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    Tuesday, October 20, 2020

    Borderlands What is the significance of 23C in Borderlands/Gearbox games?

    Borderlands What is the significance of 23C in Borderlands/Gearbox games?

    What is the significance of 23C in Borderlands/Gearbox games?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 07:17 AM PDT

    In multiple events, 23C is used as a motif. For example, Krieg is subject 23C, in Tales From the Borderlands in the BioDome the main unit is 23C, and there are multiple other events. I have only played the Borderlands series, but I assume in other Gearbox games the motif is repeated. I tried looking it up a bit, but didn't see anything.

    submitted by /u/Adcoylehd
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    Amara and Fl4k’s New Skill Trees

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    FL4K DLC Build Concept: Purple Fade

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 05:45 PM PDT

    So, after seeing FL4K's new DLC skill tree, I decided to brainstorm a build. Of course, once we actually get the chance to play with this skill tree, this build may end up falling flat (I'm especially wondering if ignoring Megavore is worth it), but I wanted to have some fun with a new build. The theory behind this build is that you'll make use of the synergy with Throatripper and Monkey Do! along with Fade Away to deal insane damage.

    Purple Fade

    A very brief run-through of skills for each tree:

    Purple Tree: The main skills for this tree are Throatripper and Monkey Do!, the latter being what inspired this build in the first place. If you find that Combat Veterinarian is too situational or hard to micromanage, you can put that point into Gotta Go Fast instead. Likewise, the points in Not Even a Challenge are there mostly because I had leftover points and decided to opt for the chance at additional Fade Away duration.


    Green Tree: The main goal of putting points in this tree is to get down to Unblinking Eye, the main augment for Fade Away along with Guerillas in the Mist. You definitely want to get to at least Lick the Wounds even if you decide to alter this build to not use Fade Away. The points in Overclocked can be put into Hidden Machine if you feel as if the Fire Rate bonus isn't big enough.


    Orange Tree: The main skills here are Leave No Trace, Head Count, and Big Game (to boost Throatripper, which is a Hunter Skill). If you want, you can put some of the leftover points into The Most Dangerous Game.


    Blue Tree: I put some of the leftover points into Persistence Hunter for the increased Action Skill duration and passive Gun Damage in order to make the most out of Fade Away. Putting one point in Go For the Eyes! might actually be viable here just for the guaranteed crit.


    As for the pet, I chose the WAR Loader because of the Fire Rate bonus. You could go for whatever pet fits your playstyle, though, really, and either of the two advanced Spiderants are also a good choice.

    I can't offer good advice on gear because I'm not familiar with any of the DLC weapons. I imagine Torgue and Jakobs weapons would be good with this build, as they are for many FL4K builds. As for class mod, I feel like the Bounty Hunter class mod is always a good choice, as is the Cosmic Stalker for the extra Hunt Skill power boost. St4ckbot might not be a good choice because we're not using Megavore.

    submitted by /u/Dragon_Disciple
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    Borderlands 3 help

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 09:24 PM PDT

    Do any of you guys know any good places to get better loot. Im stuck on mayhem 6 and i cant find better weapons and the guns I have suck. Any help is appreciated

    submitted by /u/DeadRubberDucky101
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    Commandant Steele

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 03:13 PM PDT

    Anybody know what her powers were? It's been bothering me for years.

    submitted by /u/mrscifiog
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    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 07:58 PM PDT

    I heard that when I defeat the destroyer I get some legendary chests, but when I defeated it there were no legendary chests. I even tried to see if they would spawn in the goty enhanced version but nothing was there. Any ideas why?

    submitted by /u/Savings-Donkey5983
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    good against remotes is one thing help

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    can anyone help me get this achievement? it is one of the last ones i need for the platinum. psn is oSalvo

    submitted by /u/Salvo22
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    So what exactly is the source of the damage we deal in BL3? Its certainly not the guns...

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 07:31 PM PDT

    So I understand the concept of builds. But my understanding was always that the shields, artifacts and mods would boost or modify your game play, but that the base damage came from the guns. I really like the Hellwalker shotgun and according to a few youtube content creators, it is a top tier weapon, if not the #1 shotgun in the game. So a few days ago, I farm his dedicated drop location to get one on Mayhem 10. Its a hard farm because my equipment is not mayhem 10 and my build is not optimised, but once it drops, I figured I could now wreck shit up relatively well. I finally get one, and I barely tickle the ennemies with it. It can take up to 7-8 shots with the hellwalker to kill a random mob.

