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    Monday, May 11, 2020

    Borderlands ☑️ Clear area

    Borderlands ☑️ Clear area

    ☑️ Clear area

    Posted: 11 May 2020 12:36 PM PDT

    🔳 Talk to Lilith

    submitted by /u/FreedomFallout
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    Nothing dropping m10?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    I started to do some farming on my fl4k, and I noticed none of the weapons are dropping m10? In fact it's all m0. I know this for sure because agonizer dropped a Maggie that had the damage of an m0 when I compared it to my m10 Maggie i had. And everything is dropping like this, why is this? I tried restarting the game and reapplying the modifers, and nothing works :/

    Edit: Just to clarify, this was not happening before today. And it did fix itself after a few restarts. But it's still buggy, and it didnt do this till today. I am aware that chests and some things dont scale, but agonizer always did scale I know it for a fact.

    submitted by /u/_Doggie_
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    The Hunt 2020 Results

    Posted: 11 May 2020 09:10 PM PDT

    Before getting into the results I would like to thank everyone that participated. This was my first time organizing something like this and seeing people participate and enjoy themselves made it worth all the work. So with that said here are the winners of the 2020 Hunt.

    Top 5 across all games (2,203 Total Points)

    1) III Gunther III - 1,307 Points

    2) UnluckyiCON - 855 Points

    3) BlackAxon - 762 Points

    4) BananaRocket00 - 501 Points

    5) F L Y - 459 Points

    Top 3 in Borderlands 1 (326 Total Points)

    1) Budokai20 - 171 Points

    2) III Gunther III - 151 Points

    3) Tonydml - 74 Points

    Top 3 in Borderlands 2 (723 Total Points)

    1) III Gunther III - 376 Points

    2) Tonydml - 227 Points

    3) Budokai20 - 112 Points

    Top 3 in Borderlands the Pre-Sequel (180 Total Points)

    1) III Gunther III - 162 Points

    2) BananaRocket00 - 12 Points

    3) UnluckyiCON - 12 Points

    Top 3 in Borderlands 3 (972 Total Points)

    1) BlackAxon - 703 Points

    2) UnluckyiCON - 692 Points

    3) III Gunther III - 619 Points

    Congratulations to III Gunther III for winning the Hunt 2020 you can find a link to where he live streams on the document as well as everyone else's links too.

    Thank you to everyone who participated I hope you all had fun with it and can't wait until we do another hunt next year.

    Here is a link to view the final spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1076yi6vZD_cNRdV7nvhN7NWRzXikDZ6poVQuC-K76jA/edit?usp=sharing

    submitted by /u/UnluckyiCONBOY
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    Anyone ever wish they made DLC 3/4

    Posted: 11 May 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    I feel like they would've been absolutely amazing. I was so excited for them since I bought the season pass at the time.

    submitted by /u/Xunto
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    PSA: The VIP program shuts down in a week, so spend your points!

    Posted: 11 May 2020 05:20 AM PDT

    I drew the adorable anarchist Gaige as if she were a disney character

    Posted: 11 May 2020 03:07 PM PDT

    Borderlands 1 Ironman (One Life)

    Posted: 11 May 2020 04:44 AM PDT

    Sup Vaulters,

    My little brother and I are going to soon start a one life Borderlands 1 play through. I'll be Brick and he'll be Roland I think.

    Rules of the Ironman mode:

    - Basically, if either one of us dies (not going down, but anything that triggers a respawn) our one life is over and we restart.

    - This includes falling deaths, and getting run over by a vehicle.

    - We will be doing all the DLCs (including Moxxi's Underdome, full 20 rounds in every arena)

    - Also, no spamming saves and checkpoints (no quitting when we think we're about to die)

    We've done this before on Borderlands 2 and we died on lvl 41 on True Vault Hunter mode. In Borderlands 1 it's easier to die, especially when enemies flee when you're down and you can't move. Teamwork is of the utmost importance.

    We've played Borderlands so much that we needed an added challenge. Thought of posting this in case anyone else has done something similar or thinks this sounds like a fun thing. One of the reasons I've started doing Ironman runs (completed Fallout 3 like this with no HUD and no fast travel) is because it forces you to play how you normally wouldn't. I feel like it reveals tactics you are good at that you haven't previously tried. I've invested in skills and weapon styles that previously weren't attractive to me.

    If anyone else would like to try this, comment below and let's compare our runs.

    God bless.

    submitted by /u/UberPerfection
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    (Spoilers) Future of Borderlands/Potential DLCs revolving previous characters.

    Posted: 11 May 2020 04:22 PM PDT

    Im essentially here to see what characters could potentially be expanded upon in the future.

    Brick and Mordecai - Kept fairly consistent/prominent throughout the series and are definitely one of the more likeable characters in my opinion. No specific DLCs though will be involved in lots of story.

