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    Friday, September 25, 2020

    Borderlands Complete list of canon worlds in the Borderlands universe (John Shirley books included), credit to the Gearbox forum linked

    Borderlands Complete list of canon worlds in the Borderlands universe (John Shirley books included), credit to the Gearbox forum linked

    Complete list of canon worlds in the Borderlands universe (John Shirley books included), credit to the Gearbox forum linked

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    Link: https://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/t/complete-list-of-canon-worlds-in-the-borderlands-universe/4111340


    • Aquator
    • Artemis
    • Athenas (two moons)
    • Demophon
    • Dionysus
    • Eden (six moons: Eden-2, Eden-3, Eden-4, Eden-5, Eden-6, Eden-7)
    • Eptah
    • Eroticon-6
    • Eunomia
    • Euros
    • Farflax
    • Grophic III
    • Grophic IV
    • Hedon-3
    • Hephaestus
    • Hera
    • Hermes
    • Hestias
    • Hieronymous
    • Honus 4651
    • HVOg-4
    • Isolus
    • "Joey's Planet" (one moon)
    • Junpai-7
    • "Midnight's Cairn"
    • Minos Prime (four moons)
    • Monoetius
    • Nekrotafeyo
    • Pandora (one moon: Elpis)
    • Partali
    • Promethea
    • Raden-3
    • Selene
    • Sercannus-3
    • Tantalus
    • Themis
    • Thrace
    • Xylourgos
    • Unidentified gas giant (three moons: Gehenna and two unnamed ones)

    Now, a couple of notes:
    -So far in the continuity, humanity has spread through six galaxies.

    -Earth and the Solar System are pretty much canonical, but since they haven't been mentioned thus far, they aren't included.

    -This info should be taken with a grain of salt, since, for example, we only learned that Eden-6 is actually a moon in Borderlands 3, while we always assumed it to be an indipendent planet. I'll try to update the post in case Gearbox adds/retcons anything about this subject.

    -In episode four of Tales from the Borderlands, Fiona mentions the planet of "Grimmtillius", though we can't be certain wether she simply made it up on the spot or if it actually exists.

    -Amara says that her name means "deathless" on 37 planets, and is a brand of conditioner on 8, so this leaves at least 4 missing colonized planets that haven't been named yet.

    -This image appears during the intro to Borderlands 3:

    (images are not allowed in r/Borderlands)

    The cinematic then zooms in on the bigger planet and its moon, revealing that they're actually Pandora and Elpis. This seems to indicate that, in the Pandoran System, there are 4 more (probably unhinabitable, since we've never heard of them) planets (one of them even with a moon).


    A little update!

    Obviously, I've added Xylourgos to the list, and also corrected a few typos.

    In addition, here are a few notes on some Borderlands celestial bodies which, despite being somewhat intriguing, probably don't belong in the O.P.

    Xylourgos' Eclipsing Brother

    📷xylourgos1101×739 79 KB

    Inside the planetary description for Xylourgos, we can read that its cold climate is at least partially caused by a constant eclipse casting a perpetual shadow on the planet (a bit like MCU Vormir). My guess is that the game's hinting at the presence of a planet that's closer to Xylourgos' sun and that possesses a synchronized revolution time to our favourite Lovecraftian world, blocking most of the light that would otherwise reach it.

    The moon of Monoetius

    Of course, we can't know for sure where Brick's origin comic was actually set. Still, since Brick's planet of origin is Monoetius, and we see a moon in the night sky pictured in the story, I thought that it would've been fair to mention the possibility that that's actually the moon of Monoetius, at least for the sake of completeness.

    Other Planets in the Honus 4651 System

    In the intro to Lilith's Origin comic, as the view focuses on Honus 4651, we can see a couple of smaller celestial bodies present in the same system.

    I think that the blue one might be a planet, while the green one could either be another planet or a moon.


    This planet has only been mentioned in the first game's strategy guide, where it was stated that Eridians were: "An ancient race, named by humans after the first discovery of alien technology on the planet Eridanus"

    What we know is only that it's supposed to be the first planet where Eridian traces were found by humans, and thus that's where the name of this race comes from.

    Personally, I think that this background's really fascinating: it's very realistic to think that, if humans found proof of an alien race on another planet, they'd first assume that this civilization was indigenous to that same planet (while Eridanus might've actually been only a minor, insignificant outpost in the grand scheme of things). Then, despite following discoveries, the name would've already stuck, never to be changed.

