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    Tuesday, September 15, 2020

    Borderlands Look out for these AMAZING Torgue Weapons! | Weapon Discussion

    Borderlands Look out for these AMAZING Torgue Weapons! | Weapon Discussion

    Look out for these AMAZING Torgue Weapons! | Weapon Discussion

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 07:02 AM PDT

    Hey Everyone!

    It's your friendly Neighbourhood Moze Main, Nootmad, coming back at you with another opinion post, this time around what i think are some of the best Torgue weapons you guys should try out on Moze! If you guys aren't a fan of long text posts, I actually made a video on it that you can find here! ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciVY34azlvo ), but if text posts are more your speed, here we go! Hope you guys find it useful :D

    Now thats out of the way, lets get straight into the post!

    The weapons!

    • Plaguebearer

    Lets start with the Plaguebearer. It is a rocket launcher that drops from The Warden on The Anvil on Mayhem 6 and above! It can spawn in any element but i highly recommend getting yourselves the radiation AND corrosive elements. The plaguebearer is basically a better scourge and fires a slow moving projectile that spawns homing micro missiles as it travels through the air to its unfortunate victims. The 300/90 or the consecutive hits annoint works perfectly but i prefer using the consecutive hits annoint as it works smoother when taking down bosses like wotan and scourge. And yeah, this gun absolutely SLAPS, especially on Moze with skills like short fuse and fire in the skag den. I highly recommend pairing this gun with a shield amp build (i have one coming out on my channel soon so stay subscribed for that ;) )

    • Contained Blast

    Moving swiftly to weapon number 2, we have the contained blast. One of my personal favourite Assault Rifles. Its a DLC3 weapon that drops from Abbadoxis on Ashfall Peaks on any mayhem levels. It being a torgue weapon, has sticky fire, but not as its alternate fire like standard torgue gear. The blast fires fast moving projectiles. The 1st shot will explode on impact and the next shot will be sticky projectiles that explode after a slight delay. Although it is a semi automatic weapon, you can still fire it very fast. I highly recommend the consecutive hits annoint in conjunction with a standard 3 tree build. You can find the write up for it in the pinned moze build album that you can also find here ( https://docs.google.com/document/d/10nJUJxvTmYP4k8bOrb_FaVVdouozwiqAZ0A-EzIENMo/edit )

    • Unkempt Harold

    And now, for a change of pace, lets move to some torgue pistols. And we can touch on the prodigal son itself, the Unkempt Harold. Its a torgue pistol that can roll in any element and drops from Caber Dawd over at Bloodsun Canyon in DLC3, Bounty of Blood. Its a multi projectile pistol that combines high base damage and a decent semi automatic fire rate to dish out a tonne of damage. Combine this with a blastmaster or a mindsweeper class mod with the consecutive hits annoint and you got yourself a weapon that you can reliably mob and boss kill with.

    • DLC4 SPOILERS AHEAD: Prompt Critical

    The next weapon is another pistol that comes in the form of the Prompt Critical. It drops from Evil Lilith in Castle Crimson onn DLC 4 Stick on a consecutive hits annoint and the radiation element alonng with a mindsweeper and you got a weapon of mass destruction in a very small package. It has a really fast fire rate ESPECIALLY in the sticky firing mode, but keep in mind that The Criticals unique selling point is its sticky mode, where the more sticky projectiles you land, the subsequent explosions radius AND damage increase. I got a really cool build idea in my mind to test out so be prepared for another post once i flesh it out :P.

    • Juliets Dazzle

    Now, moving on from the pistols, we get to the Juliets dazzle. A base game legendary weapon that drops form Aurelia or Wotan the Invincible onn Mayhem 4 and above. It can roll in either cryo or kinetic and i highly recommend getting one in the consecutive hits annointment. Now although this gun is a bit of a struggle to use to its kick and its convoluted weapon sight, its damage is nothing to scoff at. It also has the unique passive of refilling its magazine after each kill, but considering we're playing Moze, the passive isnt really that great. But, the gun is still really solid overall.

    Moving on!

