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    Saturday, June 20, 2020

    Borderlands So I’m Playing BL1 since the Legendary Collection came out on Switch...

    Borderlands So I’m Playing BL1 since the Legendary Collection came out on Switch...

    So I’m Playing BL1 since the Legendary Collection came out on Switch...

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    I haven't touched an FPS game since Goldeneye on the N64, and even then, I was eight, I hated shooting games and didn't like having people run at me and shoot me. BUT, I heard Borderlands was funny and fun, and since I had enjoyed Mass Effect 1 and 2 (which to be fair were third-person, not first-person), I decided, what the hell, I'll get this collection as a little birthday gift to myself.

    I love it. I'm so glad I bought it. The shooting isn't as frustrating as I thought it would be, the characters and designs are great, the world is neat if a little dingy, and even though I have several new games I need to play (I recently got myself a used PS4 to play an import game and some PS4 games I had always wanted to try), I keep going back to playing more Borderlands. It's become my go-to de-stress game. I now have a Claptrap figure sitting on my dresser. I'm getting a vault hunter shirt.

    So...guess I'm part of the Borderlands fandom now. No turning back!

    submitted by /u/BlueAndDog
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    Why Tenacious Defence is flawed - Breaking down Mozes Shield of Retribution tree

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 01:38 AM PDT

    Hey everyone! Its Nootmad again and this time i'm going to be breaking down Moze's Shield of Retribution tree. Much like my discussion about Moze's Class Mods, i will be breaking down the skill tree and explaining how they work to help new and old players! I also made a video about it too so if you dont like reading, here you go! (https://youtu.be/P4yVvftgEFY)
    Here we go :D

    Selfless Vengeance
    For 5 points, Selfless Vengeance is a great Tier 1 skil as it gives you 15% incendiary damage boost to yourself and your team at the cost of 5% of your total health. This skill synergises really well with a tediore build for example, as your constant reloads will have the incend bonus. Its also a very early access for elemental bonuses and great while levelling as well (all you have to do is reload so its very accessible). The only times its a good idea to not invest in this skill is when you're running an infinite ammo build (as it kinda goes against the point of the build)

    Security Bear
    Single point skill that helps a lot with survivability for an Iron Bear build and the capacity is based of Iron Bear Armour. His armour also scales from Mozes maxmimum health, so maxing out your health through gear like Mendels Multivitamin Shield, and HP rolls on class mods and artifacts, can ultimately boost your Iron Bear shield capacity. For a single point, its very much worth picking up, unless of course you plan on never touching Iron Bear at all.

    Armoured Infantry
    Very straightforward skill. Gives Moze Damage Reduction and Gun Damage. While levelling, this is also a fantastic skill and is early access to gun damage for Moze in her trees. Investing in either Armoured Infantry or Selfless Vengeance is a personal choice and you should pick whichever suits your current build.

    Drowning In Brass
    One of Mozes best skills by far, gives you 60% gun damage after 3 kills at 5/5. The fire rate debuff is negligible. Highly recommended in both early and late game, as its very easy to maintain in every mobbing situation. However, this buff might not always be active during a boss fight.

    Thin Red Line
    Reserves Mozes health for shield capacity increase. It is the primarily enabler for low hp builds, and allows Moze to reach very high shield capacity. Not recommended for early game as sustain alternatives are limited in the red tree. Bloodletter is the only way to sustain IF you decide to max out Thin Red Line so keep that in mind.

    Vladof ingenuity
    Fairly nice skill to have in the early game. Provides shock resistance, shield recharge rate and max shield. While levelling, having access to this skill is very useful as it provides you with a lot of survivability.

    In the late game however, when you are boosting your shields to a very high degree, the shield capacity increase has diminishing returns past a certain point, so you wont always be getting the advertised 30% shield increase. However the shock resistance is nice to have in late game when you arent using a transformer shield

    Full can of whoop ass
    All it does is kickstarts your shield regeneration when in IB at an increased rate. What you see is what you get. Its a good survivability skill to have when youre in a pinch. But if you dont plan to use IB at all, its more or less a worthless skill. Decent pick up when levelling, as sometimes, situations get out of hand and you need some breathing room.

