• Breaking News

    Friday, September 18, 2020

    Borderlands Visited Marcus' shop today...

    Borderlands Visited Marcus' shop today...

    Visited Marcus' shop today...

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 12:59 PM PDT


    Finally created a real Borderlands rifle. I can finally be a real vault hunter. Drop a name suggestion in the comments.

    submitted by /u/BurninCashKickinAss
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    LOOTSPLOSION! - September 18, 2020

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 06:10 AM PDT

    Look at allll that gearrrrr!

    Welcome to the /r/Borderlands LOOTSPLOSION! Show us your most highly prized, your most disappointing, your hardest-won pieces of booty. Tell the tale of how it was won. Ask questions about it, if you like, or describe just how nifty it's been for you.

    (Every week we'll post a new LOOTSPLOSION! thread for that week's show-and-tell. Show us what you've got!)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Just started playing the game for the very first time, it's been awesome so far!

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    I chose Lilith and I've been having way too much fun! Definitely gonna be playing all the other games!

    submitted by /u/kb_614
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    Can anyone tell me why lilith is good?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 11:34 PM PDT

    I chose brick my first time through cause he reminded me of krieg the running in willy nilly with no regard for my own safety is how i like to play. But then i tryed lilith and i dont understand her phasewalk ability. It just slows down time and makes you fast but i dont remember if you can do anything to enemys while in that mode

    submitted by /u/smashmukd
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    A New Direction Bug

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 08:23 PM PDT

    I know this mission is known for having some bugs, but i think mine is a bit different , i killed all darksiders (20/20) and got all prisms (3/3) but the quest did not update to report back to the red claptrap.

    I only had this bug now in TVHM, normal mode was ok.

    submitted by /u/Zanini92
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    Seeking co-op partner(s) for Krieg dlc and some trophies

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    I'm at Sapphire's Run right now; looking for co-op to get thru the rest of the dlc (particularly, help with the remaining crew challenges); also need to get the win a duel and revive trophies, as well as the shooting range on Sanctuary. Been having a terrible time the past few days trying in vain to find help. Please and thanks.

    PSN is JinjonatorX

    submitted by /u/JinjonatorX
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    Finding full challenge menu bl3

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 08:53 PM PDT

    Its a huge convoluted mess but to find the full menu you have to go to your map then open orbit view then galaxy view and finally go over to the challenges box. Why it's like this I have no clue but it's just a mess.

    submitted by /u/Shot-Drummer6178
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    Shift codes

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 08:18 PM PDT

    In comments

    submitted by /u/AdventurousNeat0
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    Ideas for Borderlands 4 (Warning: LONG)

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 08:08 PM PDT

    After reading and re-reading reviews, critiques, and lore pages about the Borderlands series as a whole, I wanted to jumpstart a few key points for the next installment.

    Character Creation: Quite a few people want the ability to create their own Vault Hunter, unique to only them. So let's do that. Also, you can now choose which dominant hand you control your guns with.

    Gender: You can choose: Male, Female, Non-Binary, Gender Neutral, Transgender, Genderqueer, and Robot.

    For the actual body, you have height ranges and body types:

    Tink - 3.4ft (smallest)

    Salvador - 5.0ft

    Slim Male - 5.5ft

    Slim Female - 5.4ft

    Average Male (Roland) - 5.10ft

    Average Female (Lillith) - 5.8ft

    Goliath Male - 6.4ft

    Goliath Female - 6.4ft

    Male Titan (Brick) - 7.1ft

    Female Titan - 7.0ft

    In addition to a unique body type, you can choose between 8 unique voice types, ranging in pitch and style: casual, sarcastic, optimistic, naive, passive-aggressive, angry, witty, and psycho.

    Character Class: I wanted to do something special with the various classes to choose from. Instead of just 4 or 6 to choose from, BL4 will have 11.

    V-A-U-L-T H-U-N-T-E-R

    V - Ventriloquist. Action Skill: Pull The Strings, control a single bandit or robot for 40 seconds. Melee Weapon: Marionette control stick.

    Variants: control the enemy for up to 2 minutes, allowing you to jump to another if your current "puppet" dies. Control robots more effectively, including repair drones and constructors. And, control larger groups or Badass enemies to act as massive damage suppliers. (Limit to 1)

    A - Assassin. Action Skill: Hidden Helpers, unsheath 2 daggers, one in each hand, performing a flurry of stabs. (Melee Damage +300%, Critical Damage +150%) Lasts for 20 seconds. Melee Weapon: Open-palm strike.

