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    Thursday, June 18, 2020

    Borderlands What we learned from the Guardian Takedown

    Borderlands What we learned from the Guardian Takedown

    What we learned from the Guardian Takedown

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 06:34 AM PDT

    Just gonna list some stuff that I noticed while listening to Scourge's dialogue:

    • Scourge and the Watcher know each other. Which may be why the Watcher knows about whatever war is coming. I got this from Scourge saying something like "while others Watch and turn a blind eye" and 'Watch' was capitalized.

    • The awakening of the destroyer or some other vault monster is why the guardians are doing what they're doing and possibly is what leads to the war. Scourge alluded to his kind having to do something because we awakened a "sleeping giant"

    • Scourge always speaks in rhyme and his subtitles have the little / that zer0 has so there might be some correlation there.

    • Scourge says something about building anew. It might have something to do with them taking over minos prime

    • Scourge says "I live and die." When you kill scourge, he doesn't just die, he falls into a portal so he might still be alive.

    • Scourge and the guardians want to imprison humans or at leasts VHs. He says something about "your kind will live within their cell"

    That was all I could find and all the quotes I could remember. He changes quotes every run tho so I might've missed some. Good lore in this takedown, got me hyped for bl4 already lmao

    submitted by /u/YaBoyGaara
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    Select mayhem modifiers

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    It seems that everyone would be in agreement that instead of a reroll option on the modifiers we should just be allowed to pick each modifier on our own without having to reroll until we get somewhat decent modifiers

    submitted by /u/scrubbulldog4life
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    Why bloodletter isnt exactly the best class mod - ranking Moze COM's

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 10:54 PM PDT

    Hey guys, Nootmad here. After seeing a lot of discussion about Moze and her class mods over on the official discord, i thought i might bring this over to reddit to see what everyone thinks. So anyway, heres what i think about Mozes class mods. If you guys dont enjoy reading, i made some videos going over this too (part 1: https://youtu.be/_-KXhgXEAfo , part 2: https://youtu.be/b8KJyP2iVj4)So here goes.



    1. gives Moze access to a lot of gun damage, as it boosts skills like Desperate Measures and Phalanx Doctrine.
    2. Allows for the effective use of amp shields like the One-Shotter and the Rerouter. Slow firing, heavy hitting weapons work incredibly well with those shields as the fact that bloodletter turning hp regen into shield regen (combined with vampyr + grenades) lets you have full shields almost all the time and lets you hit those crazy damage numbers


    1. Too much gun damage isnt always a good thing. In those difficult end game content situations, you ideally want to be introducing different types of damage into your build (splash, elements, etc..) and basically all bloodletter does is give yuo gun damage. I actually made a video on this too and why its important to spread out your damage types if you guys wanna check it out too (https://youtu.be/vFFxWlfuNeU)
    2. If you really wanna make bloodletter work the best (and max out your gun damage), you have to put yourself under health gate to synergise properly with desperate measures (a skill that gives you gun damage based on how low your health it). Due to not having health gate, you can go down real quickly in certain situations

    Overall: Bloodletter is a solid class mod but a bit restrictive in nature



    1. Its an easy access to a crazy splash damage boost as long as you dont reload. the vast majority of Moze builds dont even reload anyway so that makes this class mod really versatile with a lot of builds
    2. gives you a point into redistribtion (a skill that gives you ammo AND health regeneration) which is really damn good.


    1. Fast firing, low magazine, high ammo consumption splash weapons (even after mag boosts) dont synergise well with blastmaster at all, so theres a high chance you wont even get to the maximum splash bonus. Flakker, sandhawk etc.. In that sense, you're better off using a different class mod that can utilise your guns more effectively

    Overall: Blastmaster is a really powerful class mod, but is kinda restrictive in the top tier weapons it can synergise with



    1. Lets you have an Auto Bear out that lasts a really long time. This lets you use hardpoints like target softening to 'slag' enemies and helps moze do more damage.
    2. Auto Bear can also draw aggro and helps a lot in situations where mobs will be swarming you (take the crystal charging areas in the new guardian takedown for example). This in turn lets moze be more accurate with her aim as you wont be too pressured by mobs. (technically increasing your DPS because youll be hitting more shots)
    3. It also boosts Torgue Cross Promotion which boosts splash damage and splash radius. Making it very good to use with splash weapons


    1. Iron Bear and Auto Bear by extension, scale very poorly into higher level of mayhem so the damage it can dish out is quite low. All the iron bear coms share this same issue
    2. Doesnt post any innate buffs to Mozes dps (as it focuses on auto bear usage) due to its increased cooldown. and hence limits her ability to constantly access ASE damage bonuses



    1. Damage from a splash based mindsweeper build is absolutely insane as the micro nades spawn from splash damage, crit damage, elemental damage and whole bunch of others.
    2. Pull the holy pin (the skill that makes grenades crit) also affects the micro nades so in effect, they can spawn multiple from eachother, creating a really huge damage cascade


    1. some bosses and mobs have hard to hit crit spots so that limits the mindsweepers ability to deal constant damage as opposed to something like a blastmaster, that gives you an always active damage buff

    Overall: Mindsweeper is a terrific class mod for most situations, but lets you down in a handful of situations. Far from a negative drawback though.

