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    Thursday, May 7, 2020

    Borderlands BORDERLANDS 3 HOTFIXES: MAY 7, 2020

    Borderlands BORDERLANDS 3 HOTFIXES: MAY 7, 2020


    Posted: 07 May 2020 06:56 AM PDT



    Today we will release a hotfix for Borderlands 3, which will be live on all platforms by 12:00 PM PST. In this week's hotfixes, Loot the Universe starts on Eden-6, and we've addressed two community concerns regarding Mayhem Mode. To apply hotfixes, wait at the main menu until you see a sign that says "Hotfixes Applied"! If you are experiencing any issues or want to provide feedback, please submit a ticket to support.2k.com.

    The Loot the Universe mini-event is taking place on Eden-6 this week when these hotfixes are live. Loot Eden-6 until May 14 at 9:00 AM PT!

    • Activate the Loot the Universe event on Eden-6 until 9:00 AM PST on May 14!
    • Addressed a reported concern that the Mayhem modifier Galaxy Brain could sometimes cause Graveward's loot to drop in a location the player could not access
    • Addressed a bug with Mayhem Mode that led to lower than intended drop rates for all Mayhem levels.
    submitted by /u/Synergyx26
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    Loot The Universe Event (Week 3) - All Eden-6 Drop Type Locations

    Posted: 07 May 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    I made this for the Promethea drops last week. Here's all the drop types for this week's planet: Eden-6!


    • Floodmoor Basin - Pistols & Class Mods

    • The Anvil - SMGs

    • Jakobs Estate - Assault Rifles & Shields

    • Voracious Canopy - Sniper Rifles

    • Ambermire - Shotguns & Grenades

    • Blackbarrel Cellars - Rocket Launchers & Artifacts

    • The Floating Tomb - Nothing Definitive

    Extra Info:

    • This event drops any Legendaries that can be found as a world drop, so exclusive items that are only found on designated bosses still remain that way.

    • World drops from other DLCs do not drop on Eden-6 from this event.

    • This event applies to all mobs and bosses. Chests are not affected.

    This event goes from May 7th to May 14th. The next and final planet will be Nekrotafeyo.
    submitted by /u/Wasthereonce
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    Since the Borderlands Science arcade appeared on Sanctuary III, over 700,000 players have solved more than 36 million puzzles

    Posted: 07 May 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    Has anyone actually ever uses the ground slam in combat?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 05:08 PM PDT

    Am I doing this wrong, or is ground slam just a useless feature beyond use to access a few areas? I'd really like to stop seeing ground slam relics and annointments.

    submitted by /u/Rafnork
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    Mayhem level confirmed to be listed on weapons in next patch

    Posted: 07 May 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    Not sure if this had been confirmed before but I saw this earlier.


    submitted by /u/Satchafunkiluss
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    Borderlands Science update: a Peek at the Data

    Posted: 07 May 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    Hello! Since the Borderlands Science arcade appeared on Sanctuary III, over 700,000 players have solved more than 36 million puzzles! That's over 86 total years of playtime dedicated to mapping the human gut microbiome, and since the end goal of this remains to get some science done, the scientific team behind it has released a blog post answering common questions about what the data looks like.


    submitted by /u/RomanS-G
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    May 7th hotfix not applying

    Posted: 07 May 2020 06:35 PM PDT

    I'm on ps4, anybody experience similar? Not just today either, all week it has been asking me to return to main menu to apply hotfixes. I do just that, and wait and wait. Nada. I am online, no networking problems either. Any oversights on my part?EDIT: make sure you have adequate storage space, wait in the main menu for the crude square sign to appear on the lamp post just right of the menu options, saying " hotfixes applied" it appears and disappears intermittently. Just this dumbass saving other potential ones face here:) Happy hunting

    submitted by /u/buriedxdeepxinside
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    BL3 has the best gunplay, yes, but...

    Posted: 06 May 2020 11:43 PM PDT

    I feel like the BL3 developers have made the game waaay to focused on guns and the fast-shooty playstyle. I mean yeah, Borderlands has always been about the guns and all the promotional material shows that they have pride in that, which is completely valid, but i feel like every other way of playing the game has been swept to the side.

