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    Sunday, January 10, 2021

    Borderlands Is there any way to override the difficulty in BL3 to harder modes before the game has been completed?

    Borderlands Is there any way to override the difficulty in BL3 to harder modes before the game has been completed?

    Is there any way to override the difficulty in BL3 to harder modes before the game has been completed?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 09:42 AM PST

    My buddy and I have been playing BL3 together and it has been a blast, but it's also kinda absurdly easy with two people in the normal difficulty mode. I know that the game intends for you to play normal difficulty and finish the game first, but are there any hacks or ways around this? Any config file I could edit or some way of editing the saved game file or something? Some console command?

    submitted by /u/RagingOrangutan
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    Didn't receive borderlands 3's deluxe contents

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 07:49 AM PST

    No more explanation, what should I do? Don't even say to check the mail, I know how to do it but I didn't receive it

    submitted by /u/KipperDani
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    Is bl3 cross platform between ps & xbox?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 10:03 PM PST

    I have a ps5 & girlfriend has an xbox...

    submitted by /u/fullblownhiv
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    Soooo I got a bulldog that...shoots rockets, is this a hybrid?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 09:54 PM PST

    Bl1 bulldog with text from the carnage, how rare might this be?

    submitted by /u/bloodwinggotdeaded
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    Can someone help me with moxxi underdome?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 06:47 AM PST

    I want to complete the games with all the dlc but moxxi underdome feels like a torture to play so can someone help please? My character is a lv 41 lilith.

    submitted by /u/Redhalok
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    Is Borderlands 3 worth it?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 07:28 PM PST

    Since it's on sale I want to buy it, but is the dlc that it has worth it? Are the new vault hunters any fun? I mostly play solo if that helps.

    submitted by /u/seandude881
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    Add a Non-Steam Game From Epic Game Store (Working Method)

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 07:15 PM PST

    Edit: Looks like this only works for BL3 Offline so far.

    I wanted to use steam big picture so I googled this up only to find folks were having a hard time figuring it out and all the methods sucked. I tinkered with it and was able to get it working so I figured i'd share.

    Here are the steps:

    1. Get Process Explorer from Microsoft and Install it, start it
      1. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/process-explorer
      2. This is a tool that replaces (temporarily if you want) your normal Windows Task Manager
      3. We're using this because we need to see the data that EGS uses to launch Borderlands 3
      4. Note I've provided a secure MS URL for this. You thought about security if you hesitated good for you! You should verify it on your own any how.
    2. Launch Borderlands 3 normally though EGS and then check process explorer
      1. Find the Borderlands 3 process and right click on it, select properties
      2. You'll see a new window, locate the "COMMAND LINE" field and read it's contents
        1. Mine reads: "E:/Epic Games/Borderlands3/Borderlands3.exe" OakGame -AUTH_LOGIN=unused ...
        2. I'm purposefully truncating the string above because I don't want to share the whole thing. I'll explain why below.
        3. Just know it's a long string, and i've only shared the start of mine above. You'll want to copy everything starting with "OakGame" and selecting all the way to the end. We'll need that in a second. Put it in note pad or something for now.
        4. Curious what all those funny numbers and junk are? These are launch arguments that EGS is supplying to the Borderlands3.exe program when it starts. It tells the Borderlands how to behave when starting. Mostly it's telling BL3 how to login to Shift from what I can tell and how to login with EGS it self.
        5. DON'T SHARE THIS TEXT - A few of the arguments in here might be things you don't want to share with other people. One of them especially looks to be a password hash. Which isn't weird but it's not something you want to hand out either. Since I work for neither Epic Nor GearBox I can't responsibly tell you how sensitive or not this data is. I'm willing to bet at least one of them very much is though and I recommend you treat it as such.
    3. Click Add a Game in Steam
      1. Select Add a Non-Steam Game...
      2. Browse to where ever you put EGS's install of Borderlands 3 and select "Borderlands3.exe"
      3. Add it
    4. Find Borderlands 3 in your steam library and right click it
      1. Click "Properties..."
      2. Rename the shortcut from "Borderlands3" to "Borderlands 3" this isn't important I just bugged me
      3. You'll see a text field called "TARGET" we need to edit this
      4. Mine reads:
        1. "E:\Epic Games\Borderlands3\Borderlands3.exe"
        2. But yours will say something different depending on how you installed BL3
      5. Copy the string from step 2 into this field so that your target looks like so:
        1. OLD: "E:\Epic Games\Borderlands3\Borderlands3.exe"
        2. NEW: "E:\Epic Games\Borderlands3\Borderlands3.exe" OakGame -AUTH_LOGIN... (etc)
        3. Remember I only posted part of my string above, it's the really long one from step 2
    5. Note it's possible this method may only work for a time then stop. Some of those Arguments we supplied above may not be fixed values and might eventually change on the SHIFT or EGS serverside. I don't have a way to know except to wait and see if this stops working. If does you should be able to just repeat these steps each time.
    6. It's possible some of the arguments we provided could be omitted and this whole thing could become less complicated. I'm just lazy and this worked. I'm gunna play some before I care to attempt improving it.
    7. Fun fact it seems like the Codename for BL3 was "Catnip" or "Oak"

