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    Wednesday, May 6, 2020

    Borderlands Mayhem 2.0 killed the fun for me

    Borderlands Mayhem 2.0 killed the fun for me

    Mayhem 2.0 killed the fun for me

    Posted: 06 May 2020 02:58 PM PDT

    I'm running out of ammo and out of fucks to give after spending 30+ hours farming for the new weapons last weekend (didn't even get the right anoints).

    Cool, I thought, let's have some fun doing Takedown or 3000. Nah! Of course not! They forgot to scale the amount of ammo you can carry, even though it is so obvious that the new weapons would have to be fired so much more. I do run out of fucks to give before I run out of ammo though.

    Wow, mayhem 2 is really crappy if you didn't pick up anointed new 6+ weapons on the first week.

    submitted by /u/DanielColchete
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    [Suggestion] For picking up loot items we have the option to "Take," or "Equip," but I think adding "Take and mark as junk" by holding R[eload] would be a small addition but a massive quality of life improvement to the game.

    Posted: 06 May 2020 12:04 AM PDT

    Not sure if the devs read the forums as I just got the game, but the thought crossed my mind and thought I'd share. Loving the game so far.

    submitted by /u/Pitchfork_Wholesaler
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    Picked up weapons automatically going into empty loadout spaces should be optional

    Posted: 06 May 2020 12:17 PM PDT

    One of the constant frustrations I have is when ever I pick up and item, if I have any of the 4 weapon slots in my loadout empty then that item gets automatically added to my loadout. I do understand this could be useful for new players who may not know when loadout slots are unlocking or forget to eqiup gear.

    As you get to end game though, I have my build and I have the gear that works with my build. Sometimes I only have 2 or 3 guns in my loadout because that is all I need. I know at anytime how many clicks it takes to changes from weaponA to weaponB or C. If I find an item on the ground and i pick it up now that is all screwed up and sometimes I forget until I'm switching weapons around mid-combat and my cycle is all messed up. So everytime I pick up and item I have to remember open the menu (which lags) and remove that weapon from my loadout.

    So yeah, great feature for beginners but making it an optional configuration would be a great QoL improvement in my opinion. I do realize I could change the option on how I change weapons to the D-Pad, but then I lose the mission cycling feature.

    submitted by /u/raydawg2000
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    Cartel farming tip: you can die before killing joey and refarm the two underbosses

    Posted: 06 May 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    Pretty quick reset, thought I think the underbosses stay the same. an alternative to refarming and re running the cartel mission.

    edit: as some have said the underbosses stay the same if you die

    submitted by /u/megasworth
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    I love that they foreshadowed the children of the vault in the fight for sanctuary dlc.

    Posted: 06 May 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    When Vaughn says his clan was gonna be called the children of Helios but he says it sounded too culty.

    submitted by /u/fang32986123
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    Mayhem 10. The Slaughter Shaft. Mayhem 2.0

    Posted: 06 May 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    Anyone else noticed that the Slaughter Shaft drops less legendaries in M10 in this new Mayhem 2.0 after the drop rate fix, than it did on M4 before Mayhem 2.0 was released.

    This is not to mention the slaughter shaft is even more ridiculous due to the amount of ammo required

    submitted by /u/ManeZain
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    Online Sessions down?

    Posted: 06 May 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    Just dropped out of Borderlands: The Pre Sequel and can't connect to an online session anymore.
    Anyone else got this problem?

    submitted by /u/TODESTORPEDO
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    Borderlands 3 Mayhem 2.0 EXP bonus Broken On PS4

    Posted: 06 May 2020 04:21 PM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    I am not sure if any of you have had this problem. However, on PS4, after the implementation of Mayhem 2.0, I find that beyond Mayhem level 5 the exp bonus (supposedly 200% on Mayhem 10) is non-existent. I have been in contact with 2k game support team, provided videos. Here is a link to a video I did to show the non-existent EXP boost at Mayhem 10. This is what is shared with the support time. I cleared my PS4 Cache, followed by ultimately reinstalling the game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYmLlbkR1Uc . It appeared to increase afterwards for a little bit (I got up to 2500 for a scrap trap kill). Then, I warped to Trashlantis and never got EXP bonus in Mayhem above level 5. Has anyone else experienced this?

    submitted by /u/dhreed82
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    Drop rate bugged?