    Example 1: Melee

    In every Borderlands game up until now, there has always been at least one melee character, usually 2. Bl1 had brick and mordecai, bl2 Zero, krieg and to an extent gaige, tps had athena and claptrap Amara however is simply too weak to fight in mayhem and it reminds me heavily of gaige, except that shes the only melee character in the game.

    Example 2: Summon

    Just like melee, we also usually have at least one summon character. In bl1 bloodwing could be pretty good, but he often got stuck and had some bugs with it. Not bad Tornado of death for mobbing but not exactly very usable for bosses. Bl2 had gaige primarily, and for mobbing Deathtrap was amazing, but his ai still had a lot of bugs, so it was also bery situational. TPS had the best imo. Wilhelms wolf and saint were amazing and wolf was a powerhouse on lvl 70. Timothy's digi-clones were great as well and their explosions did great work of mobs. In BL3 however flaks pets become pretty useless at high levels and arent even usable for mobbing (i honestly dont know about zane's drone tho, i havent played him yet.)

    In essence, every high level BL3 build feels kinda samey to me. The goal is to shoot fast and get crits with every character. Sure everyone has their own little spin to it, but it feels like most of those differences are passive, like the way you heal, or the way you stack damage. But generally you play mostly the same way. While in bl2 the difference between zer0 and salvador was staggering or in tps athena and aurelia for example, i feel like the bl3 doesnt really have that dynamic.

    If you think i'm wrong, and you have many interesting diverse playstyles, please by all means share them! I'd love to be proven wrong.

    submitted by /u/DougRattmanKnows
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    [BL1 Spoilers] I don't understand one of the plot points towards the end

    Posted: 07 May 2020 03:13 PM PDT

    Why did Tannis betray the vault hunter(s)? I don't see the motivation, she never really redeems herself, and everyone seems to just accept it. Did I miss some mission text?

    Also, as an aside, am I correct in believing that Tannis is not really a member/citizen of the crew living in New Haven in BL1?

    submitted by /u/boxcoxnc
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    pro5-b protector (in-depth)

    Posted: 07 May 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    it's only been two years and another account, but i think now would be an appropriate time to get into the meat of this gun.

    here's an item card for your own reference, this specific item has to be perfect on every single part, excluding one part in order for it to get all of the requirements.

     part 1: the actual gun parts 

    • the chiquito amigo can be found out from the Purple Juice! quest inside of the General Knoxx dlc, its a tediore repeater pistol (categorized as a 'needler').

    > needlers are pistols with a fire rate consisting of about 5.5+ fire rate, low damage, but high elemental tech. they usually can only spawn as vladof and atlas non-unique, as they are the only weapons that will not have the name replaced by 'swatter' or 'raptor'.

    • the "chiquito amigo" as a barrel part, adds +4 to the elemental tech level alone, while also adding +100% fire rate as a base, removing the need to add more fire rate with the 'action' part. on top of this, it also adds +250% to magazine size and severely dampens the recoil (~66%).

    • the "protector" part is the body, which compensates for the chiquito barrel's innate damage penalty (-25% vs +25%), adds +3 to the elemental tech level and adds +30% more fire-rate among its innate ammo regen as a tediore legendary.

    • the "sight5" part is the scope, which adds 300% weapon zoom, but more importantly, adds +1 to the elemental tech level.

    • the "action3" part is the action, which is an exclusive part to certain weapon types. the action3 part adds slightly more fire rate and recoil dampening, but more importantly; adds another +2 to the elemental tech level.

    > "action" parts are exclusive to repeaters and machine pistols only, as they do not come with a "stock" part naturally-- think of it as a compensation in order to keep part counts consistent.

