• Breaking News

    Monday, January 25, 2021

    Borderlands [BL3] I just 100%-ed all the achievements in Borderlands 3! (Until they add another DLC, if they're planning on it.)

    Borderlands [BL3] I just 100%-ed all the achievements in Borderlands 3! (Until they add another DLC, if they're planning on it.)

    [BL3] I just 100%-ed all the achievements in Borderlands 3! (Until they add another DLC, if they're planning on it.)

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 12:49 PM PST


    I started this game on Christmas Eve and, after not playing a Borderlands game in a very long time, I was surprised by how much I loved it. I was even more surprised I was able to 100% the game solo in a month (and a day. But even then, I didn't play it for two weeks before today so fuck the timeline, I guess.)

    Genuinely though, I know Borderlands 3 wasn't everyone's cup of tea but I loved every second of it. Legit one of my favourite games of all-time and I look forward to picking it up again if Gearbox release another DLC.

    submitted by /u/JustATributeCC
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    Most OverPowered Vault Hunter: 2021?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 03:59 AM PST

    What do you guys think?

    I would say the discussion comes down to Moze or Zane. The thing with Moze is, she literally doesn't have to do anything to achieve top tier damage. Slap on a flipper/plasma coil, don't event worry about Annointments either and just call it a day - everything is gonna die if you're running short fuse. If it deals splash then Moze's splash damage scaling is unmatched. Moze's biggest problem is just blowing herself up.

    Zane on the other hand relies on his Mantis (I believe) to build stacks up and still needs to reload, but given that any weapon works well on him I'd say he more than makes up for that.

    FL4K and Amara are still good but seem more gimmicky in certain matchups or overly reliant on action skills to do great.

    submitted by /u/TommyHudd
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    Did I break the warrior?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 10:16 PM PST

    So I was grinding for a confrence call and he was at the right side of the arena and I was getting him low on health expecting him to go back into the lava for the last part were you kill him in front on the vault gate...but he didnt, and he just died on the right side of the arena...has this happened to anyone else? Normally I see people 1 shot and his health hits that magic pixel and he goes back to the vault gate to die...but he died on the right side.

    submitted by /u/Gage_Unruh
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    Borderlands GOTY Knoxx Marcus Mission Glitch

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 09:42 PM PST

    Hey all, I'm currently trying to complete all the side missions in the Knoxx DLC, I'm currently at the mission where Marcus lets you go into the armory again for loot, now I was dumb and wanted to see if the glitch through the floor still worked... and it did... and then I ticked off the objective. Now my game is glitched and I can't get back into the armory to finish the mission.

    How do I go about completing the mission now, I don really want to start the DLC all over again on another character? I'm also on ps4 if that helps

    Thanks all

    submitted by /u/mazzab47
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    Arms Race, possible extraction bug?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 12:50 PM PST

    So, after hearing about the mini event me and a friend attempted to jump into Arms Race thinking it would be the best time to hunt for m10 Plasma Coils (bc that gun go brrrr) and after extracting two separate Plasma Coils we decided to RIP the run since we were out of free time. We get back to Sanctuary only to discover the items we extracted never made it. I'm wondering if anyone else here has encountered this issue? I know I confirmed the extraction, since I got the voice line audio cue from Salvador. I'm just incredibly disappointed in losing a Consecutive Hits and ASA 200% Plamsa Coil, and it's genuinely turned us off of playing it until we find out what happened.

    submitted by /u/SquidBoiTheSlothGod
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    New To Borderlands Series (LF Help on 2)

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 08:15 PM PST

    Hey guys. I decided to go with Zer0, and it's been rough. Level 36 on DLC 2 right now, and was just wondering the best way to level, and perhaps if I can find some help or a partner.

    I got the systems down, it just seems like leveling is taking FOREVER, and Melee build is pretty rough to get through bosses and the latter.

    Should I just finish the story quests for XP?

    Is there an easier way to farm XP?

