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    Tuesday, May 5, 2020

    Borderlands Cate Blanchett in Talks to Play Lilith in ‘Borderlands’ Film Adaptation

    Borderlands Cate Blanchett in Talks to Play Lilith in ‘Borderlands’ Film Adaptation

    Cate Blanchett in Talks to Play Lilith in ‘Borderlands’ Film Adaptation

    Posted: 05 May 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    Fun Fact (In Case It's Uncommon Knowledge)

    Posted: 05 May 2020 05:18 AM PDT

    While there are some great tips and tricks/things you didn't know about videos online concerning BL2 in particular, something I haven't seen (and am unsure how common or not this may be so I apologize if I'm Captain Obvious here) mentioned in any of these guides is that inside Ale Wee Cavern (inside the Holy Spirits Bar in The Highlands- Discovered during the Clan Wars questline) the money chest you loot for the optional objective will respawn with their contents upon save-reloads just like any other chest in the game. The contents don't change at all but will always respawn and can be farmed like usual.

    You'd think that because they are contextual to that specific quest and objective that a flag would set in the games code upon the mission completion but as it turns out that's not the case. Great source of money farming especially on higher levels and modes.

    Again, I apologize if this is a Captain Obvious moment especially for the veterans who are Pandoran moons beyond me in experience with Borderlands but that blew my mind and should definitely be a vital tip for newcomers or the uninitiated.

    submitted by /u/Vice-Froth
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    I want to get excited about this game again

    Posted: 05 May 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    I played Borderlands and loved the game, although not like a crazed madman. When 2 came out I was then that madman. I played BL2 like crazy, loved it!! Played all DLC, got my character pretty high up, had some killer weapons and really enjoyed. Also, had some friends I played with regularly. Well, time passed. Those friends moved away and didn't play video games anymore.

    What I'm looking for is some knowledgeable people about this game who like to help me play and love this game / franchise again. I believe this game is way more fun played with people as opposed to solo. I just want to love this game again, and I'm not sure how to make this happen. If anyone wants to take me into their loop and play this game with me I'd love to hear from you. Looking to finish campaign then farm for awesome weapons.

    Let me know if you guys are out there and want to guide someone BACK INTO this franchise!!

    Thank you in advance

    submitted by /u/MrJimmyHoffa
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    What happens to slag? (Discussion)

    Posted: 05 May 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    I was playing with Moze today and just noticed that the Target Softening augments leave behind a purple puddle and cause enemies hit by it to take increased damage from all sources. Are they supposed to be slag missiles then? And if so why don't the manufacturers use slag anymore?

    submitted by /u/Judgement_Nut
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    Anointed in Mayhem 2.0 are insane.

    Posted: 05 May 2020 05:54 PM PDT

    Been pushing my way through the new Mayhem levels to find a spot where I have a challenge without being overwhelmed. Encountered my first Anointed on Mayhem 8, Aggressive Tink. Holy Crap! I ran out of ammo. Level 57 Amara with Hawt Rapchury Seerul Killer 3x3690, Binary Cutsman 4230x2 with corrosive, Hellshock 2x 4900, and Brainstormer. When my action skill ends I'm doing bonus Cryo and radiation, and I'm still barely scratching him. Took me forever to take him down and I emptied every gun before he died.

    Reminds me of why I hated the Anointed to begin with.

    submitted by /u/Hainted
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    Did The Crackening on Elpis happened before or after Borderlands 1?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    Did The Crackening on Elpis happened before or after Borderlands 1? I'm just curious about it.

    submitted by /u/MartysMans
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    What do you like about The Pre Sequel?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    I know the game was... disappointing, to say the least. But for all it's glaring flaws, there were a few good things in it.

    I've been replaying it recently, and that's only because of how much I love playing Athena. I also really liked playing Wilhelm and Craptimus Prime (Claptrap), but Athena has some of my favourite features in the series. From her Aspis, to her melee builds, and even her overall look, her gameplay is what got me through the game to begin with.

    Another thing that stood out was the whole sequence with Felicity, and now I can never look at those damn Constructors the same way again... knowing that their base AI once had hopes and dreams of her own.

    Is there anything that you guys enjoyed about the game? Something that stood out among the rest of it? I can't be the only one that found some redeeming factors.

    submitted by /u/initiativepuncher95
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    Do you keep all your vehicle unlocks when you go from NVHM to TVHM?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 08:00 PM PDT

    I've been searching and all I keep finding are posts and articles about how TVHM affects the difficulty and that you get to keep your gear. I just wanna know if I get to keep all those sweet vehicle parts ive bothered to collect.

    submitted by /u/Phoenix200420
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    You have been tasked to write the next main borderlands game plot. What are your ideas?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 05:09 AM PDT

    1 rule. No retconning blands 3 story. Cause that is a fever dream that most likely wont happen

    submitted by /u/ASweetSaltySanchez
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    Awful loot drops

    Posted: 05 May 2020 06:47 PM PDT

    I'll start off by saying that I'm really enjoying Borderlands 3, it's probably my second favourite next to Borderlands 2, but one of the things that really bugs me is that the loot drops in this game are fucking awful.

    I'm level 34 and currently looking for the second piece of the Eden 6 vault key, I've tried to unlock everything possible on each planet before moving on and at the moment there is not a single weapon in my current setup that wasn't bought from a vending machine.