    • the final part that is required is the accessory, which can be any elemental type (elements were tied to the accessory in this game, not their own section as in borderlands 2) which add +6 to the elemental tech level.

    note: the magazine part does not offer anything outside of giving you bonus reload and mag size, but is not integral to the core weapon.

     part 2: elemental tech explanation 

    all of these combined in order to give the weapon +16 total elemental tech with an element attached, why is this important? the element system isn't completely random in borderlands 1.

    • your "tech pool" is contained by your "tech level", think of the pool as a capacity of how strong and often you can cause an element trigger its effect. the tech pool factors your level by 4 times, and in this case, will be 64.

    • by reaching a level 4 tech pool (indicated by the "x4" on the weapon card), you are able to trigger the best elemental explosions. you have a chance to trigger any one of the elemental explosions per shot, removing from your current tech pool. you are not able to get the same proc if you cannot afford it in your tech pool.

    > to elaborate a little further; tech explosions were like status effect procs, but you had different strength explosions which would deal more impact damage, but the prospect of having access to more explosions exponentially increased your chance to proc at least one of them.

    • on top of the damage-over-time dealt by a level 4 tech pool (which, depending on the element, did anywhere from ~80 to ~100% of the pistols regular dps as a DoT), the explosion impacts would deal equal damage to these DoTs on average. this meant that you were getting exponentially more DPS out the gun than what was described on paper.

    • when the tech pool is depleted, it resets, and you can gain the same elemental procs you could from before-- repeating the cycle.


    while extremely specific, and requiring to farm a quest that could take days to even get a hybrid, let alone the perfect variant, if you enjoyed using krom's sidearm, this is effectively a much better version, and is a very strong pistol regardless.

    if you're looking to die trying to find a gun, this would be the place to start-- considering that turning in the quest after saving and quitting takes several minutes at a time for a single run. shoutout to harkonnen iv.

    submitted by /u/forgot_to_change_acs
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    SPOILER is farming Tyreen the destroyer any good

    Posted: 07 May 2020 04:47 PM PDT

    I've tried to beat her a few times where i get her down to about half with my lob, is she any good though?

    submitted by /u/TrapLover02
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    Borderlands 1 Class Test

    Posted: 07 May 2020 03:09 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I've made a short class personality test (my first ever) and I'd like to humbly ask anyone out there to take it. It gauges your optimal class for Borderlands 1 between the four original Vault Hunters. It's just a fun way to pass time, or if you've ever wondered which Vault Hunter truly suits your unique game style.


    I may do more quizzes on other titles in the series depending on the success of this one. I would greatly appreciate some feedback and/or suggestions.

    God bless.

    submitted by /u/UberPerfection
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    Guardian Angel should work only on command or at the end of FFYL.

    Posted: 07 May 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    I've been trying out an Brawler-Elemental-Amara and I noticed that Guardian Angel could be made much more effective if it is either progged by the player, e.g. by pressing jump, or it progs automatically but at the end of FFYL.

    All too often have I've been downed in a situation where I could easily have revived myself but wasted Guardian Angel, and sometimes I got downed and really could have used Guardian Angel but it got wasted earlier.

    submitted by /u/RoughShadow
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    Borderlands 2 Bug?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 04:37 PM PDT

    Hi, i know this game is old, but it is really gold. Im a bit late, but dang is this game great! Here is my problem. I am at my 3rd playthrough (uvhm) right now (with the ucp 5.0.3) and can't pass level 69.

    I know it's a wonderful number, :D but i can't gain exp at all and am stuck at 0/8451340.

    Hope you guys can help, so i can enjoy this perfect game again!

    submitted by /u/MrGymKnopf
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    Any advice on how to move up the Mayhem levels?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 05:17 PM PDT

    I really don't understand it. At MH5 I melt the warden and bosses but can barely scratch annoitmented enemy's and at MH6 it all goes to shit and I can't kill anything.

    submitted by /u/JISTER016
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    Not another Mayhem 2.0 sucks post

    Posted: 07 May 2020 11:01 PM PDT


    I used to play borderlands maybe a couple sittings a week. Game felt super casual and was more of just the background to hanging out with my friends. Now with Mayhem 2.0 it feels like an actual gear grind with difficulty. There are things to accomplish now and I get stuck for hours looking for that next drop. Also there are these awful events that I can't help but take part in because they drop the exact type of item I'm looking for. They added a dungeon that has a legit boss fight with drops of guns that I will actually use. How dare they!?

