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    Monday, September 21, 2020

    Borderlands Bloodsplosion is BACK! Level 65 Mayhem 10 Moze Build breakdown!

    Borderlands Bloodsplosion is BACK! Level 65 Mayhem 10 Moze Build breakdown!

    Bloodsplosion is BACK! Level 65 Mayhem 10 Moze Build breakdown!

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 07:21 AM PDT

    Hey everyone!

    It's your friendly neighbourhood Moze Main Nootmad back again with too much free time on my hands!, so today i thought i'd share a build with you guys that ive been working for a little while now and have been having a tonne of fun with it. Im calling this build, Bloodplosion Moze. And yep, you heard me, through the creative use of some skills, and gear, we can finally and genuinely bloodsplode enemies just like krieg in Borderlands 2. I also want to let you quickly know that i have made a video breakdown on this build right here so feel free to check it out there if text posts arent your thing and you want to see this build in action. But if you dont like videos, i gotchu homie! (and home-ettes?)

    BTW. This build does contain some DLC4 gear, so be wary of spoilers!

    Build Breakdown!

    The primary mechanic that allows this effect is radiation, and more specifically, the radiation aura. This aura scales with numerous bonuses such as splash radius and damage, and is what allows the damage for the auras to be as lethal as they are. This build is genuinely a tonne of fun and ive been running through the takedowns with ease while streaming, and we all know how scuffed the raids can be when running the takedowns with a build that isnt optimal.

    The Gun (yes.. singlular gun..)

    So.. On to the reason why you clicked on this post (probably)! Lets learn some things. The main star of this build is the Prompt Critical, a DLC4 legendary pistol that drops form Evil Lilith in Castle Crimson. Being a torge weapon, it has an impact mode and a sticky mode. The sticky mode is what makes this build shine as its effect is basically, "more stickies on an enemy = bigger explosion radius and damage". Considering we are using aradiation variant, you can imagine that the radiation explosion radius is quite significant and what allows the bloodsplosion chains to happen.

    I highly recommend the consecutive hits annoint on it in the x3 variant as annoints like urad (150% radiation damage under 50%HP) is kind of redundant considering we are maxing out Fire in The Skag Den that gives us close to 500% incendiary damage at 5/5. The logic behind that is consecutive hits will further our weapon damage without relying elemental damage that suffers from diminishing returns for lack of a better term. Get yourself a radiation AND a corrosive variant for hose pesky raid bosses like Scourge and Wotan the Invincibles.

    Class Mod

    As far as class mods go, i 100% recommend the Rocketeer Class Mod (drops from Tumourhead in Lectra City) for a few reasons.

    1. The Rocketeer Class Mod provides aggro relief and pseudo crowd control as enemies will target Auto Bear and not you as Moze, also allowing the enemies to bunch up and make it easier to chain those radiation explosions for them sweet sweet bloodplosion chains.

    2. Having auto bear out will also help supplement mozes damage through use of the capacitive armatures railgun augment, or as utility if you choose to equip the Target Softening Vanquisher augment to 'slag' enemies and help you dish out more damage

    3. Its a big mech out on the field fighting enemies with you. Is that really not a selling point on its own? ;)

    The sub stats i recommend on the class mod are things like pistol damage, AoE damage and radius, radiation damage, etc.. Basically stats that will boost your overall DPS of your gear. +5 torgue cross promotion is the ideal skill allocation because extra splash radius + damage is a no brainer.

    Artifact (or relic. whatever you call it :P )

    The best in slot relic for this build is the Atom Balm Victory Rush (drops from Azalea in Jakobs Estate) and the reasons why are

    1. Atom Balm prefix increases radius and damage of the radiation auras (explosions) which increases the overall damage of the radiation explosions upon kiling an enemy that has been inflicted with the radiation status effect)
    2. Victory Rush prefix gives us a nice little multiplicative damage boost as the victory rush damage bonus is calculated separately to the gun damage bonuses (that things like the pearl relic gives us), and the extra movement speed upon killing a badass is nice too because moze is slower than a god damn snail!