    • Tiggs Boom

    Lets start with the Tiggs Boom. Its a very interesting shotgun that drops from Wotan the Invincible on any mayhem level and can roll with a large variety of parts. I recommend the x18 variant with consecutive hits. It can also roll in anny element so i suggest getting yourselves the radiation and corrosive variants just to cover your bases with any enemy hp type. The gun also has the unique ability of splitting the sky and bringing down meteors on the enemies you shoot at, These meteors scale with your splash damage, so you can already tell that Moze can do absolute work with this gun. Keep in mind that these meteors are a bit dumb sometimes as they dont always work indoors and struggle to land themselves onto fast moving/flying enemy types (damn you Maliwan Takedown Wardogs! ) Considering it has a small mag size, i wouldn't suggest using a blastmaster class mod, but instead, a mindsweeper class mod for some absolute havoc.

    • Spade

    And winding up the list, we have the Spade. Its a multi projectile, fast firing shotgun that drops from Waylon Hurd in obsidian forest and can come in any element.Much like the tiggs boom, its small mag size makes it ideal for mindsweeper usage, and its fast fire rate can boost your DPS quite significantly. The best setup for this would be a standard 3 tree, and once again, is something i will be making a video on soon. The spade also passes through enemies so you can take out multiple enemies in just a few shots provided they line up nicely. So, be sure to ask the enemies nicely to line up for maximum effectiveness

    The End :(

    So yeah, that rounds out what i think are some of the best Torgue weaponry you can get for Moze to smash through any content currently in the game. If you made it this far, i just want to thank you guys for reading the whole thing, and i hope you found it useful. I also want to let you know that i actually do a lot of video breakdowns just like on my own YouTube Channel here ( https://www.youtube.com/nootmad ) so feel free to check that out if you're after some up to date Moze builds and general information to improve your game knowledge! Like always, if you have any questions or thoughts, let me know in the comments! I hope you guys found this quick discussion useful and I'll see you guys next post! o/

    submitted by /u/nivman1410
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    [BL1] TIL you can get Legendary drops from Skag Piles.

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 07:11 PM PDT

    I've gotten legendaries from White chests (especially rare) but this is the first time I've gotten a Legendary from a skag pile. I was just finished up with farming Crawmerax for the day and decided to check these piles -- I usually see mediocre class mods drop.

    Image is here.

    Location: Deep Fathoms, near the entrance to Road's End. There's two skag piles on the outside of the compound before you cross the red bridge which I've gotten in a habit of checking on occasion. They're on the side of the building which has the ramp which spirals up to Crawmerax's Lair.

    It's not a bad drop either - good quality by most metrics. In general I've found that there's only 3 shotguns worthwhile: S&S Crux, Maliwan Crux (had to manufacture mine(1)), and some kind of good Hunter's Shotgun. Through farming Craw I got a Bulldog with a Hunter's accuracy barrel, it's pretty nice. And then you need a good Commando Class mod with a good Roland build - and even then they're kinda eh.

    (1) I've always had an eye out for a Maliwan Crux with: Good body, good barrel and stock; no scope; Materials 3. I've seen ones that get really really close, but they'll usually have something dumb like a 3.9x scope or something on them.

    submitted by /u/K716
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    Are the loverpalloza or tiny tina skins still available in bl2?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    I wanna know if i can still obtain the code skins in some way

    submitted by /u/Estiba
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    Bloodshot stronghold turret room

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 09:10 PM PDT

    So, I'm seeing some random red lights in the room with the turret in the bloodshot stronghold, in the little hallway directly after the room. Is this some sort of secret or is it just there?

    submitted by /u/Necro_Smasher
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    Anyone else want to see S&S guns make a comeback?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 06:49 AM PDT

    I don't actually mean add a new manufacturer to BL3, but take the properties from the S&S legendaries and put them into another manufacturer's build?