    I've had a few good drops, but for the most part it's been awful, I've had maybe 3 or 4 useful weapons from the Typhon chests and a few decent legendries, but most things that drop are usually weak compared to what I can buy.

    Also, why the hell are 70% of the weapons that drop pistols? I would like at least a little variety.

    Do the drops get better? Because at the moment I'm mainly looting to sell stuff and buy Storage upgrades.

    submitted by /u/JayEdwards88
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    noon question

    Posted: 05 May 2020 06:30 PM PDT


    where is the weapon level shown? what menu, and where on said menu? playing GOTY ps4

    submitted by /u/goji89
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    Switch version of the game

    Posted: 05 May 2020 06:24 PM PDT

    So I see that there will be a switch version of this game soon. I am really into the whole loot grinding thing and wanted to know how does this game compare to some ARPGs like D3 and TL2. While I know it's a shooter game I heard it has loot like those games.

    submitted by /u/Mansome_reddit
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    Old God shield

    Posted: 05 May 2020 06:16 PM PDT

    I know this is probably a question asked a lot but does anyone know of a good way to farm the Old God shield? I've farmed the final boss on Negul Neshai over 20 times and only got it once.

    submitted by /u/AlexxThaGr8
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    Locked in here with me bug?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 05:59 PM PDT

    Okay, this may seem random, but I've legit killed probably 8 or 9 Underbosses while wandering through The Draughts and the achievement "Locked in Here with Me" has never completed. Am I supposed to do this in a specific location? Do I have to kill each of the bosses and that's when it counts? Or is it just a bug that I'm experiencing?

    submitted by /u/cam_beirne
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    Borderlands 2 methods for xp

    Posted: 05 May 2020 05:12 PM PDT

    Hey reddit, wondering if someone could recommend a modern method for good leveling to get characters maxed up, currently Im having trouble leveling up the characters I have, want a working way to get xp, the following levels of my characters are -Zero54 -Salv49 -krieg31 -maya39 -axton30 -gaige34 Any methods, whether they are glitching, farming or basically anything, I'm open to it all

    I love this game but leveling up the characters takes a little while, (especially in ultimate mode) and any tips are appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ThrowAway_nodignity
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    [Borderlands Pre Sequel] 'Cosmic Completionist' trophy glitched? Need help cant locate missing areas?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 05:10 PM PDT

    I've been threw the full game twice now with the same character once co-op then the second playthrough on TVHM by myself.

    I did all co-op missions with my co-op partner on my first playthrough but have still yet to do all side missions on my second playthrough on my own but apparently the only missable named location is in the story called 'Hyperion Contigency Armory' after you kill Zarpadon and I 100% got that on my second playthrough on my own.

    I have also been threw multiple guides with the same character that I have found online and have been to every single area off every map and yet I'm still missing something which leads me to believe it has either glitched or maybe all the guides I have gone threw are missing a certain location if anyone could help me out or link me too a guide with 100% all named locations I would appreciate it so so much!

    EDIT: Forgot to mention i have all 3 other trophy's for the named locations just not cosmic completionist if that helps narrow it down

    submitted by /u/PS_Lushaa
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    Got the DLC chars for free in the PreSequel

    Posted: 05 May 2020 12:38 PM PDT

    So, I'm not complaining, I'm even happy about it, obviously, but I'm wondering where they came from? Neither did I or some relative buy it, I just had the option to play Aurelia and Jack's Double last time I started the game 🤔

    submitted by /u/bacchus-_
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    What's the best? Borderlands 2.5 or reborn?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    I want to paly bl2 again but i heard that the gunplay has aged really bad, so i am gonna use an overhaul mod, which of the 2 do u guys recommend? And does any of the two imrpove the gunplay?

    submitted by /u/mutran
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    How to make a good borderlands movie

    Posted: 05 May 2020 03:28 PM PDT

    The most important part to get right is a good main character. The best possible main character for a borderlands movie is called: GUNS, if they make this movie i want to see an action sequence where a character throws a tediore in the face of a bandit and everything explodes (mr torgue would be proud)

    If that is part of the movie i dont even care about story anymore

    submitted by /u/Nijsw122
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    New to the series, how do I know if guns are good/better than others?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    Just kinda confused on this, I've seen videos and people say it's a good roll or whatever, but what makes a weapon good. I'm playing through BL1 with my brother and BL2 with my friends ATM so I'm worried mainly about those games, but I own TPS and 3 also and will be starting those eventually.

    submitted by /u/woohoo1900
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    Anybody Have this on Stadia?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    Thinking of picking it up and was curious if people had encountered any problems playing on Stadia? I have a pretty good connection - can play PUBG without any hiccups really. Does that mean that Borderlands will be ok?

    submitted by /u/nghiMcGee27
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    I did Revenge of the Cartels 10 Times.

    Posted: 05 May 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    The results were:

    1 Purpatrators run

    9 CryptoSec runs

    0 Burnt Ends runs

    How am I supposed to do this meat sack challenge if I never get to fight the enemies?

    submitted by /u/Faceroll-Tactics
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    Anointed perks question.

    Posted: 05 May 2020 01:33 PM PDT

    1. Hi, I have a question about Anointed perks.

    Do I have to have the weapon with the perk drawn out for the perk to be active or is it enough to have it equipped?

    submitted by /u/Siklo8
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