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    Tuesday, September 8, 2020

    Borderlands THESE are the Tediore weapons you need to look out for!

    Borderlands THESE are the Tediore weapons you need to look out for!

    THESE are the Tediore weapons you need to look out for!

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 07:02 AM PDT

    Hey Everyone!

    It's your friendly Neighbourhood Moze Main, Nootmad, coming back at you with another opinion post, this time around what i think are the best Tediore weapons you guys should try out on Moze! If you guys aren't a fan of long text posts, I actually made a video on it that you can find here! ( https://youtu.be/ZNvqNiiVNi4 ), but if text posts are more your speed, here we go! Hope you guys find it useful :D

    Now thats out of the way, lets get straight into the video!

    The Guns!

    So i think the pistols from tediore are a good place to start and for the sake of getting my favourite weapon out of the way, we shall start with the gunerang. Now before we go further into this, i just want to make sure you guys are aware that tediore reloads count as grenades and can therefore scale with any grenade damage buffs you apply. This makes tediore weapons even better on moze due to her skills and gear that has heavy synergy with a grenade based play-style. The skill, pull the holy pin, allows grenades to crit and vampyr allows grenades to heal moze. And the mind-sweeper class mod gives moze the chance to create a micro nade upon critical hits. What does this mean for tediore? It basically means that tediore reloads can not only heal moze, but also crit, which means that it can proc mind-sweeper, which basically means you can do a tonne of damage when you get those mind-sweeper micro nade chains to go off

    But i digress, that's the underlying synergy with tediore and moze, and with that, lets get straight to the weapons.

    So, back to the Gunerang. Its a tediore pistol (duh) that drops from the indo tyrant from floodmoor basin on Eden 6 and is an absolute powerhouse with the right build. It combines a decently high base damage with the potential to roll any element and with a properly set up chucking build, this pistol absolutely decimates enemies. The annoint i recommend is the 300/90 annoint and i highly recommend getting it in the radiation element for those sweet bloodplosion chains once you nuke an irradiated enemy cluster. Bear in mind though, that just like its namesake, if the gunerang makes 3 bounces without hitting an enemy, it will fly right back into your hands and explode, and with the amount of splash damage moze can dish out, its almost always a guaranteed ticket straight to fight for your life. I hope youre good at dodgeball!

    We shall then swifly move to the gunerangs distant cousin, the Bangarang. You can get one for yourself from Thunk in Konrads Hold on Pandora and much like the gunerang, synergises perfectly with a chucking build. The bangarang elevates what the gunerang does, but forsakes its tracking ability for the ability to spit out bullets as the reloaded projectile flies around. These bullets have the potential to crit (as they are actual bullets) and can therefore proc your mindsweeper class mod effect, creating the chance for some crazy damage. Much like the gunerang, i recommend the 300/90 annoint and the radiation element.

    Moving on from the pistols, we get to the shotguns. And in first place, we have the Anarchy Shotgun. Now.. I know. I know. The anarchy shotgun is a tediore shotgun by name alone. And by that, i mean you dont need to reload it to get its damage. The anarchy's special ability is that it stacks damage after each kill but resets this damage if you preemptively reload. i.e. You want to deplete your magazine completely before reloading. And low and behold, what is our favourite gunners thing to NOT do? Thats right.. Reload... This means that moze can very easily sustain some solid damage from this gun, and paired with a mind-sweeper class mod, you can do absolute work with this weapon. Get one for the low low price of a bullet to the head from our dear friend Kukuwajak in Negul Neshai. Recommended annoint would be 300/90 (i bet your noticing a pattern here) and honestly, the kinetic variant works perfectly fine.

    And rounding up the list, we have, the Brightside. A DLC 3 shotgun that drops from the Bronsons in the Blastplains and... Its a very.. Interesting weapon. What the brighside does is upon reloading, it throws the gun directly in front of you like a javelin, where it then explodes and then splits into 4 other brightsides that shoot for a few seconds. The fired projectiles from this gun count as actual bullets much like the bangarang, and as such, can proc mindsweeper micro nades. Do keep in mind, that the initial explosion from the brightside can proc torgue cross promotion (mozes skill that has the chance to double splash damage radius) and as a result, can down you, so be wary of that. Dont let that stop you though, the brightside is definitely on the brighter side of legendary weapons and i highly recommend trying one out in the 300/90 variant.

