• Breaking News

    Sunday, September 20, 2020

    Borderlands Gearbox, it's been one year and we still can't open the Eridian doors on Ascension Bluff.

    Borderlands Gearbox, it's been one year and we still can't open the Eridian doors on Ascension Bluff.

    Gearbox, it's been one year and we still can't open the Eridian doors on Ascension Bluff.

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    They've been locked since launch with no possible way to open them, but everyone already knows what's behind them. (Seemingly a Raid Boss)

    It wouldn't even be impactful content, most end game players would kill the boss almost instantly, but I think the entire community just wants closure at this point, myself included.


    submitted by /u/WrittenOffski
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    Lacking endgame motivation

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 04:10 AM PDT

    I finished the game, played all the DLCs on Mayhem 3 to 4, geared up a decent build, that can tackle the raids. Did those and now I am completely bored.

    I don't see a point in grinding circle of slaughter or the raids to be honest. The only thing I could do is to progressively farm up to Mayhem 10, but that doesn't really interest me.

    I could start over in TVHM, but since Mayhem exists, it would be the exact same thing. And I can't bear the story one more time. Same goes with starting a new character. I could do that, but it is such a long way to max level.

    submitted by /u/0cci
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    Vaulthalla Secret Room

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 07:52 PM PDT

    I am farming for DLC weapons on the final boss. Can the secret room red chests drop boss specific loot like rebound/major Kong or should I just skip it?

    Anyone know? Thanks

    submitted by /u/BrockodileDunD
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    Is Borderlands 1 or 2 easier by yourself?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 10:17 PM PDT

    I'm looking to play one of them solo.

    submitted by /u/Tr101748
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    Best place to farm eridium?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 07:57 PM PDT

    Any new spots that are good for farming it??

    submitted by /u/alteredizzy1010
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    New Interaction w/ New FL4K Mod?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 09:02 PM PDT

    While playing through my FL4k playthrough, I decided to check my mail for whatever reason and I forgot to redeem the pre-order rewards. One of the items you get is a grenade mod called "Cheddar Shredder" which basically drops money on hit. Use this with FL4K's new class mod introduced in dlc 4 "Peregrine" and you got yourself a boat load of incoming cash. Didn't know if this was worth sharing, but I found it pretty useful for early game money.

    Edit: I forgot to mention that this pairs really well with the augments "Rakkcelerate" and "Flock 'N Load" for more Rakks more often, and skills like "Head Count" and "Eager to Impress" for faster cooldown.

    submitted by /u/Parti_
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    Question about hellshock pistol

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 03:50 PM PDT

    I know hellshock only comes in shock and fire, but has anyone ever seen fire as the default element and shock is the alternative? - Zane main who's clone won't change to Alternative fire LOL

    submitted by /u/nietzschefactor
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    Wasn’t there supposed to be a Master Vault Hunter mode?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 09:22 PM PDT

    Wth happened to that?

    submitted by /u/Kuraio__
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    Xbox Performance on BL3 is an absolute joke

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    Seriously, I have an Xbox one X and there's been a known glitch for OVER A YEAR where the game will just crash and even turn off my console when I try to join a friend or load into a new area on a friends game.

    Yes I know about launching my own game first before joining but even with that workaround, it still crashes pretty often. Hell I even get crashes in single player. I can't even play BL3 with friends, without constant crashing. Gearbox clearly doesn't give a shit about their game or their fans, it's really quite laughable.

    submitted by /u/Ineedsomethingtodo
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    How to make the game a little less difficult?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 05:17 PM PDT

    So I've played it before but haven't beaten it on PC. I got a little over halfway through but never gotten around to beating it. The whole time I played it was a tough time. I would be under the recommended level then do a shit ton of quest and be the recommended level. It got to the point where In the later parts of the game I would not have enough side quest to level up. I'm thinking about getting the GOTY Edition for the switch. Any tips to level up faster and make the game a little easier?

    submitted by /u/Tr101748
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    Borderlands 3 review (Spoilers for the main game if you haven't played it)

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 07:42 PM PDT

    So I'm gonna be talking a lot of smack about the game so I want to start off with this. The game is a lot of fun, I had fun playing it, and if you haven't played it yet please do it's fun. Now let's get into the bad The story is actual doodoo garbage and I think that they knew that they couldnt top handsome jack from 2 so they didnt try. The calypso twins never felt too much like a threat (SPOILER TIME!!!) Even at the end as the moon is crashing to the surface and your fighting a destroyer tyreen calypso it feels like it's not a thrilling final boss and it's just another hard attack pattern boss. Almost all the final bosses from the last games where hulking beasts who tower over you and could eat skyscrapers like pockys.

