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    Friday, November 13, 2020

    Borderlands I just got my first Borderlands game for my birthday, is it a post apocalyptic/futuristic game?

    Borderlands I just got my first Borderlands game for my birthday, is it a post apocalyptic/futuristic game?

    I just got my first Borderlands game for my birthday, is it a post apocalyptic/futuristic game?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 11:42 AM PST

    I just got Borderlands, the handsome collection, and I'm very excited to go back to my dads to play it. The coverart makes it look like a post apocalypse situation where it takes place in the future throughout the galaxy. I really hope to see a lot of slums and stuff like that

    submitted by /u/STAR_CB_SIGHT
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    Borderlands 2 quick level up trick discovered by accident (Nintendo Switch)

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 08:46 PM PST

    Hi guys not sure if this was posted before but I discovered a way to level up quickly by accident while mashing buttons in frustration after dying so frequently (I suck). What I did was press ZR and ZL at the start menu (Press Start during gameplay) and I found out that you actually gain 10 levels for every two times the ZR and ZL are pressed together. I tried googling this online but there was no mention of it so just wanted to share and ask if this was a "cheat" that existed previously or if it's something new for the Nintendo Switch?

    submitted by /u/bigsausagepizza3392
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    Baby’s first Lyudmila

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 02:47 PM PST

    Legendary Collection for the Switch. TFFS comes out, level cap increases to 80. Farms bunker and levels up eight times without any orange drops. On the 300th farming attempt, "screw it, I'll check the red chest..."



    submitted by /u/aarondigruccio
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    DLC not working on Xbox Series X

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 01:36 PM PST

    I got the new Xbox and transferred my game over but none of the DLC works I have uninstalled all of it and reinstalled it but it still does not work. If this is a bug on gearboxes end I hope they can fix it soon.

    submitted by /u/Samurix16
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    Skill tree

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 08:26 PM PST

    I bought a season pass two. But I cannot find the fourth skill tree. I would really appreciate the help because I'm getting extremely frustrated with everything online not giving me a direct answer.

    submitted by /u/Forge1999
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    Mayhem 10 vs 11

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 04:39 PM PST

    Is the no modifiers worth the less drops in 11?

    submitted by /u/GronakTheOrc
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    Timekeeper theory (spoilers)

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 08:20 PM PST

    So im playing through Tales again and after playing through bl3 i came up with a theory. So i got to the point in tales where sasha almost dies and you give her Feilx's gift and it revives her. This item is a watch and it got me thinking, what if that watch is an artifact of the timekeeper.

    submitted by /u/Frozen_fox26
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    Season Pass 2 Key Not Redeeming

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 07:57 PM PST

    I purchased a key for the Borderlands 3 Season Pass 2 from the Humble Store. However, when I try to redeem it, it says "You already own this product on the Epic Games Store, so it cannot be redeemed." I don't own the season pass 2 on Epic, so I'm not sure what is going on. In the epic launcher, it isn't listing me as owning the pass, and it isn't downloading any of the content. What should I do?

    submitted by /u/QuantumAwesome
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    Ps4 Borderlands 1 Work on Ps5?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 01:34 PM PST

    this answer is probably obvious but I just want to be sure, will you be able to play the ps4 versions of one and two of borderlands on the ps5? thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/vroom4ever
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    Help! Deathtrap stuck on 'Wait for Deathtrap' section in DLC 2

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 01:29 PM PST

    I've already quit and restart the game a few times. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/LordTimcedog
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    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 06:16 PM PST

    Haven't downloaded the Lilith dlc for Blands 2 because i heard there's crashing associated with it. BUT! i noticed when put it on my wishlist on the eshop, i can't get into blands 2 anymore. I scanned for corrupted data, but it says I'm clean. Now it's telling me i gotta redownload it. Do i have to delete my file? If so, is my progress gone? N do i have to pay for another digital copy? PLEASE, n thank u in advance

    submitted by /u/Oy-Boyo
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    Difference between performance mode VS resolution mode on PS5?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 05:59 PM PST

    Each time I switch the game to performance mode my TV says the display is at 1080p, but at resolution mode it's at 2160p (this is probably a problem with my TV though). I know that the next gen edition has a 4k 60 fps mode in single player so I'm kind of confused. What mode runs at 4k 60 fps?

    submitted by /u/Salt_of_the_wound
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    Gonna get an XB1 for free and someone said he’ll game share with me, will I be able to get the dlcs? Do I need an online subscription to play with him?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 02:03 PM PST

    Pretty sure he just bought season pass 1

    submitted by /u/57ninjas____
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    Curious about borderlands 1

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 12:56 PM PST

    So I'm playing borderlands 1, and I'm confused about the story.