    Posted: 06 May 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    So I know that there has been issues with drop rate since Mayhem 2.0 came out, but I thought Gearbox patched the drop rates? It seems to be worse for me since the last update. I was farming Promethea for Loot the Universe and only got one legendary and no other weapons at all. Also no money or ammo is dropping from enemies. Anyone else having this issue?

    submitted by /u/DrawDropper
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    Game crashed and lost 80 legendaries

    Posted: 06 May 2020 10:03 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, I've been a longtime lurker and this is my first time posting here. I preordered BL3 months before it came out and have been playing since day 1. So I was playing BL3 on PS4 and I dropped all of my items (all max level and legendaries) on the ground in sanctuary to go through and determine what was good and bad. So I put everything I thought was bad or I wouldn't use in my bank (about 90 items) and as I began going through my good loot, my game crashed, and my system froze so I had to unplug it. Then, when I reloaded the game, all my good loot was gone, which ended up being around 80 legendaries. I'm so discouraged to continue playing after this. Is there anything I can do to get it all back aside from grinding? Any help would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/TheZeroManiac
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    Are takedown drops bugged or is just me?

    Posted: 06 May 2020 06:00 PM PDT

    I remember before Mayhem 2.0, I could run the takedown on M1 and get a few legendaries(more if I was in a group). Even on a bad run I would get at least 2 or 3 on the first half and then 5 or 6 from Wotan alone. I thought I'd run M6 solo just to update some gear a little but I ended up getting only a handful of legendaries from only Wotan. On top of that, the gear all looked like they were M1 gear if even that. Again, is it bugged or just me?

    -I say "looked like M1 gear" because I've noticed that comparing between M1 and M10 gear, M10 typically has at least double the damage output. As an example, Hellwalker before M2.0 did 900*10, a M10 Hellwalker does 2131*10.

    submitted by /u/Uninspired617
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    Borderlands 3 update bricked my ps4 pro? A warning to all PS4 PRO users!

    Posted: 06 May 2020 09:20 PM PDT

    Alright, so this will be a kind of long winded explanation.
    3 days ago me and my friends decided to take a break from working on BLPS's platinum trophy and move onto Borderlands 3, because we were getting tired of grinding the badass rank challenges and needed a change of pace.

    I downloaded Borderlands 3 with no issues however when I started the game I kept getting odd crashing errors saying the application was corrupted. I haven't played borderlands 3 since October 2019 so this was not something I was familiar with. I already had a level 50 Amara and made a new FL4K to use to start fresh with my friends. After the crash I tried playing again and kept having issues. I pressed on however and played from beginning until we finished the first Vault like this. I then deleted the app and re-downloaded it as suggested by people who have had the application corruption bug.

    Cut to today. I was playing with a friend on COD Modern Warfare and went to switch over to the newly installed copy of Borderlands 3. I get an error and says the application cannot start with no explanation as to why. So I decide to restart my ps4 to see if that would ix it, and BOOM! My ps4 won't start up, and is stuck in a loop. I've tried updating it like the on screen error suggested, which didn't fix it. I tried rebuilding the PS4 database, got another error. And now it's looking like I gotta factory reset the damn thing to fix it. The worst part about this is that I have over 30 hours into Persona 5R, an entire week of Borderlands Presequal, three completed Atelier games, and worst of a MHW character with 400+ hours saved and not uploaded that I don't know if I have a way to back up before doing this. I'm going to wait until tomorrow before I reset it in case it miraculously fixes itself, or I can contact Sony to hopefully get the issue sorted out. In the meantime I wanted to warn everyone of the possibility of this happening to them. PLEASE if you get a weird error that wont let you start applications contact SONY before restarting your PS4! I am gonna be heartbroken if I lose all this game data.

