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    Sunday, August 16, 2020

    Borderlands 5 Shields That Could Be Added To Borderlands

    Borderlands 5 Shields That Could Be Added To Borderlands

    5 Shields That Could Be Added To Borderlands

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    The Frozen Heart is probably my favorite shield in Borderlands 3. What I really love about this shield is that it offers alternate survivability and a gameplay loop that is very interactive. Especially with the ASS anointment, everytime you activate your action skill you can freeze groups of enemies in a large radius around yourself, locking them in place, and then you can go to town taking them out. This is a very engaging effect compared to something like the Stop Gap or the Recharger. Both of those shields are very strong as well, and they both work with the ASS anointment too! But, the difference is these shields effects aren't felt all around you. Instead they are felt in your shield capacity, and your survivability.

    Which is perfectly fine, but I wanted to come up with 5 different shields for Borderlands 3 based on my love of the Frozen Heart shield! Also I made a video about this over on my youtube, go check it out!

    1. Rectifier Shield, but it staggers enemies like Zane's barrier augment "detainment field"Basically this shield would emit shock damage all around you, the same as the rectifier. But this shock damage can stagger enemies. This shield would be really nice against melee enemies that love to rush you. Guardian Takedown comes immediately to my mind. Keeping enemies off of the crystal phases just by running past them. But, lets not forget about the Maliwan Takedown filled with hounds, and Captain America wannabees trying to smack you with their batons.
    2. A Corrosive based shield that when damaged leaves corrosive puddles around the battlefield making enemies slip and fall. Now this shield sounds like a giant meme, and that's the fun of it. Nothing says Crowd Control like a group of enemies falling all over the place not able to aim and fire at you! Not only could this be awesome, but hopefully this is bugged on release to have friendly fire and make your friends slip and fall all over the place too!! Just kidding ;). Don't forget you could pair this with a bit of self damage, or a driver class mod, to setup these puddles wherever you want ahead of time. Also, I could imagine this not being super effective unless it launched corrosive back at that enemies direction, being able to spread those puddles more effectively. Or just making enemies slip and fall that shoot at you in general.
      1. As a side option we can have a cryo shield leaving cryo puddles? all over the place. Freezing and slowing enemies works pretty well.
    3. Other element barred shields. Like an armor shield with a corrosive colored bar, that's weak to corrosive and cryo, but also has some strong damage or splash reduction. Or a meat shield giving you two red bars, making you only weak to fire damage. These other shields could have alternate ways to refill them, like the corrosive one you maybe have to stand still to repair it, or when damaged it drops repair kits that you have to pick up. The meat shield could be recharged with health regen and lifsteal. That could be really interesting when paired up with topped off guardian rank.
    4. A shield that makes you completely immune to self damage. Now this is a spicy option, and could prove to be a bit overpowered. I know every single Mindsweeper player will be cheering for this one in the comments down below. Self damage is the bane of every nukem lover. Everyone who just wants to slam backburners all over the place non stop will have this shield on. Even niche weapons like the scoville and protuberance which have HUGE splash radius would benefit from a shield like this. I don't think I need to explain this one much further lol.
    5. An amp shield just like the 0.m, but instead of giving you damage it guarantees a critical hit. Kind of like megavore, but guaranteed every single time that amp is ready. Now one thing I want to point out is we don't need any bonus damage. This shield would be deadly on weapons that have unlisted projectiles. Like the King's Call, the Scourge, the Plaguebearer. All of those bonus projectiles will probably crit as well. On top of that just having synergy with jakob's ricochets, redistribution, brainstormer chains, I want to point out hollow point. A guardian rank skill that causes an explosion on kill that gets all your overkill damage and splash bonuses, this skill actually wipes out groups more often than you'd think. So this shield would not need any actual bonus damage, guaranteeing crits with the right weapons is more than enough. Plus there's bosses like Wotan without a visible crit point until after he splits.