    Lilith - I dont think shes dead and yet and most likely will return one way or another as she is one of the more important protagonists.

    Zer0 - A well liked character like Brick and Mordercai likely being involved, not as much as them, but will be there.

    Salvador - An average VH but may be referenced without being seen and appears to be a character they are sleeping on, maybe because he lacks story.

    Axton - Basically the reasons for Salvador but seems a bit more neglected in my opinion.

    Krieg - Someone who definitely has potential especially now that mayas gone and he already has a story that can be built upon along with him gaining sanity tying into being a struggle especially coping with Mayas death.

    Fl4k, Amara, Moze and Zane - Likely 3-4 of them will be refrenced in future games while only 1-2 will make an appearance possibly being Fl4k as he seems like a charcter similar to Zer0 though being less popular.

    Let me know what you guys think!

    submitted by /u/BALD_W1nkYFacE
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    I spent over an hour putting in shift codes for BL2.

    Posted: 11 May 2020 08:55 PM PDT

    It got tedious enough for me to start making sentences from each code section. WJTKB = would Jesus totally kill babies? Stuff like that. Lotta skins, heads and keys but damn, there should be a trophy/achievement for that effort.

    submitted by /u/Anarchrox
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    Can someone explain what "breaking" means with regards to COV weapons?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    I'm level 36 and I have been ignoring every COV weapon I come across because the description says they "break" after a limited number of shots. I assumed that meant they are only temporary weapons and I didn't want to carry a gun and a backup in case it broke. But after reading some posts it seems like "break" just means "long reload"? Or is that the overheating mechanic?

    submitted by /u/Last_Jedi
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    Borderlands ps4

    Posted: 11 May 2020 07:24 PM PDT

    Hey names Dakota and I'm looking for anyone to play borderlands with I have all of them

    submitted by /u/ToughHope
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    Lorewise, who are the strongest vault hunters in a tier list?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 04:50 PM PDT

    For me ive heard wilhelm was the most powerful in his prime.

    submitted by /u/BALD_W1nkYFacE
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    Viable weapons list

    Posted: 11 May 2020 10:18 PM PDT

    Howdy everyone!

    So I've seen quite a few posts discussing how there are very few viable weapons at the higher mayhem levels, but I didn't realize just how big the gap was until I began playing again today. I played through the revenge of the cartels event, and I basically had to use the sandhawk (although I'm still unsure if it's an M6 or M8 sandhawk haha) through the whole event. So I am curious as to what other weapons are viable at this point. Does anyone have a list of weapons that they still find to be viable at the higher mayhem levels? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/integralofEdotdr
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    What Got You Into The Borderlands Series?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    Where were you when you first heard about or were introduced to the series? Did you start out with the first one and the very unusual E3 trailer or recently drop in when the 3rd game was announced?

    submitted by /u/myfame808
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    Mayhem ruined the game (for now)

    Posted: 11 May 2020 09:53 PM PDT

    So sick of getting weapons that are supposed to be op and having them do litterally nothing. Just got a mayhem 10 fire lob and it cant even kill one of the billys in ambermire on my moze/flak or zane build. I wish they had done more work on balancing before they intoduced this new mode because im sick of running the same 4 guns on all my characters. Plwase dont wait until the next dlc and fix this soon

    submitted by /u/tmylnglefs
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    (Borderlands 3)I hope my pet feels remorse when he let's me die b/c he is "busy"......

    Posted: 11 May 2020 06:00 PM PDT

    Stoopid pet.... I've actually let him die right after out of spite, lol

    submitted by /u/Joedowneypro
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    Any worthwhile non-legendary items once you reach Mayhem levels?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 08:49 PM PDT

    Just beat the game and got my Zane to level 57, so now I'm started on OP levels as I go through the DLC campaigns. Now that I don't have to worry about out-leveling my build (at least until the next DLC), I'm starting to optimize my weapons. Are there any weapons, shields, relics, grenades, or class mods that aren't completely outclassed by a similar legendary in the same category that I should look out for as I'm looting?

    I know there was a good deal of Unique/Red Text weapons in BL2 that were very good and sometimes necessary for certain builds (Magic Missile, Grog Nozzle, Rubi, Fibber, Pimpernel, Lady Fist, Sand Hawk, etc.) but I don't remember seeing too many unique quest rewards during my playthrough of BL3 that looked to be worth farming again when I was max level. I also don't think I've seen too many build Mayhem build guides recommending non-legendary gear.

