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    Saturday, September 19, 2020

    Borderlands Things I would've liked in Borderlands 3

    Borderlands Things I would've liked in Borderlands 3

    Things I would've liked in Borderlands 3

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    The Calypso's

    Troy would now be Tyrone, because Tyreen and Tyrone Calypso sounds a lot funnier.

    Their backstory of being mass-murdering influencers, as explained in the various EchoLogs you find, would have them just starting a regular channel. After leaving Nekrotefayo, I would imagine that they wouldn't go immediately to psychopath territory, but try to experience real life. They just document everything about them changing as people, calling their channel "TheTwynGodz", only because they wanted to sound cool. And it's easier for bandits to join in later canonically, due to them being illiterate. (I would also have Charlie Day be a unique bandit)

    Give Tyrone development from the beginning and make him attempt to overthrow Tyreen. She kills him, goes completely insane, and then attempts to kill you.


    She doesn't die. Easy. Or, at the very least she's incapacitated for a time to give Ava a little development. Instead of being absorbed by Tyrone, she would knocked unconscious to be used as a "special guest" on the channel.


    Good lord where do I begin. 1. In her diary quest, spread the pages amongst various Maliwan soldiers, ending with Bean, allowing her to tell you her story, slowly unraveled, revealing a psychologically wounded teenager trying to find meaning and love in a cruel world. Instead of an estranged dumpster fire we have currently.


    Use her only for the first Pandora missions, and then limit her function. Put other veteran members of the Crimson Raiders in leadership roles, allowing them to provide new story angles and quests. Like, destroying CoV supply chains and caches for Marcus.


    A few more planets, and the ability to explore sections of space including ports, research stations, and satellites. Explore in zero-gravity and clear the galaxy further and further. A small, custom explorer ship (similar to Jet Beasts) to explore asteroid belts and small moons.


    Have a minimum of 8 different planets in the vanilla game, then add 4 more for the respective DLC's. Every planet will have a capital, which acts as a central hub for resources and side missions. Plus, moons for further exploration and loot.


    Revisiting the Highlands and Tundras would have been fun. Keeping everything in the desert was kinda dumb. That's all I really got at the moment.


    1. Monty Jakobs is alive and well, acting as head advisor to the new CEO, Wainwright. He provides radio support and insight into Eden-6 and the Jakobs corporation as a whole. Along with narrative when you find Typhon Logs.

    2. Alistair INVITES Aurelia to Eden-6 to formally introduce Wainwright as her soon-to-be brother-in-law.

    3. Aurelia is actually LESS cruel and vindictive, and shows a realistic, if restrained, love for her brother. Until the Calypso's bribe Aurelia with more money, more fame, and a personal army of servants and mercenaries at her beckon call to overthrown Wainwright, and nearly kill Monty.

    4. Aurelia is still the final boss fight before the Vault, but she doesn't die. She is instead critically wounded, and begs for her life to be spared. Wainwright and Monty agree on 2 conditions: she gives control back to the Jakobs, and she must forfeit half of her total wealth. She agrees in the end, and is then taken to Sanctuary 3 to receive treatment. She can be later found in the study with Hammerlock, where she can give a few side missions, which reward each mission with a unique cryo weapon, until the last being a legendary.

    submitted by /u/MrHandsDowmAwesome
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    Can we NOT have anointment text overwriting the regular weapon descriptions?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    I'd like to get the disappointment of finding out I can't fire a new Dahl rifle in full-auto over with before I pick the thing up.

    submitted by /u/InternalHemorrhaging
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    I really wish bl3 could keep me playing for more than a few weeks after new content

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 05:28 PM PDT

    Like title, most of the time i play through new content as it comes out, play through it with 1 or 2 chars and try out some builds, but always find myself coming back to bl2. really wish it could hit those levels for me. :(

    submitted by /u/Bobbyflayeatmypussay
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    Building a Real-Life Claptrap!

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    Hey all!

    I wanted to share a new Youtube series that I am putting together showing my progress of building a real life Claptrap! No, not a toy but a real, functioning and to scale robot! Bring our friendly companion to life.

    Feel free to check it out because this is going to be an awesome project!


    submitted by /u/Brosiedon0616
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    Borderlands 2 Vault Hunters pic at end of dlc

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 12:38 AM PDT

    someone have an HD source for the pic with al the borderlands 2 Vault Hunters at the end of krieg dlc?

    submitted by /u/Beedrillax
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    You're Not Alone in Wanting to Change Anointments

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 07:17 PM PDT

    Please, for the love of God, stop posting about having a vendor or something of the sort to reroll the anointments, and thinking you're original. It's been brought up at least 25 times in this Subreddit alone.