    Experimental Munitions
    Does incendiary damage on crits. Easily one of Mozes best single point skills thats not a capstone. Gives her an easy access to elemental damage that isnt based on ASEs. And scales with every damage multiplier except splash. Perfect when levelling, perfect when speccing into SoR for late game. All round an excellent skill

    Behind Iron Curtain
    Reduces shield recharge delay and increase shield recharge. A decent skill to have while levelling, but entirely redundant in late game unless you are using a build that relies on passive health regeneration. I mean tht in the sense that if you are using a low hp build with a bloodletter in a late game build, chances are that you have vampyr, redistribution and rushin offensive. Those healing skills combined feed straight into the shields and makes this skill redundant. If the choice were up to me, i would avoid this skill entirely

    Desperate measures
    Gives you gun damage based on how low your health is. The % of your health missing calculates the % of DM. At 3/3 thin red line, you will have 60% of your health reserved, combined with 3/3 Desperate measures, you get a 30% gun damage boost, and so on. This skill is crtical in any low hp build, and is typically one of the skills boosted with a bloodletter class mod. At 6/3, gives you 100% gun damage at 1hp. So if you were running a deathless build for example. You would want a bloodletter class mod that boosts desperate measures by 3, just to squeeze the most potential out of such a build.

    Even if you are going for a full hp shield of retribution build, i would much rather max out desperate measures to go down the tree, instead of picking up iron curtain.

    Phalanx Doctrine
    Pound for pound one of mozes best skills. Gun damage and shield capacity increases for each kill, and has no limit. The amount of damage you can ramp up to given enough kills is insane, and the shield capacity can give you some nice padding for survivability. Bear in mind however, much like valdof ingenuity, the shield capacity increases has diminishing returns once it hits a certain threshold, but the difference is negligible anyway so i wouldnt worry. I just wanted to let you know regardless, so you guys can have as much information about each skill as possible.

    If you are this far in the tree and have points to spare, i would max this out at almost every opportunity.

    Force Feedback
    Used to be completely worthless for all intents and purposes. Now it has some functionality. Restores 10% of your shield after each critical kill. At this stage, while levelling, its a nice skill to have. And at late game, its personal preference as to whether you put 5 in phalanx, or 4 in pahalanx and 1 in force feedback. A decent skill overall

    Tenacious Defence
    Our shield of retribution capstone skill. On shield break, restores 40% of shield and provides 30% gun damage for 30 seconds. This damage buff persists even if you go down. Its a decent capstone skill but somewhat anti synergistic with the goal of the tree should you go down the low hp route. As there is no shield gate, you take damage through your shield first, and then tenacious defence procs. However, by then, you will have gone down. However, if you arent using a low hp build, its a very nice capstone skill to have. And provides some good utility to boot.

    So yeah, thats my breakdown of the Shield of Retribution tree. If you made it this far, thanks for reading and i hope you found it helpful. I'm curious to learn what opinions you guys have about it and what you would change about the tree?
    Nootmad out o7

    p.s. i do a lot of Moze information breakdowns just like this over on my youtube channel. If videos are more your thing, feel free to check it out! (https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCq7Q7Ss3etUU0kksVBfpktA)

    submitted by /u/nivman1410
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    Borderlands economy

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 07:56 PM PDT

    How is it that everyone on the Bl world walks around looking super poor when there is cash in every single box, chest, or random tool box left lying around.

    Unless Vault hunters are the only ones who know the mystic art of opening things..

    submitted by /u/enigmacrk
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    So i just started replaying bl1.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 06:11 PM PDT


    That's all. Have a nice day.

    submitted by /u/TheBinhexer
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    Explosive Punctuation is worse than Grizzled and here's why - Breaking down Moze's Demolition Woman tree

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 10:44 PM PDT

    Hey guys, its your friendly nieghbourhood Moze main, Nootmad, coming back at you with another skill tree breakdown, this time covering demolition woman for Moze! As always, my video is here ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqoikntEaYU ) that covers what i'll be talking about here, so if reading isnt your thing, go check it out! Anyway, lets jump straight into it!