    The sub stats i recommend are once again similar to that of the Class Mod, basically being stats that boost your damage overall. Mag size isnt as required as it is for typical moze builds since we arent using things like blastmaster or green monster.


    Moving on from those focal gear pieces, we can touch on the shields now and in my opinion, there are 2 options.

    1. Radiation Old God (Boss world drop - DLC 2) to boost our radiation damage overall
    2. Plus Ultra Shield (drops from Dr Benedict in Benediction of Pain - DLC 4) to boost our survivability and get a nice CDR bonus too (CDR meaning Cooldown Reduction for our Action Skill)

    The annoint i recommend is the gunner cooldown annoint to help get Iron Bear of cooldown faster. The Bonus Element annoints arent as recommended as once again, extra elements dont provide much benefit when skag den alone gives us so much.

    Skill Tree!

    And now we can finally get to the skill tree. Now, instead of just talking about each skill, im just going to link the skill tree and just go over a few things that i think are out of the ordinary for standard moze builds. So. Here's the skill tree ( <---- clicky clicky on the words to the left <---- )

    Now, as far as skill tree uniqueness. There really isnt much. Just a few points though

    1. You may notice i only have 1 in pull the holy pin. This was intentional. I am using a radiation hex grenade in this build (with on grenade throw annoint) which can by itself crit fairly regularly (its one of those grenades that can naturally crit) as well as having multiple mini nades increase the likelihood of a crit.
    2. Security bear gives Iron Bear flat damage reduciton even when the shield isnt active and because we arent using splash hardpoints (or at least i dont), giving IB the extra survivability helps
    3. Dakka bear point is a floater and you can put it wherever you want really. I just like it there because it gives me breathing room in case i get overwhelmed by enemy spawns (looking at you guardian takedown)

    And honestly, thats about it. If you have any questions about the skill tree, just let me know down below (in the comments...) and ill be sure to answer them!

    The End :(

    So yeah, that rounds out my build explanation. If you made it this far, i just want to thank you guys for reading the whole thing, and i hope you found it useful. I also want to let you know that i actually do a lot of video breakdowns and guides just like this over on my own YouTube Channel so feel free to check that out if you're after some up to date Moze builds and general information to improve your game knowledge! Like always, if you have any questions or thoughts, let me know in the comments! I hope you guys found this quick discussion useful and I'll see you guys next post! o/

    submitted by /u/nivman1410
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    I Need Some Other Perspectives

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 01:51 AM PDT

    Something has been really bothering me as of late, and I think writing it down, sharing it, and getting other perspectives could go a long way towards maybe working through some difficulties I'm having.

    Some background - Around the start of August this year I was asking around my friend group for some new RPGs to play, because I think I finally exhausted Monster Hunter, at least for a bit as Monster Hunter is amazing. My brother and another good friend told me to check out the Borderlands series, a series which, until now, I hadn't even been remotely interested in. But lo and behold, Borderlands, Borderlands 2, Borderlands TPS, and Borderlands 3 are all on sale right around then. I was told to start with Borderlands 2, and if I liked it, pick up 3. That's what I did. I bought Borderlands 2, and from the moment you walk into Claptrap's hideout and turn to see his oil splattered bed with bikini clad Claptraps on the wall, I knew it was a game I was going to like. It was funny, fast paced, with an interesting world, distinct classes, well integrated RPG elements, a decent to good story with an above average villain, and a wild supporting cast. I bought Borderlands 3 before even finishing 2, because it left such a good impression. I went on to finish Borderlands 2 as Maya, and again as Gaige, and start Borderlands 3. My first run through, as Zane, was less than impressive, and now, on my second playthrough, as Fl4k, I'm beginning to think I don't like Borderlands 3.

    Now, I'm going to talk about my feelings and observations as someone new to the series. I'm not trying to ruffle any feathers. If you agree with me, say something, it's always nice to not be alone. If you disagree with me, say something, because I really want to like Borderlands 3, and am struggling to do so. I'm hoping hearing more voices will help.

