• Breaking News

    Tuesday, October 27, 2020

    Borderlands Getting a Ghast Call again that’s actually viable after almost a year of missing it is a sensation on par with an orgasm

    Borderlands Getting a Ghast Call again that’s actually viable after almost a year of missing it is a sensation on par with an orgasm

    Getting a Ghast Call again that’s actually viable after almost a year of missing it is a sensation on par with an orgasm

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 08:17 AM PDT

    I was so sad when I had to take the grenade out of my loadout after level cap increases made it unviable. No other grenade hit that sweet spot for a grenade spam character like the Ghast Call did. Finally being able to include it in my loadout again after a year is such a sweet feeling :,) thank you for this beautiful moment gearbox

    submitted by /u/The_Inquirer_852
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    Pretty new to BL3, can someone explain what on earth is going on with these loot drops in normal and mayhem mode?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    So I've just finished my first playthrough on 'normal' difficulty with 2 other friends and we all felt like the legendary drop was a bit too high and it started to make them feel underwhelming. We would get one every 15-30 minutes and all of us had full inventories of them. Is that normal? We together had the opinion that as casual non-OL/mayhem players, we preferred the drop rate in BL2.

    Anyway, that's not what I wanted to ask about. We decided to just jump straight onto Mayhem 10 mode not having a clue what it really did about from some enemy buffs, and found ourselves on Nekrotefayo. Everyone's guns were doing virtually no damage as expected, but my Moze mech was 1 or 2 shotting almost everything with the railguns. I remember seeing a video near release on TVHM where the mech was pretty terrible- has it been massively scaled up for each Mayhem 'difficulty' level?

    Also, we were getting a legendary about every 4th enemy killed, it was absurd. Even random crappy ammo boxes and piles were yielding legendaries. We managed to kill Traunt (entirely thanks to Iron Bear) and he dropped 4 alone for me. Is all of this as intended?


    submitted by /u/nemesis464
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    "And they'll tell two friends" (PS3)

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 09:52 PM PDT

    PSN: sarahk12

    I know it's an old game, but I am just playing it now. So if anyone with the trophy can help I would appreciate it :)

    submitted by /u/grumpy_kidd
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    Krieg On District Peak

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    I want a good krieg build for digistruct peak, I made it through op1 with a standard hellfire build but I keep getting screwed over by scorch (for obvious reasons) I have lvl 80 hear (Grog,DPUH,hornet, creamer, flame of the firehawk,L-Torch,magic missile, and fire bone of ancients.

    submitted by /u/Crowgutter777
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    My thoughts on each Borderlands game after binging the past few weeks, excludes BL# due to my primary console being the Nintendo Switch.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    So just to provide a little bit of history on my experience with Borderlands as a whole. I have completed several playthroughs on NVHM and TVHM on each game available on Switch, I have also played through with most of all the characters currently available. I just wanted to share my thoughts on why each game to this day still finds a great amount of success in each respective community.

    Let's start from the beginning shall we?

    Borderlands GOTY Remaster:

    Having played this originally on the xbox 360 and completing the game with Roland and Lilith getting my hands on the remaster here recently was both nostalgic for me and a breath of fresh air. The HD graphics look absolutely crisp, along with the slew of new features the remaster has to offer. But we are not talking about that, lets get to what BL1 does very well!