    Fire In the Skag Den
    Early game, the skill works very nicely as it gives you a nice incend boost provided you are doing splash. However, once enemies begin to get more health in late game, the skill falls off and im going to tell you why. I briefly mentioned this in my very 1st episode in the series, but ill write some info here as well for you guys! So, this skill scales of a varity of damage multipliers: Gun damage, weapon type damage boosts, stoke the embers, and elemental bonuses all buff the damage. After seeing this, you may have noticed that the incendiary damage doesnt scale from 2 very huge factors of damage in endgame builds. Splash damage. And critical hit damage. Just like that, the skill scales very poorly despite however large your damage numbers in, and this is typically why investing 5 points into the skill is far from worth it. However. This skill does have some utility. It does provide an incendiary damage proc that will do damage over time. And we all know that damage over time can proc and maintain our consecutive hits annoint, as well as our pearl of innefable knowledge dmage bonus. This is why i would suggest putting just 1 point into it. Just for the sake of its utility. I would not max this skill out in late game builds with the hope that you will do more damage.

    A fairly straightforward skill. For an Iron Bear build that focuses on maximum uptime, deadlines is a fantastic pickup. Even for early game IB builds, the extra duration can provide with a significant dps uptime for bossing and mobbing alike. Obviously, avoid this skill if you dont plan on using iron bear at all.

    Grizzled v Explosive Punctuation
    So ive decided to bundle these together and compare them to make it easier to understand. One is better than the there and im going to go over why. For the sake of simplicity, i'm going to go over some numbers to contextualise why one is better than the other. For these examples, we will assume no CDR bonuses on gear, no topped off and no guardian ranks.
    An early exit on iron bear has a 35 second Cooldown before you get it back. After 3 kills with 5/5 grizzled, you will have 22 seconds left on cooldown. After 5 kills, 15 seconds left. Etc...
    After a full usage of iron bear and full cooldown, it takes 100 seconds.
    3 kills with grizzled will leave us with 87 seconds and 5 will leave us with 80 obviously. With 5 EP and no Grizzled, we will get 71.4 seconds left. However, after 8 kills, grizzled equals this, and all kill past that extend grizzleds lead. This is even before we consider CDR rolls on gear, guardian ranks, and topped off. Ultimately, considering you have 100 seconds between full cooldowns, the likelihood of you getting more than 9 kills is incredibly high. There are edge cases for EP however, and they mostly revolve around builds where a) you arent able to do enough damage to get kills or b) in boss battles where minions arent spawned frequently, or in enough quantity. Bottom line, Grizzled outperforms Explosive Punctuation in almost every situation.

    Means of Destruction
    A cornerstone skill in any splash based build. The more instances of splash damage you create, the better this skill will perform. Best combined with grenades like the cloning madenning tracker, that creates 27 grenades that can each individually proc means of destruction. This combination is seen in basically every moze build. Early game, the skill might not be as useful as you might not have gear that can create a lot of splash, so its not always recommended. But for endgame splash based builds, theres no reason to not pick it up

    Torgue Cross Promotion
    Much like means of destruction, torgue cross promotion is a no brainer pick, especially after its recent buff to allowing it do splash damage on top of increasing splash radius. All splash based builds should always max out this skill when you have the points for it. Great while levelling especially if you have splash weapons, and perfect for endgame builds. A fantastic skill overall

    Stainless Steel Bear
    Stainless Steel Bear. A fantastic skill to have when using an early game iron bear build, and also a critical factor in late game iron bear builds too. Makes sure you have a lot of armour, fuel and damage out of a 5 point skill, which is fantastic. This skill also provides a damage boost to short fuse, not by a significant amount, but its enough to consider if you want to maximise the potential for a splash based build. Bear in mind however, Scorching RPMs (a fire rate and crit damage skill for Moze and IB in bottomless mags) also buffs short fuse, BUT, specialist bear (an IB damage skill) does NOT buff short fuse. Once again, SSB is a great skill overall.