    To start with, and I couldn't find any topics about this on reddit, youtube, or google searches, but the classes in Borderlands 3 are a major let down. They all feel the same. In Borderlands 2, there were certain skills that changed the way you would play the characters. For example, Gaige's Little Big Trouble tree made you want to prioritize being close to enemies for the reload talent, and affected which type of gear you would want to equip, shock element and close range, obviously. In a similar vein, choosing to go into Anarchy promotes a different play style and gear selection. And with Maya, the Motion tree gave you a lot of battlefield control, promoting splash damage and a slower, steadier play style, while the Cataclysm tree gave you a lot of elemental damage, but Phaselock had to be used more sparingly, with better enemy prioritization. More specialist characters like Zero had to choose between a melee, sniper, or ambush play style. None of this RPG depth is present in Borderlands 3. Every talent is just some form of more damage without any game play changes or hoops to jump through to access it. What makes Anarchy interesting is the trade off you have to make to access the damage. There are no trade offs in Borderlands 3. My level 52 Zane, 40 Fl4k, 18 Amara, and 25 Moze all play exactly the same. Run and shoot. Use action skill on cool down. This is supremely disappointing and makes the playable characters in Borderlands 3 feel exceptionally hollow and uninteresting, as there is no RPG elements to any of them. Not even gun type preference. Every one can use everything. You aren't hunting for different stuff for different characters because all the stuff is great on all the characters. If the only real choice is aesthetic, what meaningful choice is there in a game where you never even see your own character?

    Next, and I did some research on this and know it's something of a contentious subject, but the writing in Borderlands 3 is atrocious. It it my understanding that the person and/or team that wrote Borderlands 2 left Gearbox, and that is really truly a tragedy. The highest point of the writing was the scenes with Hamerlock and Wainwright. I thought these two were well done, funny, and offered a good bit of characterization for Hammerlock. The singular other character who was a step above was Lorelei. However, the vast majority of jokes are not funny. Ice T as an AI Teddybear with an AI girlfriend was not funny. The Calypso Twins were more of a nuisance than a threat, and I rolled my eyes every time they were given screen time. Lilith isn't at all like how she was presented in Borderlands 2. Vaughn was not funny or interesting. Rhys was not funny or interesting. Typhon was not funny and I swear to god if I hear turd one more time. Moxxi was barely involved. Claptrap was barely involved. Tina, Mordecai, Brick, Zero, were barely involved, not to mention that other major characters - Gaige, Salvador, Axton, Krieg, anyone from the Pre-Sequel - were completely missing. The ending was super contrived amateur ninth grade creative writing deus ex garbage. The Veronica and Claptrap quest was especially not funny, and showcases perfectly the staggering ineptitude of the writing team. It's like they did not understand the characters they were given to write, even in the tiniest, most minuscule, most generous sense of the word 'understand.'

    There are somethings I did like about Borderlands 3. I thought leaving Pandora was a good call. I enjoyed the environments of Eden-6 and Nekrotafeyo. I had wished there was an ice world. While the Pandora in Borderlands 2 was basically four environments - desert, snow, green, and purple hellscape - I thought Borderlands 3 vastly improved upon this. I thought the shimmy/climbing mechanic was a good addition and did a lot to alleviate getting caught up on terrain, like you sometimes did in the previous game. I enjoyed the map challenges, or at least the exploration they encouraged. Most of the sidequests were better done than the main quest, notably the one that ends with Claptrap dancing was excellent. I enjoy the vastly improved character customization. I think the endgame is executed in the third game better than the second, in some regards. I don't miss save-quitting.

    But with all this being said, I am really really struggling to like Borderlands 3. I want to. It has all the promises of a game I would like, but unlike its predecessor, fulfills none of them. There aren't unique and interesting ways to play the classes, because they are all the same class, really. The story isn't worth another go around. And I feel about 1100 words worth of conflicted about all of it. So I ask, what keeps you playing Borderlands 3? Because I am struggling.

    Edit: After writing all of this I remembered that Hammerlock's sister is playable in TPS and a boss in 3. No need to point that one out.

