• Breaking News

    Wednesday, October 28, 2020

    Borderlands Moxxi's Underdome, ALL 375 Waves. AND beat Crawmerax in less than 77 hours. Hardest trophies ever?! BORDERLANDS 1 OG (Not Enhanced)

    Borderlands Moxxi's Underdome, ALL 375 Waves. AND beat Crawmerax in less than 77 hours. Hardest trophies ever?! BORDERLANDS 1 OG (Not Enhanced)

    Moxxi's Underdome, ALL 375 Waves. AND beat Crawmerax in less than 77 hours. Hardest trophies ever?! BORDERLANDS 1 OG (Not Enhanced)

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    Moxxxi's underdome was one of the most horrible experiences in the start...once you get used to the grind you start to...like it weirdly enough...I had help with the Angelic ruins and had some one team up with me shout out to Akiwi for the assist

    And I beat Crawmerax in the glitch area in the corner at Lvl 46, it took me 8 tries and the final try had taken me around 3 hours which isn't too bad.

    All in all Borderlands "All achievements" is HELL to say the least but you get used to it and it becomes something you love :) - last achievements are some Co-op challenges and then onto my final DLC with Dr. NED :D

    submitted by /u/AveSatanna
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    Just finished a replaying of Borderlands 3. Wondering why people like Maya so much.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 11:57 PM PDT

    I didn't play as maya in borderlands 2 but she seems like a pretty generic character IMO. I mean I'm about as attached to maya as I am to the new siren who also doesn't have much character from what I've seen.

    submitted by /u/CrazedVolt
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    Do you spend more time playing solo or co-op?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 09:17 PM PDT

    Maybe this is just me, but I spend about 99% of my time playing solo (primarily play BL2). A lot of times it's easier to just do something solo, like farming, so I don't even try to find a group. When I do try to find people to play with tho it seems like everyone either has a modded account, going around burst-firing norfleet death walls, or is looking for someone to boost them or drop them gear. It's like no one actually plays the game with other people.

    Is this the case for most people, or do I just have bad luck? I'm on Xbox btw

    submitted by /u/ZenMasta61
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    Starting to make borderlands products...

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 07:49 PM PDT

    Just thought I'd share that I'm making borderlands products on the side now in case anyone is interested. Had a 3d printer for years, never thought to make my own designs and sell them. Now I am. Huge fan. Been playing since the original release. Have all games plus all dlc and season pass. Just started using reddit more and more in the last couple months. Someone told me I should post on here. Borderlands coasters are the first product. Working on gauges and key tags. Saw the over priced garbage (well, not garbage, but definitely overpriced) on etsy and decided to do something about it.

    Anyone have ideas of products they'd like to see/have? Also working on a borderlands box mod (for vaping).


    submitted by /u/Tannehill3rd
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    About to play borderlands in co-op mode with someone very new to FPS, go with 2 or with pre-sequel?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    We're limited on the platform so we can only do Switch. I want them to play the easier one, and I know that borderlands aren't the best start at FPS anyway. It's just what I got now.

    So which one is more noob friendly, perhaps easier upgrades, less dizzying map, all that. Reddit Boarderlanders, I seek your guidance!

    Awesome people gave guidance and we decided on Borderlands 2 as the one to play in newbie co-op mode. Thank you awesome Reddit!

    submitted by /u/flinchFries
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    Mayhem 10 golden keys

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 09:41 PM PDT

    So coming back after a short break away I am starting to play the game more on mayhem 10 true vault hunter mode, does this affect the loot coming out of the golden chest on sanctuary? Before I get the inevitable yes I googled it first, no I didn't find anything more recent than a few months ago and wondered if it might have changed in a patch between then and now.

    submitted by /u/RingofThorns
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    Anyone want to help finish Moxxi's underdome DLC?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 06:47 PM PDT

    PC - Enhanced Edition on Steam

    I have 3 characters at level 69 that are begging for those 2 skill points, as well as the Steam achievement. I am available most evenings, pacific time.

    submitted by /u/Dekklin
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    Ok idk if people would want too but it’s worth a shot

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 03:15 PM PDT

    Ok I'm replaying bl1 after a long time I deleted all my characters and im going to start over entirely I'm going to play Lilith (siren) if anyone wants to play I'm on Xbox one and my name is Darthfizious just mssg me if you want to play

    submitted by /u/TheElementalSniper
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    The borderlands bundle

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 02:37 PM PDT

    As you probably guessed, I'm pretty interested in buying the borderlands bundle, with all the games and basically every bit of dlc for the pre-sequel and 2. Roughly how much storage space do I need to download all of it?

    submitted by /u/I_Got_A_Rayquaza
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    The Handsome collection is Absurdly overpriced on Steam

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 02:25 PM PDT

    anyone know what the lowest price was for this game on Steam, and when can i usually look forward to a sale?

    submitted by /u/Jordo2424
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    What is a good combination of mayhem modifiers that aren't a complete fustercluck?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 06:46 AM PDT

    I'm trying to play through the DLCs on mayhem 10 difficulty but I'm at my limit dealing with just the shear amount of nonsense with some of these modifiers.

    submitted by /u/StewBurner
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    So where do I find the borderlands live wallpapers?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 04:25 AM PDT

    Since the insider program ended, I haven't really been playing or interacting with the game. I've tried signing on to the borderlands website through my Xbox account but it won't work. Plus help.

    submitted by /u/just_a_lonely_alpaca
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    Stuck in Digistruct peak

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 05:50 AM PDT

    Hi everyone. It's the third time I complete the map to get the op option but I'm stuck at level 72 even though the game told me to complete this map at level 80 to get the op. I have the handsome collection but I don't get how can I get to level 80 if I get 0 ex from everything. Thank you for your help

    submitted by /u/BigDaddy015
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    Where I can find elemental melee relics in borderlands 2 for krieg?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    Some quest, enemies or something...I hear about midgets but that only loot in OP3 I think. And iam only in the second run. I play melee only and now krieg doesnt stop killing himself, I dont know how to do elemental fire damage, I dont have relics or mod

    submitted by /u/volkami
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    What if there was another pre-sequel after Handsome Jack ruled Hyperion?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 01:46 PM PDT

    But instead you play as the first four vault hunters shown in the opening cinematic (You know, the sketches) from Borderlands 2, and you survive Handsome Jack at the beginning, but slowly get killed off by Hyperion and Handsome Jack until everybody is dead. Kinda like Rogue One. I think it's a good concept. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/1G0TY33T3D1
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    Coming back after release. What did I miss?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 11:38 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I'm a avid BL fan, having clocked in hours by the thousands into BL1&2. I bought BL3 super deluxe on release, but was sad to see that my old-timey PC wasn't really up for the task of running the game as smoothly as I wanted.

    Now however I have a beefier PC able to run the game at awesome framerates and want to get back into the game.


    - What did I miss?
    - How are the DLC's?
    - Are there any new characters coming into the game?
    - Is the game still alive?
    - Anything else?


    submitted by /u/Mmmatsu
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