    When I open youtube, I see content creators one-shotting bosses and clearing levels like stupid on mayhem 10. How can they do that? Is it because the damage we do is mostly irrelevant of the guns, but rather from the effects of the anoitements, mods, artifacts and shields? It seems counter-intuitive to me. I mean the hellwalker deals a ridiculous amount compared to other guns, but its barely doing anything on its own.

    submitted by /u/howlingbeast666
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    Gearcalc preservation: Anybody know Flash well?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 10:20 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    Flash is set to expire in December of this year.

    Some of us still play this game, and make good use of Gearcalc. It's a Flash element, and I was able to extract the .swf file. It's got a system to check if it's being run on the website or not, if you run it outside of that it, it says: "Warning: Unauthorized access or use of Gear Calculator".

    Besides the .swf file they've got some assets that the Flash file makes calls to, such as images and rules for what is legitimate or not.


    submitted by /u/K716
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    Quick Borderlands 3 question... any help appreciated

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 05:47 PM PDT

    I bought BL3 at launch and although I never experienced it, I saw many reports of the game running the XB1X hot. I read it was shutting down on some folks 7 to 10 times in a session. So I played a mission or two and stopped. Rather than have my console damaged, I decided to wait on a patch. In the process I got caught up in newer releases, my backlog and other things us gamers do.

    My question is......Has this issue been fixed in the last 13 months or so? Is it safe to play BL3 now? I can't find any info online...... Really need a meaty game to hold me over until Nov 19th! Thanks

    submitted by /u/Monie804
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    In Borderlands 2 chronologically Axton,Salvador,Zer0,Kreig,Gaige,and Maya all did the events in the story and because of the fact that Tannis got Angels siren powers I think that a siren can pick who they want to be they're successor. So why is it that Angel did not give her siren powers to Gaige.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 03:56 PM PDT

    Gaige is already a good mechanic so having powers that would allow you to easily control the machines that you make would have been perfect for her.

    submitted by /u/ricknmorti123
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    Worth buying super deluxe for £35?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    Enjoyed borderlands 2 + will be playing bl3 co-op?

    is there enough content + enjoyment in the game with super deluxe and is it worth buying currently for that price?

    submitted by /u/jamied43
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    Confusion regarding grenade multipliers - BL2

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 01:10 AM PDT

    I acquired a Fuster Cluck grenade with a damage of 6414x7 and had another implosion explosion grenade of 22,357 damage. The damage of the latter has a green upwards arrow, signifying it does a greater damage but isn't the total of the Fuster Cluck greater than the latter?


    Or does it simply mean that the damage value is divided between seven individual child grenades?

    submitted by /u/SneakySocial
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    Does anyone know how much will the season pass 2 will cost or if we can preorder it?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 09:29 AM PDT

    I just saw the live stream and the new FL4K skill tree is amazing, however there is still no info about the pricing. Oh yeah there's now Mayhem 11, however it's just Mayhem 10 with no modifiers and lower money, erridium, and xp rates.

    submitted by /u/tr0jance
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    Lost some Stuff

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 09:03 AM PDT

    Yesterday I logged into Borderlands 2 while offline and now when I logged in today (online) I don't have any of my golden keys or DLC heads or skins I still have the DLCs though Is there any way to get them back?

    submitted by /u/onion182
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    Survey about monetization of virtual goods in online video games

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 06:47 AM PDT


    We are two graduate students (and gamers) at The Norwegian School of Economics and we are researching gamers' views on monetization practices of virtual goods in online video games. We haven't gotten a lot of responses from FPS players so we thought this would be a good place. The survey takes approximately 9 minutes. The study is purely for academic purposes and completely anonymous.

    Link to survey here

    Thank you so much for taking your time to help us!

    (use of VPN might interfere with the link, if so please comment)

    submitted by /u/NHH_Game_study
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    Looking for someone to plat borderlands enhanced before i delete it.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 06:13 AM PDT


    If you are one of those who want to platinum borderlands and cant find someone to play online, add me Akainu_TV.

    submitted by /u/Koromilas
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