    Edit 2: I want to thank everyone for their input. If anything, I've learned that Borderlands 3 is divisive. It's nice to see I'm not alone in my experience and it's nice to see that others have had a completely different experience.

    submitted by /u/nucklepuckk
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    Question about Borderlands Handsome Edition

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 06:14 PM PDT

    I know I'm late to playing Borderlands but always heard great things about the franchise so I got the Handsome edition without realizing it doesn't include the 1st. Is it fine skipping the 1st and playing the others or is it a must to play the 1st Borderlands?

    submitted by /u/papi-ricoo
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    Zane M10 Build for soloing takedowns

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 05:59 PM PDT

    Hey everyone!

    I'm Azraekos- I mostly lurk here on the sub but I've had just a little too much free time on my hands recently so I've been working on my Zane build for M10. It's loosely based off of Thiccfilla's SAK Zane build, but with a few slight differences. Note I dont have video recording software for proof but I soloed both takedowns with this build if it means anything. Very little of this build requires the paid DLCs. As long as you have DLC 1 you are good.

    The skill trees

    Red tree

    The major difference here is Thiccfila took praemunitus, while I capped off synchronicity. Plus, synchronicity helps Zane dish out enough damage to maintain the loop if the clone goes down somehow. I dont find praemunitus very helpful, as it really only ever adds an extra few bullets in the mag, which isnt a great benefit when reloading is extremely fast (a benefit we get from the blue tree). Skip fractal frags, as that wastes time that the clone could be shooting. You only ever really need a single point in pocket full of grenades, as seein' dead proccs it enough that grenades will not be something you have to worry about.

    For the augments, Digital distribution and schadenfreude for survival, schadenfreude and Doppelbanger for ASE anoint procs.

    Blue tree

    This is the real meat of the build. The weapon swap speed from a single point in cold bore helps when pulling out the hellwalker, the current BiS shotgun due to some recent buffs. The lob is a great pick too, but I prefer the hell walker for its more reliable damage. A single point in salvation is all you will ever really need for survivability out of this tree. Violent violence and cool hand are the major differences. My Seen' dead rolled with +3 to VV, so I only specced 2 points in. You can adapt accordingly. The full reload speed buff from cool hand is really good, especially if you use longer reload weapons like the faisor. I choose not to spec into drone delivery, as the movement speed and fire rate debuff the drone can do to tanky mobs is particulaly invaluable in my experience.

    For the augments, Bad dose and static field. If you want to run winter's drone you can by replacing static field, but be wary that shields wont replenish as fast.

    Green tree

    Nothing we've specced into here cares about the barrier, we're mostly here for brainfreeze, but the 1 extra point should go into confident competence. Brainfreeze allows crits to apply cryo damage, and freeze should it be enough damage. Freezing enemies really helps with survivability, which is crucial for solo play. Ready for action just happens to be the best T1 green tree skill.

    The guns

    Anything that is known to be good will work, but the weapon that really makes the build shine is the Sandhawk. Give it to the clone and it will cut through shields faster than the cutsman. Beacon, Rogue, Critical, hellwalker, and sand hawk have all performed well for me. Optimally, The sandhawk rolls for shock so you can eliminate shields, which will be helpful for both takedowns.

    The Modifiers

    Mayhem modifiers are rarely, if ever, mentioned in any build break down. I'm choosing to mention them here since they can actually change things with how easy/difficult things are- Something tells me that some of the interactions these cause are what gets the damage output content creators get. I use these since the drone can be easy kills to get out of FFYL, enemies arent alive long enough to get real benefit out of the damage increase from mob mentality, and you're too fast for post mortem to ever really matter. Added benefit is these modifiers dont really mess with anyone else's damage output.

    The equipment

    The DLC 1 Seein' dead is obviously a must run, victory rush has proven to be better for DPS than any other artifact, it's piss essentially gives you slag-like damage buff if you have a fast enough weapon (Like kaoson for example). The transformer is a good option, but the new BiS shield is the Plus ultra from DLC 4. On top of it's base effects, It has a hidden perk of doubling your health.