    Why is every other post/article about how bad Mayhem 2.0 is when they actually breathed some life into what had been becoming a stale game?

    submitted by /u/OrangeAce36Gaming
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    Posted: 07 May 2020 10:48 PM PDT

    I have about 3-4 main missions to go and I've completed 75% of the side missions but I'm still four levels below the recommended level for my next mission, I was wondering if someone would like to join my story and either help me get passed the mission I'm stuck on or even beat the gam. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/TaylenC4
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    Posted: 07 May 2020 10:24 PM PDT

    I am becoming quite irritated with these two underboss kill challenges.. they are the last two I need for that cool looking white skin & I have been trying forever it seems like.. it's either not counting my progress or something. It's incredibly difficult to kill Franco with his spikes & fish slap with melee. I don't know what to do to get this thing done! Anybody have any decent tips?

    submitted by /u/T-Dawg5000
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    scraptrap nest farming question

    Posted: 07 May 2020 10:03 PM PDT

    is this still a dedicated farming spot? i'm currently on the quest where i beat the nest but every time i try to respawn the nest to farm exp nothing happens. i'm assuming it's because i haven't finished the quest but i want to be 100% sure. can anyone confirm that farming can only be done after finishing the corresponding quest?

    submitted by /u/NearWandering
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    Will we be able to reset quests to get unique items sometime soon?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 09:50 PM PDT

    There are some really great unique items that are only available in story mode, but it's stupid that I not only have to play through the game again to get to that point.

    It makes me not even want to get it until all the dlc is out and the level is raised for the last time so I can go get the uniques I want, but it's ridiculous to be forced to wait that long.

    Is there any hope for a way to reset missions so we can uniques?

    submitted by /u/Ed-Zero
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    Offline Connection

    Posted: 07 May 2020 08:47 PM PDT

    Anyone else having problems connecting with the "This feature requires all active players to be connected to Gearbox Software Shift" even though it was working perfectly less than 12 hrs ago?


    submitted by /u/olafkneecapper
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    Which one?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 08:06 PM PDT

    For Torgue-o! Torgue-o! I wasn't sure which weapon I should go for, suggestion?

    submitted by /u/LikeIke1300
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    Explore maps with me

    Posted: 07 May 2020 12:16 PM PDT

    Anyone wanna just explore different worlds and kill enemies while at it? And come up with suggestions as well if you want

    submitted by /u/Marvel__2k19
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    Thank you borderlands

    Posted: 07 May 2020 06:56 AM PDT

    I've been playing the borderlands series for as long as I can remember I remember playing with my old pals whom I miss on borderlands 2 and just going allllll day and I bought borderlands 3 the day it came out cuz I'm such a die hard fan. I beat the game within days and played it a shit ton then I stopped playing for a while and I just got back into it 2 days ago becuz I'm going through some ruff times and I can't thank borderlands 3 and all the rest of the games for getting me through the shit I'm going through rn it's keeping me focused on a challenge and I haven't had the pleasure of having that many friends so I've been strolling through this game by myself and the challenge is keeping me sane the amazing story makes me laugh and smile. So thank u borderlands

    submitted by /u/badluckboy7
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    Don’t really know where to post this but I need help

    Posted: 07 May 2020 07:21 PM PDT

    Hey everyone! I'm achievment hunting all the games and pre sequel has 2 I need left. The one I need help with is the ghost busters one I need 3 more people to join my game and for us to do the sub level-13 quest. And honestly I don't know where else to turn for this. Plz help

    submitted by /u/seanskiiii
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    Does disabling mayhem reroll modifiers?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 10:12 AM PDT

    I was wondering if anyone knows because I have pretty much the perfect mayhem 10 modifiers but I want to turn it off so I can more easily kill fishslap with melee.

    submitted by /u/Chaycetheace
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