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    Wednesday, August 12, 2020

    Borderlands Thoughts on Lilith

    Borderlands Thoughts on Lilith

    Thoughts on Lilith

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    I tried out Borderlands 3 over the course of the weekend, since it was free to play. I noticed, that I didn't enjoy any interaction with Lilith right from the start.

    - She tells you, that she was leading the Crimson Raiders and didn't notice the bandits uniting under one banner. What? How do you not notice this? Don't you have to interact/fight off bandits all the time, since they are basically present at all times on Pandora?

    - She comes off as an arrogant prick most of the time. Even though she doesn't really do much.

    - She loses her powers. I get that she wants to protect the launch of the spaceship, but...you know...you could've teleported inside, so that I could shoot those siblings down, while you burn them or something.

    - Right after recruiting Maya, they have a small interaction on the ship. Maya asks about the lack of her tattoos and Lilith says something like "Don't ask me about it." Hello?! We are trying to stop a pair of Sirens, that posess the ability to steal a Sirens powers and you decide not to inform the other Siren in the room? I was immediately like "If Maya gets screwed by the calypsos..."

    Well, after I played the game for 10 hours and got kind of bored, (Partly because the humor is lacking or cringy and the characters are not as convincing/enjoyable as they were before.) I decided to spoil myself... And would you look at that? Maya fucking dies at the hands of the calypsos. Since I didn't play through the game: Did Maya know about their powers? I know it's not the chick, who kills her, but the "parasite" guy, but still. How Maya died was kind of dumb as well.

    Then I remembered, that I didn't like Lilith since BL2 and I hopped back in it to figure out why.

    - She leads a group of bandits and is flattered by them sacrificing each other.

    - The first second you actually get to meet her, she is weak and seemingly addicted to Eridium.

    - She is told not to get near Angel, yet she still arrives there - late as always though. Yes, Angel didn't specify why they should keep Lilith away, but Roland instructed her to stay away as well. Again, she pops in after basically all the work is done and is like "What's up? I will save you no problem."

    - She is the sole reason why Jack was able to unleash the Warrior. If she stayed away, the Crimson raiders would've acquired the key and they would've stopped Jacks only possibility of charging it as well.

    All of this is without the fuck ups she produced in TPS. Why would I care for her at all? Whenever she is involved or in charge, shit goes wrong. EXCEPT for the entirety of Borderlands 1, when she is basically a mute player character, so she is not allowed to think on her own.

    submitted by /u/0cci
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    What is the general opinion on this franchise?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    Me personally, I have only played borderlands 2, I haven't completed it still got a ton to go ( I played as Zero).

    But thought it was a very bold game in its dialogue and art style. What do people think of the games in this franchise? From what I've been able to make out they said 1 is ok, 2 is the best, the pre-sequel sucks and 3 is lacking. Can someone provide some more detail like what sucks about 1, why 2 is the best game, what is lacking about 3 etc. I've never understood but have wanted to.

    submitted by /u/RagnaroFirelord
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    [Bl1] then they'll tell two friends

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    Is there any chance anyone with this trophy would be willing to join an online game with me. I attempted to join online games on my own but it seems as no one is doing any of them.

    Just a lonely completionist trying to finish every online trophy.

    If you wouldnt mind helping with the BL2 friendship rules trophy while we're at it that would be sick as well

    Any and all help is always appreciated. Have a good day!

    submitted by /u/O-s-l-o
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    Ok I’m going to do Malian takedown for the first time

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 09:22 PM PDT

    Ok so I'm almost max level on my amara play through I plan on changing my build into a phasegrasp build with an anarchy, hellshock, nukem, a good corrosive weapon (haven't decided on which one But please give suggestions for one). I also plan on farming to mayhem 4 for the takedown and I plan on using pearl of ineffable knowledge, a stop gap shield, I don't plan on using a set grenade cause I feel like there bad in bl3 tbh, and I haven't settle on a class mod I will probably choose one when I decide on my build. Anyways tell me is my build bad, decent enough to get through the take down, or really good

    Side note: this post better not be considered a spoiler

    Edit: meant to say maliwan in the title

    submitted by /u/Tunablecargo
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    Unable to save in Borderlands 2

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    Decided to play borderlands 2 on PC for the first time. Whenever I try to save and quit, the game doesn't save any progress or config changes. I did some research on possible solution and they didn't fix it. I think the problem is that there isn't anything related to borderlands 2 located in the "My Games" folder. Is there a way to fix this? If it helps, I'm playing on Steam with a Windows 10 computer.

