. In my game both say I have them all (78/78 for Pandora, and 223/223 for the galaxy) but the game hasn't given me the achievement. I've gone to Logan's Spar in the Splinterlands, and that waterfall on Eden-6, but neither unlocked either achievement for me.

    Most posts I've seem are from like 6 months ago when to game came out on Epic, so I find it hard to believe this is still an issue. Surely someone knows how to sort this, right?

    submitted by /u/MyLittleDashie7
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    Random gun nerf ?

    Posted: 08 May 2020 10:19 PM PDT

    Jumped in game today and all of my weapons shields and everything have randomly been scaled down damage outputs are pathetic was destroying things yesterday on mayhem 6 trying to farm guns then today have to reform every single thing and noticing that the guns that are getting dropped are absolutely terrible damage output playing on ps4 btw

    submitted by /u/Whiteknight96
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    A question for the META players of M10

    Posted: 08 May 2020 05:47 PM PDT

    Im farming ALL the day since the release of Mayhem 2.0 I get perfect annoints on OPQ, Yellowcake x2, a fire Sand Hawk, a electric plaguebearer, and some world drops. The rest where mediocre. (Kaosons and Monarchs where horrible)

    Well a fire Sand Hawk cant make a entire build, the same for the other with more than 1 element.

    Well, the question is... what do you do to finish your meta builds?? Get the weapons u dont obtain (in 2-3 weeks of farm)from friends, pick them from youtuber's videos/discord? Should i continue farming?

    I really want to know what do you do. Cause im getting crazy farming all the day for getting mediocre rewards :c

    submitted by /u/Girifu
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    Raid bosses

    Posted: 08 May 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    So I play on the Xbox one but I have the 360 version of bl2 and I have no dlcs it's just the vanilla. Can I still fight raid bosses?

    submitted by /u/potatoman2169
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    Idea: Melee and Action Skill damage scaling with class mods

    Posted: 08 May 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    I had a random idea. Now that melee and action skill damage don't scale like weapon damage, they kinda become useless in higher Mayhem levels.

    So what about tying those damage number to the mayhem level of the class mod.
    So you could still run action skill or melee based builds in higher mayhem and still had to farm your gear.

    Let me hear what you guys think. Is this an actual solution to the problem? Or are there just heaps of problems that I didn't think of.

    submitted by /u/Oida_Sack
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    Posted: 08 May 2020 05:17 PM PDT

    I suppose this strategy mainly applies to the gamer who is not worried about funds and is mainly looking for expediency in farming Killavolt.

    Once you kill Killavolt in Lectra City he'll drop loot, you allow the side enemies to then kill you. Both you and Killavolt will respawn. You can then repeat this as many times as you want avoiding having to quit to main menu. You will also have the ability to go in and out of the Killavolt arena as you like, hit vending machine in middle of battle or reload, let shield recharge etc. Happy Hunting!

    Look, like, subscribe to my channel! /s

    submitted by /u/bubbagump101
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    TVHM or not

    Posted: 08 May 2020 04:56 PM PDT

    Recently finished the GOTY edition NVHM and am picking away at the doc's. Just wondering if I start playthrough 2 if I can go back to the first one or do I have to finish the second playthrough?

    submitted by /u/onejadedpotatoe
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