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    Sunday, July 19, 2020

    Borderlands How much damage is hollow point?

    Borderlands How much damage is hollow point?

    How much damage is hollow point?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    The title's my question, and i'm asking this as every result i could find is about a bug involving self damage. I don't really care about said bug, but am rather curious as to how much damage it deals. Could someone please check it?

    submitted by /u/DeathBarrier
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    Save Pre-set skill point allocation

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    A good quality of life would be to have the ability to save a 'build' and have the points you place into skill trees saved. You would still need to spend 10% of your cash but it would make it easier to switch when you want a new play style without having to remember all the skills you speced into.

    Give us the ability to name each pre-set once saved too so that we can easily differentiate what build is what once saved.

    submitted by /u/Ben921
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    Why does the guns emailed by manufacturers use a Hammer buster picture?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 09:07 PM PDT

    Isn't that the gun from Bl2?

    submitted by /u/KatjaaRa
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    My head dsiappears during my death animation

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    I dont know why this happens or how to fix it

    submitted by /u/Joshelplex2
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    Best purple weapons?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    What are some great purple weapons that are comparable or better than some legendaries? Stuff like an anarchy with proper parts.

    Alternatively, am I just wasting my time looking at purple gear while farming craw?

    submitted by /u/swolar
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    What do I do now?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 03:47 PM PDT

    I am playing BL2, and I just beat the Warrior, I'm level 35, and I cheesed the fight because I wasn't doing sufficient damage when I was in the arena. I am playing Gaige, what is the first thing to do now that I'm here? My guns are kind of bad for TVHM so I'm kinda looking for advice

    submitted by /u/_Metatile_
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    So what's with the hate of Borderlands 3?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 02:27 PM PDT

    A lot of people seem to hate Borderlands 3 and I'm curious as to see why some people do?

    submitted by /u/Umbruhh
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    Is there a mod that makes TVHM scale to max level ?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    Edit: And for some reason the [BL2] flair didn't work.

    I really, really HATE everything about UVHM.

    From being forced to replay the game a 3rd time to health regen and forced slag on everybuild. Lets not mention melee and being forced to have a perfect Hide of Terramorphous and Ruby if you want to play Zero.

    TVHM had bl1 arcade feeling sweetspot that Ultime Bullet Sponge Mode mode doesn't really have anymore.

    So is there a mod that just make TVHM scale to lv80 ?

    submitted by /u/Kaining
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    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    My brother crouched down and scoped in on Zero's hand, and when he did that Zero went "Why does everyone get weird about my hands? No one needs pinkies anyways."

    Is this an easter-egg that happens when you crouch down and scope in on them, or was this just the most incredibly timed coincidence of him looking at his hands at the exact moment that the line triggered?

    Anyone else know?

    submitted by /u/SpatialCandy69
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    Non annointed drops on mayhem 10??

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 09:42 PM PDT

    So recently I have been farming for annointed gear in mayhem 10, and I have heard supposedly that annointed gear in mayhem 10 is garunteed....however I have farmed multiple hours and rarely gotten annointed gear, I'm on the latest update and hotfix, what's going on??? And is anybody else having this issue?

    submitted by /u/ZacharyGratias05
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    Quick question

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    Hi to all the vault hunters :)

    I just got a laptop for personnal use (no gaming) but i was wondering if it could run borderlands 2 even if it is on low I have it on my ps4 but i was wondering if i'll be able to play it when i'm not at home https://support.hp.com/fr-fr/document/c06596372

    If i cannot run it it's not a big problem but i just wanted to ask. Thanks

    submitted by /u/7anthony
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    Looking for someone to play with

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 02:44 PM PDT

    For BL4

    submitted by /u/kionu96
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    Split screen - general advice needed

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 04:12 PM PDT


    I just moved in with a friend of mine, and as we were thinking of buying a couch coop game, borderlands came to my mind. I was looking forward to playing Borderlands 3 in Split screen with my mate but I've seen many people not enjoying the B3 Splitscreen because of the obvious bugs and issues.. So I thought about just getting the handsome collection, as none of us thoroughly played any borderlands game.