    Bear Trooper


    1. Can make Iron Bear builds last for ages due to its stainless steel bear point increases and its special effect. Bear Trooper enables Iron Bear to have really big armour amounts and can therefore take a lot of damage, while dishing it out too


    1. Bear trooper gives Moze 0 buffs, as its a pure Iron Bear class mod. this limits the ability for a flexibile moze build.
    2. Much like rocketeer, Iron Bear didnt scale well into higher mayhems, and this fact significantly draws back its potential

    Overall: Poor scaling impacts this class mods viability, but once an Iron Bear buff happens, im sure this class mod will be very valued for an Iron Bear build.



    1. Lots of lifesteal, helps moze play a bottomless mags build with incredible survivability.
    2. Boosts means of destruction (ammo regen based on splash) and this can enable a rocket spam build that also has a high level of survivability


    1. Rushin Offensive, Redistribution AND Vampyr are all typically picked up in the vast majority of Moze build. Those skills combined give moze plenty of survivability and it gets to a point where sapper becomes redundant. You would rather use a class mod that can boosts mozes damage as surviability becomes a non issue when you have those skills

    Overall: The Sapper is a solid class mod but became somewhat redundant after the recent Moze buffs

    Green Monster


    1. Corrosive bonus damage is incredibly welcome for moze as typically, she would have to use ASE annoints to get them, which means spamming Iron Bear (gets tedious after a little while). A bottomless mags playstyle synergises very well with this class mod, and boosts the damage really nicely too
    2. Green Monster boosts Scorching RPMs, which boosts Iron Bear damage, so this makes the green monster class mod a flexible class mod that can enable both a moze and iron bear build simultaneously


    1. Certain guns require signifcant investment in the bottomless mags tree to work efficiently and this limits green monsters ability to work with every gun. to get to max corrosive damage, it takes about 15 seconds of non stop firing. Guns like the sandhawk consume ammo incredibly quickly and wont work well with green monster unless you invest very heavily in ammo regen and magazine size.

    Overall: The Green monster class mod is incredibly solid, but restricts the flexibility of skill tree selections if you choose to use certain weapons.

    Raging Bear


    1. Promotes a very aggressive and powerful Iron Bear playstyle due to its effects giving you more damage based on how often you take damage, and reducing fuel costs the more you kill enemies. Really fun to play with. Pretty much the key to a very strong Iron Bear build.


    1. Much like Bear Trooper and Rocketeer, poor scaling and inability to buff mozes damage draws back its potential.

    Overall: The class mod is fantastic for an Iron Bear build, but poor scaling severaly affects its usability.

    Anyway, those are my thoughts on all of Mozes Class Mods. I'm really keen to see what you guys think about her class mods and how you would change them to make them better! (or worse if you think so :P )Thanks for reading!Nootmad out o7

    submitted by /u/nivman1410
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    All Phase 1 has make all the F tier weapons D- tier and nerf Moze’s only viable endgame build

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 08:25 PM PDT

    Almost nothing has changed. 99% of the gear does jack shit and the gameplay loops os the same with every build relying on burst dmg. In addition with the Kaoson spread nerfs moze has no good ramged hipfire option

    submitted by /u/SpaceFire1
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    So is phase 1 ending

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 03:59 PM PDT

    So I've been hearing that phase 2 of mayhem 2 0 is coming next week. Is this true, and does that mean they are done with phase 1? If so this very much worries me because phase 1 was supposed to be the gun rebalancing but so far we have had 3 nerfs and some basically useless buffs to a few smgs and now a new takedown gun. Is that really all they have for phase 1? Until then I'm just hoping the buffs keep coming and hopefully be more impactful. Please let me know if they addressed this anywhere.

    submitted by /u/Flyingtreeee
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    Star Wars Thematic Build “Emperor Zane”

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    Hey everyone! Continuing my thematic build series with a Star Wars inspired build. Tried to use weapons that resembled Palaptines force lighting. Checkout my new video and let me know what ya think!


    submitted by /u/ItsByrdman778
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    What kind of boss would you want to see in the future?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 12:36 PM PDT

    I would love to fight a boss as big as the one that was shown in Love, Guns and Tentacles.

    submitted by /u/greenbatborg
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    Question on friends plying

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 10:26 PM PDT

    Does only 1 person need the game to play with other friends? Kinda like how A Way Out did it?