    The posts usually go like this: "what if we had a vendor where we could spend a ridiculous amount of Eridium to reroll Anointments?" And then the replies are usually "because this is a game about farming and that would remove replayability"

    And apologies if I'm sounding like a dick, having a bad night and I'm just tired of seeing the same thing, over and over, especially when people think they're original.

    submitted by /u/BS_500
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    Info Gleaned from Promotional Material for Upcoming TTRPG Bunkers & Badasses

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    Info from the Trailer

    Tiny Tina's Bunkers and Badasses trailer was slow to start but a funny piece of media once it got going. Entertainment value aside it did tell us a few things about the upcoming tabletop RPG being produced by Nerdvana Games. First and foremost, pricing.

    The sourcebook alone will go for the price of $60 USD, which is standard among tabletop RPGs currently. The deluxe edition is available for pre-order until the end of September for $100 USD after September it will increase in price to $120 USD.

    Why so much more for the deluxe edition? Some tangible goodies are available with this edition for the collectors out there as well as folks who may have little to no tabletop gaming equipment. The deluxe edition comes with the Sourcebook, a full set of standard gaming dice with a vault symbol in place of the 20 on the d20., a weighted die for badass moves, ten 3d printed vault hunter miniatures, stand-ups of common borderlands enemies (probably made of cardstock of some kind), a gridded battle mat, and a Bunker Master screen. Worth the extra $60 USD? Your call.

    What about finding a group to play? We are in quarantine! At the end of the video, they touched on it having been playtested and geared towards being suitable for online play. They did not go into detail, but hopefully, we will see digital resources as well as physical ones.

    Information Gleaned from Screenshots on Nerdvana's website.

    The pre-order website contains a few screenshots that have some interesting information on them. They answer a few questions and raise others. The screenshots in question are of a page from the sourcebook detailing the assassin class in part, and a picture of a gun card "Moxxi's Crit".

    The assassin class screenshot revealed a few things, which are clarified further in the next section. At the top of the page, we see "Favored Weapons" and listed for Assassin are Combat Rifle and Sniper Rifle. It is unclear what this will do mechanically but it will probably grant some sort of bonus with these weapons.

    Below this, the Assassin action skill is detailed, "Deception". The skill is close to the Assassin action skill of the same name in Borderlands 2. It grants you invisibility for an undetermined amount of time and creates a decoy. When you attack invisibility ends and your hits are automatically critical hits. The action skill lists at the bottom it can be used "(up to MST mod/day and 1/encounter)". As clarified in the next section MST is your mastery modifier and mastery are one of the four stats vault hunters use.

    To the right of this, we have yet another skill revealed, the Assassin's primary stat, Accuracy. Below this, we have the Assassin's melee damage which is 1d6. This suggests each class will have its own melee damage, not universal melee damage. Below this, the Assassin's skill trees are listed, but there is not enough of the image to make out what they are called.

    There is some flavor about Assassin's and what sort of people they may be and then below this, we have the Assassin backgrounds. It seems each class will have their own backgrounds which have small mechanical effects on different aspects of the game. For instance, the Assassin's "challenger" background grants +1 to damage (yet another stat) but –2 to sneak checks.

    This is it for the Assassin page, however, we also had a full and most clear view of a gun card, "Moxxi's Crit". At the top of this gun card we see that it is a rare rarity and from a manufacturer called Malefactor, which has lettering like Maliwan. It is an SMG and has red text "Slippery when wet". The left side of the card has an area for accuracy which seems to detail a modifier to attack rolls based on your accuracy suggesting different guns may have different bonuses. Below that is the damage area which is 1d4 for Moxxi's Crit and has a modifier that is hard to make out but is probably your damage modifier. The range for the weapon seems to be measured in squares, 5 squares in the case of this weapon. The weapon deals shock damage, and finally, the ability at the bottom of the card this weapon deals 2x damage to shields.

    That is, it for the stuff on the website but we have a screenshot of the character sheet on Nerdvana's Instagram.

    Information from the screenshot of a character sheet on Nerdvana's Instagram.

    Much of the character sheet is standard, but there are quite a few things here that expand on things touched on above.

    The top section of the sheet shows that subclasses will be called "Archetypes" the one on the sheet is called "Elemental". This may suggest the archetypes will be themed after the skill trees from the video games.

