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    Tuesday, August 11, 2020

    Borderlands Gearbox support killed my love for borderlands yesterday

    Borderlands Gearbox support killed my love for borderlands yesterday

    Gearbox support killed my love for borderlands yesterday

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    Bit of background - I've played Borderlands games for just about as along as they've been in existence. I can't tell you the hundreds of hours I spent playing, shooting shit, and farming with buds. The lack of story in the first one didn't bother me, none of the launch/vanilla borderlands 2 issues mattered, hell, even the story in Borderlands 3 doesn't really irk me.

    Then Borderlands 3 launched on steam and I could no longer log in to shift on PC. Not on my Epic games copy, not on my Playstation 4 copy. Even bought a steam copy - nope. Errors every time. Nothing on reddit, nothing on gearbox forums, not really anything on Google even.

    Okay, so let's go to Gearbox Support, they should be able to help, right? I, being the system admin that I am, open a ticket with Gearbox/Shift support and list out every step I've taken to fix it, giving as much care and thought to my ticket as I wish people would when they request help from my team. Their response? A pre-written list of things I'd already said I tried. That was fine, it was probably just an entry level dude at a computer like me trying to fly through a bunch of tickets, so I responded and simply said that I'd tried all of those steps and listed the unsuccessful outcome. Which prompted another scripted response detailing more steps I'd already explicitly stated trying. Frustration got the better of me and I asked to be escalated to the next tier of support. They said they'd escalate it to the developers (looking back that makes me LOL because no way a random ticket just gets sent to a completely different team). Fine, I am abated and go about my day playing whatever released back in the spring.

    Cue last week. I realize I STILL don't have the situation resolved, so I do EXTENSIVE troublshooting on my own. I create another long list of steps I've taken, open a new ticket and give them the previous ticket info for them to check everything out. The response? An email that wasn't scripted! But what did the response include? Troubleshooting guides and steps for things I'd just listed as having done. After several more back and forths, I ask to be escalated to the next tier of service or to a supervisor. The next level, the "upper tier" of support that I got was another scripted response from someone else directing me to do the same stuff the last person had. After calling them out on it, I got a response from a third person, telling me there was nothing they could do to help me, that I should contact my ISP (something that both myself and previous ticket-responders had ruled out early on), and that they'd be closing my ticket out. So....no help. With their product.

    Want to know how much a company really cares about their customer? Don't go to reddit to read complaints or praise, don't look at the amount of "free" stuff they offer you - try and get a situation resolved with their helpdesk/customer service team. And it's clear that Gearbox doesn't.

    TLDR: Tried to get help from gearbox support for borderlands 3 network issues, they sent canned responses and then closed the ticket when it became clear I wouldn't just give up.

    submitted by /u/Rednedivad10
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    LGBT representation

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    It's pretty minor, but I personally really like the LGBT representation in the series- it makes me really happy to see that Gearbox cares about the community. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/GraviMP4
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    So after playing BD2, BDTPS, and BD3, I want to try BD1, is it a good game?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 05:41 PM PDT

    My main worries are it being clunkier than the other games. I liked the gameplay from 3, but didn't really like the story. I love BDTPS, but it feels a bit off to me for some reason.

    BD2 became one of my favorite games, with playing it with friends and solo as well.

    I saw BD1 for sale on ps4 for only $10, but seeing as its the oldest one, I've been told I should just leave it alone. Is it a good game?

    EDIT: my god i dont know why my 2 iq brain put BD and not BL I am so sorry.

    submitted by /u/mattythespider
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    2 questions

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 08:40 PM PDT

    1.Whqt would u think to dark zones from the division being implemented into bl3 like a place where it would ask you if you want to enter and you go in and fight other vault hunters and can take their loot if you kill them but they still keep it.This could be a new activity and if you enter the dark zone your damage will be adjusted to not one shot in the dark zone but once you leave you go back to normal.I think this could be a fun activity and be a fun place to go and farm

    2.Daily bounties:They are somewhere in sanctuary and you go collect them and they are like kill a certain enemy or complete on circle of slaughter on mayhem 6 or higher or kill graveward 20 times or kill 100 enemies something like that and they give you xp(regular and guardian rank but if your max level you get just guardian rank points)and a chance to give legendaries.This system would be really good and fun only if they nerf legendary drop rates(which they should)

    Tell me what you think of my ideas.All feedback is welcome

    submitted by /u/LilEsco-28
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    Borderlands GOTY enhanced

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    So i just purchased bl goty enhanced and i wanna know something.

    On steam, it gives me 2 thing, bl goty and bl goty enhanced. On the bl goty it says i have the dlcs but if i go to the enhance page in my steam library it says nothing about the dlcs. Will i still be able to play the dlcs with the enhance version even if it doesnt say anything about them on its steam library page?

    submitted by /u/RookyTwo
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    Sasha seems underage

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 09:41 PM PDT

    The official age for Sasha is 24 but she looks underage and Rhys is a pedo for pursuing her.

    submitted by /u/heilspawn
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    Anyone wanna be friends?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 07:28 AM PDT

    Looking to make a discord that has a little platform to make friends with other Borderlands players :D if interested add my discord Monkey#8471

    submitted by /u/WGUARD1AN
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    I wanted to play this game couch co-op with my brother but in splitscreen the text is far to small to read a single goddamn thing.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    It literally makes me go cross-eyed. I can't believe there's no menu text size slider. It's straight-up impossible to read it at any distance other than within 2 inches. It's ridiculous!