    Variants: Replace your daggers with small revolvers, lowering critical hit damage to only +75%, but increases accuracy and overall damage by 50%. Apply a thin layer of acid to your blades to apply bonus corrosive damage to your targets, but limits the time to only 10 seconds. Merge your blades into 1 large knife, increasing melee damage to +500%, increasing critical hit damage to +200%, but limits your movement speed by 25%.

    U - Umpire. Action Skill: Homerun!, wield a baseball bat and bash some skulls in. Increases melee damage by 75%, increases movement speed by 50%, and increases melee hit speed by 50%. Lasts for 25 seconds. Melee Weapon: Baseball Bat.

    Variants: Add a grenade to your roundup, and hit directly into a enemy and/or group, exploding on impact. Add barbed wire and nails to penetrate shields, flesh, and armor while inflicting bleeding damage. Exchange your standard bat with a MegaBat, increasing melee damage to over 300%, but slowing your movement and swing speed to only 25%.

    L - Lapidary (Gemcutter). Action Skill: Crystal Cutter, completely sever a limb from a enemy, maximum of 3 cuts total. (Arms, Legs, Shields, and Heads (if you're close enough)). Lasts for 30 seconds. Melee Weapon: Diamond-Studded brass knuckles.

    Variants: Increase slashing damage and speed by 75%, but increase the chance of self-damage by 40%. Add a sodering function to apply incendiary damage to your target. Cryodip freezes the blade and slows/freezes the target.

    T - Taper. Action Skill: Unionized Revolution, wield a rivet gun, firing rivets for 35 damage per shot. Similar to Jakobs weaponry, the faster you pull the trigger, the faster it fires. But, fire too fast, the gun will overheat, and need to cooldown. But, But, if you fire the overheated bolt, it deals incendiary damage at the cost of reduced damage (10 points). Melee Weapon: Monkey Wrench.

    Variants: Double-barrels to fire twice as fast, at slightly reduced damage (25 points). Precision barrel reduces fire rate by 50%, but adds a scope, increasing damage to 70 per shot. Swap your rivets with massive nails, dealing 40 points of damage, and the ability to pin your enemies to walls or floors.

    H - Hacker. Action Skill: Virus_Hunter.exe, deploy a support drone to attack targets and heal yourself. Or, if available, turn turrets and robots to allies. Lasts for 40 seconds. Melee Weapon: Ether Cables of nine tails.

    Variants: Increase the support drone capability with precision rockets, and it's own shield (matches yours in capacity and function). Tap into your inner Engineer and upgrade turrets and robots to badass variants, at reduced time limits (20 seconds). Digistruct a a copy of your gun into your other hand and gunzerk for 30 seconds while regenerating ALL ammo, including grenades.

    U - Undertaker. Action Skill: Reanimator, resurrect a recently killed enemy to full health, who will attack anyone and anything. Or, aim at the ground to reanimate any animals/humans buried beneath the crust. (Varies from location to location) Lasts 30 seconds. Melee Weapon: Spade.

    Variants: Resurrect a Badass or Named enemy for 15 seconds. Resurrect a larger group of bodies with only 50% health and shields (if available) for 20 seconds. Merge and electrify various bits of enemies into flesh golems that gradually break down and detonate into an electric EMP.

    N - Nematologist. Action Skill: Tremor Trouble, guide a massive sand worm to attack a selected target, or to pop up and slap the ground, causing enemies in a wide radius to stagger. Lasts for 30 seconds. Melee Weapon: Scalpel

    Variants: Mutate your worm to spit acid blobs, radioactive waste or napalm.

    T - Tenor. Action Skill: Power Chord, wield your modified instrument and shred some notes to burst the eardrums of your enemies. Current Instrument: Electric Guitar, Heavy Metal. Lasts for 60 seconds. Melee Weapon: Amp Cord.

    Variants: Violin, Classical Music. Violin bow becomes melee weapon. Screech on sour notes to cause critical damage. Keytar, Synth Pop. Hold a single chord to ramp up damage, but held for too long will cause an explosion damaging you and the immediate area around you. Saxophone, Smooth Jazz. Buff your allies and calm your enemies.

    E - Enforcer. Action Skill: Optomized Subroutine. Modify your robotic arm into a laser, dealing 55 damage + 20 incendiary damage per shot. Melee Weapon: Robotic Arm.

    Variant: Crossbow, shoot injection bolts to weaken enemies and buff allies. Gatling Gun, replaces your laser with a chain gun which can overheat. Tentacle, a robotic arm which can restrain an enemy or simply push through their chest.

    R - Reservationist. Action Skill: Call of the Wild. All animals in the immediate area become friendly and attack enemies on sight, and you control a bioengineered vine to trap, snare, and crush enemies. Lasts for 40 seconds. Melee Weapon: Utility Knife.

