• Breaking News

    Saturday, September 12, 2020

    Borderlands We now have all the scheduled BL3 dlcs, how would you rank them?

    Borderlands We now have all the scheduled BL3 dlcs, how would you rank them?

    We now have all the scheduled BL3 dlcs, how would you rank them?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 09:27 AM PDT

    Bonus: How would you rank All the series dlcs?

    Personally for me it would have to be

    1. Bounty of Blood. Great atmosphere along with a pretty satisfying end boss in comparison to the others. Also has the best guns in the game and the return of the one and only Harold

    2. Wedding. Amazing atmosphere. Very wholesome story as well with the return of Gaige. Very, Very disappointing final boss. Good guns.

    3. Jackpot. Decent heist plot. Meh atmosphere but the return of Timothy, that one sidequest (you know the one) and the return(?) of Jack make it a decent dlc. Mediocre final boss, decent guns

    4. Krieg. Very good plot, the best in game. But that's it. The plot, although good, doesn't really affect anything with Krieg not really changing at the end. Sure some of the visuals are cool but the lack of new enemies, the absence of BL2 vault hunters, bad sidequests, bad challenges, bullet sponge bosses and bad legendary guns make it the worst dlc for me. You're free to disagree.

    The series Dlcs. I don't have the time to explain them all, so here goes.

    1.Dragon keep

    1. Voyage

    2. Revolution

    3. Knoxx

    4. Bounty

    5. Wedding

    6. Torgue

    7. Scarlett

    8. Zombie Island

    9. Jackpot

    10. Krieg

    11. Big Game Hunt

    12. Holodome

    13. Moxxi Arena

    As I said, feel free to disagree. What are your thoughts?

    EDIT: forgot bounty of blood

    submitted by /u/assaultthesault
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    New skill trees finally announced today at the Pax livestream.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    Looks like they're going with the leaked content, as FL4K has his gravity snare and loader pet.

    submitted by /u/GammaAnomaly
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    Skill Trees Will Be a Paid DLC

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    " Gearbox Software Creative Director Graeme Timmins shared the news that another paid DLC is coming later this year, bringing an additional Skill Tree for each Vault Hunter and more to those who purchase it. "

    Probably not included in the season pass either.


    Directly from this website

    submitted by /u/SantaClauzss
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    Another DLC idea!

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    So due to the fact that last time I posted something like this it happened (see link below) I thought I'd share another idea.

    I am sure I'm not the only person who's noticed a conspicuous absence of Dr.zed in BL3 and to my knowledge there is no explanation for Etech weapons having alien biology i.e, mouths, teeth, tentacles, barbels so why not fill in both knowledge gaps with one expansion. I propose "The Cabinet of Dr zed" (WIP title) Dr. Zed has been either willingly or unwillingly working to develop the "alien barrels" as well as a host of mutant creatures, like skrakk, spycho, a jabber saurian crossbreed, maybe even a goliath style (frenziable) Rakk. So how do we get this to island of doctor moreau esque planet, two options here.

    1: the creatures escape and start infesting other world's and zero helps the vault hunters track down the source.

    2: Dr zed sent a distress echo out a year ago when he was kidnapped which was received by Claptrap, claptrap being the worst answering machine ever forgot about the echo until now.

    From there the vault hunters must travel to a strange isolated planet were they fight through hordes of conglomerate creatures, locate the secret underground lab, pit corporate soldier against abomination, perhaps heaven discover Axton or possibly Salvador has also been nabbed and turned into a hybrid super soldier (boss fight!) From there the humor can write itself with cheeky nods to GMO controversy, Resident evil (because of course the secret lab is secured with asinine puzzles), and of course dr. Zed's delightful mad science foibles,. Along the way our vault hunters can acquire strange prototype gear with cooky features like tongue bayonets, teeth bullets, tediore guns that morph into animals when thrown, living grenades (think snarks from HL), shields that eat bullets to restore health, and even a "Rakket launcher"

    (Pssst I'm loaded with ideas Gearbox call me)


    submitted by /u/MMhighball
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    Dear Gearbox and Nerdvana...

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 04:32 PM PDT

    So for those that don't know Bunkers & Badasses is a real thing now that looks epic. Especially the deluxe editon which is currently priced at $100 until the 30th of September which the price will increase to $120. Now for anyone who doesn't live in America (International Customers) prepare to be shafted by having to pay customs charges (Like most international purchases) however to ship to the UK you can add an extra $43. UK customers have to pay almost 50% of the asking price.

    Why is this even a thing? Please make this an item that is available internationally without breaking the bank. Borderlands is loved by people who live outside of America too <3

    PS. A deal with Forbidden Planet or Game would be great. Thanks <3 much love from a UK Borderlands fan.

    submitted by /u/Reaygun007
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    BREAKING: Borderlands 3 PS5 FREE Upgrade will be available (Confirmed)

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 09:27 PM PDT

    3 Golden Keys, expire September 20th

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 06:27 AM PDT


    submitted by /u/Loreweaver15
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    End of "Signal to Noise" crew challenge? (DLC4)

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 12:55 PM PDT

    I've just done the last bit of data for the DLC4 crew challenge, and I don't think it's finished?