    Overall though, I don't think Eridanus is to be considered canon, and the biggest proof of this is actually in the "Guns, Love and Tentacles" DLC itself: Eleanor and Vincent didn't seem to know Eridians at all while researching the Ruins of Yogseer. So, that makes Xylourgos the most likely candidate for the place where proof of the Eridians first surfaced.

    UPDATE 2

    Hello there! Sorry for double posting, but I wanted to add something that doesn't really fit in either the previous comment or the OP.

    The main list at the top only includes official canon planets, but there are a few which technically aren't since they were only ever mentioned inside John Shirley's Borderlands novels. However, I thought that some people might still be interested in them, so I'll leave them here, along with the little information that was provided on them.

    • Cerberus III : A race of eight-legged hounds lives there, so eight limbs could be the standard for its vertebrate-like creatures.
    • Dalyrymple
    • Dimstar Three : An extremely distant planet, where Daphne and Flureon flee to in order to never risk trespassing into canon territory.
    • Elvis Presley : Yep, you read that right (and if you think that's weird, in the same book there's also a brief mention of the Wastemakers: a sect of fundamentalist cultists/terrorists that pillage border planets while worshipping/waiting for the return of a blonde goddess, who probably is Marilyn Monroe. It's a Dahl minerary planet, which was abandoned after a terrible mining accident.
    • Freebottle : A species of fleas as big as Saint Bernards lives in its cave systems.
    • Grimm's World
    • Kali-4
    • Red Ferrous-3
    • Thora (one moon) : This border colony planet is definitely inhabited, and its moon housed a luxurious colony, High-Buckle, defended by an orbiting fortress above…until the fortress was hacked, and its cannon were pointed against High-Buckle, destroying it and killing basically all of its rich residents.
    • Toxic Tomb-7 : It's a hostile planet with a toxic atmosphere and no indigenous life forms; humans only reside in biospheres/terraforming domes.
    • Vargas-2
    • Planets of the Flamboyna Constellation : The people of those planets hava a unique culture (for example, they usually paint their hair in multiple primary colors).
    • Black Asteroid : Daphne learned some of her secret agent-ninjitsu skills there.
    • Choking Moons : The exact number of them is unclear; their atmospheres are (mostly, at least) toxic.
    submitted by /u/ALDO113A
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    A gift for you! First come first serve!

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    I bought the mask cosmetic for me and all my friends, but accidentally bought a pc version when we all play ps4, so I've found myself with an extra code I can't use. So, here you go! Please comment when it's used so I can update the flair. Good luck, Vault Hunters! It works like a shift code. CHK3T-XK9SC-5HSXJ-Z3BT3-F53JW

    submitted by /u/jOkr9515
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    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 10:03 PM PDT

    Hey there fellow vault hunters, I am the owner of this borderlands server for three different platforms such as PC, PS4, Xbox One and now Nintendo Switch. We do giveaways, trading with three platforms, raid support, story help on borderlands 3 and channels for borderlands game of the year edition, borderlands 2 and pre sequel. We are a very friendly and helpful community. We currently have over 500 members everyone is welcome so come join us.

    submitted by /u/lamaWarriorX415
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    Could I get some tips for late tvhm and uvhm?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 08:39 PM PDT

    Hello, I've played a lot of borderlands 2 but have never managed to get far into UVHM if pass TVHM at all. I always manage to feel like I made of paper mache, getting stuck in constant loops of going into FFYL, getting back up and then going down again until the bar regresses so fast I can't save myself.

    I would really love to max out the characters but it gets incredibly frustrating

    submitted by /u/Monkeylord2392
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    Otto Idol Drop Location?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 08:03 AM PDT

    I was farming Tyreen the Destroyer yesterday for nearly 3 hours and I managed to get multiples of King's and Queen's Call, as a well as a B**** (which has an increased chance to drop here). However, I've haven't seen a single Otto Idol artifact.

    So have I got my facts wrong about the dedicated drop location or is this just bad RNG?

    submitted by /u/ARabidMeerkat
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    Would it have been a good idea making Borderlands GOTY enhanced have NVHM, TVHM and UVHM?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    I hate the playthrough 2.5 concept.

    How hard would it have been to implement a system similar to BL2 so nice they went to all the trouble to even touch the game in the first place?