    For example, I'd love to have a Hyperion Orion or a Dahl Serpens, just because those were some of my favorite guns in BL1.

    submitted by /u/scizormytimbers
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    Is fustercluck off achievement glitched?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 09:42 PM PDT

    I got the nursery rhyme and all side missions but Benedict's lab still says only 83% completion

    submitted by /u/Gage_Unruh
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    Weapons suddenly less potent

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 07:30 PM PDT

    I'm playing BL2 through again as a second character (mechromancer versus commando). I'm at Level 14, cruising along, even found a few rare weapons. And now suddenly, none of my weapons are as lethal as they have been. Critical head shots that used to be a one-shot kill aren't. None of my element weapons are causing any ongoing damage. My really good weapons are now far less potent, requiring many more shots for a kill. What the heck happened? I'd guess it's either a mod or a relic issue, but I can't figure it out, and it's really crushing my enthusiasm. I was doing a bunch of side missions to see if I could find corrosive weapons, and then - blam. Nothing is a truly potent weapon anymore.And I have battles with loaders and constructors looming. Any suggestions for a semi-newbie player?

    submitted by /u/DiveMasterD57
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    I have a question about transferring save files to another console.

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 06:01 PM PDT

    I have GOTY on Xbox 360. Can I install it on Xbox One to transfer my progress there or do I need the X1 GOTY edition?

    submitted by /u/ScriptGenius12
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    In game of the year edition

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 04:37 PM PDT

    What is the control scheme for keyboard and how could I use mouse? I can move and look left and right but that's about it, I don't know how to shoot (keyboard console)

    submitted by /u/zakkthewozz
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    I thought they said each BL3 DLC was to be at least as good as Tiny Tina’s?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 03:36 AM PDT

    I can't be the only one who remembers during the run-up to Borderlands 3's release that (it may have been Randy or a Gearbox Statement, I cannot recall) each of the 4 DLC packs in the season pass were going to have, at minimum, the same amount of effort, content and quality as Assault on Dragon Keep from Borderlands 2.

    But I feel like what we got, from each of the 4 expansions, didn't hold a candle to how good Tiny Tina's DLC was.

    I held up hope that out of the 4 expansions the last one would be the one with the most effort, hard to blame me as each previous game's last DLC ended up being the biggest and most memorable. But Krieg's, for me, despite being my favourite character in the franchise felt like a crappier version of the Claptastic Voyage.

    Aside from Love and Tentacles (because for some reason that felt long as a night in jail) each of the packs felt so unbelievably short. I completed Krieg's within a couple of hours.

    Whereas Assault on Dragon Keep and Claptastic Voyage gave us:

    • A good long story, which actually had meaningful impact on the Borderlands story as a whole
    • Plenty of really well made cutscenes
    • New weapon types (glitch and amethyst)
    • Actual Raid bosses
    • A seriously good amount of memorable side quests
    • Each had their own take on a "Circle of Slaughter", with TPS having a customisable one.
    • Featured most, if not all, of the main cast of characters
    • Gave us completely interesting locations and enemies
    • Huge variety of new enemies, from Orks, to other Claptraps, to Medieval Knights, to an army of robots that weren't even loaders. Each with their own quirks.

    Compared to Krieg's DLC:

    • A bunch of new legendaries, which is appreciated don't get me wrong, but with the already saturated loot pool most of them end up worthless on M10

    • A story which is pretty much what you expected. It was an amalgamation of two already existing DLC packs (Tina's and Claptrap's) but somehow ended up worse?! The core of Tina's was accepting grief of the loss of someone you love, and the core of Clap's was accepting who you are and being yourself despite not everyone being there for you. Krieg's dealt with the exact same themes but ended up not really doing the character justice

    • The new environments ended up feeling like crappier Claptastic Voyage locations. I expected the mind of a psycho to be a bit more chaotic and fun.

    • No raid boss or survival arena. I know that's not strictly this DLC's fault, but it's a running issue with all of them in general

    • Quite possibly the most annoying crew challenge in the game for console players

    • Lack of new enemies. New types of Loaders do not count, or constructors for that matter (we had an entire game about those villains, give it a rest) the only new enemy I can think of is the rocket riding bandit. Otherwise it's just reskined bandits, again.

    I don't hate Borderlands 3. But the DLC, objectively, has been unbelievable disappointing. You'd expect that having made two of, in my opinion, the finest story DLC packs ever in their much older games (seriously a 6-7 year old DLC in the last gen completely trumps any DLC from this current 2020 season pass) that it would set a benchmark for what they'd make next. But it didn't.