    1. What planet am I from?

    2. Does brick have any sort of back story like I've heard other characters do (Krieg, Maya, etc)

    3. Does handsome jack play a role in this game? I've played a few hours of the other two games when I was younger but not this one

    submitted by /u/-LouisVuittonDon-
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    Why is "Commander Lilith & The Fight for Sanctuary" not included in The Handsome Collection?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 04:30 PM PST

    Is there a reason for that? It kinda pissed me off, when I finished BL:TPS and Tales and I had to buy this DLC despite the fact I already spent bunch of money on The Handsome Collection. That dlc isn't even that good, best thing it does is explaining some stuff that happens in BL3, and I don't think it's worth spending more money, so why would it be excluded from The Handsome Collection?

    submitted by /u/Jesus_Son_Of_A_God
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    GL&T boss

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 12:39 PM PST

    I'm fighting the Wendigo. What the hell? I'm going into my 6th try, and I've run out of ammo each time. Like, all ammo for every weapon type and it still has half a bar of health left (and I've been aiming for the belly).

    I'm on Mayhem 11, Phasezerker Amara, mystical assault/elemental build with all Mayhem 10 gear. Primary rotation is Facepuncher, Hellwalker, Breath of the Dying or Star Helix, corrosive Fearmonger, and Ghast Call. Been subbing the Hellwalker with Maggie, Flood, or Wagon Wheel since it's resistant to fire.

    I was doing fine up until this point. I looked up a few farm videos on Youtube and people are shredding it in seconds.

    Has anyone else had this much difficulty with it? Any tips or tricks I'm missing?

    submitted by /u/tamelotus
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    Gearbox have robbed me

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 09:07 PM PST

    So I recently came back to play the Handsome Collection after not playing for a long time and noticed my OP levels were missing, I thought it was just a bug and tried to get them back at Digi Peak but it gives me the message I need to be level 80 to get OP levels. I looked into it and appearantly you can no longer get OP levels, content which I PAID FOR by purchasing the Handsome Collection, without now buying the new Lilith DLC. How is this legal?

    submitted by /u/KommandantUrMom
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    Arms race tips and impressions

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 05:55 AM PST

    Arms race is the new implement of gearbox for b3. I was very suspicious before the release that it would be mediocre or bad. But here are my impressions and some tips before you begin.

    Is it worth to buy it?

    Yes. The new skills are kinda different. Amara was a godlike before her new skill tree but now she is a god. If your main is amara, you should find a %300 face puncher and give it a try. The other classes new trees are ok but not that kind of overpowering as amara.

    What is the purpose of arms race?

    Well, it puts the player in a situation that as if you are doing a fresh new start. Before arms race i was making new characters just to enjoy the blue guns, purple gear and arms race make you use every gun in the game and that is quite a good design by gearbox

    When i begin the arms race what should i do first?

    The guns brands are important in arms race. In my experience some brands were quite awful but somemof them are really great. Example; tediore. When you begin arms race you only find white loot and as you kill, greens and blues begin to drop. If you find a tediore smg or pistol that is a good start. Also maliwan pulsars and even white maliwan shotguns are very well. But some brands are really bad. Especially vladof and torgue. When you begin there will be at least 4 enemies in the area and vladof dont make much damage and torgue is very slow. Atlas is ok..dahl is also very good.

    What is the best way to do much damage to the enemies as quick as possible?

    Find a radiation damage gun. A fast radiation or cryo gun. In arms race enemies take so much elemental damage. I finished the race with a white maliwan atomizer once. The colors dont matter. Find an elemental and fast gun.

    What are the best defense tactics?

    A big capacity shield with health regen. Ammo reflected ones also good the bigger the shield the more time you can do more damage to enemies. Also if you find a fight for your life time relic you are good to go. Because when you fall you have so little time to get up.

    Where can i find legendaries?

    There are trap chests in the map also kill as much enemies as possible. As you progress and kill.more legendaries drop. Also there is a map that shows where the specific arms race legendaries drop from red chests

    Are the new legendaries good?

    The relics are useless if you play solo. The beskar shield can be the best shield in the game right now. It gives the %100 projectile reflection. I tried and it is perfect. Dark army is perfect. Boogeyman sniper rifle shines on the hands of moze. But there is a maliwan plasma smg and only radiation and shock, it is god powerful. Beskar is a very rare drop. I have done hundred runs and only drop 3. If you play with friends it drops much more.

    Hope these tips help. Cheers and good hunting.

    submitted by /u/Madeath
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    LOOTSPLOSION! - November 13, 2020

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 05:11 AM PST

    Look at allll that gearrrrr!

    Welcome to the /r/Borderlands LOOTSPLOSION! Show us your most highly prized, your most disappointing, your hardest-won pieces of booty. Tell the tale of how it was won. Ask questions about it, if you like, or describe just how nifty it's been for you.

    (Every week we'll post a new LOOTSPLOSION! thread for that week's show-and-tell. Show us what you've got!)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    PS4: looking for teammate for Crawmarex!

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 08:25 AM PST

    Is this 2008?? Yes I'm poor and lonely playing this old gem. I have a lvl 67 brick and would like a teammate for Crawmarex and Moxxis underdome (large). Anyone here able to team up??

    submitted by /u/Legbread
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    Maliwan Takedown Gear

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 08:23 AM PST

    Are any of the gear items you can get during the Maliwan Takedown worth farming for?

    submitted by /u/jharrison231
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    Moze leveling build?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 07:26 AM PST

    I want to level up Moze, anyone have an example of a good build to go through the main story with?

    submitted by /u/LibertyPrimeExample
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