    Pull the holy pin
    The great enabler. Pull the holy pin is fantastic for damage, but currently not so hot because grenades dont scale with mayhem levels. However, this will change next week. Pull the holy pin also can proc redistribution, which gives you ammo regeneration and health regeneration on crit. So techniaclly, combined with vampyr and this skill, you can get a lot of bang for your buck when it comes to healing from grenades. This skill also affects mindsweeper nades, and this allows those micro nades to proc ther own spawns, utimately creating an exponenetially increasing damage chain. Good for damage while levelling, and fantastic utility for endgame builds.

    Auto Bear
    This is the best access for aggro draw that moze can get. It also enables constant 'slag' to be applied to enemies in the area through the use of target softening, spreading radiation procs through hammerdown, stripping shields and armour through the combined use of capacitive armatures and corrosive sabots hardpoint. Good utility skill, great while levelling, and for a single point, its worth picking up even in late game builds.

    Used to be mozes only way of healing prior to recent skill buffs. But is now one of three. Much like means of destructions, works best with grenades that have a lot of cloning and mirv parts. Each grenade hit on each enemy gives you health. So this is why grenades like CMTs work best. Vampyr is also the primary fuel for bloodletter amp builds, as it gives you a fair chunk of shield restoration with each hit. Its a univerally useful skill, and most times. 2 or 3 points is more than enough. This skill also works with auto bear, giving it the ability to heal itself as well

    Why cant i hold these grenades
    To be brutally honest, this skill is completely useless, especially considering how far into the tree it is placed. Grenade regeneration makes this skill more or less redundant. I wouldnt even recommend picking up this skill while levelling.

    To the last
    Solid utility skill, and now combined with the too angry to die perk, a hex grenade + this skill can give you a ludicrious amount of ffyl time, allowing you plenty of time to second wind. Its a great skill to have while levelling as it lets you dish out a bit more damage in ffyl, guaranteeing you a second wind in most situations. A solid single point skill overall

    Short fuse
    We arrive at short fuse, mozes capstone for demolition woman tree. And the great powerhouse for every splash based build. So, the multipliers that affect short fuse are the following: Gun damage, class mod and relic splash + AoE rolls, blastmaster bonus, splash annointments, victory rush bonus, RPMs, Stainless Steel Bear, on grenade throw annoint, and yeah.. you get the idea And as you can see, unlike skag den, it scales with splash, which is how we are able to reach those really high damage numbers. It also double dips. And by that, i mean it scales of its own damage ANOTHER TIME, as well as splash a second time, alongside v1 and v2 damage multipliers, which is something ill go over in a future video on my channel so stay tuned!. Basically all you need to know from this, is that short fuse scales with more or less every form of damage multipliers, and results in big damage. Easily mozes best capstone, and in my opinion, one of the best capstones out of all the vault hunters.

    So. That rounds it out for the Demolition Woman tree for our favourite Gunner. If you made it this far, thanks for reading and i hope you found it helpful. I'm curious to learn what opinions you guys have about it and what you would change about the tree?

    Nootmad out o7

    p.s. i do a lot of Moze information breakdowns just like this over on my youtube channel. If videos are more your thing, feel free to check it out! (https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCq7Q7Ss3etUU0kksVBfpktA)

    submitted by /u/nivman1410
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    I have some quick questions about TVHM in BL2 as a solo player

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 08:20 PM PDT

    I bought the Handsome Jack Collection for my switch (having never really played it before, and my only FPS-RPG experience coming from Destiny) and I played through the entire campaign and many side quests, and it's easily become one of my favorite games. But I just have some questions about TVHM mode as a primarily solo player:

    1. Do the side-quests reset or is it just the campaign that I replay again? Or can I replay completed side-quests?
    2. I haven't started any of the DLC yet (besides accidentally traveling to the Badass Crater at Lvl 19), should I play through it in TVHM or the normal difficulty?
    3. I've heard that TVHM is meant to be very challenging, but is it doable/feasible to complete solo? I have no problem dying or trying to over-level (and be slower/methodical) as I did my first play-through, but do you think I'd be overwhelmed trying to accomplish this alone?
    4. What does switching back and forth between the two difficulties look like if all of my loot, exp., etc. carries over into TVHM? Is it just like two save files?
    5. Should I do everything in normal difficulty (all side-quests and DLC) before switching to TVHM?

