• Breaking News

    Saturday, December 19, 2020

    Borderlands Kevin Hart as Roland, Eli Roth is missing the mark if confirmed.

    Borderlands Kevin Hart as Roland, Eli Roth is missing the mark if confirmed.

    Kevin Hart as Roland, Eli Roth is missing the mark if confirmed.

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 10:13 AM PST

    Hart has his funny moments, however Roland's character is not a primarily comedic one. To say that Hart cannot play Roland isn't my point, I just think there are better options. Secondly, I can't fathom anyone playing Roland other than Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. He's the perfect amount of hero and badass that can do justice to the role as well as sell a franchise of video game themed movies. He puts asses in seats and is more physically akin to how stacked Roland is in the series.

    submitted by /u/everTheFunky1
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    Playing through BL1 brings back many deja vu’s of things I was experiencing while playing through it the first time, and it makes me realize how far I’ve come since then

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 04:26 AM PST

    (sorry for formatting, this is from my phone)

    (TL;DR below)

    I bought the collection for Switch a couple months ago and started playing through BL1, as that was the only one I hadn't played before. I started my 2nd playthrough yesterday, and with every new area I get to I have this kind of deja vu of what my life was like a couple months ago.

    There aren't too many differences, only I was doing much worse back then because I had a huge crush on someone (for months) and I never had the guts to tell her. I didn't think she liked me back and I just didn't want to screw things up between us.

    However, I wouldn't be able to let it go if I didn't tell her, so I thought it was what had to be done. One day, basically right before I was going to tell her, I was playing through Sledge's Safe House for the first time and I had tremendous difficulty trying to gather enough courage to tell her. Eventually I managed to muster up enough courage, so I went to her and told her. She didn't like me back and wants to remain friends, and that's fine. It was a huge blow for me but one I expected nontheless; at least I was able to move on now.

    Basically, during my entire process of getting over this girl, Borderlands 1 has been an escape from the whole situation. Fast forward to just now, when I got to Sledge's Safe House in playthrough 2. It felt really weird, because playing through this part of the game is connected to the memory the buildup of telling her how I felt. Playing through it again made me feel just as nervous as I was then somehow, and it was really cathartic to realise that that's all behind me. I'm wondering if this playthrough has more unexpected cathartic deja vu's in store for me :)

    TL;DR: I was playing through BL1 while getting over a girl, and playing through the game again 2 months later was weird as fuck because it gave me a deja vu of telling my crush I liked her. Cathartic as fuck tho.

    Edit: It's been brought to my attention that deja vu is not entirely accurate, but that it can more accurately be described as Madeleine moment (google it!) or some form of nostalgia (Thanks to the comments for pointing this out, I was struggling with the right choice of words)

    submitted by /u/TenderFang
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    Anyone but Kevin Hart...

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 02:59 PM PST

    Ok so the Borderlands movie...Cate Blanchett as Lilith? Ok. Kevin Hart as Roland?!?! No. Just no. I love Kevin Hart as the next American, for comedy. But as the stoic warrior we know Roland is? No. Unacceptable. Please, to the powers that be, reconsider. Sterling K. Brown? Idris Elba? Khary Payton? (King Ezekiel from TWD) Isaiah Washington? Sooo many better choices.

    submitted by /u/FortWayne2015
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    Borderlands 1 Trophy Hunting

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 09:21 PM PST

    I just got back into Borderlands and I'm looking to platinum the game. It'd be my first plat ever.

    Need someone to co-op 15 missions with, do the duels, etc. I'm just generally looking for a few people to play with.

    Right now I'm on playthrough 2, playing as Lilith at level 44. I'm willing to start fresh with a different character as well.

    My timezone is CST and I'm playing on PS4. My PSN is xantropus. Hit me up!

    submitted by /u/xantropus
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    Was double rocket jumping on Salvador supposed to be an intended mechanic?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 08:45 PM PST

    Was playing through the game with Salvador on TVHM when I finally got to the Arid Nexus - Badlands, here this is a metal gate just outside of the Saturn boss room and using the double rocket jump with two badabooms I was able to skip the entire junkyard section and just fight the boss. I also tested with only 1 badaboom and you were not able to jump over the gate (meaning all the other characters can't get over unless using a grenade jump combined with a rocket jump). Their are multiple other examples out there where Salvador can get over/on places he is not supposed to be. So I was wondering if double rocket jumping was intended.

    submitted by /u/bren12341
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    How far in the game am I?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 04:38 AM PST

    I just killed Mad Mel and reached New Haven.

    submitted by /u/throwaskt
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    Is Zane's cannon considered always active for the purpose of skills such as Borrowed Time?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 07:13 PM PST


    Theory crafting some builds and just wanna know if this is the case, or if it's just for a second on activation.

    EDIT: I seem to have answered this myself by looking at my buff bar, lol.

