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    Saturday, May 9, 2020

    Borderlands I miss when class mods changed your class name.

    Borderlands I miss when class mods changed your class name.

    I miss when class mods changed your class name.

    Posted: 09 May 2020 07:07 PM PDT

    I know it's a minor thing, since it literally does nothing for the game, but I always enjoyed in previous games how your class name would change with the mod. Being a Plague Fox was more fun than just being called Siren in 2, and I loved Claptraps class names in TPS. Wonder why they got rid of that? Seems like such a minor thing to remove, and now my Moze will never be a Shield Maiden.

    submitted by /u/Phoenix200420
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    Is it just me, or is BL3’s soundtrack bloody awesome?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 01:04 AM PDT

    I could chill for awhile on Sanctuary III just listening to the background music. Same in the Cartels event, and many many other places.

    Anyone else?

    submitted by /u/aarondigruccio
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    BL3 All Vehicle Part Profile?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 04:21 PM PDT

    Does anyone know if it's possible to get a profile.sav with ALL vehicle parts unlocked? The profile editors I've found allow for all room and character cosmetic items to be unlocked but not vehicle parts. Is it possible? What's it linked to?

    submitted by /u/NevillesHat
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    Any confirmation to what happened to the Slabs?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    I hardly think Brick would just leave his boys to do mercenary work, presumably they'd joined the COV or were all killed, but is there anything like an Echo log that comfirms their fate?

    submitted by /u/not_anakin
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    With Mayhem 2.0 making grenade damage basically pointless, what are some other niche grenade mods that are kinda useful now?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 06:15 PM PDT

    I've got 2 different toons on both platforms. A Zane on xbox (shield drone) and FL4K on PC (Fade Away) and I've been working through Mayhem level 6 on both. It's pretty fun but I've been finding grenades not being so useful.

    Now on Zane I dont actually throw them. My drone drops em and I shoot the occasional one when reloading. But I do have a Cryo Hex grenade I've been using simply to help freeze enemies. But that's it.

    For FL4K I've just been using whatever grenade seems like fun. He's my second character so it was fun just to throw grenades on control for once. But again I was finding the damage from them lacking. I think right now I have a Storm Front I was using to help bust shields, at least was helping.

    So my real question is what other types of grenades are there that actually contribute to battle now that the actual damage part has been nullified. I know that the grenade anointment for 25% damage after throw is basically a must now. Just throw to keep up the modifiers. But are there any that help in other ways? My roommate uses a Quasar (or whatever its called) that bounces and moves around the enemies but honestly it's more annoying then helpful.

    But it's a start right? A grenade that can contribute in other ways then damage. I just dont know that many types or where to get them. Any help would be great.

    submitted by /u/The_Fallen_Star
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    Moze splash deaths

    Posted: 09 May 2020 08:40 AM PDT

    So with all the new launchers and the upgrades to Moze's skills I've been going all out on heavy weapons with a deathless build. I'm doing ten points in blue, and the remaining gets me to Some for the Road in green, rest into retribution tree. Using deathless/blood letter as well. I love it so much BUT I kill myself all the time lol other than telling me to stay father back (duh, but sometimes people jump in way or the splash doubles in size and becomes the size of the whole map). Am I missing something to reduce splash damage to myself?

    submitted by /u/MEanPenguin
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    Weird Audio bug skipping dialogue

    Posted: 09 May 2020 02:55 PM PDT

    This has happened twice now while doing the story. Upon entering the structure area of the Cathedral of the Twin Gods area, my in-game audio will almost completely cut out. I might hear the plip of a bullet hitting every now and then, but that's it.
    The first time it happened, I decided sounds were useful to stay alive, exited to main menu, and loaded back in which fixed it. The second time, I decided I was steamrolling things enough to not care and just went on with it to bring you this information.
    Turns out, while the bug was happening, almost all dialogue would skip. Character lines would appear on the bottom of my screen (because I have that on), then disappear half a second later to the next line. Any animation accompanying the line would also skip. NPCs started having to run everywhere to keep up with where they should be when their line ended. Zoning sometimes fixed audio like sliding and shooting, but the dialogue part stayed broken until I skipped the cutscene before going back to Pandora.
    Anyway, I was wondering if anyone knew how to do this intentionally. It could easily make the story mode 4-5x faster if Ava stops asking everything what its got it autoskipped all those conversations you're supposed to sit through.