    So there's my list of 5 shields that I would LOVE to see in this game! I know the last one wasn't very defensive like the others, but it was just another awesome idea I had. Let me know if you have any improvements to any of my suggestions, and I wanna see what other ideas you guys had! Please try to keep in mind about what I said with physical gameplay loops that you can interact with. The stop gap is just as good as the Frozen Heart, some people would say it's better. But I love the gameplay loop that the frozen heart offers, rather than playing with the stop gap. So that's what I want to read down below :). Cheers!

    submitted by /u/flightx3aa
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    Was finally able to clear Maliwan Takedown/True Takedown as Moze

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    After dropping Moze (my first BL3 Vault Hunter) to move on to playing Amara, I returned. I looked and looked for a good build, and I finally came across Fire Hose Moze by Moxsy.

    With this build, and a Consecutive Hits Corrosive/Shock Flipper, I was able to clear the Takedown reliably without reloading, at all. Next I'm gonna try to clear the Guardian Takedown.

    submitted by /u/BS_500
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    How should I play the BL1 DLC?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 02:17 AM PDT

    Hey, I just want advice on how I should go about doing the BL1 DLC. I haven't played the full game or even beaten any of the DLC before, but I plan on doing that with all 4 games in a row.

    So, how should I encounter the DLC? Should I beat the story mission and the side quests? Should I just play the main story and tackle the DLC at certain levels? Or, should I just play the DLC before completing the story?

    Just to say, I have no intention, as of yet, to do a PT2, because I really just want to experience BL1 for fun before moving on and I'm not one to go back and replay stories just to get better loot. I would rather one and done this game and move on, but I also would like to play the DLC.

    I've been searching online for answers, but they always include PT2, but i just want to one and done this game. So, is there any advice anyone could give me? Thank you!

    P.S. I beat hellburbia in Moxxie's Dome, because I heard the dome doesn't count toward progression or story. I can already tell you, the Dome is boring when you are playing alone, but it is what it is.

    EDIT: Thank you all, who have commented, for the great advice. I play all the side quests before continuing the story missions, which makes me significantly higher leveled than the mission by a good 3 or 4 levels, but most people are telling me to just go ahead and do the game in release order, which I think I will.

    Also, a lot of people are saying to continue Moxxie's for a skill point and I think that is beneficial since solo Mordecai relies on his skills to make him a more efficient killer.

    Lastly, people are also saying to find the glitches, which is extremely helpful in beating the bosses and getting better loot, which I think I'll invest time into. I still don't know about a PT2, but if it comes to it and I really just need to boost my level to beat this game, then I'll definitely do it.

    Thank you all and I really appreciate all the generosity that you all have done for me. I have a long road a head to heat all the BL games, not including tales from the borderlands, since I've already beaten it... who knows, I might go back to it. Again, thank you all!

    submitted by /u/Black_Midnite
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    Just got the Og Borderlands

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    It's really good.

    It's a little slow but it's cool to see how my favorite series got its start.

    submitted by /u/Nerdzilla88
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    What’s your favorite mega-corporation in the Borderlands universe, and why? [Potential Spoilers All]

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 10:17 PM PDT

    Mine's Dahl. Their weapons are usually my favorites, and I like how they are kind of modeled after classic military styles - very stereotypical army aesthetics, camo everywhere, and everyone from Dahl seems to have a very Grunt-like attitude. (Dahl's New-U stations tell you "Death is good for you! Puts some hair on your chest! Get back in the fight, soldier!") which always cracked me up. Axton was a Dahl commando and carries these aesthetics as well, and he was always my main in BL2.

    I'm not too up on the story but they also seem to be somewhat less maniacally evil than some of the other corporations (although they all seem wildly fucked up.)

    What's yours?