    The Anoints

    This is the big point of contention. I went through an extensive amount of testing again various different bosses and mobs, and the straight damage anoint aren't actually the best DPS. What you want are the 300% over 90%, SNTL cryo, and ASE elemental damage anoints. ASE anoints help maintain the damage when clone goes down, and can be procced easily from popping the clone with Old-U or Doppelbanger.

    And that's it. If you want to ask any specific questions or see specific rolls, I can show them off and answer them here.

    submitted by /u/Azraekos
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    How are people enjoying the endgame? Are many people finding lots of live activity with co op play or is it dead?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 06:58 PM PDT

    Hi. So I love Borderlands, always have. 3 let me down in some ways. I felt like the story was only half way done when it ended. I was like, "6 years ... for that?" Not the mechanics or game play, but the script. The plot. So much more could have been explored. That bad taste in my mouth has turned me away from post game play except checking out the dlcs upon release for bits of the story driven game play .. I love the borderlands world and enjoy immersing myself within it. I'm wondering whatsup how active and lit the post game material is outside of dlc quest lines. Are we expecting more dlcs after these 4 ? I'd pay for another season pass honestly. If they keep the content coming and improving, I'm on board for the foreseeable future... how are you guys on it?

    submitted by /u/ShroomingMantis
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    BL3: Help with Circle of Slaughter

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 05:28 AM PDT

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone would want to help me complete the circle of slaughter. I can't seem to get past round 2. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/hippysmuggler
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    Navigate to Krieg's Mind Bugged???

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 10:24 PM PDT

    So I bought the Super Deluxe Edition around launch on EPIC and I now want to play the Krieg dlc.

    I have accepted the mission from Tannis but the option to navigate to Krieg's Mind wont show up, even on 3 characters and restarting my game.

    Anyone know what or who can help?

    submitted by /u/MrVichie
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    Not getting two starting weapons from Borderlands GOTY Enhanced

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 09:58 PM PDT

    I linked my account to SHiFT, I restarted my game. I have all the DLC. I don't understand. Was this a preorder bonus only? My friend got legendary guns to start and he played the game for the first time today.

    Is it random? Most people seem to get two guns but I only get one normal gun.

    He did not get the guns from a golden chest with a golden key.

    submitted by /u/MaleAnatomy
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    Still receiving constant crashes on dx12. Help needed.

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    So I've already posted about this asking for help and sadly got one response. I've decided to try again. I will list my specs at the bottom after I describe the situation.

    So as the title suggests, I'm playing BL3 on dx12. The most common answer I get for 'fixing' this problem is to switch back to dx11 which completely contradicts my issue. I want to be able to play borderlands 3 on dx12 primarily for the significant increase in framerate. To put this into perspective, I get about 85 FPS on dx11 but when I switch, I'm averaging around 120fps. I've tried so many things such as overclocking/underclocking to see if it was a stability issue, but that didn't work. Tweaked my ram speeds, which made it worse so I switched back. My drivers are up to date and my windows is updated to the latest version. I quite literally have never experienced another game crashing on any settings except for BL3 on dx12. Any tips would be appreciated. Thx.

    Ryzen 5 3600 16 GB DDR4 ram Nvidia 2070s GPU 600w EVGA bronze power supply B450 mortar max micro atx motherboard

    P.s. I also play on the epic games launcher. Don't know if that matters.

    Edit: The error message that pops up when the game crashes is "LowLevelFatalError". Hope that helps.

    submitted by /u/Icy_Statement_901
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    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 09:19 PM PDT

    Does Borderlands 1 weapons have durability. Like I have a very epic weapon but I still use the bad ones because of durability. So like if I switch to epic. Will my weapon break after some time or reduce its damage?

    submitted by /u/PSSGAMER
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    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 02:58 PM PDT

    Who's the best and worst character to solo with in the first game?

    submitted by /u/Tr101748
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    Catch a ride

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 08:56 PM PDT

    Is there ever going to be a fix for the catch a ride not saving load outs? I'm getting really tired of having to put the stuff back on the vehicles i want to use

    submitted by /u/rebornphoenixV
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    Should I pick up B1?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 08:44 PM PDT

    I'm not expecting it to match 2/TPS/3 in terms of scope but is it an enjoyable game in 2020?