    I tried so hard to enjoy Borderlands 3, having played Borderlands 2 to death. All characters, all OP10. And for some reason I can't even get two of the characters to level 50 on this game without playing something else. I can't put my finger on it, but it's just not enjoyable for me.

    submitted by /u/MorbidlyScottish
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    Maliwan Takedown

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    anyone have any tips for defeating wotan?

    submitted by /u/MrFanatic211
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    Road Dog

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 03:50 PM PDT

    Anybody trying to farm a Hellwalker from this guy? This gun used to rain down on me as world drop but now that I actually want it I can't get it from the dedicated drop source. Actually Road Dog doesn't seem to drop anything at all. Not even money or ammo. I've tried killing him at all different rage states and there is no difference. Am I doing something wrong or is this bugged?

    submitted by /u/Stygian-Shyster
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    What is the MAC version of save editor and How do I use It?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 03:20 PM PDT

    How do I use the MAC version of save editor because I have a friend I can join and I've played the game long enough to start literally at any point.

    Anyone who knows thank you. I've watched videos but those are when MacOS had the view all my files option but I don't know where to find those files.

    submitted by /u/ComicBookKnight
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    I have a question, why are Maliwan guns so hated?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 03:09 PM PDT

    I personally don't mind using Maliwan guns, especially in Borderlands 3, I got a Maliwan smg from Wotan I can't remember it's name but I've been using it ever since and it's honestly the best weapon I've used in Borderlands 3, once again I can't remember it name but it's like a constant stream of either fire or corrosion ball/bullet things and it creates healing circles when you kill Something, I also love the Maliwan pistols, so question do you like Maliwan guns, why do people hate them so much?

    submitted by /u/CharliWarli212
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    Looking for a friend!

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 11:01 AM PDT

    Hello! I am looking for someone chill who plays Borderlands! I have all the games so I'm game for whatever. Also helps if you know about how to get legendaries to drop, in dire need of some lol.

    submitted by /u/rizzottiG
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    Every player character interaction goes like PC: *drops random bit of backstory*, NPC: haha yeah, anyways...

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 02:14 PM PDT

    Not sure if TPS did it better, but i only noticed it now while playing through 3 for the first time.

    submitted by /u/123420tale
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    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    Anyone miss slag weapons?

    submitted by /u/inotic3
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    [Spoilers for BL1 and BL2] Jack's involvement in BL1

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 10:14 AM PDT

    Does anyone know if jack telling angel what to say the whole time during the events of BL1? Because I found some tapes of jack telling angel what to say to the vault hunters on the bus and I was curious if jack was also telling angel what to say to the hunters during the entire game.

    As I played through BL1 again, when angel was speaking to me all I could think was that it was jack speaking to me through her.

    submitted by /u/ImSomewhatAddicted
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    I hate this boss

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 07:53 PM PDT

    Fuck Psychoreaver, fuck everything about him. I straight up can't get past his 3rd stage, mostly because by the time I get there I've been out of ammo for the past fucking half hour cause he's a God damn bullet sponge. I've had no problem with the DLC so far on mayhem 7, even the other bosses I've managed to defeat with a healthy amount of ammo left, but God damn fucking Psychoreaver by the time I've hit his 2nd stage I have almost no ammo. About ready to call it fucking quits and just turn off mayhem mode just so I can be done with this bullshit. Fuck whoever decided giving him seemingly unlimited health was a good idea, this is absolutely not fucking fun and is almost singly handedly ruining the entire DLC for me. Might also not help that I've been unfortunately stuck with a Zane build and he has absolutely no damage buffs to speak of, or at least any that'll help with this bullshit. Rant over.

    submitted by /u/Brent_Fournier69
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    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    How would I get a stronger "hx 2.w red stinger" . It's a purple verity weapon I've been using threw out the game its a good gun mine is lv 11 it's fast reloading is quick and the damage is good or do I need to do the higher difficulty Im lv 41 doing the dlc for the switch version

    submitted by /u/stevengei
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    Help for a new player

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    hello there,i am only 1 hour into the game,i am level 6,Lilith,what skills do you recommend and any overall tips like what items to sell,what to keep etc.

    submitted by /u/FPSlasher
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    Good build for Amara noob

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    Just got the game and am looking for a good build for Amara

    submitted by /u/awesomepieguy101
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    Raid Bosses in BL3 ideas

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    OK, so I don't normally post but I've been thinking of some ideas recently for the addition of raid bosses on each of the different planets. I think the main thing I want from BL3 is more replay-ability, and more reasons to travel to areas I don't normally go to once I finish all the quests for the area. I think that the addition of raid bosses would hopefully change that.

