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    Friday, September 11, 2020

    Borderlands Look at all this budget

    Borderlands Look at all this budget

    Look at all this budget

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 05:02 AM PDT

    And I thought Bounty of Blood was bad. Fustercluck has nothing going for it except character dialogue.

    Nothing new. Nothing changed. Same old assets.

    Move 20 steps to the right to get an umbrella then come back to complete sidequest. Scratch Krieg's back for a few seconds, sidequest done.

    Crew challenges? Shoot the lights.

    No new revelations whatsoever beyond Benedict. Ended exactly as I knew it would.

    And it's all about four hours long.

    This is supposedly the final DLC but it doesn't even hold a candle to Assault on Dragon Keep, or even the previous BL3 DLC.

    submitted by /u/MajesticFloofer
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    [BL3] Not trying to be a downer or start an argument, but was anyone else thoroughly disappointed in DLC4?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 09:44 AM PDT

    This should have been "the big one." DLC4 is the last currently scheduled DLC for BL3, and while the other DLCs were great, I was really expecting much more out of this. In no way does this feel like TTaoDK in terms of quality or quantity, and I don't feel like we have something on that scale for BL3 yet. Outside of the music and environment I don't feel like we got much at all.

    1: DLC4 has the least new legendaries (15 total). I've seen most of them already just running through once and without farming anything but the siren comm off of Lilith. Hell, even the unique rewards are just lesser versions of the legendaries. They designed like 15 new items for this DLC, cloned most of those, tonned them down, and boom! There are your "uniques."

    2: I only noticed one new enemy. Bandits riding bullets is pretty sweet, but if I wanted to fight COV or loaders I can do that in other parts of the game that have been around for a while. Bosses were fun, but it feels super lazy when most of your bosses are characters who, again, were already in the game.

    3: We didn't really learn anything new about Krieg. We already knew he was captured and fucked up by Hyperion. We already knew Maya was important to him. We may not have had some of these details, but the details didn't feel like they added much to his story to me unless I seriously missed something. I was expecting a bomb, like Krieg was hugely important before being Krieg or someone close to him turned him over to Hyperion or something. Seeing things from Kriegs perspective is interesting, but didnt feel like a coherent story to me.

    4: What the hell were these side quests? Most took like 3 minutes and gave me 300k. Cool, but when there's already nothing to spend money on, you could give me infinite money and it wouldn't matter. What's the point?

    Outside of farming new gear there is no point to this DLC other than a few chuckles and an admittedly very cool environment with amazing audio. Again, not trying to start an argument, I hope everyone else is enjoying it! I'm just super disappointed personally and wanted to see what other people thought.

    submitted by /u/CS-AM
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    Does Anyone Else Feel Like a Lot of Borderlands Fans Don't Like Borderlands?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 06:10 PM PDT

    So obviously the title is a bit awkwardly phrased but I couldn't think of a better way to phrase it. With the release of DLC4 for BL3 there has been a lot of negativity which is fine, people are entitled to their opinions. But over and over I see comments like "BL3 sucks as bad as TPS" or "this game is even worse than BL1". It seems like half the community only ever liked BL2 and hates the rest of the series and they're mad that BL3 wasn't BL2:2. You see it sometimes with people only liking BL1 but BL2 is much more common. I'm wondering what you think about this.

    submitted by /u/TheEmeraldOil
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    “I am married to a bird” and “ubiquitous” actually made me laugh out loud

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    I too am pretty disappointed in DL4 but those were the first lines of dialogue in the series I giggled out loud at in a long time.

    submitted by /u/levorphanol
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    Borderlands Story Kinda Got Forgotten About.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    OK, so im the type of person that enjoys the story of a game so much that ill do every side quest imaginable. Thats what I did. Played through all the games again (BL, BL2, BLTPS, TFTB, and BL3) Now the story was understandable and amazing, BUT, this is a drastic part, going from the story lines of TPS to BL3 nothing matched up (Yes I did the BL2 dlc right after completing TPS and before starting BL3). "The Watcher" specifically says that they will need all the vault hunters they can get. Its clear that what ever the watcher speaks of is nothing that happens in BL3. Unless its gonna be brought up in a future dlc (Unlikely) or another borderlands game, This has just been like thrown out the window as though they just forgot about it or are abandoning this concept.

    submitted by /u/Riftic_Glitch
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    One change I’d like to see. Auto Bear

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    When you exit auto bear, the duration bar goes away.

