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    Wednesday, September 16, 2020

    Borderlands Favourite character to play?

    Borderlands Favourite character to play?

    Favourite character to play?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    Who is your favourite character to play as across the whole borderlands series and why?

    submitted by /u/welsh_abyss
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    Can you get unique items from vendors ?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    Hello Vault Hunters.

    I haven't been playing BL3 since the game came out and finished TVHM. I recently picked it back up because DLC 4 came out and so it was time for me to go complete them.

    Anyway, to the point : in my save file, I left every side missions uncompleted because, if my memory serves me right, that was the smart thing to do in previous Borderlands because rewards scale to your level after you finish TVHM and so if you wanted some of the great unique weapons to be to your level you needed to complete them after you capped your level. Is it still true in BL3 ? I'm asking because I was watching Joltzdude139 gunless run ( here ) and he keeps saying that completing some side-missions unlocks the unique at vendors.

    I'm asking because he said that he was doing this run during an event where chubby enemies spawn are higher so was wondering if it was a feature from the event, a new feature from BL3 or if only some uniques are available this way.

    Couldn't find info anywhere so thanks in advance for your answers !

    Side question : do we know as of yet if events like the Halloween event or the Valentine's Day event will become available forever in the future ? As much as I appreciate Gearbox for putting these events out there to keep the game fresh, as someone who doesn't have time to play all the time and missed them, it makes be a bit frustrated that this content might be lost forever. Cheers !

    submitted by /u/Carlvercetty
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    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 09:05 PM PDT

    so i have this issue was doing the dlc and got to locomobius ... killed it and nothing happened quest hasnt updated and im just sitting here as maya keeps reviving me due to the things fallin from the sky

    submitted by /u/Orylaka
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    DLC suddenly deleted

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    Hey people first time hosting here and i was wondering if anybody else had this problem.

    I wanted to play bl3 again after a 3 money break and suddely all my dlc are deleted.

    Tnx for reading

    submitted by /u/RescourceRs
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    Just came back to BL3 after 4 months tried the guardian takedown but I am struggling. Where can I farm good weapons? (I'm really just a regular player)

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 06:35 AM PDT

    Playing with Zane, Level 57, Mayhem 3.

    Game was pretty easy when I left but now I am really struggling with the guardian takedown. Figured out I need some powerful weapons and I usually farmed when fighting against Megamind. Are there any good (or new) places to farm? Also are there some must-have weapons?

    submitted by /u/agentperalta
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    The Backburner...

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 08:32 PM PDT

    So I've been farming for the Backburner on Agonizer 9000 and I can not get it to drop. Is there some sort of bug with it ? Or is it rare ? If it is bugged how do people have it ? I want answers please

    submitted by /u/NCR_Ranger11
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    On Steam, has Borderlands GOTY ever gone on sale?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 04:20 PM PDT

    I see Borderlands 2, 3, and the pre-sequel on sale all the time but never the original Borderlands. I try to be thrifty, but I'm starting to think I won't get it for less than its current $30 price point.

    submitted by /u/Dynasuarez-Wrecks
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    Borderlands 2 saves on The Handsome Collection

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 04:12 PM PDT

    I originally played Borderlands 2 on the Xbox 360, and I had two different characters - a Commando save and an Assassin save. A while back I got the Handsome Collection on Xbox One, and my Assassin character is there but three levels below and a story mission behind where it should be, while my commando character isn't there at all. I'm using the same Xbox Live profile that I was on the 360 to begin with, and the saves on the 360 are in the cloud so they should be accessible regardless. Any thoughts on how to fix this?

    submitted by /u/Nibbodemus
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    Slow Vehicles in multiplayer

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    I have a bizarre issue with some friends that I haven't been able to find mentioned by other people. When we are in Co-op and attempt to drive a vehicle it runs really slowly. Not the game just the vehicles themselves. You can see it happening to enemy vehicles as well. It makes it very difficult to control and outside of that the game runs perfectly fine. Has anyone else ever experienced something like that and found a fix? We are all on Steam on PC.

    submitted by /u/Zombieworldwar
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    Weekly/Daily Quests?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 06:50 PM PDT

    Borderlands has a lot of content. But it's often easy to blast through that content when you're in "the zone". Wouldn't it be nice if Borderlands added some sort of "Weekly/Daily Missions" to keep the game fresh after the Campaigns and DLC? The missions wouldn't have to be stellar or super long and rewards wouldn't have to be awesome either, just simple side quests thrown in with a hotfix here and there would help keep the game alive. Seeing how it looks like year 2 content isn't going to contain a lot, this could hold players over until something bigger comes along.

    submitted by /u/VitaminAlpha
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    Favorite gun across the whole series?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    The new Lvl 65 cap in BL3 is fun, but I fear I might have to part ways with my Lvl 60 Hellshock the closer I get to 65. Sad.