    submitted by /u/Fluffball314
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    How to change Mayhem modifiers?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 09:53 PM PDT

    How to I get rid of the shitty Rouguelite modifier for M10? It makes the game unplayable.

    submitted by /u/Iberius_Huskus
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    2 things really

    Posted: 09 May 2020 03:54 PM PDT

    Let begin by talking about my main. I've always played Borderlands as a gunner. So I started with Moze. Took her to 57, did all the DLC, all the proving grounds, all the slaughters. Farmed weapons and anoints, tried multiple builds and could not, could NOT beat Wotan. So i switched to Amara. I love Amara. Almost done with GL&T. Running a modified Spiritual Driver build. About to start the slaughters and proving grounds. Currently on Mayhem 4. She is awesome. Now my questions:

    1. Is there much difference in the quality of drops between Mayhem 4 and 6.

    2. When I go to Mayhem 6, who should I farm? I know some bosses have dedicated drops that only drop at Mayhem 6. Who are they?

    submitted by /u/RicoRN58
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    BORDERLANDS 3 is on sale on humble bundle for US$29.99 if anyone is interested

    Posted: 09 May 2020 09:44 PM PDT

    Borderlands 3

    Posted: 09 May 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    Anybody else's games lagging a little more then normal after this latest hotfix? Whenever I'm on m10 my game just slows down a lot when the screen is crowded with enemies

    submitted by /u/T-Dawg5000
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    If you could improve your main VH's design for the better, what would you change?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 07:53 PM PDT

    A question I've asked a lot of people, and that I think would make for interesting discussion here. Really I'm just curious what people would want changed about their mains. I know for me, I'd move The Power Inside over to the master tree on fl4k, and remove domination from the skill trees all together.

    What would go into stalker tree would take a little more thought. Maybe scaling damage from % of remaining mag? That way youre rewarded for leave no trace + snipers or shotguns if you time your shots and keep your mag full. Id also probably change Fl4ks pets to be more geared towards buffing you and allies / debuffing enemies rather than just hang around and do minimal amounts of damage before dying.

    What would you guys change, if anything about your VH? Sorry if formatting is bad, I'm on mobile.

    submitted by /u/Incendi4ry
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    Best game ever

    Posted: 09 May 2020 01:41 AM PDT

    This game is awesome!!!! That is all carry on

    submitted by /u/siggy1313
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    Shadowtrap heads

    Posted: 09 May 2020 05:59 PM PDT

    Can Trickster heads drop from normal Shadowtrap boss fight during story mode,or does i have to hope for him to spawn in the arena?

    submitted by /u/Horny_sushi
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    What are some aspects of the story and characters that you wished the writers spent more time on?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    Ava needed to be fleshed out.
    Calypso twins really should've split.
    Personally, I felt like they could've done more with Tina. I was hopping that she was more adult but still schitzo.
    Mordecai was also kind of just a punching bag for everyone in the B-team to make fun of.

    What other things did you think that the writers should've spent more time on the drawing board for?

    submitted by /u/Kuruttta-Kyoken
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    Fuck Franco Firewall and his dumb challenge

    Posted: 09 May 2020 06:54 PM PDT

    Everytime I've tried to do it, it never fucking counts. Only thing I can think of is that maybe the elemental damage from the spike kills him and not the spike itself, and for some godforsaken reason that doesnt count.

    Oh and fuck Tyrone Biggims too, glitchy bastards made me reset a bunch of Joey fights because he breaks and becomes immortal.

    submitted by /u/RolandTheJabberwocky
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    PC (STEAM) BUG: Discovery Achievements Possible Solution.