    I would still like to know how long my big bear friend is going to be active.

    submitted by /u/Nerdzilla88
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    So when is that Ascension Bluff door going to open?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    Seriously we are almost a year after release and the base game still has locked away content. I don't know how they could forget about it, but that's how it feels.

    submitted by /u/SenSei_Buzzkill
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    Now what

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 08:53 AM PDT

    I finished all 4 DLC (and personal opinion: they weren't as bad as everyone says, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion), but I don't know what to do now. All that's left to do is farm for perfect gear to what? Fight the 2 takedowns? Get the same loot I already have just with a better grip? I am severely disappointed with the lack of raids or bosses that for me - prolonged BL2. No extremely rare guns to farm for (like cobra), and at this point, the farm for a perfect class isn't worth it as we would just kill the same bosses since day 1 (+2 raids).

    Please if they can add native fun modes like randomizer or enemy multiplier - THIS is the fun wacky mode we need, not mayhem modifier. Things that change up the way enemies and the game plays.

    submitted by /u/ryant__
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    Worth Continuing 3?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 09:52 PM PDT

    A friend and I beat Borderlands 3s main story about a month ago and started Jackpot but haven't really continued since. Main story was a mixed bag where I liked a lot of side quests and side characters but felt the main story was meh at best and a lot of characters were sidelined that should've been much more important. Jackpot seemed interesting to start off but I think the main game left a bad taste and I'm not sure I care to continue.

    Are the DLCs good enough to warrant playing more? There is a part of me that just wants to go back to playing 2.

    submitted by /u/Fresh_Pancake
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    Just finished the krieg dlc and spoilers ahead but I loved it.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 05:30 PM PDT

    As a krieg main and seeing as they did maya dirty as all hell in the story I was worried for him but no they actually handled the dlc pretty well with him. Sane krieg is good to listen too and crazy krieg is still a blast to listen too aswell...and after a while you start to understand what he is saying which is...concerning (not in a bad way tho)

    The bosses, were mostly fun, The train was a blast, final boss was a bit too tanky imo but the krieg part was epic as all hell so I can forgive it.

    And the ending, i loved it. I like krieg as he is, crazy but got that sanity helping him. So I was worried we would end up curing the big guy by the end but nope instead we just help same accept his crazy side and bring him some balance, not cured, still crazy but at peace with his other side.

    The spongebob easter egg was nice too.

    And of course the maya stuff was really nice too.

    My rating is a easy 9/10 total blast of crazy and pretty sweet settings.
    Of course I was a krieg main so I am a bit biased.

    submitted by /u/Gage_Unruh
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    Gearbox PAX Digital Showcase Saturday 9/12 @3:45ET/2:45CT

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 05:28 PM PDT

    I didn't see this posted elsewhere in the sub so I thought it would be worth mentioning. Possible Borderlands news tomorrow?


    submitted by /u/StarWarsPlusDrWho
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    consistent microstutter while playing on pc?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 05:06 PM PDT

    hi guys, i have played borderlands 2 for a while now and have finally decided to give the new game a go (despite being told to leave it) however i keep getting constant micro stutter on pc whenever enemies shoot, whenever i shoot and basically all the time. my pc is more than enough to play the game on high graphics according to nvidia, however im struggling on medium? are there any fixes to help with constant frame drops and stutters? thanks!

    submitted by /u/GRINTT
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    Any good fl4k builds?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 06:55 PM PDT

    I just reached finished the main play through and I have all the dlc so I need help with a good build

    submitted by /u/whoopwhopo
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    How do I get the Borderlands 1/ TPS Customizations in BL2?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 10:04 PM PDT

    I have the legendary collection for switch and I've played all the games so far and really enjoyed them. I was hoping to get the head customizations, does anyone know how to get them on the switch version?

    submitted by /u/_Metatile_
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    Which Vault Hunters will die in Borderlands 4?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 10:02 PM PDT

    I noticed a pattern in relation to which of the Vault Hunters have been killed off in each installment of the Borderlands series. This is just for the main games, not including TPS or DLC.