    Edit: Found out Ransomware protection on Defender was preventing Borderlands from saving.

    submitted by /u/W_Andersen
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    PLEASE give us a way to mitigate self-damage

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    Mayhem scaling has been pretty neat, especially with the changes to Action Skill scaling. But one thing I never see talked about is how literally every M10 grenade can one-shot you now. Or any gun or skill that deals splash damage. And worst of all is that it bypasses health gating.

    I understand that shooting a rocket launcher point blank or sitting on your own grenade should cause damage, but there are so many sources of splash damage in the game at this point. It's high time we had a way to stop from killing ourselves so easily. It's just anti fun, in a franchise explicitly about fun mechanics.

    submitted by /u/ktywf
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    A glitch that overheats my Xbox and prevents me from completing a side mission in borderlands 1 remastered

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    I have an Xbox one X and it has never overheated before even when I play games that make the fan really loud such as RDR2. In the side mission "Hidden Journal: Rust Commons East" whenever I pick up journal 653, Tannis will appear in the top right corner but no subtitles will appear and she won't talk. As soon as this happens my Xbox starts get really hot and the fan gets super loud. After about 10 seconds my Xbox shuts off due to overheating. Does anyone have a fix for this?

    submitted by /u/Superblaster35
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    Need help with Demonic Sorcerer boss fight in Tiny Tina DLC on PS4

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    I've been at this stage of the boss fight for two. hours. I've tried everything, I've focused fire directly on Jack to get his health low enough to destroy the dragon, but the dragon always one hits me before I get anywhere close. Whenever I go for the dragon first, my guns just aren't capable of killing it fast enough before it one hit kills me again. Those are all methods I try when I don't get killed within the first five seconds of teleporting up there. I'm level 33 while they're 34, I just don't understand why it's this challenging. I looked up BL2 LFG and just found a site that has very low activity, last post was on Aug 4. Any help at all would be much much appreciated! My PSN is SRG_Boi and (obviously) playing in the Handsome Collection.

    submitted by /u/TwentyTenEleven
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    Did the Rough rider's drop location change at some point?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    I'm new to BL3 (not to Borderlands itself) and i know there have been a lot of funny business surrounding dedicated loot sources and crowded loot pools. So, I did at least 20 runs on Urist McEnforcer and not a single Rough rider. Where can I get one? Did I just get extremely unlucky? Did I miss something and it's a mayhem exclusive item?

    Thanks for the help in advance.

    submitted by /u/4StarDB
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    Borderlands 2 stuttering

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    So yesterday I bought borderlands 2 and then noticed the stuttering in the main menu, I thought it would go away when I started the game but it continued throughout the game. The stuttering makes the game nearly unplayable so I am in desperate need for a fix. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/skid_bucket
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    What is the point of Sniper Rifles in Mayhem?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    I'm currently on M7, but it wasn't any different on lower Mayhem levels. I tried several different Legendary sniper rifles (M7), all of them barely scratch enemies. I'm talking like 10-20 crits to kill or even more in some cases for normal humanoid enemies. Which is just a waste of time if they're not completely stationary. Meanwhile an M3 Lob still 3-4 shots them.

    Might be a bit of a rant but i just don't get it. It defies the whole point of sniper rifles. Like this it's just a slow and awkward to handle AR.

    submitted by /u/Drycee
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    [PS4] anybody wanna help me with Bandit Slaughter round 5 (and on)?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 01:41 PM PDT

    I just need help with the final round of this arena thing. We can keep going after that if you'd like. add aNullVape on PS4, and let's get this bread.

    submitted by /u/TheAnalVape
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    Goty does anybody want to help me do crawmericx

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 01:25 PM PDT

    Pm me i dont care just help me out with this

    submitted by /u/Crosslancer40
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    Save Editing Question

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 03:45 AM PDT

    Once I have beat the main story I would like to make a edited clone of that save for each character for TVHM, I did this for 2 and TPS but it looks like 3 does not have a save editing app. Would a site like http://bl3editor.com/#/ work for this or is steam/anticheat going to have a problem with me doing this?

    submitted by /u/bittercranberry
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    Wheres the FOV slider?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    Im on switch and i dont see an FOV slider in any of the menus. Am i missing something?

    submitted by /u/TheWallOfFlesh217
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    Nerfed drop rates/awesome level for the Armory and Craw?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    (originally posted on Gearbox Forums as that's where the hardcore players usually lurk)

    Hello everyone!

    So I've recently gotten back into Borderlands GOTY classic and I've put in a hefty 400+ hours in the past couple of months.