    Am I the only one who would have liked this to have changed?

    submitted by /u/DidgeridooDingo
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    If Jack, Nisha and Wilhelm were Vault Hunters in BL:TPS, why couldnt they respawn at the Hyperion spawners?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 05:01 PM PDT

    I liked Nisha. Shes been my favourite Vault Hunter to play as in the whole series. But Jack built the Hyperion spawners and pretty much controls anything yellow. Im just wondering if Nisha will come back at some point

    submitted by /u/Ara-gant
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    borderlands3 crash help

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 04:50 PM PDT

    im trying to play borderlands 3 and when i try to play i get the fatal error line 200 does anyone know how to fix it trying to play on pc

    submitted by /u/uwusenpai0w0
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    Pre sequel is harder than BL2?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 04:47 PM PDT

    I bought the handsome collection a while ago, and in my first week I got like 100 hours in Borderlands 2. Then I decided to give the pre sequel a try, but man, I just felt like I was playing the TVHM. With Wilhem was a bit easier, but now Im on Deadlift with Nisha, and he's just killing me like over and over.

    submitted by /u/Gurat91
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    Is muldock the best Face-Puncher farm?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 04:34 PM PDT

    I know the face puncher is in his dedicated loot pool, but he has yet to drop one even though one of the badasses that spawned with him did.

    submitted by /u/Booiseeu7
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    New shift codes for Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    WW53B-TZCWX-FZBXB-TJJTT-9CRZR (Expires October 6th) (5 Golden Keys)

    WKWTJ-CH5WF-FSJ6T-TTBJB-WTS6F (Expires October 5th) (5 Golden Keys)

    submitted by /u/ClaymoreC4
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    If i buy BL3 super deluxe edition PS3 disc used do i still get all the dlc that come with it?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    I've never really bought a game that comes with DLC. I would imagine that it's just a regular disc but has a one time code you enter online to redeem all the dlc. Might be wishful thinking that the original owner gets dlc and new owner gets dlc too.

    submitted by /u/420BlazeIt187
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    Psycho on covers theory

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    I believe the psychos on the cover of bl1, bl2, and tps are face mcshooty because they're always doing a finger gun to their head, that also explains why bl3 doesn't have him on the cover because in bl2 you shot him in the face.

    submitted by /u/ThatNoFailGuy2
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    bl3 heist voice bug

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 04:10 AM PDT

    so I'm playing on steam and was planning on finishing the heist dlc but there's this bug that's really annoying me. every time I fast travel to a new area/map freddie repeats the dialogue that goes something like "no problem I'll fix em up.. but what were you thinking!" and I can't get rid of it. maybe it'll just disappear once I've completed the entire dlc but man it's a bit immersion breaking ngl.

    I'm at the jack's wild mission btw and I've done all side quests.

    submitted by /u/eduevana
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    LOOTSPLOSION! - September 25, 2020

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 06:10 AM PDT

    Look at allll that gearrrrr!

    Welcome to the /r/Borderlands LOOTSPLOSION! Show us your most highly prized, your most disappointing, your hardest-won pieces of booty. Tell the tale of how it was won. Ask questions about it, if you like, or describe just how nifty it's been for you.

    (Every week we'll post a new LOOTSPLOSION! thread for that week's show-and-tell. Show us what you've got!)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Max level 65?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 01:47 AM PDT

    Does any one know if 65 is the max level for good now? As in they won't increase it again? I don't really wanna start any new characters till they stop increasing it.

    submitted by /u/TheHolyNinja
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    What's the best way to play Borderlands 1?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 04:05 AM PDT

    Borderlands 1 doesn't have NVHM, TVHM, or UVHM unfortunately.

    I'm about tho finish playthrough 1 and am wondering about how to deal with playthrough 2 in order to enjoy playthrough 2.5 to the fullest.

    While in playthrough 2 is it best to rush through the story only missions so that in playthrough 2.5 I can have all the other sidequests leveled up?

    There isn't any way to reset the missions like in BL2 while in UVHM is there?

    Because as far as I known after finishing playthrough 2 all that's left would be the DLCs and whatever missions I still had available before ending it.


    Edit: I'm playing Borderlands GOTY enhanced edition, not the original BL1.

    submitted by /u/DidgeridooDingo
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    Bl3 monarch drop issue

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 04:36 AM PDT

    Is anyone else having an issue getting an elemental monarch? Was there a patch I missed that took them out? I've have 6 kinetic monarch drops in a row now.

    submitted by /u/andrewpzim
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    Okay but what if....

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    Gearbox teams up with CD Projekt Red to do a Cyberpunk 2077/Borderlands crossover DLC or event. Like we get a mission from V and we get a new (and non-canonical planet) called Earth or Night City as we get Keanu Reeves in cell shading.

    submitted by /u/Lotus_630
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