    It's $10

    submitted by /u/112DB
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    Very annoying glitch following a crash, want to know if anyone else has experienced (minor spoiler)

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 04:50 PM PDT

    So basically, I was going towards getting the golden car in TVHM when I shot "The Lab" at a group of 3 rakks. This promptly caused my game to crash, which was annoying, but at most a minor setback, or so i thought.

    So I load back into the game and check my loadout, and all of a sudden, my guns have gotten a serious downgrade except for "The Lab". And when I say serious, i do mean serious. I had a breath of the dying that was doing almost 2400 damage per shot suddenly drop below 1000, and a Bitch that was doing almost 900 per go down to 100. The last gun in my Arsenal only went down a few hundred, from 2200 to 1800, but that's still extraordinarily irritating.

    All in all, very annoying bug caused by (at least I'd assume) a crash.

    In conclusion, just want to put this year as a warning to check your loadout when you crash, and to know if anyone else has had this happen before.

    Edit: issue resolved, just wait a few minutes and reload the game.

    submitted by /u/venomtooth2
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    Help with Shooting Range Trophy

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    I think it's imposible to get it on your own, I cannot shoot tbem all at Sanctuary, always missing one. I cannot seem to be able to get them all. Can someone help? I'm on the ps4 version. My alias is stilz13.

    submitted by /u/stilzkyn
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    How does the new mayhem system work in terms of gearing?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 03:27 PM PDT

    Does good gear only drop at the higher mayhem levels? To help you do the next mayhem level?

    Or is it solely based on your level Capp?

    submitted by /u/Wegetit23
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    Can anyone help pls

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    I am having trouble killing the RK5 and was asking anyone for help. I am level 68 in ultimate vault hunter mode on steam. Comment if you are my level or higher and are willing to help. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/djlrocks01
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    The super randomizer seems to have 4x enemy's and it's really hard and I keep dying.

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    I use the epic game version and people said use blcmm but it dousnt let me chose the game path at the set up so I dont know how to turn it off. Please help!!

    submitted by /u/BlItZ_TrooperYT
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    Any REAL reason to start a new playthrough?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 05:57 AM PDT

    I know this is the Borderlands sub so I'll just get a bunch of yes's, but I wanna know is there any actual reasons to start a fresh run of the game? I haven't played since last October cause the game got real stale for me but I'm hoping there's a reason or two to start fresh.

    submitted by /u/leavejayvlone
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    Is the borderlands 3 DLCs good?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    I don't care too much about the Jakob's one because that was my least favorite part of the entire base game.

    But the other ones worth picking up?

    Any new game modes or anything like that?

    submitted by /u/Wegetit23
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    Zane's Clone Duration randomly extends?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    So I've noticed that occasionally, Zane's clone duration randomly seems to get extended after swapping. I'm sure it has something to do with kills or not getting shield broken or something like that, but I've legitimately seen the bar go from 30% to 70%+ a few times, especially during the Maliwan Takedown when using a Radiation Barrage with 200% during action skill.

    Yet I can't find any skills or equipment that could cause this. Closest is shield healing or something.
    Does anyone know what this effect is, and/or how I can reliably replicate it?

    If I'm not hallucinating and it can be replicated, I figure a clone that can last as near-indefinitely as there's enemies to kill and it's not destroyed would make for a pretty powerful build.

    submitted by /u/Fantasy_masterMC
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    How does spiritual driver mod work?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    I've been playing around with this mid on Amara and am confused as to how it actually works. When I use my action skill and build up my mindfulness stacks, do I need to actually be moving for the damage increase to take effect or do I just need the active stacks?

    submitted by /u/nostaljack
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    How hard would the first game be to a newish borderlands player?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 08:57 AM PDT

    I've played about halfway through the first game a few years ago. How hard would the whole game be if I played by myself?

    submitted by /u/Tr101748
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