    And like, they already added a fuckin text size slider for subtitles and closed captions, why not anything else? What the fuck gearbox?!

    submitted by /u/thenotjoe
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    Seraphs are an elite paramilitary group created by Guardians

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 07:11 PM PDT

    Think the Watcher from post BL2. The Announcer of The Proving Grounds. Anathema and Scourge.

    Guardians are trying to take over. Theyre capable of empowering various individuals directly. Guardian can empower one another midfight. They can also empower none guardians.

    They might not be called Seraphs anymore since to me I think the whole point of them being called Seraphs is to cover up their identity or theyre still called Serpahs and theyre still a thing but Seraphs or Seraph Guardians themselves are an elite group of individuals empowered to a high degree.

    The whole point I feel that Seraphs or these Guardians are trying to do is build an army. The Watcher warns us of a war and this likely with the Guardians. If the Guardians are smart they know that theyre outnumbered. Their efforts would be then to make an army. So essentially Seraphs or Seraph Guardians are basically Super Soldiers.

    Minos Prime and Nekrotefeyo are both Planets that are primarily destroyed due to the Guardians. The reason I think is because of the way Guardians create those structures and platforms seen on there planets. I think they summon them spontaneously resulting in the surrounding area being destroyed.

    To me there areas seem less like what was originally intended by Eridians and more like something the Guardians themselves came up with. Like military outposts. This would even fit the theme of the previous Takedown, The Maliwan Takedown. You essentially go to a super secret military outpost to destroy a super weapon. In the Guardian Takedown you go to a military outpost that has spontaneously appeared from out of nowhere to invistigate it. There you fight the 2 Guardians in charge. The Commanders.

    Nekrotefeyo is an old outpost I would imagine.

    Seraphs are basically just mind controlled soldiers.

    submitted by /u/Raymancer
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    Just started borderlands 3 again after stopping playing it in october , i don't understand anything

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 02:24 AM PDT

    My weapons don't do any damage even in mayhem 1 now , when i could easily kill stuff in mayhem 3 ( the highest level of mayhem before i think ) before , i don't know what do to , and how i can get decent weapons. All my gear has an item score of 550-591 , what's the new max now ?

    Do i need to re-loot my weapons again etc or can i just play with the same weapons but on another level of dificulty ? I tried mayhem 10 , i got destroyed , i tried mayhem 3 , i don't do any damage , and i'm currently on mayhem 1 but i still struggle to kill even the most basic enemy.

    Maybe i'm doing something wrong ? I just wanna play the game again , maybe re-do the campain with my current stuff so i can re-loot some other stuff that is the right level and basically farm traunt like before but with the same weapons with the right damage and have fun.


    submitted by /u/NumbBumn
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    Borderlands GOTY

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    Is it just me or is anybody else finding the GOTY version getting quite buggy recently? I've recently lost golden keys (for the second time). Had weapons go missing and recently lost my money and the ability to spend or get more. I know these bugs aren't massive, but there annoying. Can anyone can provide information or has anyone had similar problem?

    submitted by /u/SvelteYeti
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    Bl2 stuck in creating online session what do I do to fix this?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    I just wanna play game

    submitted by /u/rezmeihaveghorn
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    XP differences in co-op

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 02:42 PM PDT

    Hi, I've been looking into this and can't find an answer

    I've just completed the slaughter shaft (level 50) with two friends. Were in co-operation mode.

    On quest completion a gained 410,000 xp while my co-op partners only gained 18,000, why is this? (I am the host)

    Borderlands 3 btw

    submitted by /u/TheShooshie
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    Haven't played since the Halloween event. What all has changed in the game

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    Besides the Expansions, can I get a quick rundown of every major change since I was gone.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Calalf
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    My game is a little glitchy, ps4, handsome jack collection

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    So a few problems, sometimes at point blank my bullets go through scavs, mostly lunatics, the first play through i did this didnt happen, another glitch i got was it suddenly gave me about 100 badass tokens for no reason, i havent even reached concordia yet and am only level 6. Any help/ suggestions would be appreciated

    submitted by /u/MR-P0TAT0
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    Does Graveward not drop the Lyuda anymore or is it very rare now?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    I farmed graveward and i constantly got "The Lob" every run, I once got the Lyuda quickly in an earlier playthrough. Does he not drop it anymore or did they nerf the drop rate?

    submitted by /u/vexisoje
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    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 05:00 PM PDT

    Why is Pandora in a orbiting spaceship, but not the floating island in this game?

    submitted by /u/Lunny1767
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    Borderlands SHiFT Code Browser Extension updated

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 05:19 AM PDT

    Hey Slabs,

    it took me only like a million years, but the Borderlands SHiFT Code Browser Extension is finally updated for both Borderlands 3 and the new style of tweets they're using nowadays.

    Sorry for all the waiting! You don't need to do anything, there is no update on your side. The button should now just work™!

    submitted by /u/ream88
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    Groundbreaker proc

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 02:41 AM PDT

    I'm testing the moxsy gamebreaker amara build but i'm having trouble on how ground breaker procs because in his video he uses ties that bind then immediately shoots the boss and he dies but when I go to do the same thing traunt just laughs at me

    submitted by /u/devourdemons
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    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 04:09 AM PDT

    Can all guns get all annoiments? Im trying to get a recursion with fl4ks rakk 100% bonus damage, is it possible?

    submitted by /u/Boppa813
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