    Next up we have the Siren's Action Skill: Phaselock. Phaselock essentially stuns enemies, preventing them from using actions for two rounds. Some enemies will be immune to this effect. The Phaselock listed on the Elementalist character sheet states that in this case they take 3d6 cryo damage per round for 2 rounds and the cryo damage slows their movement by 1 square for that round. This skill can be used a number of times per day equal to your Mastery modifier plus once per encounter. What is a mastery modifier? Let us get into that.

    Below the action skill, we have four statistics listed that seem to be what the game will use as a modifier for most rolls, much like attribute scores in 5e. Here we see Accuracy, Damage, Speed, and Mastery listed. The modifiers seem to be equal to half of the stat score rounded down and if this is the case then negative scores may not be possible in this system. Why would they be? You are a badass after all.

    Next to this, we have the initiative (probably a modifier to determine turn order in combat) and movement. Your initiative modifier seems to be determined by your badass rank plus your speed modifier and this modifies a d20 roll. Your movement is straightforward. It is measured in squares and equal to 3 plus your speed modifier.

    Central on the sheet is the checks. The checks we have listed here are Interact, Talk, Insight, Sneak, Search, and Traverse. Each is modified by a different stat and then have a misc. modifier spot presumably for modifiers applied by mods and perks.

    • Interact - Accuracy
    • Talk - Speed
    • Insight - Accuracy
    • Sneak - Mastery
    • Search - Mastery
    • Traverse - Speed

    The next area on the sheet to the right of the checks has melee damage die, badass rank, and gold. We will be using gold as currency more thank likely and the melee die is 1d6 for the Siren as well as the Assassin. It is unclear how badass ranks are obtained or how wide of an effect they have on the game (though they are added to your initiative). The melee may be standardized at 1d6 or it could just be that the Siren and Assassin have the same melee die.

    The far-left column has areas for grenades, potions & items, and favored weapons. The grenade spot is not filled in, but it has boxes for "type", "damage", "Info", and current number of grenades over max grenades. This suggests grenades will have quite a bit of variance just like in the video game series. The potions & items area is empty but has five spots for items suggesting carrying around a ton of gear may not be objective in this game. The favored weapon box shows the normal six weapon types from the Borderlands video game series (Pistol, SMG, Combat Rifle, Shotgun, Sniper, and Rocket Launcher) and the Siren has only SMG marked off. It is unclear what kind of bonus this will provide.

    The right of this we see a Skills box. On top of this box their indicators to spend skill point and the explanation of SL = Skill Level. There are a few skills detailed here for the siren and it seems that you spend a skill point to unlock these skills and then they may be more potent the more skill points you put in (up to 3 points). These are the details of the skills shown:

    Ward: Siren gains +5 max shield /SL. Mst (Mastery)+10 shield recharge if SL is at 3.

    Accelerate: Siren gains +1 speed. +1/SL on traverse checks.

    Sweet Release: When Siren kills a Phaselocked enemy gain 1 orb/SL. Each orb moves 3 squ/turn to an ally of choice and grants 1d4/SL of health when it reaches them.

    Flicker: Siren gains Mst (Mastery) + 10% on elemental chance on elemental weapons. +1/SL on stealth checks.

    These Skills may be standard for each class or may be determined by Archetype. That is yet to be seen.

    Below the Skills box is a box labeled background and traits. This detail the background touched on with the Assassin. The one shown here is Hidden Past for the Siren. It grants +1 speed but – 2 to insight checks.

    Below that are two traits, it is unclear if these are class-specific or generally accessible to any vault hunter or how you get them, but they do not mention the Siren class specifically. They seem to give bonuses to specific skill checks.

    Swift: "They can't stop you if they can't catch you. Feel free to yell 'parkour' when you roll for traverse checks" +5 on all traverse checks.

    Got a bad feeling about this: "You can tell when stuffs about to go sideways" +5 on danger insight checks.

    Excluding the XP bar at the bottom which states 100 XP to level 2, our final area of the sheet is our "Archetype Feat". For the Elementalist, this is "Static Shock". It is unclear if this is the only feat for the Elementalist or if it is the only feat you get for the archetype.

    Static Shock: When you are hit by a melee roll %s. On 30%+ deal 1d6 shock damage. Deals 2x damage to shields.


    This is what I have been able to find so far, if you found more info please share it with the sub. Below are the links to the sources of this info.

    Trailer: https://youtu.be/S84ZOErGDCU

    Promo Pics: https://tinytinagames.com/

    Instagram Photo: u/nerdvanagameztudios on Instagram or Twitter.

    submitted by /u/CobaltCam
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    Advice on how to proceed needed

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 08:56 PM PDT

    So I'm playing through BL3 for the first time with DLCs installed.

    I just hit level ten and a couple of these DLCs have popped up.