    Friend Code : 2146-1242-3926

    I have a good mic and I'm hardwired good internet.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Basedchacha
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    Borderlands 1 GOTY enhanced Xbox co op lag

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 07:50 PM PST

    Hey all, im trying to play the first game with a friend but theres some kind of lag that makes all inputs delayed to whoever isnt the host and frequent disconnects. No otger game does this to us, just this one. I read of these problems at launch but is there no fix for the xbox version?

    submitted by /u/Renegade531
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    borderlands 2 no dialogue glitch

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 01:51 PM PST

    as soon as gameplay started I got no dialogue, I tried even changing the language from the .ini files from INT to ENG. But that wouldn't work either.

    submitted by /u/_MyNameisTank_
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    Holy Anarchy

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 03:23 AM PST

    Just found a lvl 67 HX 4 Steel Anarchy from a Lance chest while doing armory runs looking for a Bessie and Ironclad and holy hell. I've never seen such insane damage on a double anarchy before.

    Torgue Manufacturer 228x4 damage 27.0 accuracy 13.8 Fire rate 82 magazine size

    I know there's technically better ones out there with the damage capping at 233x4 as far as I know and using a smaller clip and no stock increase reload speed drastically which make the DPS overall higher but this was such a beautiful find considering my previous Anarchy was doing 177x4 and it was shredding enemies in moments. I'm curious if the damage on my Anarchy is actually as high as it can possibly be without it being lvl 69 but the likelihood of finding a perfect anarchy in a vendor is slim.

    (Edit: Spelling)

    submitted by /u/A_Tashicorn
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    Best Luneshine Bonuses?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 05:08 PM PST

    Which Luneshine bonuses are best overall? If it depends on the specific weapon, then what Luneshine bonuses are good for the Skullmasher, Major Tom, Fatale, and Thunderfire?

    Also, please tell me any standout Luneshine weapons that are particularly good, if you have any.

    submitted by /u/NitroStorm99
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    Fixing the Borderlands movie

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 04:39 PM PST

    Hey, so I write stuff as a hobby and decided it would be a good exercise to try and fix the upcoming Borderlands movie.
    The story is original but it's somewhat based on the first Borderlands. It's a trilogy, and this is the first movie it begins with. Some changes are made since Borderlands is light on story anyway. The first movie is a mix of comedy and psycho action like Mad Max.


    Lilith: Since Cate Blanchett is playing Lilith, this version would have her start out a bit older, so cringy dialogue like "Sup, killer" are taken out. In the beginning of the movie, she's a vault hunter who works alone, and is very cocky and boastful since most of the time, she's the most powerful person in the room ("With me around, you might actually get somewhere" , "Is there no end to my power?!"). Her arc throughout is allowing herself to become attached and learning to care about other people and work in a team.

    Tiny Tina: She's the focus point of the movie and gives the main motivation for the characters. The well known "kid travelling alongside the protagonist" trope you see in a lot of other things (Ciri, Baby Yoda etc.). Tina and her parents were sold to Atlas to become test subjects for corporate experiments, her parents died but she escaped and now she's unstable and traumatized. The movie however is not a dark and realistic exploration of mental illness but instead like the game her craziness is more comedy-like (like Harley Quinn for example).

    Flesh-Stick: The main villain of the movie, a psycho known to have engaged in human trafficking, two of his victims were Tina's parents.

    Atlas: The corporation from the game, not very important except that they work with Flesh-Stick and his gang of bandits. They have access to a technology called "New-U Stations" which doesn't come into play until the second movie.

    The story:

    The movie begins with Lilith in action, after she's been hired to kill a psycho called Flesh-Stick and his gang of bandits. Her work is interrupted by Tiny Tina who's there for the same reason. They team up, Lilith tells Tina to stay out of the way but she doesn't really listen. After seemingly defeating Flesh-Stick, Lilith travels back to a city on foot and Tina tags along. Lilith doesn't want her to at first, but warms up to her as they talk. In the city Lilith heads to a bar to meet up with Marcus, a trader who claims they want to hire vault hunters to open a vault potentially full of treasure. Before their conversation takes place, the scene opens with Mad Moxxi on the stage singing a slow song (as a reference to the similar scene in the first Mad Max movie, this is Moxxi's one and only scene). Tina overhears and hides on the bus, going with Lilith. On the bus we meet Roland, Brick, Mordecai and Claptrap. The bus gets ambushed by Flesh-Stick's bandits, Tina almost gets killed, the bus is completely wrecked, and Marcus dies. Lilith has been starting to get attached to Tina and she's angry that she sneaked up on the bus. To survive the desert on Pandora, the vault hunters need to work as a team. They start heading towards the nearest city, and on the way they almost run out of water while also having to fight off a pack of skags. After arriving in the city, they all get some water and catch a ride, and a high speed chase begins towards the vault's location. Flesh-Stick, who survived in the beginning, arrives with his gang of bandits, they and the vault hunters battle each other while moving with their vehicles. They defeat the bandits, with Tina blowing up Flesh-Stick and taking revenge on him. They go inside the vault, and they are mad that they haven't found any money or loot, just a piece of an alien technology, but Tina happens to know what it is, and why it is valuable. It's a piece of a vault key.

    Details: It's scrap punk, entirely takes place on Pandora and there are no big scifi elements or kaiju monsters. The most scifi thing about the movie is that some ammo that they use incinerate, freeze or shock. The characters continuously lose their guns and get new ones (to reference looting things).

    Dwayne Johnson is Brick, and Claptrap is played by Kevin Hart.

    submitted by /u/Codename_JackRyan
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    Searching a partner for Borderlands 2

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 01:25 AM PST

    I like this game it is like very fun but I'm stuck to a quest [Doctor's Order] that is like a side quest (optional) but I thought is from main story so I accepted it. I'm lvl 19 btw and I'm playing on Epic Launcher since it was free :)
    I'm searching for a partner so I can finish it without trying over 20 atts. I wanna also play with someone the rest of the game just for fun. Anyone who wanna play with me: Discord: ?¡¿!#5329

    submitted by /u/xPeyser
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    I want to try and go for the T.K. Wave Bulldog

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 02:52 PM PST

    I'm not sure what the easiest way is though I know there is a quest and a mini boss that can drop it what is the easiest and how do I read only farm.

    submitted by /u/MalFibber
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    Sh1ft problem with steam and epic games co op

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 01:00 AM PST

    Me and my friend started a play through him playing on epic games cause he got it when it was free and I am on steam cause I bought it.😎 anyways we played quite a bit like a good 10 hours and got to the mission where your about to fight bun3kr. and for some reason all of a sudden the next day we wanted to grind bunker and he was removed from my friends list. and then when I try to add him it doesn't work like I click accept and nothing happens it says I clicked it but it stays there. and it's the same for him he can't accept mine I can't accept his? Does someone have a fix to this please help me out.

    submitted by /u/Aggravating-Hat7231
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    krieg skill tree

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 06:59 AM PST

    does anyone know a good krieg skill tree that has release the beast, bloodsplosion, Hellfire helitosis, redeem the soul, light the fuse, and buzz axe bombardier aswell as other good skills? im trying to get a really fun but op build.

    submitted by /u/Trackeez
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    Party for Underdome (DLC) X360 - BL1

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 05:57 AM PST

    Someone want make a party for all Hordes? Leave the Gamertag

    submitted by /u/titixbox
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    How can I play Borderlands 1 with my girlfriend?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 03:51 AM PST

    My girlfriend and I recently got borderlands 1, 2 and the pre-sequel for the Nintendo switch. Right now, we are trying to figure out how we can play together using the one console we use (coop/split screen). I've looked everywhere for a solution but nothing seems to work.

    submitted by /u/ReviloIsFree
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    krieg skill tree

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 03:27 AM PST

    honestly i know this probably isn't a good skill tree at all for krieg but i just really wanted to get all the fun things. the only things i really don't wanna change is hellfire hailtosis, release the beast, redeem the soul, light the fuse, bloodsplosion, and buzz axe bombardier. other then those 6 things, what's the best ones? when i say that i mean like the 0/5 type ones.

    submitted by /u/Trackeez
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