    Posted: 09 May 2020 08:48 AM PDT

    After a massive headache of running through the game with my GF trying to figure out these buggy discovery achievements we finally found a solution and may help find a way to fix the bug.

    We had every single location discovered on both normal and TVHM yet none of the achievements were unlocked for us.

    Our last ditch effort was to try and explore every single location again on our characters without closing the game to see if that would somehow be a magic fix and what do you know it was.

    We started with Pandora and the Hundred Names for Sand achievement. About half way through the zones my GF crashes and we decide to push on instead of starting from the beginning (in my head this was almost a perfect way to test my theory). When we got to the final location the achievement unlocked for me but it didn't for her, pointing to the fact that her game was shut down in the middle of the exploration causing some of the discovery progress to not properly be saved.

    Long winded story but this seems to be a major issue that I haven't found a working solution to, figured I'd throw out some of my discoveries.

    submitted by /u/Sniperoonie
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    Overheat error Xbox one x

    Posted: 09 May 2020 06:16 AM PDT

    I'm at my wits end with this! Xbox one x about a year old very clean and borderlands 3 (ONLY BORDERLANDS3) hard crashes to the overheat screen when it gets to much going on on screen at once! I'm uninstalling and reinstalling To see if that fixes it but what else can I do?

    submitted by /u/jchqouet71
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    Thanks RNGesus for shield, relic and CM not scaling in Mayhem 2.0. Serious post.

    Posted: 09 May 2020 07:21 AM PDT

    This isn't a sarcastic post. I'm being dead serious. I haven't including grenades because i'm still having mixed feeling about them not scaling since there's nothing but damage that changes for them when you get a higher leveled version of the exact same grenade.

    CM&Relics will have the stats modifiers augmented and when it's releoad speed, accuracy, fire rate, action skill cooldown, ect... that actually impact how you can play the game. A lv 57 relic with mag size increase suddenly get a +50% mag size and for weapon with 2 bullet in their mag like the hellwaker it's the difference between one shot and two shot. All those misceleanous stats have an impact on how the game is played. It isn't just "moar damage"

    Now please let me explain before downvoting me for being an "ungrateful haters" why i'm gratefull they don't scale in mayhem. I'm not a hater. I love this series and i'm deeply agrieved by the road it has taken with M2.0 and this obvious "Game as a Service" that's somewhat ok for mmo but not so much for single player game with co-op possible.

    Mayhem 2.0 is nothing but a bullet sponge mode not affecting the game difficulty in any other way.

    It also throw at you hard to deal with modifiers that completely change the flow of the game. Some of them are just beyond stupid when you start playing with them

    Good luck dying without going to FFYL. In solo, everything will get max health back. Not in multi.

    Good luck killing Cryo Bots invincible to corrosive damage, good luck killing anything with their only elemental weakness becoming an elemental immunity.

    The list goes on.

    A lot of those modifiers make the game tougher, forcing the players to develop skills to avoid ohko death sphere, elemental beam left and right, switch weapons for better elemental coverage, killing helping drones, ect...

    However, all those become only stupidly unfun with ennemies having up to 125 times the normal healthbar and ONLY gun damage scaling to 2.5 time between M0 and M10.

    It makes all but the most broken weapon useable. Goodluck finishing a fight without a yellow cake, opq system, a lob, ect...

    Weapon that will be nerfed or become somewhat less powerfull in the next update. Allowing some "game design space" for the new gear that will be the thing to farm if you want to be able to enjoy the new content. No space for improving current builds, no space for new unexpected builds, just famr the new weapon and one shot kill everything.

    For all these reasons, i'm really gratefull that CM, relics and Shield do not scale. It means i can safely stay in NVHM M1 to envoy max level ennemies to farm to perfect my uncomon build that worked fine until bullet sponge were introduced. A build that would still work fine even playing with 5 very hard modifiers thrown at me if ennemies had normal health because so long as the game difficulty needs you to have skill and a build concept that works to be successful and not a "gear dps check difficulty".