    Like, I never got any dialogue explaining what the thought pattern might actually be. And no achievement. I did receive an Echo skin in the mail, but no dialogue summing it up except Tannis suggesting we review what was said? Which I don't know how to do.

    submitted by /u/interfail
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    DLC4 A cardboard box right near the end of Benediction of Pain [SPOILERS, KINDA]

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 03:46 PM PDT

    Has anyone figured out what the meaning behind the cardboard box in the cell room is? The box is located in a prison cell right before the Dr. Benedict boss battle .The writing on the wall of te cell says something about Gehenna (the planet of dlc 3). It seems to be written by a guy who was trapped inside Kriegs mind.

    There is a launch button on the floor next to the cardboard box. I managed to press it once. After I pressed it a countdown started. I saw some bright colours coming from the box and I decided to jump in it. It looked like it was going to transport me somewhere but nothing really happened. I just flew outside of the map for a few seconds.

    There has to be a secret related to that box but I'm yet to figure it out.

    submitted by /u/mikropuuro
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    Any way to improve performance on BL3

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 02:06 PM PDT

    I have a base Xbox one, and I'm trying to find out how to improve the performance. I've turned down the fov as much as I can. I've turned off gore in case that hurt the performance, but it still slows down and stutters. It's not too bad but it's enough to throw you off. Anyone know any other things maybe in the Xbox settings or something to help with performance?

    submitted by /u/soundtrack101
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    How different is it?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 08:54 PM PDT

    I'm thinking about getting the legendary collection for my switch...is it any different from the XB360 version?

    submitted by /u/Necro_Smasher
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    Borderlands 3 needs a game-changing expansion like Destiny 2: Forsaken

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 08:51 PM PDT

    I have been enjoying Borderlands 3's DLC offerings on and off. Some are great, some are not so great. But the one thing I feel it needs the most is an expansion that actually changes the core story in some way. Let me clarify.

    Destiny, throughout its years, have had many expansions, both small and large in scale (though they only focus on large annual expansions now). With that being said, they made a true ballsy move with Forsaken, which killed off everyone's favorite Hunter Vanguard Cayde-6. It helped to develop the story in new interesting ways, and push it forward.

    Borderlands' DLCs, so far, have not achieved such a thing. Let's look back on Borderlands 3's DLCs:

    - Handsome Jackpot ends with you gaining Timothy Lawrence as an ally, but that's really it.

    - Guns, Love and Tentacles was just Hammerlock and Wainwright's wedding, which they've already teased. It was bound to happen, and narrative-wise it doesn't have a huge impact.

    - Bounty of Blood is basically a true one-off thing with absolutely zero ties to the main narrative. Nor does it hint toward anything huge.

    - And of course, the latest one, Fustercluck. I'd be lying if I said it isn't a huge disappointment to see Krieg return, only to get a flimsy story that resolves itself in the worst way possible. It's like the writers want Krieg to have development, but then decide it's not worth putting in a $15 expansion.

    The closest thing to Forsaken for Borderlands would be Commander Lilith, where you actually see many major changes that lead to Borderlands 3. But then again, it was an expansion made with that purpose in mind. Whereas every other expansions were basically one-off stories, that have little impact on the overall narrative. I feel that Gearbox should take more risks, and actually write something that changes the course of the story instead of just sticking to these one-offs. They don't have to make all 4 DLCs in the season pass like that, but there should be something that carries over from each expansion instead of just having it be a one-and-done thing. We're still waiting for that so-called war that the Watcher teased. Now would be a good time to build up to it with more meaty expansions before Borderlands 4 comes (whenever that may be).

    submitted by /u/RdJokr1993
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    The Borderlands 2 Vault Hunters have only interacted on-screen twice in the entire series.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 11:41 PM PDT

    Axton & Gaige in the Shock Drop Slaughterdome DLC, and Maya & Krieg on multiple occasions. That's literally it. Compare that to the intricate personal relationships of the BL1 vault hunters that have been explored in detail. Krieg says the Crimson Raiders are a family, but I guess that doesn't include the other 4 vault hunters he went through hell with.

    submitted by /u/RunicSSB
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    Borderlands nintindo switch mods.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 08:28 PM PDT

    So I had Borderlands goty way back when on xbox 360. Beat it. And beat the secound playthrough. Eventually a random dude I met dropped me modded weapons. Gotta say it Really made the game alot more fun. Now i have it on switch. And am wondering, are mods and modded weapons possible on this console version? If not I'm also fine with just finding a group of hunters to play with.

    submitted by /u/KarmasRealm
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    I have a question, is there a place on discord or anywhere to find people to play with on borderlands legendary collection on switch.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 07:43 PM PDT

    i was looking for a place to find people who have voice chat or anything because the game is more fun with friends.