    EDIT: Runner-up: Torgue. Because obviously. YEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

    submitted by /u/quantumthiccy
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    Borderlands 3 is a very good game

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    So I got Borderlands 3 for 50% off on Xbox a few days ago, and despite my very low expectations, it's incredibly enjoyable. This may be one of the best games of the generation. I'm amazed at how much it's hooked me since I despised Borderlands 2 and I really hated The Pre-Sequel. I can see myself sinking hours into this, just like I did with Destiny 2 (before they ruined the game during season of the Worthy).

    submitted by /u/thelonioustheshakur
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    I don't think I understand how item scores work...

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    Came across two copies of the same gun about 10 minutes apart and one seems obviously better but has the lower score.

    Firesale Long Muskets!

    Everywhere I looked says the ammo consumed per shot is already factored into the damage listed so I have to be missing something, right?

    submitted by /u/indelible_ennui
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    Borderlands 3 VR Support?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 10:21 PM PDT

    I've been wondering since borderlands 2 VR, will we ever get a Borderlands 3 VR version of the game in the future?

    submitted by /u/DreemurrForever
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    I can't even play Borderlands 3 anymore.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 02:32 AM PDT

    I've recently been having severe issues even running borderlands 3. A few minutes into the game, I get crashes like below.

    LowLevelFatalError [File:Unknown] [Line: 194] Ran out of memory allocating 1048576 bytes with alignment 0 0x00007ff84786a719 KERNELBASE.dll!UnknownFunction [] 0x000000014f9e3dec Borderlands3.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x000000014f99df0d Borderlands3.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x000000014f8693f1 Borderlands3.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x00000001414bc217 Borderlands3.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x00000001427183f2 Borderlands3.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x0000000142729eee Borderlands3.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x0000000142716c2d Borderlands3.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x000000014f93427a Borderlands3.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x000000014fa727db Borderlands3.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x000000014fa668cd Borderlands3.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x00007ff84a377bd4 KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction [] 0x00007ff84a4ece51 ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction [] Crash in runnable thread PoolThread 1 (pri 5) 

    I've looked around for fixes, and tried everything for the ram and such. I've tried playing the game on low, updating drivers, reinstalling the game. I'm really upset that I can't play this game that I paid a good penny for now, when it was working fine a few months ago. My specs are as follows:

    • Windows 10 Home 64-bit

    • Intel Core i5 6600K @ 3.50GHz

    • Skylake 14nm Technology

    • 16.0GB 2133 MHz

    • Gigabyte Technology Co. Ltd. H170-Gaming 3 (U3E1)

    • 4096MB ATI Radeon RX 480 Graphics

    I know my system can handle this game, since it ran fine with zero problems before I picked it back up during the boss loot event.

    submitted by /u/ufo2222
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    Anyone up for some co op with Enhanced on Steam?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 09:54 PM PDT

    I got Discord :v Because of previous problems, 18 and older, please.

    submitted by /u/HotButteryCopPorn420
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    which character is the most fun in BL3?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 03:55 PM PDT

    I'm doing a 2nd playthrough my first was after the release of the game with Amara so I want to do a new character I don't really care about the best character or having a well optimized build I just want others opinions on which character has the most fun abilities to use

    submitted by /u/EL-WAYNO
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    Best place to exp farm

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 02:18 PM PDT

    I'm looking for the best place to farm on UVHM I am currently a level 64 zer0 thank you

    submitted by /u/Boringboy123
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    Anyone else think that BL3 is the only game where farming is actually fun?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 01:01 AM PDT

    In BL2 it felt like the endgame revolved around farming to the detriment of the "play your way" style Borderlands is known for. If you wanted to thrive in UVHM and even have a chance at the OP levels you were railroaded into using specific gear, 90% of which was legendary.

    "You'll need to farm for this class mod and this shield and these guns. Expect to spend 15+ hours farming to get all of these, unless you get extremely lucky. Oh, and they'll all be useless once you get to the next OP level, so you'll have to do it all over again. 9 more times if you want to get to OP10."

    By contrast, in BL3 I can turn on Mayhem 1 (which is much easier than UVHM) and get 2 to 4 legendaries every single time I fight Graveward or the Rampager or basically any boss. I also see legendaries in chests and vending machines all the time. I never saw that in BL2.