    BORDERLANDS 1: Introduces: Roland, Lilith, Mordecai, Brick

    BORDERLANDS 2: Introduces: Maya, Axton, Salvador, Zero. Kills: Roland (BL1)

    BORDERLANDS 3: Introduces: Moze, Amara, FL4K, Zane. Kills: Lilith (BL1), Maya (BL2).

    In keeping with the same pattern, a fourth game would then potentially kill off Mordecai/Brick from BL1, Axton/Zero/Salvador from BL2, and either FL4K/Amara/Zane/Moze from BL3. Who do you think it'll be?

    tl:dr; in each new BL release, Gearbox kills off 1 VH from each previous game.

    submitted by /u/Firehawk721
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    Rating of all DLCs?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 08:20 PM PDT

    I'm wanting to get the DLCs for borderlands 3 but I wanna know if they're worth the price.

    I really enjoyed the dlc in borderlands 2, especially the tiny Tina one

    submitted by /u/ah_thats_alright
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    Can‘t enter krieg‘s mind

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 10:03 AM PDT

    For some reason i have the mission and the mission marker on the navigator but once i open the navigation menu the location isn't there

    submitted by /u/CaveGames
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    Let's do a little dlc4 reimagining

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 06:50 PM PDT

    Inspired by the guy who rewrote the main story to have troy become the main antagonist, i'm pretty keen to hear what we can fanfic. Voice lines were so solid, loved the evil lilith fight too.

    I really wish the setup was better; Kreig smashes an escape pod style ship into sanctuary in full rage mode and blames us for Maya, starting a mini boss fight on sanctuary. Invincible mode at half health where we see Zero jump in to help fight and chase Kreig to the cargo hold. Fight with Zero to get Kreig low at which point Ava picks him up and Kreig calms down upon noticing Maya's powers. Then to Tannis' lab to start the journey into Kreigs mind.

    submitted by /u/iSellCarShit
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    Fight for sanctuary worth a buy?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 11:01 AM PDT

    I have Handsome jack collection, but obviously fight for sanctuary released after.

    Just need to know if it's bad, meh or good?

    submitted by /u/DuDus-Worm
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    Can't seem to figure out a mayhem 10-capable Amara, what am I doing wrong?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 09:27 AM PDT

    I play solo most of the time. My Moze build can easily solo most bosses on M10 with Iron bear (Graveward, Captain Traunt, etc.). But I got bored of Moze and wanted to try an Amara run. I had so much fun on the playthrough and in normal mode, Amara felt super damn strong. I had fun with an elemental + melee build but when I hit level 60, I decided to try and spec for mayhem 10. Nope. No matter what I do I can hardly even chip away at a boss.

    Any tips?

    My current build

    I rock a transformer + thunderball fists (m10 but not a great anoint) and kaoson (radioactive, m10, not a good anoint).

    What class mod should I be using? What artifact?

    Driving me crazy! I love playing Amara and want to do some M10 farming with her but she does almost no damage and I just end up dying.

    submitted by /u/maybe_awake
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    Does the Borderlands 3 Super Deluxe/Deluxe editions come with the game?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 05:52 PM PDT

    It's cheaper than the actual game, Is it just DLC, or does it come with the game?

    submitted by /u/UsernameMustHave20Le
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    [Epic] My dlc’s are gone after the new patch

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    Hello, After the recent patch, i cant use any dlc content even though i bought and downloaded them ( from g2a ) and played them to the end , when i go to store it says (buy now) but when i go to the addon page for bl3 is says i have them downloaded

    submitted by /u/-Kemya-
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    DLC 4 Easter egg or development note?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 02:29 AM PDT


    Its found behind the timer at the end of DLC 4. you can see a little from the side

    submitted by /u/zigdude54
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