    I can just send a friend link and they don't have to own It or do both parties need to buy the game

    submitted by /u/AppleSauceJake
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    Lost Save data Borderlands 1 Goty enhanced

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 10:01 PM PDT

    some could psar me some save of some lilit level 60 not modified or level 63 lost my save

    submitted by /u/Kurozx24
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    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 09:18 PM PDT

    I have borderlands 2 on epic, but I don't have the commander lilith DLC. Its currently not out on epic, if I bought it on steam would it still go through as normal?

    submitted by /u/ClarityAndConcern
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    Badass rank

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    We've been playing borderlands 2 for a week and just finished the game so we started to play BL pre sequel. 2 of my friends got 5000 badass rank but me and 1 other friends didnt. The thing is, i've bought handsome collection a looong time ago. But all other 3 has got the game from epic games giveaway. Does anyone have any answers why did they get the badass ranks and i didnt?

    submitted by /u/Kameroos
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    I really miss the Cartel event.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    I started playing right after the event started. It was fun, made the battlefield chaotic with its summons and random bosses. The Villa was fun, and it provided an extra avenue to gain exp besides just story on repeat. Now I'm trying to level Amara without it and.. I don't know. It just seems slow now. Hopefully they put up another fun event to take the place of the Cartel soon

    submitted by /u/Phoenix200420
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    Reaper Guardians?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    I was running through the guardian takedown earlier when, right after the third fight with the Nekrotafeyo creatures, a weird visual effect popped up on the edges of my screen and two large guardians called Reapers appeared and started attacking me. I've never seen these enemies anywhere else in the game, and I can't seem to find anything about them on the internet. Has anybody else had this happen?

    submitted by /u/B_Skizzle
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    Starting BL1, good farms?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    Hey so im starting BL1 again since BL3 is way to buggy and i dont have any fun with it. I have played every BL game but when i first played BL1 i only farmed a little bit and i wasnt into grinding and watching yt videos/looking online for good farms etc till the second BL. So does anybody know a good farm for legendaries in the pure BL1 game? I dont have the dlcs so i cant do them. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Soldado63
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    Lvl required for starting UVHM in BL2

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 07:04 AM PDT

    Hey so ive got two char to lvl 50 and was wondering what i need to do to get them both ready for UVHM. First one is Zero and the second is my Krieg. What im asking is should I power lvl to level cap? After the main story is done? Or do i need to switch over when I hit like lvl 62? And what kind of gear should i be getting? And do I need lots of gear even though it'll probs be replaced pretty soon?

    Ive been playing Borderlands for years but never got to UVHM so I dont really know what im supposed to do to not be underleveled and underpowered.

    submitted by /u/Myster0110
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    In your opinion, what makes the Pre-Sequel skill trees the best in the franchise?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 04:31 AM PDT

    I think it's because all of the Vault Hunters never feel under power and you can really notice a lot of change as you level up.

    submitted by /u/greenbatborg
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    Where can I find shift codes for borderlands for switch

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 12:17 PM PDT

    I just got the legendary collection and I'm playing borderlands 1 and was wondering where can I find this months shift codes

    submitted by /u/JohnnyB3600
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    Should I play the pre sequel before borderlands 2

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    I forgot I had the handsome collection from ps plus and I was wondering is there any point playing the pre sequel as I heard it kinda sucked and only adds some light to events that are hinted at in bl2

    submitted by /u/apple_on_banana
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    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 03:10 PM PDT

    guys i downloaded blcmm and its saying to press the key sequence tins i dont know what to do plz help its urgent

    submitted by /u/coronaAids
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    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 08:37 AM PDT

    Ok so i got the handsome collection for free in epic games, and i decided to add the patch. Specifically the 5.0.3 one. And since BLCMM doesn't work yet on epic games, i have to use Hex Multi Tool. The patch i have on has optional and must be checked in the BLCMM. Can i activate these optional in the Hex Multi Tool? I badly want the Legendary Granadier COM of Axton. :<

    submitted by /u/DaveJared
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    Which is the best build for Aurelia?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 11:37 PM PDT

    Hey guys, i started playing the pre-sequel and wanted to know which would be the best build for aurelia. I was just looking into this one: http://www.thepresequel.com/Aurelia/5451015105015150515050112120050000000

    But i don't know if it is really good or not

    submitted by /u/Sigmarok
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