• Breaking News

    Wednesday, September 9, 2020

    Borderlands Wholesome Moment

    Borderlands Wholesome Moment

    Wholesome Moment

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 10:45 PM PDT

    Thank you to MaddyTaylor for.. the 60,000,000 and the lvl 60 Mayhem 10 weapons.. I don't know why you gave that stuff to me. I'm only a level 40 Amara, but that really made my night. Sorry if I didn't have anything for you. I'm not so good at this game still.

    Sincerely, ChiptunedFox (coypotato)

    submitted by /u/CoyPotato
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    Borderlands 3 doesn't pause when on ps menu?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 05:43 PM PDT

    Playing a couch mp game (not online or anything, single system) and we needed to tend to the child so i paused, then hit the ps button to put it in the main ps menu, and when we came back to it both of our characters died and were respawn elsewhere. Wtf?? I've never in all the years I've had the ps4 had a game actively continue in the background when on the ps menu. Is this a thing, or a glitch?

    submitted by /u/Zomblot
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    Rubberized grenades?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 04:56 AM PDT

    Can anyone tell me why rubberized grenade mods even exist? I seriously cant imagine any scenario where a grenade bouncing all over the place away from you and the target for 8-11 seconds would be of any use.

    submitted by /u/ImSomewhatAddicted
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    Infinite backpack?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 07:52 PM PDT

    I was wondering, as the backpack upgrades are a item, is it possible to drop them to let other player have it and use it. Would it work and if so, what is the limit?

    submitted by /u/electrojoeblo
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    Fustercluck tonight?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 06:34 PM PDT

    Hey, I thought that fustercluck released tonight at midnight (September 10) but I don't see it on the Xbox store and no posts on here. Am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/BlondeWienie
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    Is the level 2 Freddy glitch still there?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 09:44 PM PDT

    Hey y'all, trying to farm up some quick Seein' Deads while waiting for the level cap increase - is level 2 Freddy still spawnable? Also, is there a better spot to farm them? (I'm playing on PS4, if that makes a difference)

    submitted by /u/SupahSchnitzel
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    I've always been interested

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 04:16 PM PDT

    I remember a few years ago buying Borderlands the handsome Jack edition thinking it came with the first and second games along with any DLC but it only came with the pre-sequel and second one.

    Anyways I've been wanting to play but do I need to play the first one or should I to understand the story?

    submitted by /u/RaiderRagnar
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    Borderlands 3 crashing on 'Signing in' page after reinstallation

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 10:01 PM PDT

    I have the game on steam and uninstalled it about a month ago to make space on my drive. I reinstalled it yesterday so I could quickly install and download DLC 4, but after starting up all fine it always crashes on the signing in page. I've verified the game files and the problem still remains. Could someone help me figure out how to fix this?

    submitted by /u/CptPeriwinkle
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    Best way to get eridium?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    Just picked up BL3 again last week since the last DLC is coming. I regret not farming more of the purple rocks when the game 1st came out and now everything is nerfed like usual. Whats the best method of farming rid-rock? Are bosses worth it or is getting it naturally on the ground better? Everywhere I look I just see pathetically nerfed versions of farms I used to use, one place was just straight up removed entirely. Is there a method with lootsplosion? Or is everyone in the same boat and I might as well just scream into the void.

    submitted by /u/questionscramble
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    Good company Bad company

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    Which of the companies have been bad, antagonistic to the player, throughout all of the games?

    submitted by /u/murpheyj
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    Playthrough order?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    Hey all, sorry if this is a stupid question. I just picked up the Switch legendary collection! I have played through BL2 many many years ago and I've maybe played some of pre-sequel and I've played some of BL3. Since BL3 isn't on here, wanted to know what order you guys think I should play the games in? Start with 1 then 2 then PS? Something else? Doesn't matter?


    submitted by /u/ninjazzy
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    I am replaying Borderlands 2 but I want to play DLC's only

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 08:16 AM PDT

    I have played BL2 before, and now I'm coming back to have fun. But I wanna only play the DLCs. Is it possible to play only DLCs then transition to TVHM and UVHM without even touching the main story?

    submitted by /u/lolothundr
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    A Better Way To Do Things

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 10:21 AM PDT

    I feel as though with each of these DLCs, Takedowns, and other additional content, that the level cap increases should come a week prior to their release. Give those who don't have the time to completely grind out the levels (though it is rather easy) time to make it to the new Max level, that way the new content drops at Max for them.

    I only bring this up because I'm going to have to spend the majority of my time tomorrow just downloading the DLC at 5MB/s or less, and it takes away from the limited amount of time I get to actually play the game. Wish I could be spending my time today grinding the new Max Level so I can get right into the story of the DLC.

    submitted by /u/BS_500
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    I just finished Borderlands 2 main story, what do I do next?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 02:34 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, I'm new here and have a couple of question. I'm trying to figure out what to do next after the main story. I just beat Jack and The Warrior, I went back to Sanctuary and listed to Brick, Mordecai, and Lilith's conversation about more vaults and getting a shield for Sanctuary but I don't know what do I do next.

    I got the Handsome collection btw which also came with Pre Sequel and add ons, but I dont know if the "add ons" are for 2 or for Pre Sequel.

    Oh and I also saw this True Vault whatever after the credits, I accidentally skipped it so I didn't get to read what it is.

    Would appreciate any help, thanks in advance :)

    PS: sorry if there are any grammar error, english is not my native language

    submitted by /u/GaznaThePug
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    I Enjoy the Farming aspect of the Game

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 10:31 PM PDT

    Any time I play a game in the series, I usually get excited to go farm; yes the story is important and the gameplay is fun, but just the tension of going for loot and finally getting it after working for so long is great. If you have an opposing opinion or agree with me I'd love to hear!

    submitted by /u/_Metatile_
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    26/M/UK Looking for people to play with

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 04:57 AM PDT

    Hi guys, I've recently purchased and downloaded the first borderlands on PS4 and it seems like it would be much better with a group or at least one more (especially if they know what they are doing a little more than me). And well, my friends all played the game many years ago and there's not much interest in starting from the beginning with me.

    Just wanted to see if anybody was up for it? I am on PS4, will probably play between about 7:30pm and midnight UK time

    PM me if you're interested

    submitted by /u/danicksta9
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    DLC question

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 07:54 AM PDT

    Does anyone know if there will be new playable characters like the previous two games. I just wanted to know.

    submitted by /u/against_humanity
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    Pearteeshun two mayk bandeet a lengwage awpshun

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 02:20 AM PDT

    How stupidly awesome would it be to have bandit be a language option in the games

    submitted by /u/Kiminjuri
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