    The End :(

    So yeah, that rounds out what i think are some of the best Tediore weaponry you can get for Moze to smash through any content currently in the game. If you made it this far, i just want to thank you guys for reading the whole thing, and i hope you found it useful. I also want to let you know that i actually do a lot of video breakdowns just like on my own YouTube Channel here ( https://www.youtube.com/nootmad ) so feel free to check that out if you're after some up to date Moze builds and general information to improve your game knowledge! Like always, if you have any questions or thoughts, let me know in the comments! I hope you guys found this quick discussion useful and I'll see you guys next post! o/

    submitted by /u/nivman1410
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    Can you get mayhem 10 legendaries with eridium fabricator?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 03:10 AM PDT

    Started playing few days ago and can't find any info on this, do you guys know if the drops will scale to mayhem 10?

    submitted by /u/rileykard
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    Star Helix Assault Rifle

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 07:22 PM PDT

    I read online that many people think the Star Helix isn't a great weapon, but why not? I'm playing Amara and shredding enemies with it. It can potentially do triple damage and has really nice accuracy and handling. My corrosive Lucian's Call is infinitely worse, and I find myself using the Star Helix over it against robots. Anyone agree/disagree that the Star Helix is amazing? (Could be because of a recent buff but regardless the damage is insane at close range)

    submitted by /u/FableGamer
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    How should I go about playing when the next DLC drops?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 08:09 PM PDT

    Should I try and hit the next level cap first before starting it? If I do that should I then turn it up to Mayhem 10 as I start it?

    submitted by /u/TomBrody
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    The UE4-OakGame Game has crashed and will close.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    I get a white little error screen when I try to start Boarderlands.

    Das anyone know how to deal with this?

    submitted by /u/uLmi84
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    The Pearl and C-C-Combo

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 07:23 PM PDT

    Do these stack? Or am I wasting my time getting both? I know they're different but is a "damage increase buff" non stackable? Also, how exactly does C-C-Combo calculate the amount of damage increased after a few seconds?

    submitted by /u/FableGamer
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    Sale end date?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 05:24 PM PDT

    There's a sale on steam for Borderlands 2 and I'm wondering if anyone knows when the sale ends.

    submitted by /u/BeepBopMop
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    Super Marcus Sweep - Door Glitched

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    Hello -

    I have recently been playing through the GOTY Edition of Borderlands 1 on the Xbox One and am stuck (like many others before me) in the fact that I entered the wrong room whilst doing the armory glitch and so the "Steal Loot" objective is checked and so the door is shut.

    I couldn't get the medkit trick to work so I decided on co-op. I have a low level character as the host and I have my high level character as the co-op partner so that I can breeze through the enemies to catch up to that specific mission.

    Will this method work? Or have I glitched the mission for my co-op partner as well because they have not received the "Loot Larceny" mission as they are not that far into the story.

    Any help would be appreciated as I am trying to get all the achievements in the game!

    submitted by /u/ADTRfan1234
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    Finished Borderlands 3 Storyline, what now?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 04:22 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I just finished the main storyline and I haven't purchased any DLC, but wanted to see what else the game has to offer.

    submitted by /u/hippysmuggler
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    What Exactly Is Included on Borderlands Legendary Collection? (Switch)

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 10:51 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I recently just picked up a Nintendo Switch, and I've been a long time fan of the Borderlands series. The idea of being able to play Borderlands wherever I go sounds like a dream, but there's a few questions I can't find answers to regarding the collection that's making it hard to justify buying the game, it's on sale for 40 bucks digitally at the moment.

    What exactly do you get with the Collection? I know you get the recent GOTY edition of Borderlands 1, which comes with all DLC, but what about Borderlands 2? I'm sure it comes with the main four campaign DLCs, but what about the headhunter packs, or special gearbox weapons? Same for Pre-Sequel. I can't find any answers online as to what content is included with the collection specifically regarding 2 and TPS, only that it doesn't include Commander Lilith which I don't care about honestly. Hopefully y'all can help me out.

    Plus, I've heard it runs at 1080p 30fps on Switch, I'm used to the 60FPS with the Handsome Collection, so is the 30fps a noticeable difference on Switch? Or does it not change the experience at all?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Throwaway2461973
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    Boarderlands 2 is Pretty Hard

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 06:45 AM PDT

    Who should I choose to play boarderlands 2??? I cant beat it right now with Krieg the phyco

    submitted by /u/potatogod53
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    Bl3 xbox1

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 05:27 AM PDT

    Got back into bl3 onxbox 1 anyone wanna play I also got.handsome collection if anyone wants to play any other bl games

    submitted by /u/Louthejoker
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    The Healer class in BL3?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 11:58 PM PDT

    My friend loves to play dedicated Healers in RPGs and MMORPGs. He played Roland in BL1, Maya in BL2, and Claptrap in BLTPS, so now I'd like to know which class in BL3 is the absolute closest thing possible to a healer in BL3, or at least a very team-based supportive class that he can play. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/BladeOfSmoke
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