    Are there some purple rarities that will outclass legendaries if they have good enough annointments? Only thing I've seen so far is the Atlas Q-system, but even that looks obsolete now when you have the OPQ-System.

    submitted by /u/Foresight42
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    Eridium Husks

    Posted: 11 May 2020 06:57 PM PDT

    Does anyone know if these actually provide you with eridium when you break them? I'm doing a new play through at the moment and by the time I got to sanctuary I had just over 400 eridium. Surely that can't have come from a few husks? I did farm some mini bosses too but that only netted me maybe 200.

    submitted by /u/JayEdwards88
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    Next to nothing is dropping on mayhem 7

    Posted: 11 May 2020 02:55 PM PDT

    I'm on Xbox One and I've noticed ever since mayhem 2.0 was released that loot drops are either scarce or don't happen. I farmed Kilavolt around 50 times to get maybe 3? Monarchs, none of which were elemental, now that could just be bad RNG but I guarantee if I was farming for let's say, a Maggie in the circle of slaughter, and did round 5, 10 times, that I'd probably get one 4/10 times with the other 6 being lyuuda's

    submitted by /u/derrrqwe
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    For people suffering from frame drops on Ryzen CPUs

    Posted: 11 May 2020 02:50 AM PDT

    I had a problem where the game would stutter every few seconds for a short amount of time while just moving around. In Rivatuner I could see that my GPU usage would go from 99% to about 70% for a brief second while that happens and then to 99% again.I looked for several days what could be the cause of this and in the end I'd either blame my HDD (which is only 4 years old but still could be broken or just slowed down) or Unreal Engine 4 (people say it's due to texture streaming and that several game suffer from the same). I gotta admit that most of my newer games (Battlefield 5, Red Dead Redemption 2, Call of Duty Modern Warfare...) are all installed on SSDs and there I didn't have any issue. Though Star Wars Battlefront 2 and World War Z are also on the same HDD and don't have that either. So it couldn't be just the HDD.

    Yesterday I finally found the fix: If you have AMD Cool 'n Quiet enabled in your BIOS, disable it.Cool 'n Quiet should automatically let the CPU clock down when there isn't any power needed thus making your CPU use less power and making its fan quieter. But it can also cost a bit of performance and that was heavily noticeable for me in BL3.Now it runs a lot better. I still do have occasional drops but they occur less frequent and are not as bad (only dropping from 99% to 95%) and I think that may be what people are complaining about in Unreal Engine 4. Temperatures haven't changed too much, I personally haven't noticed any real change yet (using a Cooler Master Hyper 212 RGB cooler)

    My PC:

    Windows 10 Pro 64bitAMD Ryzen 5 3600 @ StockGigabyte RTX 2070 Super Windforce OC 3X 8GB32GB G.Skill Trident Z 3200 Mhz DDR4 RAMMSI B450 Tomahawk MAX motherboard

    So give it a try if you are having the same issue

    Edit: Another thing you should try (if you haven't already) is if you're running the game in fullscreen. I used to run the game in borderless windowed because I once had the issue that it felt kinda sluggish and setting it to that made it smooth again but I got stutters (I wasn't sure if I had them before as well). Fullscreen fully reduced my stutters so that now only some occur during fights which is kinda normal I guess

    submitted by /u/DerGefallene
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    Favourite borderlands character based on personality?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 06:13 PM PDT

    Was wondering what peoples favourite characters from the series were. Mine was zane, from 3, i found the irishness in him great, with me being irish myself. But, whats ur opinions. Im just curiouss and the humour was always my favourite part of borderlands

    submitted by /u/patryk_star69
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    Anyone find Tyreens boss fight to be annoying?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 09:47 PM PDT

    To me the boss isnt the hard part, its dealing with the damn Varkids in the arena. Not to mention varkids can also transform into badasses.

    submitted by /u/TygoFTW
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    Questions from a Newer Player

    Posted: 11 May 2020 05:58 PM PDT

    So, I only picked up Borderlands 3 fairly recently and am not familiar with some things, and have been having difficulty finding clear answers.

    1. I know that Mayhem 10 doesn't help with Grenade Mods at all. Did a lower Mayhem level scale grenades up at one point, and, if so, does that lower level still do so?
    2. For Guardian Rank, what is the max rank at this moment? I know it was 850 at one point, but is it still 850?
    3. I know some Anointments didn't exist before the introduction of Mayhem 2.0. Are those Anointments only available on Mayhem 5 and higher, or are they available on all Mayhem levels?
    4. Does True Vault Hunter Mode actually do anything for difficulty if you always use Mayhem, or is it just there to be repeatable?
    submitted by /u/Asterfal
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    Who else notices the bugs in the story?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 05:56 PM PDT

    For as long as I can remember now there have always been glitches and bugs in the story mode. The most prevalent being captions stuck and replaying over and over. Today I was doing my third run of the game (in my pursuit to max out all hunters) and the lines Tyreen says just before you get to Promethea kept showing up. Or later in the game, when Typhon and the player discuss The Machine, he always ends up swinging and glitching into the environment. Sure it's nothing game breaking but why don't the devs fix these things?

    submitted by /u/jcapek2003
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