    From Armory Lance Chests, normally, I'd get 15 legendaries on average. 20 on the high end, 10 on the very lowest end. And, I'd get a Pearl every 2-3 hours on average. I'd get about 6-8 legendaries from Craw on average.

    However, within the past week or so, I've been getting HORRENDOUS drops from Craw and the Armory. I am talking 2-5 legendaries from Armory, all with typically bad parts. And 1-5 legendaries from Craw. And in 50 hours, 4 Undertakers and 1 Mega Canon (outlier for sure). I've spoken to one of my viewers who plays classic, and they didn't specifically notice this when farming, but upon testing the Armory and Craw, they are similarly getting inexcusably bad drop rates.

    Now, the other people who I've spoken with are all playing remastered, and up until late last night, their drop rates were fine. Upon observation, it appears a silent update dropped about 8 days ago for classic. One also hit Enhanced/Remastered last night. After the patch, 2 of my viewers on Remastered were experiencing the same kind of bad loot, at least from the Armory (not much testing done on Craw).

    So, I ask, anyone who can look at the games code, could you see if the Awesome Level of the Lance Chests and Craw have been changed? Or are we just dummi thicc and stupid??


    EDIT: Checked my local files and nothing has been modified since I downloaded the game. Steam downloaded an update in relation to the games, but I think if it affected normal play it would show up in the local files?? Maybe we've just had coincidentally mutual terrible luck at just the right time but that seemed unlikely to me lol

    submitted by /u/BenevolentPG
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    Does anyone still play Xbox 360?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 04:25 AM PDT

    I'm looking for something to help me beat mad moxxis last level of the underdome on Xbox live. If this is possible, my name is heartofjupiter

    submitted by /u/covenwoman
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    Huge question coming back to BL2 after playing BL3

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    Hi, first of all, english is not my native language so sorry if I make any mistakes cabrones.

    So, after playing BL3 during the free week end in steam I decided to buy it but also wanted to caught up with BL2 and pre sequel as I did had all the DLC but haven't finish it yet. So I boot up my old save which it was a Salvador lvl 40 and stop playing after a few quests in true vault hunter mode. I change the difficulty to normal and jumped to Scarlet's DLC only to find myself fighting enemies lvl 30 and getting breadcrumbs of loot as I didn't even had a decent blue gun and the enemies were a cake walk, so i decided to change back to true vault hunter only to get steamrolled by the same enemies as I could barely stood my ground against the starting guys in lvl 40.

    I started to look up for solutions and it seen the level scaling of the game is not as good as I though, maybe BL3 lifted my hopes way too high as by the time I stopped playing (The mission after taking back the records from Jackobs) I had a full set of legendaries in every slot, so I think the scaling is VERY different.

    Anyway, my question is, after picking up the game again, normal mode felt trivial and dull and TVHM felt like a running towards a wall. What should i do? Start a new character? Play the campaign with my Salvador in TVHM and then DLC? And does that same issue show up in Pre sequel?

    I appreciate your help, thank you very much.

    submitted by /u/legalut
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    Borderlands Science.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    So despite my dislike to BL3 I'm giving it another go and I'm figuring alot out about good farms etc. My question is does anyone know when the arcade event ends? I still have a bit to do before completing it and wanted to know if I had time.

    submitted by /u/Jetswampert13
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    Borderlands TPS does not use dedicated graphic card - help me

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 05:11 AM PDT

    Hey, does anyone have solution to this problem?

    I recently started playing pre-sequel on my laptop, and I noticed that the game is not using AMD card, and instead runs on Intel.

    I tried adding the game exe file to AMD program list, but it didn't help.

    Worth noticing, it's the only Borderlands game that does that - BL1 and BL2 are both using AMD.

    submitted by /u/Reggash
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    I have no idea what is going on

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 10:59 PM PDT

    So I've been using the Khaos Queen v3.0 put out by Moxsy and I'm so confused.

    Sometimes this thing shreds and others I barely tickle the enemy.

    I'm not sure what is failing to proc, but on M10 and even M8 I'm literally running out of bullets on the Trials.

    I see videos of people shredding bosses in like seconds to minutes, but it took me nearly 30 minutes to kill the Agonizer once. Killavolt takes an easy 20.

    This has been an ongoing issue and I honestly have no clue why my damage output is total ass sometimes. It's pretty annoying, as it makes the game unplayable - it takes me clip after clip after clip to kill anything. A single anointed enemy can take upwards of 600 bullets. Aside from the fact that it is both time and resource consuming, it's just not fun.

    My gear is M10 with good anointments.

    Anyone know what the issue could be?

    submitted by /u/Ninja_Lazer
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