    As for the reason why i can still perfect my builds at M1 ? Because all relics and CM modfiers stop scaling at max level. M1 and M2 boost to weapon damage, mag size, AS cooldown are the strongest at lv 57, not M10.

    The only thing you will lose out by not playing M10, or any Mayhem level is just "stronger damage" for guns. No other stats change in the guns, only the damage. And the very few weapons unlocked at M6.

    You can still farm perfect relics, shield, CM and grenades at M0. That's the only important thing when trying out new build.

    TL DR:

    • Bullet Sponge = DPS Check, no impact on a game difficulty, just time needed to kill. Coerce the players to use the weapon gearbox want you to use atm, aka weapon introduced or buffed by current lattest patch

    • M2.0 Modifiers = Actually impact difficulty by forcing player to strategicaly think about each fight. Not that bad by itself.

    • Both of them Together = Shit Show unplayable without the lastest weapon designed for the new event running. No other thing viable but that. Yellow cake now, something else next month.

    • CM, Shield, Relic & Grenade not scaling means you can enjoy the full content of the game by perfecting everything in your gear but the weapon damage (and the few M6 guns). Gear and build that become all but useless because of the "Game as a Service" we are having atm and the broken DPS Gear check introduced by Bullet Sponge.

    PS: And if you want more damage, you can always raise the mayhem modifiers when farming a particular drop from a certain boss if you have a yellow cake and then go back to M1 anyway. Might be faster than hoping for a +xxx% damage annointment to simply go and grab a Mayhem lv X weapon with a yellow cake atm and go back to farm normal gear in M1. Shitty xp and drop rate but the whole game become enjoyable again.

    submitted by /u/Kaining
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    Where to start with the series?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 06:34 AM PDT

    Hi all vault hunters! I would like to get into the Borderlands series, but I don't know where to start. Should I start with the Handsome Collection or should I start with Borderlands 1?

    submitted by /u/Geno_17_76
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    Hotfix severely nerfed loot drops?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 12:55 AM PDT

    Hey all. I have been farming various bosses on M10 with 2 other buddies and we all noticed a dramatic decrease in loot drops. Normally we get a good number of legendaries and now were getting a small handful of legendaries and a mostly greens and blues. Anyone else having this issue? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/theyak93
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    Idea for anointment rework

    Posted: 09 May 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    Remove anointments from legendaries and make them mods or gems that you'd have to use eridium to add to your gun. Have a high chance to drop from anointed enemies (so they can serve a purpose end game), low chance to drop from bosses and rare chance to drop from badasses. In return, you'd have to lower the legendary drops.

    Lower their dmg but make them upgradable using eridium. For example, ASE weapon dmg increased by 10% > 20% until 30% or 50%. Make them stack with other anointments that you have equipped (but can't stack with the same ones). If you have 4 guns with anointments while action skill is active, they would all be active unless they give the same bonus. For example, on action skill start weapon dmg increased by %, on action skill start deal % dmg to badasses, named and boss enemies, while action skill is active, % of health taken is returned to the attacker... Which I feel would add way more build diversity since you are using different anointments instead of having the same 300% dmg on enemies above 90% or 200% while action skill is active on all your guns.

    It would be pretty OP so that's why I proposed to lower their dmg and not making them stack with the same bonuses. Adding more farming elements to the game and creating more build diversity since you're mix matching anointments.This way, you're farming for legendary guns, anointed mods and eriduim.

    What do you all think? Would you want anointments to be mods using eridium to upgrade to your guns or just keep them as it is? Discuss...

    submitted by /u/Cl4ptrap93
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    Questions regarding the borderlands collection on the switch

    Posted: 09 May 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    Does anybody know how many GBS its gonna be? They haven't shown it yet on the switch store or wont let me pre order it. Just would like to know if i need to buy another SD card

    submitted by /u/dilly6977
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