    submitted by /u/Monferno64
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    Found SpongeBob’s House in the Kreig DLC

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 03:49 PM PDT

    Anyone else see this Easter Egg? I posted a picture in the BL3 subreddit since this one doesn't allow images

    submitted by /u/nathanjosephdavis
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    With the next gen upgrade being free what will happen to people with the Physical copy?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 07:05 PM PDT

    I purchased the Super Deluxe Edition and the base game is on a disc while the season pass and other bonuses are digital. XBOX users should have no problem as their console is 100% backward compatible, however as a Playstation owner I'm a bit worried since they haven't confirmed full backward compatibility with ps4 games nor if you'll get the same features playing the ps4 version in the ps5. This worries me as I might need to repurchase the game.

    submitted by /u/tr0jance
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    How should i do the quests in each run for each character?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 06:51 PM PDT

    So this has been a question for me for over a year since i started the game i know i'm late to the party but still i enjoy the gams but i don't enjoy doing every main side quest for main story and dlcs in all normal tvhm and uvhm for all characters bcuz it gets pretty boring spevially w certain quests pretty bpring to do more than once . So since i want to ay w all characters but only gave done it with maya to lvl 53 and hv finished main story some main game side quests that wpuld worth playing for loot and torgue dlc tp the point that u kill pyro pete which idk if i should farm him also pirate booty till u get sandhawk on tvhm run also hv once finished pirate and dragon keep dlc in normal mode.

    But i got tired of slow process of my playthrough specially when i think about doing all that again with other characters im not tired of maya but it makes playing w her tiring playing like this so i made a sal character made it around main story endgame and no dlcs on normal but left the game bcuz again got bored.

    So idk how i should play like should i do it with all 6 characters on normal mode and then try going for tvhm and uvhm with favorite? Or stay with maya or sal untill i finish uvhm with them then play next character? Even then i really dunno which character to do which side quest or dlc with. or which run to do it with. I thought about doing important side quests and dlc main quests(only dragon keep and pirate one) that give best weapons untill i hit tvhm and then do almost or pretty much all dlcs? So i was hoping u help me know how i should do my runs.

    Edit:i also haven't done the pre-sequel maybe bcuz there arent enough info about it or doesn't get enough attention as much as bl2 but if u want to give ur opinion about when should i start it or which characters to do on first playthrough feel free to do so( also i play pretty much solo)

    submitted by /u/MageAJ
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    35/36 Heads: Any idea what's missing?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 08:13 AM PDT

    I have all heads including the DLC Heads & the Like, Follow, Obey heads, but I'm missing one head on every character, any clue what it could be?

    submitted by /u/WrittenOffski
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    Load times (BL3)

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 06:36 PM PDT

    So I haven't played borderlands 3 in awhile (a few day after dlc3 came out is when I stopped) and I came back to play dlc 4 and it might just be my memory but were all the load time this bad or is it just me

    submitted by /u/Deltagamer8800
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    is gearbox ever gonna fix "enemy weapons have mayhem 10 scaling"

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 04:07 AM PDT

    seriously man. sometimes i feel like i have to play with stop-gap because the moment one badass looks at me i immediately go to 1HP.

    and its been so long and i dont think they even addressed it or said they're working on a fix.

    submitted by /u/ab2dii
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    DLC order, for story purposes

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 06:19 PM PDT

    Pretty much the above, I know Guns, Love and Tentacles should happen after the main story on Eden 6, but the others I'm not so sure of, some DLC's make reference to events in the main story and its been long enough since my last play-through that I've forgotten which references what.

    So advice would be wonderful, thanks.

    submitted by /u/keflyn09
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    [DLC4 SPOILERS] There's a voice line I haven't seen anyone bring up and I think we should talk about it.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 10:43 PM PDT

    So I finished Fustercluck yesterday, and I have some of the same complaints as the rest of you, but overall I enjoyed it. But there is one thing that bugs me a little, and it's something Maya says after you finish Sapphire's Run. You can actually talk to all the BrainGhost characters in the Hub, and usually they don't say much of importance... Except this one line. If you talk to her, she can say something along the lines of, 'Just because there's always been six sirens, doesn't mean they'll always be the same. Something different is coming."

    If you've been a part of the debate over whether Tyreen is the seventh or not, this is huge, I've always been firmly in the camp of Tyreen being the seventh siren, but this changes things. We know that Maya knew about Tyreen, and we know Krieg knew that too. So if she's telling us this, I'm pretty sure it means there has to be another siren out there. But The first part of that line really intrigues me. The way she phrased it made it sound like siren powers can change from one host to another, although as we see in Tannis, it doesn't always do this. It seems like a weird place to hide an easter egg for the next game, but I haven't heard anyone talking about it. Has anyone else been thinking about this?

    submitted by /u/JCthulhuM
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