    In short, farming in BL2 was a tedious slogfest. In BL3, farming is actually fun. Anyone else agree with me?

    submitted by /u/dratsabdeye4
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    Is Crossplay actually coming?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    I remember a year ago crossplay was being hyped up as a feature they wanted to add down the line. Now that it is almost the game is almost a year old, has there been any updates on if crossplay is coming with consoles? I really want to play with some of my friends on xbox, but it seems that the only crossplay they added was steam and epic games if you consider that crossplay.

    submitted by /u/IWentInHard
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    Echo Pop Ups

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 07:37 PM PDT

    Does anyone know how to get rid of the pop ups at the beginning, namely the weapon ones and the natural selection annex?

    submitted by /u/StormyOwI5
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    What is a good character to take from 0 to m10 for somebody who just isn't quite grasping Borderlands 3?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 06:25 PM PDT

    I beat the game with Amara, bumped it up to m1, aaaaaaand got obliterated. Maybe the Siren isn't for me. Not looking for a pity party, just some advice on who I should maybe check out instead, because I don't know how to make this work.

    submitted by /u/unorganized_AF
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    Legendaries too common?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    Two friends and I purchased BL3 last night and in the couple hours playing, we were constantly getting legendary weapons. In previous titles, Legendaries were made to feel really special when you got them. Is this just a beginning of the game increase or is the drop rate like this throughout the game?

    submitted by /u/SativaCoffee
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    GGN Plywood Sniper

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    I am currently playing Borderlands with my gf and accidentally picked up the ggn plywood sniper. It sucks and I can't drop or sell it. I am so frustrated since it is taking up inventory and no one has a solid answer. What can I do to get rid of it?

    submitted by /u/Aromatic_Nature8057
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    Guns borderlands 1 vs borderlands 2

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 03:34 AM PDT

    So I recently finished borderlands 1 goty enhanced with brick on normal and playthrough 2 and 2.5 for the dlcs, and I realised how much more I liked the gunplay compared to bl2.

    Sure, the weapons in bl2 have more variety and are more colourful but I just find that with bl1, you feel like you are using actual guns while bl2 feels like you are using paintball guns. It's so strange...

    Anybody else feel the same?

    Oh yea and slag is annoying in bl2.

    submitted by /u/JacksonTeoh91
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    So, I was wondering about how Co-op works.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    Okay, so, the first question that came to my mind is:

    "Can I somehow keep all of my stuff from my Singleplayer Playthrough in a new Co-op Campaign?"

    (by that i mean all my items, cash, level, etc.)

    Also, does Co-op work on the Epic Games version?

    I need answers ASAP and I appreciate any given help.

    To all of you, have a wonderful day!

    submitted by /u/yerpNaut
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    I have a question

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 07:07 AM PDT

    So I'm thinking of getting borderlands 1 and borderlands 3 for my PS4 tomorrow, but I want to know if I should get one as a disk and the other digital, or both disk or digital.

    submitted by /u/nerpltu
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    Is co-op possible on different platforms?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 01:01 PM PDT

    Hey guys! I've never really played multiplayer games, so I'm a noob when it comes to the technicalities of it, so sorry if it's a stupid question. A friend of mine has the game on PS3 and I play it on PC, would we be able to play co-op?

    submitted by /u/nadtheship
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    Playing Borderlands 3 just makes me want to play Borderlands 2

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 04:16 PM PDT

    I guess it's the story and awful performance that makes me wish for a better experience, that causes me to go launch bl2 instead. Who else feels similar?

    submitted by /u/bipbopboomed
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    Anyone else getting tons of Loot Tinks?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 09:27 AM PDT

    I'm on a first playthrough as Amara. I'm seeing something like two Loot Tinks every encounter around Roland's Rest. Is this normal?

    submitted by /u/Gnazax
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