    TL;LR Borderlands 3 weird error might have caused me to have to factory reset my ps4, and I am destroyed.

    submitted by /u/FaggotronPrime
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    Hi guys I have a question about a bug

    Posted: 06 May 2020 08:13 PM PDT

    I recently got a ps vr headset and bought borderlands 2 with it, I got to the mission where you have to find corporal Reiss, and I found the tape and went to get him, but when he is supposed to come on the echo log he doesnt say anything, and when I go kill the three bandits that are attacking him nothing happens, no story progression or anything. I started as a zer0 and when I got to this point I thought maybe save and quit. Well it wouldnt stop saving, waited about 10 minutes and the game crashed. Corrupting my Zer0 save so I made a Gaige save and started again. Same problem Reiss just sits there like a vegetable, I've closed the app and reopened, I've respawned, I've left the area and came back. And I've looked it up and it seems like NOONE else has this problem. Before I try ANOTHER save file to this point with a fresh installation, has anyone else had this problem and how do I fix it?

    submitted by /u/Immaswellboi
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    Slaughterstar 3000 location glitch?

    Posted: 06 May 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    Currently going through the game and trying to discover all locations, collectible things, etc.

    I'm currently at 222/223, and when I visit the slaughterstar 3000 is says that it is 0/1 for locations.

    I've fast travelled there, and used my ship to fly there then use the drop pod to go there as well and it still doesn't register. I've seen posts from last year referencing it, and I was wondering if there's a fix that doesn't involve me replaying the whole game again...

    Also a bunch of achievements aren't popping related to the collectibles and locations on Pandora, eden-6 etc but that's a whole other thing.

    submitted by /u/12VFanatic
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    BL3 on 8GB?

    Posted: 06 May 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    I heard from a friend about the steam sale today and was just popping in with a little question. I'm currently a college student so a full upgrade or a desktop is kind of impossible for my sake but I looked at recommended specs for BL3 compared to my current craptop on some comparison website and the results were kind of meh. I currently own an Dell G7 Laptop with a i7 8750H, a nVidia GeForce GTX 1060 with Max Q Design as well as 8 GB ram. I passed the mimimum requirement in all but Ram as the recommendation is 16.

    These results surprised me as the previous screen seemed to tell me that the 1060 graphics card was my biggest bottleneck in general for modern gaming. So my question is: Am I even capable of running this game at all, let alone well enough for it to be worth playing on this rig?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/ggggtotalwarrior
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    Events in LAN mode

    Posted: 06 May 2020 07:18 PM PDT

    Does anyone happen to know if running LAN mode disables events? It seems to count you as "offline" going by the SHIFT tab.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/spardoks
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    My new mayhem 10 Bossing & Mobbing build: The Mon4rch!

    Posted: 06 May 2020 03:07 PM PDT

    Hey guys! I want to start off by thanking everyone on here for supporting my last build as much as they did. A quick check at my analytics tells me a lot of the support I got was from you guys, and I couldn't be more grateful <3.

    Next, I want to quickly say that I wouldn't recommend this build as your dedicated Takedown farm build quite yet. Reason being is because headcount is very buggy and inconsistent right now. Once it's working as intended, I know this build is going to be absolutely insane!

    I worked on some of the feedback you guys gave me last time, and worked on the order in which I talk about items. I had a hard time keeping the video time down, but I think I know how to fix that in the future. I also am ordering a new microphone! So starting pretty soon, we should have a lot better quality overall. I also fixed my recording settings :)

    This is a fade away build this time, but focused on the monarch, my new favorite gun :) Hope you guys enjoy! Leave me any suggestions and/or feedback here. Thanks guys


    submitted by /u/Incendi4ry
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    A Different Ending

    Posted: 06 May 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    I'm sure I'm not the first person to talk about an alternate ending, but hear me out. I haven't played through the whole story in a few months, so if details are missing either let me know or pretend they got filled in with the rest of the story.

    SPOILERS for Chapter 19 and forward

    The differences start at the fight with Troy. This fight, instead of ending in Troy's death and Tyreen's escape, ends with Troy drawing so much power from Tyreen that she withers away. Right before her death as Troy is charging up a super-powerful attack to attack the Vault Hunter, Tyreen screams, drawing Troy's attention and causing his attack to miss completely, then withers away. Troy is horrified and devastated by what he's done. He had always played follower to Tyreen, so now directionless and beaten he teleports away in a panic.