    Anyone else have an all-time favorite gun?

    submitted by /u/aarondigruccio
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    Unlimited shield help

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 06:02 PM PDT

    Was doing multiplayer and a player entered the game and drop a unlimited shield on the ground to take and I was wondering where he got it and how to get it again.

    submitted by /u/premiumr112
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    Borderlands Legendary Collection. On Switch

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    I'm looking of buying the Legendary collection on the Nintendo Switch. I have had a look on Reddit and on other sites but I can't find any definite answer.

    Is all DLC included besides commander Lilith and the fight for sanctuary (e.g Level packs, head hunter packs, etc.)

    Does the switch allow character save file transfers (e.g taking my OP8 Unkillable Kreig from pc to switch) and using Gibbed characters and such?

    Many Thanks, Friend of Friends

    submitted by /u/SsiilvaA
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    Well that was an interesting farm...

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 04:50 PM PDT

    So I recently got back into Borderlands 3 after a pretty decent hiatus and decided to play all the DLCs now that the 4th came out. Anyway I was out on Eden-6 trying to finish up some crew missions and came across a Hammerlock Hunt for the Jabbermogwai. I wasted him instantly and thought it was over, but as soon as I turned around, like 50 more spawned in and that number kept growing for about 25 minutes before they finally stopped. Is this a bug? This will definitely be one of my most memorable moments in BL3.

    I'd post the screenshots I took but it seems like r/Borderlands won't let me :(

    submitted by /u/VitaminAlpha
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    Are Zane's skills still having issues? Coming back to borderlands

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 04:31 AM PDT

    So I have taken a long break from Borderlands 3 and I can recall when i was playing that some of Zane's skills just flat out did not work. I was thinking of returning and trying out Zane, but recalled that back when I playing some of Zane's skill was not working and just broked, I have not been able to find a source telling me they were all fixed.

    submitted by /u/Ichiorochi
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    Ok, can someone explain what's going on in Mayhem?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    So I finished the new Psycho DLC 2 days ago on M6. As usual legendaries kept raining around me. With the new level cap I decided to go back to other regions and farm for my fav weapons on lvl 65. I thought while I'm at it I could increase to M8. But then all of a sudden, no more legendaries as world drops, trash legies from bosses and even some white world drops. Sure, the enemy health works just fine on M8. They're pretty tanky but the droprates are just ridiculous. Especially when they're lower than on M6. Tested this for 2 days straight now and I'm pretty sure something is wrong. Does anybody notice this too?? I feel like I'm the only idiot experiencing this. The worst I noticed was on Xylourgos. For the life of me I can't seem to get a drop there.


    submitted by /u/Tzomm
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    The insider shotgun

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    I swear to God I once had one that was x20 and I've seen x18 but now there's no evidence of that and I think I'm going insane.

    submitted by /u/EwokChalk
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    Anyone want to join me

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 02:21 PM PDT

    Anyone want to join me on bl 3 on pc I'm currently level 15

    submitted by /u/awesomepieguy101
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    My thoughts after finishing dlc4 *obvious spoilers*

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    so after playing the new krieg dlc.... Does this means Maya is coming back because if they can take basically anything as long as they believe it's real. Maya's memories can be stored and have her given a new body same way it was going to be done for krieg.... It's possible follows the same premise and rules we see in dlc4 so there's no reason she can't be. She imbued her memories as a siren and almost made a hardrive copy of herself

    submitted by /u/XzldGamer00001
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    How should I tackle Mayhem Mode?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    Returning after not playing since beating the game once, was on Flak at level 41. I turned on Mayhem Mode to level 4 and kept dying a lot. Turned it down to 2 and it was easier. Now I'm 47 and I still have no idea what I'm doing. Should I just leave it at whatever I'm comfortable with or try bumping it up with I get better gear?

    submitted by /u/Xeroire
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    smg class mod

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 09:35 AM PDT

    what is the best smg class mod for lilith and best amo regen

    submitted by /u/fridaywasy3sterday
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    Has borderlands 3 endgame changed much since release?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 12:02 AM PDT

    I have borderlands 3 on ps4 but as it's on sale I kinda want to get it on my pc. The only issue I had with the game is it didn't really have a good endgame to me. Farming just didn't feel as good as it did in 2.

    So as the title says: has the endgame gotten any better? I think the gameplay is so much better than 2 but the farming didn't really feel good to me. It wasnt about what boss drops what I want. It was just what boss can i kill the fastest? I didn't really like that too much. I prefer how 2 done it where everything was tied to certain bosses/mini bosses. Anyway it's been a year since I've played and I'm just curious if its changed

    submitted by /u/greatvaluesadboy
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    How far did the Eridian civilization range?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 06:44 AM PDT

    Just the Pandora Solar System or did they live on far more planets?

    submitted by /u/ScriptGenius12
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