    I'm sorry if these are all basic and easy questions, this game is my first foray into BL and I very much want to continue.

    submitted by /u/austindoeshalo
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    Picked up Excalibastard at lvl 9

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 04:17 PM PDT

    Hello. I am pretty new to the Borderlands franchise but am having a great time. I just finished the first play through of BL2 and am now playing The Pre-Sequel. Something strange happened at around lvl. 6 where I got 100 badass tokens. I looked briefly online but didn't see anything that stuck out if I wasn't using a cheat or exploit. I remember when I started the game it gave me some sort of perk since it detected a previous save from another game and figured that might be it (maybe it is?).

    I just came across Excalibastard and thought it was strange to see it out in the open and doubly strange for an orange level item at this stage (I have only seen one in BL2). I picked it up and then tabbed out to read up on it and saw it was only once per character. Apparently the mechanism in place to prevent a low level character from stumbling into it like I did is a 5000 badass points requirement. The best thing I figured I could do is ALT+F4 which I did and now I can see the weapon back where it was and the quest I had in that area is still completed. Can anyone fathom a guess as to how I came upon that many points (they don't carry over from BL2 do they?) or how I managed to get that weapon? I am glad I managed to "put it back" but was wondering.

    submitted by /u/josefgabriel
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    So uh, I figured out FL4K.....

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 07:42 AM PDT

    Me and my brother have been doing Co-Op on PC. Hes Amara and I'm FL4K. Lately we've been going through the mayhem levels and slowly progressing higher and higher.

    We were at M6 throughout the Cartel event and didnt get a chance for the really good M10 weapons from there. But whatever we continued on the TVHM playthrough after the event ended.

    We got to Graveward and, surprisingly he was an easy bastard to kill. So we slowly bumped up the mayhem till we were farming him on 10. And farm we did. It was easy and fast so we geared up on M10 weapons pretty quick.

    Afterwards my bro thought he wasnt contributing enough, that I was carrying him (I'm Fade Away) so he started looking at different builds. He eventually landed on some bullet ricochet build and started farming on his own. When playing solo he couldnt do Graveward by himself so he slowly farmed the gear on M7.

    We played again and he started doing some real damage. It was a niche build but he was definitely carrying me afterwards.

    So I looked up some builds for FL4K to try and improve as well. I landed on this build https://youtu.be/0_UCUhN6myU since it seemed the simplest.

    And oh my lord once I got an M10 Monarch I won. Like everything, I won everything. I'm killing Graveward before he even attacks, I can take down the calypsos without a scratch, like it's insane.

    Still pretty squishy though but god dam I'm not afraid of much anymore. Through some farming I find I'm susceptible to big mobs of bastards but if I can kill fast enough it's not too bad. So farming is gonna be fun today.

    TL;DR= I looked up a FL4K build on YouTube and now I'm robot jesus and fear no living thing.

    submitted by /u/The_Fallen_Star
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    The best BL game?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 10:04 PM PDT

    What's the best Borderlands game? In my opinion it's 3.

    submitted by /u/Quert56
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    In your opinion what are some must get Maya weapons?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 12:13 PM PDT

    The current state of BL3 made me and my friends go back to BL2 to fully level up our characters then do the Digistruct peak raid in UVHM. I did the Max DPS Maya build and so far am using the Bee, Bonen of the ancients and the Legendary Cat class mod. I am using the DP Harold and the Bitch SMG. What weapons should I get that would go well with my character?

    submitted by /u/6519719Mm
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    Is it still possible to earn the legendary weapons that came up during events?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 09:40 PM PDT

    This might be a dumb question, but searching online and through this subreddit I wasn't able to net any results. I lost my progression after my PS4 decided to die on me a few months back and I forgot to back up the saves, which had the guns from the broken hearts event and the Halloween one before that. Now that I'm starting fresh I feel like I lost those forever. Is it even possible to obtain those through legit gameplay or are they just unobtainable after the event? Any answers are appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Sqxiish_
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    Transfer BL2 save from Epic to Steam?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    Edit: I got it working by disabling cloud sync on Epic Games in case anyone else wants to know how to do it