    So while it felt gearbox was pulling their punches in parts of the game they focused the hell on other parts. The combat in this game is so good you can just run around killing stuff for hours finding new ways to use your movement techniques. The addition of a slide kick was amazing and it feels so good to hit an enemy with it jump up and get a head shot. I cant say how many times this combat is good.

    The characters in the story are cool, it seems with the story they were trying to bring back more characters than the new ones. Out of the small amount of new ones theres ava who I wont get into as one quick search of this game will tell you, the community doesnt like her. While I didnt like her I dont think she deserves all the hate. In this game they figured out how to make all the vault hunters interesting and I chose moze, which was a big mistake as she only talks in xbox voice chat gamer quotes from a 8 year old.

    Overall the game is quite nice, it has a few bugs still after a year of release but not too many game breaking, I did have one where an NPC got stuck so I had to reload my game but it was fixed. Also while I played it on a normal ps4 the game ran quite well only losing frames with my bs guns when I shoot them fast. 6/7, quite a lot of fun and I need to say this the deluxe edition is on sale (idk if it's only ps4) but you should get it its $40

    submitted by /u/I-FAP-TO-SNOO
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    I really really want to like bl3

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 06:01 AM PDT

    So let me devide this into positvies and negatives. and lets start with the good

    The Good

    • The Gameplay The gameplay itself, running, gunning, using your skills, that feels amazing, The game feels good to play, which is one of the most important things to have, guns have a kick to them, the new shticks of every manufacter with alternate firing modes was super fun for a veteran player, and the action skills are very enjoyable. Getting cover, melee, and all.

    • Character design Although not everyone will agree with me, i think the character design of the new vault hunters, as well as the redesign of returning charcters such as Maya was wonderful. My personal favorite was Moze, but overall all the characters felt very 'borderlands' which was great. The boss designs felt great too

    The Meh

    • Farming and annoitments I don't know what exactly it is, but guns in this game feel like they have a much lower drop rate, espeically when hunting for a specific annointment, I know it's because now there are more parts you want(gun, element, prefix annointment) then other games (Gun, element, prefix, matching grip) so i don't really blame the devs, it just doesn't feel as good, farming for the gun you want.

    • The Calypsos Honestly, the villans just radiated to me... 'lost potential' throughout the game, when you were on eden 6 and you heard auralia talk to the male twin, i hoped that maybe, MAYBE, we'd have osme character development for him, but nothing like that happened. I'm not an expert writer, and it's been a while since i last played so my memory of the exact plot is vauge. So i can't write here what should've happened honestly. But i was dissapointed with the villans, i think the idea had so much potenital, but nothing happened with it.

    The Bad

    • Ava Oh god where do i begin, everyone and their mother already talked about this blue pesk, so i'll be breif, i think that her starting as a bratty edgy teen isn't bad, the probelm i found with her character is when she kept the same attitude throughout the game, not improving or having any development, and other characters agreeing with her shitty behavior, when she said maya's death was lilith's fault, they shouldn't have agreed with her, but disagreed, if she'd have grown as a person through the game, owning to her mistakes, working hard to redeem herself, and through that redemption awaken the siren's powers. The potential to be a great person maya maybe saw in her, i think a lot less people would be complaining. But even if she did, Sanctuary's lead should've gone to one of the bl2's hunters, or even mordechai, not Ava.

    • Previous Hunters The borderlands 2 hunters should've been a lot more prevelent during the story, as central leaders in the movment like the bl1 hunters were during bl2. Imagine we had axton as the acting leader at the start of the game, with lilith as a more laid back, advisory role as she already had her moments under the spotlight in bl1 and 2, Imgaine Salvador as a undercover in the bandit's armies. Doing better with maya, doing better with Zer0. The game felt so dissapointing in these matters too

    • Tannis and Lilith Lilith felt so... out of place in this game, she wasn't the strong female lead anymore, as well as her arc being over already as i see it. Her stay for so long was out of place, uneeded.