    Variants: Thorns, which drain the enemy of health and return it to you directly. Animal Call, whistle for rakk to attack a selected target until dead. Takeover, allow the vines to become one with you, limiting your movement speed by 50% but increasing damage by 100%.

    submitted by /u/MrHandsDowmAwesome
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    only female psychos?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    is it just me or at castle crimson in the 4th dlc the dead psychos hanged and skewed everywhere are only female psychos

    submitted by /u/mitchell87mc
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    Super Deluxe Edition problems

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 06:40 PM PDT

    So a couple of days ago I decided to get borderlands 3 super deluxe edition which was supposed to come with 4 dlc campaigns, but to my surprise I only got two of the four dlcs. I dont know if it's a bug, false advertising or if it was just to tell me that there were four doc I the game. I dont want to be THAT guy, but I just don't know what to do

    Edit: I got it digitally when it was on sale for $59.99

    submitted by /u/Ebreon1
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    BL2 to Handsome Collection cross-save for local co-op account without Live

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 02:58 PM PDT

    My wife and I played BL2 on X360 and then got it backwards compatible on Xbox One. We could get her character transferred over on her Live account, but I don't have a Live account. I just made my own Xbox account back on X360 without purchasing Live, and it worked great for local play.

    Since we couldn't find a way to get my X360 character over to Xbox One, we started over and just got up to Lvl. 50 again on the backwards compatible version on the Xbox One.

    We wanted to keep playing more, so we purchased The Handsome Collection. We were obviously excited by its new cross-save ability. We were able to upload and then download the game save and her character profile without issue, but yet again, my non-Live character profile would not download. I tried logged in as her as the primary player and as me. I tried going back to the backwards compatible version of BL2 and attempted to Cloud save with my non-live account as the primary player. Seemed to save fine, but it still won't download in The Handsome Collection.

    Do I really need to have my own separate Xbox Live account in order to retrieve my profile from the cross save? I mean, it gets saved in the Cloud when we play on the backwards compatible version! Is it just holding it hostage at this point?

    How can I get my character onto the Handsome Collection so that we don't have to do another playthrough?!?! Preferably without the "just get Xbox Live" answer because I rarely ever play online and it'd be a waste.


    submitted by /u/mr_mannnnn
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    What’s up with the drop rates in the new DLC?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 01:32 AM PDT

    These are the healthiest and most annoying to farm bosses in the game and yet they don't drop shit. Like not even big lootsplosions. Do yall think this is a glitch or did gearbox make it like this for the ppl complaining about too many legendaries? I just want a good convergence bro

    submitted by /u/YaBoyGaara
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    Does mayhem level affect what is sold by vendors?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    I'm farming for a cloning maddening tracker, do you get better loot or more purples from vendors if you're on a higher mayhem level? Right now I'm turning mayhem off/on to reset the floating tomb area and farm the vendor, but I can't tell if there's a difference in loot quality between mayhem/normal mode

    submitted by /u/SageSpartan
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    Weird drop

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    Just had an AutoAimé drop in Fantastic Fustercluck. Didn't think weapons from a specific dlc could drop in a different dlc.

    submitted by /u/Bigcas316
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    Do players prefer Bad Ass Rank or Guardian Rank

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    As an avid player of the series I am curious to the opinion of our population to the BAR vs Guardian Rank System. I can say personally that the 15% cap hinders me from feeling any real accomplishment in grinding for rank. Yes I enjoy the capstones from it but I feel as if ranks take far too long to get ( I'm currently at about 700) . In Borderlands 2, I had no doubts about starting new characters again and again simply because of gaining Bad Ass rank. I have all my stats upwards of 20 percent even AFTER having my BAR reset a few times. ( I played on 360 and moved on to the Handsome Collection later on). I enjoy the feeling ( in an RPG aspect) of continuing to improve my characters with no limits. Borderlands 3 doesn't have the infinite possibilities Borderlands 2 or dare I say the Pre Sequel have. Once players obtain every legendary and unique and max at 15 percent.... well that's kind of the end of the line. I don't want an end of the line. Would love to hear input from everyone!

    submitted by /u/ssgsefranek
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    Flak gear m10

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    I just jumped back in Bl3 and I was wondering what gear is essential in mayhem 10 for him? I have an m7 monarch and a m7 hellwalker. What more do I need to get, I mean bossing is pretty easy on Flak but I want more of a mobbing guns that can help me out, I would really appreciate it if my fellow vault hunters could help me out!

    Edit: just realized this is not bl3 forum hahaha

    submitted by /u/AgroSicario
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