    At this point, the opening of the great vault is already in motion, so the gang on Sanctuary III goes to Nekrotafeyo to find Deleon. After a few missions for Typhon, the Vault Hunter returns to find Troy with Typhon. He runs away, still obviously furious at the Vault Hunters but afraid to confront them again. Typhon explains his relationship to Troy and tells the Vault Hunters that Troy also wants to stop the Vault from opening because he can't Leech from monsters the way Tyreen could because he was the twin, a kind of psuedo-siren. We don't see Troy again until the end, the final battle against the Destroyer.

    For the final battle, Sanctuary III returns to Pandora just in time to see it burst apart into huge chunks and the Destroyer break out. Troy is there and agrees to help you fight the Destroyer, knowing he can't do it alone. The battle is fought jumping from platform to platform in space, which could be iconic places and scenes from the series broken off of the planet's crust. The platforms would be moved and held by Troy Phaselocking and manipulating them. After beating (not totally killing, it's too powerful) the Destroyer, Troy draws from all the raw exposed Eridium from the planet and with a massive power surge puts Elpis and all of freaking Pandora back together, burning himself up in the process.

    Hooray and Wahoo, the day is saved, Claptrap thinks he did it, congratulations from everyone, you know the drill. Roll Credits.

    BONUS end credit scene - Delivery room, a woman screaming, a baby crying. We see the newborn baby and it has Siren Tattoos. The baby reaches out to touch a potted plant and unintentionally leeches it to death, then cut to black.

    So there it is, my idea for an alt. ending. Honestly, the main point was to lose Tyreen because I always liked Troy more. He was less obnoxious and felt wasted being Tyreen's shadow the whole time. I find this ending a little more spectacular too, I was let down by Destroyer Tyreen's design and fight.

    TL;DR Tyreen dies instead of Troy, Troy panics and leaves, and then helps you defeat the actual Destroyer at the end and dies phaselocking the planet back together,

    submitted by /u/chasewindu
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    Lootsplosion: Is it fixed?

    Posted: 06 May 2020 05:28 PM PDT

    Currently playing on M10, offline.

    I heard last week that Lootsplosion loot dropped at M0 levels- can anyone confirm or deny? I'm a Crit Fl4k build, so EVERYTHING lootsplodes.

    Trying to figure out if I should disable or keep it.

    submitted by /u/Kuraikarp
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    Weapons continue to fire after i take my finger off the mouse button?

    Posted: 06 May 2020 05:24 PM PDT

    My weapons occasionally just continue to fire after i take my finger off the mouse button until it drains all my ammo. The weird thing is that it only happens in bl1 and bl3, no other games. Does anyone have any ideas?

    submitted by /u/ausscraft
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    pre sequel character advice

    Posted: 06 May 2020 01:02 AM PDT

    so i decided since i have so much free time on my hands now i'm going to to finally get around to playing the pre sequel and i couldn't decide which character to play as so i would like some advice. i played as Salvador in bl2 and flak in bl3

    submitted by /u/sum_egg
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    Arrrghhhhhh this game and the RNG

    Posted: 06 May 2020 01:50 PM PDT

    So I farmed Joey on m8 twenty five times over the last week....no OPQ.

    So I decided to switch up and try for my last fish slap ko for the challenge instead. Switch to M1, no fish slap on that run but no less than THREE God damn mother fucking no good cock sucker OPQs dropped on one run. Two are useless to me. Only keeping the 3rd because it has that 90% anoint

    Just needed to bitch, thanks for reading fellow vault hunters

    submitted by /u/Collusion_illusion
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    Alternate Action Skill for Moze?

    Posted: 06 May 2020 01:29 PM PDT

    Iron Bear is troublesome in the end game. It's too weak and doesn't survive, and its weapons don't scale with Mayhem. The builds that have you jump in and out of it every time seems clunky and backwards.

    I really like Moze, but I feel like I'm wasting her and not using her full potential when I don't even use Iron Bear for most of my builds. The Dev's have suggested they weren't going to make any new characters, but instead they'll work on the current ones, so I suggest giving Moze a fourth tree that has an alternate action skill that is useful like the other vault hunters.

    submitted by /u/OutlawTornNZ
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