    So I know nothing about game development costs and I am also unfamiliar about how the marketing for all this stuff would go down, but I just wanted to get my ideas out there just in case some from Gearbox happens to come across this. Annnnnd then hopefully they think this stuff sounds interesting too.

    1. When I first played through the game the concept of eridium for cosmetics was pretty sick, and I do like how Earl's vending machine now sells annointed quest item rewards scaled to your mayhem level. But currently I have sooooo much eridium and nothing to really spend it on. I think adding in the old BL2 paying some eridium to fight one of the invincibles would help my eridum feel more useful. I don't know if Gearbox has any other plans for eridium use in the future, but I think that this would be a good step.

    2. My ideas for the raid bosses go as follows: one raid boss per planet, most likely on an already established area like Ascension Bluff (idk how hard that is to add in, rather than creating a whole new area), each boss would cost a set amount of eridium, and each boss drops 2 pieces of dedicated loot (ex: 1 weapon and 1 shield) and each boss also has one piece that you would buy at vendor(ahem number 3).

    3. Since I now own all the cosmetics from crazy earl I never go down and speak with him. My idea with him is to add a separate menu bar for "Seraph" items that you could use Seraph crystals dropped from invincibles (including Wotan, Scourge, maybe not Eista) to go and be able to purchase a rotation of items that would be seraph rarity (pink) with annointments. I like legendary weapons and gear, but for whatever reason I just like seeing other colors in my inventory screen like BL2. They don't necessarily have to be pink, they could stay legendary, but they'd all be locked behind the specific bosses or the vendor (there is probably a better way to do this as well I am 100% open to all ideas).

    List of bosses, areas, possible weapons and mechanics:

    Pandora- Varkid boss- Ascension Bluff (we all know the deal, this one has been teased since before the release of the game, if there were one of these that was made real this would be the one) the only gun that I could think of would be the return of the fan favorite norfleet, a dedicated drop from the other varkid raid boss in Bl2.

    Promethea- Big Beefy Wardog boss- Any applicable area- I'm thinking that the wardog has just a normal armor health bar, but during the fight other tankier wardogs (similar health to hyperius minions) pop up (most likely 2) and do the wolven howler thing and give him a two layers of shield. Taking them out will respectively remove his shield. There are probably additional things that could be added to this fight but I really like the mash-up of the two types. One weapon I thought would be cool would be the florentine since it was two elements combined much like the fight, and it's a maliwan.

    Athenas- Papa Traunt- Any applicable area- Traunt on Athenas has become the goto punching bag when it comes to try out weapons and builds quick, and I thought it would be appropriate to have daddy traunt pop up upset that everyone has been bullying his son. He would have a shield and flesh just like the other traunts, the only difference is that depending on the stage of his health he'll become randomly immune to different elements (probably indicated by symbols or colors on the arena of the ones he is immune too) and his moves will change respectively as well. I'd say he starts off immune to one random element, when his shield is down it becomes two elements, and then halfway through his health it goes to three. The previous immunities won't necessarily carry over to the next phase. I think this would be viewed as a beefed up bloodwing battle. For a weapon, to pay respects to padre traunt and his changing element immunities, a weapon that shoots all the elements like the chroma from the reborn modpack for Bl2.

    Eden-6- Paul(aka. jabber)- any applicable area- Ok this one is definitely a little crazy but I think it fits well in the borderlands universe. So my concept of this is basically a 3 eyed jabber based off the monkey mascot for the company that created jimmy neutron. I think he should have a move based off of the three eyed character from dragonball (tien) which normally damaged him when he used it, but instead if the player is hit by it does damage and, it permanently reduces their maximum health. Ex: player max health 10k gets hit and turns to 8K if hit again 6K and so on. Honestly just want to see a three eyed monkey fly up wave to me and then hit me with a giant energy beam. Maybe he throws a couple suicide jabbers that fly at you and try and explode(just like his little friend). For the weapon I think anything that would shoot a constant beam would be cool.