    It is considered active for 12 seconds after firing, but only for the second and third shots if you're at a full stack of 3. The first one does not seem to activate the buff for some reason.

    submitted by /u/Kalthea
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    1st time in 2nd playthrough

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 02:07 AM PST

    I'm a new Borderlands player and I'm playing it on the Switch. I've finished my first playthrough of the first game and I've begun my second playthrough. I've just got into the Dahl area and I feel like I'm not really finding any good new weapons. I think in this playthrough I've found one good new weapon so far. Is that normal? Will I be finding better stuff further into the story? I realize loot is RNG so maybe I'm just having a little bad luck. Either way I love this game and will continue to play, just curious about what to expect. Thanks for any insight.

    submitted by /u/infernalxs
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    Trying to find a song in the game

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 05:56 PM PST

    Hi there, I am trying to find the music that plays when one fast travels to Floodmoor Basin, it's basically this retro sounding Fallout-esque music: https://youtu.be/cEoAqHGPJSQ?t=172 it's at minute 2:52 in this video.

    I would appreciate if anyone knows what is this music and could share with me, thank you :)

    submitted by /u/AssassinSusie
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    What is going on with the Borderlands 2

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 04:55 PM PST

    Jump back in to he game after a few months they was this weird update .. had to change my name from my steam name because for some reason my Steam name has bad words in it (It does not) So I have several character ,, from level 1 to 72 .. and there is not A SINGLE Match despite the fact that there is 4k Players on steam , not a single lobby ,, not a level 30, 52 72 15 and so on . NOT A SINGLE LOBBY despite having 4k people playing .. What is going on

    submitted by /u/Crocktor
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    This is ridiculous

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 04:49 PM PST

    It feels like every other ffyl I'm spinning in circles like a dizzy looney toon and it's starting to piss me off.

    submitted by /u/Shostakovichstan
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    B1, 2, PreSeq, and 3 for 25$

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 04:07 PM PST

    Just bought all 4 games for 25$ overall on sale from Xbox. Is it worth it?

    also any tips for my entire journey of the borderlands series?

    submitted by /u/Kziriko
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    Question about quest rewards

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 02:32 PM PST

    I am thinking about doing the quest for the firehawk shield. If I save the quest for a higher level will the shield be higher when I get it? This is on nvhm.

    submitted by /u/Mansome_reddit
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    FPS drops caused by FL4K's pet

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 02:11 PM PST

    Okay okay, it may sound hella weird but I noticed some severe FPS drops while playing FL4K together with a friend who plays Moze. BL3 had always kinda bad performance so I got used to it.

    Recently I started a solo campaign with Zane and noticed that the games runs pretty smooth all around. Started thinking that it was just because early fights aren't that flashy and stuff so why should my framtimes be bad.
    But today, while playing with said friend, I felt like BL3 was running worse again performance-wise.

    It bugged the hell out of me after we finished I once again hopped into the game to get to know why. And what I found was this:
    Everytime FL4K's pet stands still doing nothing (so not walking or making sounds while standing still), my Frames are halved. Tested this on DX11 and DX12 on Sanctuary where I usually get 144 FPS. Tested this for about 5 minutes and it's clear that the pet is causing it.
    Tested it on the same spot with Zane and frames were rock-stable.

    Did anyone of you had the same experience?

    submitted by /u/Schwartacus
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    Is Borderlands remasterd worth it?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 12:22 PM PST

    I was thinking on getting cause of good memories and lots of nostalgia. But is it worth me buying it on steam compared to getting an xbox 360 (my preferred choice) and finding the game that way?

    submitted by /u/CrypticWingSsmmo
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    Playing GOTY on Xbox

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 03:49 AM PST

    Just started a new character, level 2 Berzerker on xbox, my gamertag is Sinister Norm, if anyone wants to join, i dont have a headset, dont mind a shoot and loot coop partner :)

    submitted by /u/Several-Ad-1650
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    Guardian Breach would be a lot of fun if not for jump pads.

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 11:08 AM PST

    I really enjoy the boss fights, both are fun and well made especially the first one. The thrill of running and jumping out of the explosion before it hits you is a lot of fun.

    However the jump pads are just too punishing it's nothing but aggravating to miss a climb scaling and fall to your death and have to fight through a large sum of trash mobs again. I myself typically don't have too much issues but my girlfriend who plays with me just cannot get them and it has taken this content from enjoyable to absolute pain in the butt and discouraging us from playing borderlands end game content.

    submitted by /u/generalmills2015
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    Looking for someone to play Borderlands GOTY Enhanced with (PC)

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 07:19 AM PST

    As the title says, I just bought Borderlands 1 GOTY Enhanced on PC and am looking for someone to play with, I want to go for achievements along the way but expect I'll unlock most of them organically through just playing. I'm from England so I am in the GMT+0 time zone.

    I'm wanting to play Lilith as my first character if that matters.

    submitted by /u/NomynOG
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    United we stand trophy for borderlands 1 ps4

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 07:06 AM PST

    I am in the sledges warehouse if anybody wants to join for the trophy (psn id zeroandrei)

    submitted by /u/zero_andrei
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    Future DLC thought.

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 01:38 AM PST

    Do you think we could get a DLC where Tannis clone Typhon Deleon? I mean she wanted a piece of his hair and she was with us when he died, so I don't know just a thought.

    submitted by /u/Bigcat9715
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    Just got BL1 on Switch, need help

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 12:37 AM PST

    I cant figure out how to access the inventory _; I got the weapons wheel figured popped up but I cant switch my equipped guns... what do I need to do? Sorry for the newb question lol

    submitted by /u/Konstellation_Kitten
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