    1. Simplicity- Sometimes it is just nice to keep it simple. From the skill trees to the guns this is just so straightforward. Very user friendly.
    2. The big baddies- So this is an area I feel could have improved a bit in BL2 and TPS. The main enemies in this game not only have their own arena but the areas leading up to them make sense and add to the feeling that you are pretty much on your own. To provide and example, when you go to fight Sledge, you have to fight your way through a massive mining town to get to his lair. Once inside you are thrust into what is basically a 1 on 1. The only bosses I felt had I had a similar experience with in the other games were Bunker and The Warrior in BL2 and for TPS I would have to say the Felicity Rampart fight.
    3. Scaling- now I say this is a double edged sword type of deal. So the damage and difficulty scaling in this game is much slower than the others. Which is nice to newer players, however to me, which I am by no means a master. I did not play for years yet I came back and plowed through the story and completed the game SOLO with maybe 35 minutes of farming Skagzilla for a class mod. Now my Mordecai is in TVHM level 45 and nothing has really touched me yet. Also I beat the story in just over 12 hours solo. Which if I remember right my first play through ever with Lilith I was around the 27 hour mark. Some of that is more of an experience thing than scaling. But the intense scaling in BL@ can potentially turn off newer players who think they can jump in and have this badass hardened killer within 10 hours.

    Borderlands 2

    1. Skill points- This was huge for me! Adding all those new skills and options that affected your overall play style was an amazing decision. This skill system provided so much replayability! Maya is a perfect example, on one hand you can use your phaselock to revive your team mates, on the other hand you have a massive ball of death that make certain to hit one enemy with every type of element possible, you know just to make sure hes good and dead. But also can chase down different targets if speccd right.
    2. Customization- With the addition of skill points distribution being able to make my vault hunter so many different than the others I will be playing with online was awesome! While not a huge thing it just lets you feel like this character and build is truly different than any other one you may meet.
    3. Environments- while not purely game play related the added environments has helped keep the game fresh for me for quite some time. With potentially my most favorite environment being the Caustic Caverns. Just go there, you will quickly find out why I like it.


    1. Space- This is my favorite feature as not only ties to the environment but also affects gameplay. I have some amazing screenshots on my switch of the beautiful moon scapes, if that is a word. But add into that the addition of OZ kits and butt slamming my way to XP and victory, who could resist that??
    2. Progression- Even though it is just 2 levels prior the fact that you get your action skill at level 3 was fantastic. This lets you get to your first tress choice of cap stone skill earlier so that way at the end of your first play through you are not just learning how your build works fully.
    3. Mid tier 1 pointers- In the middle of each skill tree there is a skill that is somewhat game changing butt not quite too OP. Just enough to get you over the midway scaling bump. But what I like is the 1 point wonder which brings your progression to the next tier of skills. I felt that slowed down BL2 since you need 5 points per each tier of skills.

    Now these are just a very few of the key points I feel is why I find myself playing Borderlands 1 for a month then BL@ then TPS and so on. They all do some things very well. They all have their big points that I really enjoy, and some I do not enjoy. Thank you so much for reading! SO feel free to upvote that means alot! And down below let me know what has kept you playing hundreds if not thousands of hours of Borderlands, which game do you have the most time?

    submitted by /u/xJuun
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    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 02:21 PM PDT

    Sorry for the noob question, but the last time I played BL 1 was before any of this GOTY stuff.

    I installed GOTYE from Steam and tinkered a bit with it, but it made me nauseous. No amount of fiddling with settings helped. I never had a problem with BL1 and BL2. So, I uninstalled it and installed the regular GOTY (not enhanced) for the first time ever as well, but I notice there is no chest in Fyrestone.

    I knew my old vanilla BL1 wouldn't have a chest, but isn't there supposed to be one in the non-motion-sickness-inducing, non-4K GOTY like there is in the GOTYE. Or do you have to take the "enhanced" graphics version to get the chest.


    submitted by /u/FriendOfEntropy
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    What’s the gun Joltz uses a lot in videos?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 02:07 PM PDT

    Looks like an assault rifle with a side loading Mag? Thanks

    submitted by /u/DKMode7
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    I'm new to grinding out things on BL3

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 08:22 AM PDT

    I'm running a Zane, I like how he is super fast and leave his clone behind and fight one fight one one side of the field while you are on the other while also having the drone sucking the shield out of everyone and giving it back to me. Can anyone tell me some good shields, class mods, etc. From what I've gathered the light show and Hellwalker are meta and I have the Hellwalker already. Any other guns I should get?

    submitted by /u/MEEPMOP49
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