    Nekrotafeyo- Mantakore boss- any applicable area- So for this guy I was thinking something similar in size to the Omega mantakore but this time he'd be running around the arena. Since manticores were known as "man-eaters" I was thinking that his fight mechanics were similar to that of a goliath where once he killed something he would level up. So this fight would be a race against time where you try to kill him before he gets too strong. A few vanda would pop in as second wind fellas, but I wouldn't recommend leaving them alive for very long because the mantakore can rank up off those. For a weapon I was thinking calling it man-eater and have the ability to gain more damage once you killed something simlilar to the anarchy.

    Handsome Jackpot- Constructor boss-any applicable area- For this one I was thinking a pretty large constructor with three bar of health(one shield, two armor) that would be shooting rockets and creating badass loaders to fight, but for this fight once his shield is down he pops open and a larger than usual loader pops out. For the loader I was thinking that it would be immune to cryo damage and be pretty quick, and would only be melee. But we're not done yet. Once the first armor bar is down the loader bot opens up and out comes a big surveyor. The surveyor would be immune to corrosive(trying to force you to swap around gear) and would be flying around bombarding you and creating smaller surveyors to repair it. For a weapon, I was thinking this could be the return of the fibber with its 3 different variations similar to the 3 different variations of the bots for the fight.

    Xylourgos- Son/Daughter of Gythian- any applicable area- Now gythian was already dead (basically) when we came to xylourgos so we never got to fight a big Cthulhu monster which was a little sad. Gythians heart was still intact, so I was thinking why couldn't other parts still be functioning, soooo it had a kid. For this one I really don't have anything for the mechanics. I was thinking it would be similar to the Warrior in size but that's about it. For a weapon I was thinking something to do with tentacles.

    Gehenna- Rose- any applicable area- I really liked the Rose fight when I first played through the 3rd dlc but was a little sad to find out that you can't fight her again once you defeat her. I liked her moves and movements quite a bit, and I hope I'm not the only one. For the fight I was thinking she would just be tankier and have the same moves plus additional ones(kinda like pyro pete). I was thinking that maybe her body absorbed some core and fused with her body destroying her mind and keeping her alive. She'd be glowing green and stuff, I think it'd be pretty cool. I think the weapon should be a crazier and stronger version of her bloom.

    Krieg's Mind- Shiv- any applicable area- Ok with this one we're coming full circle. The first "boss" we fight was kinda a pushover, and for a long time didn't have any dedicated drops . So I was thinking that Shiv should be the hardest of all the raid bosses. For his fight I was thinking he resists all damage while he's holding his screwdriver in his tiny hand. The only way to take it out of his hand would be to shoot it, but he'd be very protective of it making it hard to blast while he's shielding it with the majority of his body. Now once you do shoot it out of his hand he goes berserk making him faster, stronger, have a damaging aura that goes through your shield when you're near him, and overall just a beast. This is the only time that you can do normal damage. I was also thinking that if you don't take remove his screwdriver from his hand fast enough, he'll have a wipe mechanic. This would force you to take out his screwdriver so you can't just whittle him down while he's not berserk. He will also pick his screwdriver back up, so he won't be berserk forever. And for the gun I was thinking adding the best gun, and the only gun that would make sense, and that would be the Gub. Just make it the only Bandit weapon in the game(if that's possible).

    Ok, that was quite a bit lol. These were just some of my ideas for bosses and stuff, so feel free to tell me if you guys have any other ideas that you think would work better. The classic raid boss style from BL2 has been heavily requested by a lot of people and I'm right there with them. I like takedowns, but I also like just popping in and killing a hard boss and getting some loot without having to run through a long area. I hope this resonates even with just a few people, and maybe it could start a cool discussion(or maybe influence some homies at Gearbox).

    Also, I'm thinking pay double the Eridium cost for a "True" raid boss (4-player difficulty) and either increases the drop rate, or guarantees it. Whatever one makes the most sense.

    Ok I'm done lolol, if you take away anything from this just let me know if you guys wanna see some OG raid bosses make an appearance.

    Edit: I don't know if others would be down as well, but I would pay for something like this for sure. It would probably be split up into a base game pack and a dlc pack. Idk prices for stuff at all so I won't even spitball.

    submitted by /u/Jayrox41
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