    Should I do them in normal or wait until I'm in true vault hunter?

    submitted by /u/112DB
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    BL3 elemental critical nova annointment question

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 08:17 AM PDT

    The annointment says: "Elemental critical hits can cause status effects of that element to explode, creating a nova that deals 500% of the status effects damage"

    I'm wondering if that annointment works on non elemental guns with Amaras Forceful Expression skill (adds elemantal damage to all guns based on action skill element)

    I've got this annointment on an Ogre and I'd love it for my Moze and she's got the skill Fire in the Skag Den (adds incendiary damage to all splash damage). Can anyone confirm for me if this works or not?

    submitted by /u/Reuvenisms
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    Modded Weapon Appeared In Sanctuary

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 07:08 PM PDT

    I bought two vault space upgrades today and, after coming away from Marcus, I noticed that two modded legendaries were on the floor.

    The weapon (which is repeated again) is Cash-Infised Viral Redistributor. It has -1073741824x3 damage and other crazy stats, 4 anointed perks, has 0 magazine size and is level 1.

    Can anyone offer me some help as to what happened and why?

    Edit: I couldn't post the image on here, but I could in r/borderlands3 (https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/iw5bi5/this_dropped_after_buying_vault_space/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)

    Edit 2: I was trying to farm Sand Hawk with someone else just before this and it could be that they had a modded weapon without my knowledge. So what does that mean for my save file?

    submitted by /u/ARabidMeerkat
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    Trouble with gyro controls

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 06:46 PM PDT

    Hi, so I bought the legendary edition on switch and am having a weird issue while trying to play bl1. If I move slightly too slow it just doesn't do anything at all, I tried paladins to test out if the issue was my switch but they seem to work completely fine there.

    Is this a common issue or is something wrong on my end?

    submitted by /u/Monkeylord2392
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    Title cards maker!

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    I'm sure that someone has at some point wanted to make custom title cards. I've seen a video oh how to do it with after- effects, but I was hoping to not have to use my credit card, does anyone know of a free alternative way to make these?

    submitted by /u/St_Milton
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    Is there an afterlife in the Borderlands universe?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 05:48 PM PDT

    Have there been any hints about this? I personally think it would make more sense to have something like Valhalla from Norse Mythology than the usual heaven and hell afterlife, considering what most of the people in Borderlands are like (they'd probably see it as a heaven since they can keep fighting forever and magically heal the next day.) I could see some place of punishment for REALLY bad people like Handsome Jack or Tyreen Calypso, maybe something like Nastrond (also from Norse Mythology.)

    submitted by /u/Bootlebat
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    How to increase FPS in Borderlands GOTY Enhanced when using a laptop with internal graphics

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    I want to play the original Borderlands on an old laptop with built-in graphics (because of reasons), and am looking for ways to increase fps, in any way possible. I remember that I've seen someone go into the game files and being able to remove most of the graphics from the game (like making the ground become one color, that sort of thing) but I can't find that video.

    My laptop has 8 GB of RAM, an Intel i5-6200 at 2.30GHz, integrated graphics, and Windows 10.

    Anybody got an idea of the kind of thing I'm looking for?

    submitted by /u/simon12399
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    Where is Salvador?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    We know what's happened to five of the BL2 vault hunters, but where's Sal?

    submitted by /u/DannyR2078
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    Coming back since pre DLC1, should I level up to max before doing DLCs?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 11:50 AM PDT

    Title essentially. I haven't played since launch basically (before even that Halloween event). I got all 4 vault hunters to level 50 previously with decent builds, and my question is should I try to get them to 65 before the DLC, or are there no mission reward guns/mods that I need to worry about (I'm looking at you Porcelain Pipe Bomb).

    submitted by /u/kdebones
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    Eager to return...is GB done adding level bumps?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    Love the game...but...

    The too frequent bumps really got me frustrated. Finally get a great roll or an amazing event weapon only to have it be useless soon after really turned me away.

    If the game had some kind of infusion similar to destiny where you spend eridium to bring a low lvl mayhem 10 up to current level, I would have kept playing.

    By the time they are done I may have forgotten totally about the game...esp with some great games coming soon.

    submitted by /u/SPEEDFREAKJJ
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    First time playing BL3

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 07:55 AM PDT


    So this is my first time running BL3's story after years of just playing BL2. I just got to the part where Maya died and I am devastated. Maya was the first character I played as when I got BL2

    submitted by /u/Spriggs31
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    Borderlands enhanced edition: where can I find a list of working shift codes for PC?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 01:48 AM PDT



    submitted by /u/DidgeridooDingo
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