    We own a switch and an (old) PS4, would you recommend getting the game on the PS or on the switch? (In terms of split screen playability, controls, bugs, etc.) Or would you still recommend getting borderlands 3 on the PS4 despite all the split screen issues?

    Any insights are highly recommend :)

    Best regards Jannik

    submitted by /u/JBCR7
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    Save data transfer

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    Is it possible to transfer save data from Borderlands 2 to a Xbox One to a PS4? I've seen people say to put it on a usb drive and transfer it that way but I'm not sure if that would work.

    submitted by /u/TerriblyShort
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    Flow of Game

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 03:21 PM PDT

    Hello. I am still a relatively new player and have some confusion about a couple of things. I am on my third play through for TPS and on my second for BL2. I posted here not too long ago about when I should finish TVHM so as not to be over leveled. I did that but I must have misunderstood how UVHM works. I thought that you could just go and pick up anywhere in the story line and "farm" any boss. But... now it looks like you just run through the story line over and over again. Which also means I can't go and do bosses over and over again that are in the storyline unless they are farmable (you can just go back and they will still be there). It also looks like you need to do the storyline again and again? I thought it would be:

    normal> tvhm until 50>UVHM until you just get everything you want and get tired of playing

    What it looks like it is going to be is

    storyline (normal) > storlyline (TVHM) > storyline (UVHM) >storline (UVHM several more times? > OP1-8 doing the storyline every few levels?

    I kind of figured it wouldn't be worth farming specific weapons until I was at the level cap or else they wouldn't be good after a few levels. I just now really started learning about specific weapons to get and that the stats don't mean much always. (before, if one weapon did more damage, it replaced the other one).

    I don't get that either. If I want a mission reward weapon, I just have to be at the right part in the story when it would drop? Like Lady Fist. I can't just go get that whenever I want because it is port of the storyline right (if that isn't the case then you get the idea). I made the mistake last time of leaving the area with the egun and it disappeared from inventory and now I am going to have to wait for it to come around again.

    Or is there some way to just get to these specific points in the game without going through the entire story line?

    Likewise, do I do all of the DLC contect only at specific levels for UVHM or do they scale like the rest of the game? Do the missions scale or just the enemies? I am about halfway through the storylines in both games.

    submitted by /u/josefgabriel
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    Suswitchious Glitches

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    So I have been playing borderlands on switch and have randomly not auto reloaded forcing me to manually reload which is only a pain when fighting a lot of enemies or a boss. Anyone else know any glitches to be aware of on the switch version of the games?

    submitted by /u/H4N5UM-CL4P
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    Is there a fast way to level up?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    Just bought the game for pc instead of Xbox and I've already completed the game twice just wondered if there was a way level up quicker, I know you can download save files but it's a bit too cheap even for me lol

    submitted by /u/ihatewoks
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    Knox’s door is shut is there some way to fix it or get to it where i can complete the quest

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 11:43 PM PDT

    Hello its the title

    submitted by /u/Crosslancer40
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    Changing class in BL2

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 11:42 PM PDT

    Apologies if this has been asked before, tried searching for it but wanted a definite answer. Just played BL3 with my boyfriend as his first intro to games and he really enjoyed it so I got 2 aswell.

    Sadly I hate the character I picked and want to change but I know this will reset the game. If I do this will it affect his character? I'm always player 1. We're not too far into the game yet but I really don't want to progress any further with the class I am currently, but also don't want to mess with his character if possible.

    submitted by /u/Daisy_23
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    Borderlands 3 only using 50% of my rtx 2060

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 11:37 PM PDT

    I have a Ryzen 2700 and a rtx 2060, 16 gb ram etc, and i noticed that no matter what graphical settings I use I always get 30-45 fps average, I used afterburner to test it and only uses the 50% of my gpu, the weird thing its that only happens with borderlands 3, test my gpu on Resident Evil 2 remake and there my gpu gets at 90ish%. Any clue how to fix this????' (im playing at 1080p, i get almost the same fps with the lowest preset and the highest preset)

    submitted by /u/Neon_Z_CowBOI
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