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    Tuesday, November 10, 2020

    Borderlands I can admit when I am wrong.

    Borderlands I can admit when I am wrong.

    I can admit when I am wrong.

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 12:53 PM PST

    I was turned off the last few days (if not weeks) hearing about Arms Race. I shook my head as I read about it. I thought "why would I want to play without skills"? Well, last night I came home from work to find my wife had bought me SP2. So... I booted it up. Now a bit of back story on me, I've played them all since release with my wife and kids included. (Older teens. not young kids.) Arms Race took me the hell back to the first game so many years ago. I know.... your wondering how. I've spent years only looking at RED TEXT and LEGENDARIES. Do ya know how awesome it felt to compare 2 white guns again? No builds. No synergy. Just good old guns and baddies. It is refreshing. Actually checking vending machines! Actually not having enough money for a blue or purple shield! Gearbox, I will say thank you. Yes I am a die hard BL2 fan. Yes I love Jack. Yes I am not crazy about the Calypso twins. But you managed to recapture a very simple down to earth play style I haven't felt since the first game. BL2? Oh I farmed Knuckledragger for a hornet. TPS? I farmed ... well lets leave it at the Godzilla clone. My point being is that we grind and that ends up being the only thing some of us end up doing. I don't know about you, but TBH grinding sucks. It truly feels awesome to play .. randomly! On a side note... I don't care for the new bodies but meh. Its all good. Bottom line, if you are skeptical, give it a go. You may be pleasantly surprised. I also received 2 of the Legendaries and can say... TONS of fun. I wont give any spoilers. Alright, on a final note, I haven't tried it with mayhem on. ( I always play mayhem 10). The weather that they implemented was my biggest downfall. I didn't rage or get pissed, but if I try it with Mayhem on I'm sure it wont be as much fun. Happy Hunting!

    submitted by /u/ssgsefranek
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    Another update means a slew of new bugs.

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 03:09 AM PST

    My LEAST favorite among them being Zane's SNTNL Cryo anointment now being as bad as the ASA 200% anointment; in that it turns off when you switch weapons.

    Seeing as how Zane was the big winner yesterday, this is especially annoying.

    submitted by /u/BrassMan87
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    Borderlands 3 - Xbox Series X vs Xbox One Load Times Comparison

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 04:43 PM PST

    Load times comparison between Xbox Series X and Xbox One. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Anxfip0ApWk

    submitted by /u/MrWilliamThor
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    Frustrating inventory after November update (PC)

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 09:44 AM PST

    Playing with a mouse and keyboard; hovering over the guns in my inventory "focuses" on them. To exit out, one press of the escape button moves focus to the inventory icon itself, and another press closes it. If during that time the mouse so much as twitches, the focus is right back on the gun and you have to repeat the whole two-step process again! Just let me leave with one button press!

    submitted by /u/Xsiah
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    Morningstar glitch makes the Handsome Jack voice mod stay after the bunker mission

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 02:55 PM PST

    There is a period in borderlands 2 where you have a voice modulator that changes your voicelines to match Jack's. However, if you want this effect to stay, you have to perform the morningstar glitch.

    Basicly I was doing a normal 0 playthrough and I was getting to the bunker. Since I wanted to overkill the bunker I got a lvl 22 veruc, bore and was doing the morning star glitch. However upon finishing the mission, and doing a couple others afterwards, I noticed that the Jack voice never went away.

    Eventualy, and unfortunately when I got to the voice modulator mission with my next character, my 0 lost his Jack voice.

    Want to know if anyone else experienced this.

    submitted by /u/Captain_mathmatics
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    Melee Amara is actually a lot of fun now

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 07:47 AM PST

    I made a build basically going pure melee focusing on the green skill tree and the purple skill tree last night. Using cryo element and her new action skill. It's actually a lot of fun chasing that orb around and smacking it at people, like bandit bowling. I was able to grab both the green and purple capstones, and don't use the face puncher except for if I go down into FFYL. I'm usually the type of person to lookup and copy other people's builds but I chose this one all by myself and it was a blast

    submitted by /u/ineednapkins
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    Anyone else seeming extreme frame rate drop since the new dlc launch?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 08:15 PM PST

    Let me preface this with the fact that I'm on a PS4 pro. But ever since the update I'm getting like 20 frames at MAX. Anyone else experiencing this issue? Anyone have a way to resolve it?

    submitted by /u/RockemSockemBrobots
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    Will the Handsome Collection be playable on PS5?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 06:41 PM PST

    Recently got it and wanted to know if the PS5 has support for it.

    submitted by /u/DivinityRBX
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    Multiple Xbox One X shutdowns after new update