    I have a save on epic that I want to transfer to steam, moving the save contents from the epic folder to the steam folder didn't transfer my main save which is level 43, only my lower level 2 and 6 characters. (yes it's the folder(s) in documents/my games/borderlands 2/willowgame if anyone was gonna ask)

    submitted by /u/CoreTubezWishez
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    Nintendo Switch goty golden chests

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    Anyone knows how one might be able to get the keys for the golden chests if we bought the game as a software without the codes to redeem them?.

    submitted by /u/Badmotherfuyer95
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    Got the Handsome Collection on Epic Games, can't access overpower levels, help!

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 01:32 PM PDT

    I got the Handsome Collection on Epic Games and after beating Digistruct peak at lvl 72 I was told I'd need to beat digistruct peak at lvl 80 in order to unlock the overpower levels. I do not have the Commander Lillith and fight for Sanctuary DLC, so what am I supposed to do to unlock the overpower levels? I really want to progress further but I seemingly can't because I cant lvl up any further and I don't even have the damn dlc that it wants me to have. Someone please help I'm in love with the game and now I'm stuck because of whatever dumb bug is causing this. :/

    submitted by /u/helfireschultz
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    I simply don't get.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 10:57 AM PDT

    Why the devs can't fix their game, why on earth, they thought that bullet sponge means more fun to us ? "You need to optimize your build." I did that, like 4 or 6 times, on three vh, but after all the nerfs, these stupid modifiers and the discrepancy between 3 or 4 viable leg, against a shit ton of trash that can't even kill a mob on higher mh lvls, seems like a fucking job to keep your damage up to scale. Why they can't implement something like diablo rifts system, i know, the game isn't perfect, but there's a feeling of progression in there. I used to play the division 2, stopped because of the nerfs, but there, i can see the complexity of balancing a game with big pvp stances, but c'mon, borderlands is a pve game. Looks like the devs don't get what the fuck is going on with the community and looks like not only gearbox, but all the devs from these kind of live service games, don't know how to fuck balance their shit. Why nerf all the good stuff, just buff everything else, that is not viable, please let's us have some fun.

    submitted by /u/SickOveRateD
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    Shower thought: We should get a small film about Rolands time spent in the Crimson Lance, why he left, and the beginning of the Crimson Raiders

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    Just a thought but I think it would be interesting and cool to Rolands perspective of being in the Lance, him leaving, and him gathering the abandon Crimson Lance soldiers on Pandora.

    submitted by /u/shawnnlong
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    Guardian takedown

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 07:57 AM PDT

    Hey! So I'm short a full squad to do the guardian takedown on bl3. I'm looking to find a few people to help out, or even other people to play with. I have amara for my character, I'm at lvl 57 and 127 guardian rank. If you're interested in playing let me know and I'll send my PSN! (: This new takedown is significantly more difficult than the first. (Note that normal story mode I typically play on mayhem 6- but that can be adjusted).

    submitted by /u/ember_fox_trot
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    How's your performance with Borderlands the pre sequel?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    I feel like the game is lagging too much. Just got it from epic games but the drops are super annoying, especially when you're fighting lots of enemies.

    I'm running a ryzen 5 2600x along with 16gb of ram and a 1070ti. This is literally the only game I've not been able to run at a constant framerate on 1440p. The graphics settings doesn't really make a difference . I even turned the physx effects off. Can't really find the problem here....

    submitted by /u/AlexMD2600
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    What queues should I be searching?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2020 06:14 AM PDT

    I understand there have been a few posts regarding the matchmaking, but I couldn't really find the answer to this question:

    Which game mode/mayhem/difficulty should I be matchmaking in? Or should I leave matchmaking aside and join a discord or something? I'm currently on TVHM mayhem5 and have been constantly trying to matchmake for anything (in my appropriate mayhem level) with no luck at all

    submitted by /u/killermelga
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