    As for tannis, I don't see why she was made into a siren, in how i see it, i think her place as the insane genius that doesnt' need special powers was already great, besides, i still don't understand why would angel give her specifically her powers.

    • The inconsistencies In many parts of the story, it seemed like the writers for bl3 didn't bother playing the previous games, with aurelia backtracking her development during tps, at the end of it being willing to straighten her past and get along with her brother, to going back to her money hungry way for example. Or the complete backtrack on the ending of the pre sequel, with the foreshadowing of the great war.

    overall The game still has good gameplay, and although somewhat weaker, the sense of humor we fell for this game for is still there, however something is.... missing. after i beat the game once i just didn't want to play it again, i was in for the first few DLCs, but after the second one, with the wedding, i just couldn't bring myself to play more, let alone start with a new vault hunter. I really wanted to love this game, i really did, but something just... isn't clicking for me

    submitted by /u/AshenPumpkin
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    Do you think Borderlands 3 will ever be equal to Borderlands 2 with all DLCs?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 04:58 PM PDT

    Also is the community patch still updated?

    submitted by /u/ThunderDroneZone
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    Offset aiming

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 04:09 PM PDT

    Question for reddit, hope a quick responce.

    Trying to play the game but somehow, my crosshairs, and friends names, have all shifted to the left. Their name is like 2 feet to the left of their head.

    I hop in a rocket turret of a car, and the missile fires a few feet right of where i'm aiming. when I go into fight for your life, i have to aim a few feet left of where I'm shooting.

    but when I'm looking down the sights, everything is 'spot on'...

    Anyone have any idea on how to fix?

    submitted by /u/Ashkuria
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    Casual to Max Level?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 11:54 PM PDT

    Just finished Uvhm with Axton and I wanna build him. Use all perk points, farm for the guns I like, etc, but I want to hit the max level casually. To explain, I had previously beat UVHM with maya, and then proceeded to do all the dlc campaigns and headhunters, only to end up at level 64. I understand that doing the mutated varies and whatnot is efficient, but I would like to have fun with some variety while leveling. Should I do all the green side missions? Is new game the only other way? What should I do to casually reach max level? Also you are looking great today. You work out or.......?

    submitted by /u/Dawnstopper
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    Finished Takedown at Maliwan but mission still active and not over?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 02:46 PM PDT

    The boss is dead. There's nothing there to do or loot anymore. But the mission isn't checked off as completed? Everything wasted?

    submitted by /u/aoune
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    Question! Mayhem? TVHM? Please help me understand moving on after beating Normal!

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    So having played all the previous games, I THOUGHT I knew what to do after beating Normal...

    TVHM! And then there will eventually be a UVHM. The way it's always been!

    But after some research, doing TVHM at all in BL3 seems to be hotly contested.

    So color me confused. I did the usual playthrough 1 thing of blitzing through normal, skipping side quests and DLC. What should I do now?

    submitted by /u/Gallowsbane
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    Crawmerax help request

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    I need help with Crawmerax, it's the last trophy to get platinum.

    Anybody looking to form a team?

    I'm on PS4, PSN DarthLoser

    submitted by /u/DarthL0ser
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    Amara not fun to me, who should I pick?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    I choose Amara because of melee, buts it's become clear that her melee is more end game stuff.

    In BL2 I throughly enjoyed Gaige, and Flak seems most similar to that.

    Please make a case why your character is fun lol

    submitted by /u/112DB
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    Radiation Recolor via modification?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    So maybe it's just me being nitpicky, but I really dislike the Radiation element inclusion into BL3 over slag, but only from an aesthetic perspective.

    Is it possible to modify files to make the color of Radiation and Radiation effects purple to better differentiate it?

    submitted by /u/trando434
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    Zanes clone anointments

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 06:34 AM PDT

    Can zanes clone take advantage on clone anointments with cap skill on clone tree?

    submitted by /u/HeirOfMist
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