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 10:05 PM PST

    I just experienced my third Xbox One X shutdown after playing with the new update and action skills. All three times have been while using Amara's new action skill and hitting multiple enemies with the energy ball. My console has never done a full shut down before. Is anyone else experiencing this?

    submitted by /u/Tylerglover91
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    "Core" is just Green Eridium change my mind

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 09:45 PM PST

    Seriously though what's the difference other than it isn't used to charge a vault key? (Maybe it can?) Not complaining, could lead to some cool ideas as an alternate Eridium used by a different race of aliens that fought against the guardians or something.

    submitted by /u/vinnycthatwhoibe
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    Some interesting findings for all my fellow Fl4k mains:

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 09:48 AM PST

    So as I'm sure we all know full well by now the loader bots are far from perfect. Their pathing ai is functionally worthless, they do not like to teleport to the player when far away like the other pets, their walk speed is snail's-paced, and they have a tendency to get stuck on geometry. However that said they have some very interesting interactions going on that I found last night and would like to share:

    First off, it seems the War Loadr is capable of getting second winds for itself, as I was frequently multiple rooms away from mine (pathing) and it would keep popping into and out of ffyl when enemies were around it. If this is intended and not a glitch, then Lethal Force Authorized becomes a much less attractive skill. I was also noticing this happening frequently when I would pop my action skill, so maybe it's a bug with capacitance, or since it was so far away from me at the time this could also be a UI glitch. More testing is required.

    Pet shields benefit from shield-oriented guardian rank perks, esp. shield reboot. When combined with fuzzy math and something like success imminent or a good nova shield, you can nearly constantly have explosive AOEs going off around both you and the pet.

    I'm not sure if it's a bug with throatripper or Megavore or if this is a new intended interaction but it appears that both Fl4k and the War Loadr's grenades can crit now. Using my rad reoccurring hex was causing nearly constant crits against mobs, and the loadr's nades seemed to ALWAYS crit. Expect that last part to get patched even if it's intended, as it is EXCEPTIONALLY BROKEN when taken in context with the next thing I found.

    So yah all that said, I saved the best for last: much like Zane's clone, it appears the War Loadr double dips on mayhem scaling for its grenades, ie it gains both grenade mayhem scaling and pet damage scaling. This is excessively op, and with the aforementioned RADIATION hex was one shooting bosses like agonizer and GenIVIV that have no business dying to rad damage. I can't imagine what can be done at this point with an element matched fastball.

    Anyways, that's it from me so far. I'll be continuing to test things out sporadically until I get bored of the new game mode or they start rolling out bugfixes, and will update this thread with any new findings.

    submitted by /u/OneStrangeBreed
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    Arms race loot not going into my bank

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 09:24 PM PST

    I played arms race had major lag issues but managed through it got a few legendaries then extracted them, when I went back to sanctuary they were not there my bank was not full either. Anyone else have this problem ? Or did I not extract correctly or something ?

    submitted by /u/scoobs2dope
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    What do we as a community hope the second part of season pass 2 contains?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 02:27 PM PST

    Now that we have gotten the first part of season pass 2 I cant help but want even more, but I was wondering what the community was hoping for in the next part of season pass 2.

    I personally would love to see some raid bosses, preferable a couple but at this point literally anything will do. Take downs are also really fun and would love to see more of them as well.

    So I guess what I'm wondering is what does everyone else hope we get from the next dlc from season pass 2?

    submitted by /u/Drewfuss123456
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    A question about Krieg DLC (spoilers)

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 07:07 PM PST

    After you beat certain bosses you're able to talk with a 'ghost' version of certain pivotal characters, right... What surprised me is that Maya and Lilith were pretty aware of their actual status, even if it's not really clear that Krieg witnessed or were told about those events. If you spam talk to them Lilith says something like: "thanks for keep doing that after I crashed to that moon and blew up myself" and Maya also had some lines that made me think that they're not characters made out of Krieg's memories but sentient beings inside his mind...

    Well, yeah.. The question was... Do you have any interesting theories about all that? Any official revelation that explains anything? Or it's just "BoRdErLanDz RaNdoM sTuFf bruh"?

    submitted by /u/nbc095
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    Questions from a new fan

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 02:57 PM PST

    So I'm a relatively new fan although Ive played a few hours of every borderlands games before, but now I'm getting the legendary collection on my switch and I have a few questions.

    For starters I should give some background, for each game I'm picking:

    1. Brick
    2. Handsome Jack
    3. Zer0

    These were the most interesting and fun looking characters to play as to me, so this is the current plan. However, I'm not sure what play style or abilities I want to use with each character, so here are my questions:

    1. Do you guys reccomend a Melee or Explosive play style with brick?
    2. Is handsome jack kind of an all around "jack" of all trades type character?
    3. Should I use snipers, melee, normal guns, or some combination of these for zer0? I genuinely can't tell if snipers would be a fun weapon to me and was wondering if zer0 mains had input on the most fun or beginner oriented builds for him.

    Thank you in advance vault hunters, I'm so excited to play this series from ground zero.

    Edit: I might actually go with krieg for bl2

    submitted by /u/-LouisVuittonDon-
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    Issues with series x gameplay?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 06:42 PM PST

    I've spent the day downloading update after update and finally got into bl3 to discover my weapons (flipper and lightshow) are unequipped and I cannot equip them with it saying the bounty of blood dlc is needed. I double checked and confirmed the dlc is downloaded and even tried deleting and downloading again but still no luck.

    Has anyone had this issue by chance?

    submitted by /u/leeoboy11
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    What does Arms Race offer that the main game doesn't? It feels incredibly uninspired.

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 03:42 PM PST

    You can check my post history to see that I love BL3, but for a new mode (something I think this game needed) this feels like a pretty big let down.

    So, what does Arms Race do that the base game doesn't? Nothing. Nothing other than the murdercane (unless I'm missing something). If you wanna play with the non-legendary rarities, just... play with the non-legendary rarities in the main game (like I do). Do we really need a mode that removes all of our loot from our hands to do that? If you play the maps in the rest of the game and just pick up the guns you see in chests which look interesting you'll get the same exact experience, but you won't have a time limit and you won't have to deal with a loot cap. The mode didn't even add new enemies aside from those guys who go invisible (what do they do that enemies in the base game don't do, though?) and a boss which is incredibly basic to the point where it feels like it'd be a common enemy if it wasn't so tanky.

    I've beaten this twice now and I'm already about done with it, save for a couple more tries to go back and get the other legendaries. I signed out of work at 5pm, it's 6:30 right now, and I feel I've seen all there is to see already - that's fucking abysmal and makes me concerned for what the next DLC is gonna be like.

    There were so many possibilities with this; they could have gotten really creative and made this in to a compelling game mode that'd compete with the rest of the game for our attention. What's in here, though, feels only a tad bit better than The Holodome Onslaught from TPS (in other words: it's awful).

    Skill trees, bodies (even if it's just 1 per character...), and new loot are all good, but there's no surprise there and it's honestly just more of the same at this point (edit: actually...I'll take that back. The skill trees are pretty great and definitely not "more of the same. I think the DLC is still worth the price for that).

    Another edit: I definitely see where the developers were going with the "every gun matters" thing. I have intentionally been turning mayhem modes off and running with whatever I pick up in the base game for a few months now because I've seen that there's a ton of interesting stuff in the main weapon pool, and I don't think most people do that. I still think they could have gone about this in a better way that wasn't creatively bankrupt...

    submitted by /u/blands_man
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    Upload Save Help

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 02:39 PM PST

    As the title suggests, I can't upload my save to get ready for PS5. Anyone else having this issue?

    submitted by /u/atem000
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    Borderlands 2 won't start on my Switch?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 09:55 AM PST

    Any other switch players had this error?

    I've downloaded BL2 once I completed the first one from the legendary collection but when I'm asked to press A at the menu the game crashes and it comes up with a black screen saying software closed due to an error.

    I archived the game and re downloaded but the same error appears. Any help would be appreciated and I'd really like to start the game 😂.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/DoyleG
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    How does cross platform work with the new patch?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 01:33 PM PST

    So I have a friend on ps4 (I'm on Xbox One) and we've been looking forward to cross platform, so we just wanted the details and if it's even possible. BL3

    submitted by /u/Negative-Eight
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    End game question

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 05:57 AM PST

    I just beat the story mode and tried a bit of mayhem the other day. I was wondering if there is any endgame mode or area that increases the difficulty by raising enemy damage instead of enemy health? I prefer that type of challenge, especially as a stealth sniper. Bullet sponges are a little boring imo.

    submitted by /u/skarro-
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    BL3 Steam doesn't save new characters

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 05:54 AM PST

    Hope someone can help me! When I create a new character in BL3 on Steam, the character disappears as soon as I exit to the menu / exit the game. It started at the last SHIFT update last week, and I have tried all the suggested fixes like uninstall & Windows Defender exceptions.

    I am talking with support but haven't heard any new suggestions from them for a few days, so wanted to ask here whether someone new something

    submitted by /u/Harning36
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    Where are ax and sal Within the arms race?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 01:20 PM PST

    The reason I ask is because normally if "important" dialogue happens and you are to far away their portrait comes up next to your mini-map however is you're close you'll just hear and normally see them. However in 1 part of the new arms race map they are close enough to hear talking. Where I heard it was the closest extraction point to the boss that isn't part of the final boss

    submitted by /u/HisokaMIW
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