    That's it. It works for me. I've got it running as I type this through steam.

    submitted by /u/k4el
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    World traveler problems

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 06:56 PM PST

    Does anyone know if you have to visit all named locations on a single playthrough? Because on one character I have gotten all the individual explorer trophies but not all in the same playthrough. I have also done all the side quests in the main story to get those special areas, but I don't have the world traveler trophy still. Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/wherethefuckismyshoe
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    Legendary and unique weapons locations

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 05:25 PM PST

    So me and my girlfriend have started playing Borderlands 1 GOTY, I've found a few legendary items and I've been trying to find some videos or something so I know where to farm for more items however I can only ever find Youtubers talking about what legendary item it is and how good/bad it is, if anyone could link me a page or a video would appreciate it immensely! <3

    submitted by /u/BlackDiamond_Xx
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    story reset after playing online for 2 minuets

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 04:48 PM PST

    I got to Kawata ball all by myself and I decided to try out online because why not. After 2 minutes I decided to leave because nothing was happening but when I tried to go back into my own game I was restarted all the way back when you meet claptrap. My character was still lvl 14 and I had my weapons. Can anyone tell me how to fix this?

    submitted by /u/404Beta
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    Borderlands 2 VR

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 01:01 PM PST

    Is the vr game any good now? I want my brother to try the series in VR but I only heard bad things from the VR version

    submitted by /u/Gonkzz
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    Legendaries from skagzilla?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 03:19 PM PST

    Are legendaries from skagzilla considered "world drops" because I've gotten multiple different legendaries including the wildcat, hornet, ALL gearbox legendaries and a repeater pistol that I can't remember the name of but shoots like a snake bite? Any clues?

    submitted by /u/bloodwinggotdeaded
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    “Bonus damage” question

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 03:14 PM PST

    If you have an anointed item that says for example "gives 50% bonus shock damage on action skill end" does that mean EVERY gun now has 50% shock damage, or does it only apply to guns that are already shock?

    submitted by /u/billbill19
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    Frame drop issues

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 01:39 PM PST

    So hey guys I'm trying to go through BL1 GOTY Enhanced Edition and I keep getting mass amounts of frame drops. Whenever I look at certain parts of the world. Fyrestone, Sledges Hideout and just random areas. Can anyone help me, please?

    Now I have gone through youtube to the 3D manage settings and changed my OPENGL CPU to the RTX, but I get mass amounts of frame drops. Is there anything else I need to change?

    My specs are NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 Super, i9900k, 16 Ram

    Also, my Monitor is 60Hz

    submitted by /u/SlowFatWombat
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    Does anyone else feel that the endgame is too easy?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 12:40 PM PST

    I mean way, way too easy. I hadn't played the game since the wedding DLC, picked it back up recently, set it to Mayhem 11 and one-shotted almost everything. Only exceptions were Badasses. And if I had enough procs going, I'd even one-shot them.

    I'm just wondering if anyone else feels similarly, because I want to want to play the game (if that makes sense), but I have no drive to. There is nothing to chase. I'm sure they added cool new gear, but what is the point? I already one-shot stuff anyway with 6-month old gear. I can't get any stronger by definition. Unless there is some item that kills things when I walk in the room without me having to press any buttons at all?

    The game needs a harder difficulty setting. True Vault Hunter mode doesn't seem like it increases the difficulty contrary to what it claims.

    Either that, or repeatable activities that are a lot more challenging than what it has now.

    submitted by /u/Zevvion
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    Replaying BL3 (with all DLCs) on Stadia... Help me with best guns recommendations

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 12:12 PM PST

    I had finished and level 50'ed on FL4K on Steam and now with Stadia I am replaying the game and getting my FL4K (currently Level 34) to Level 65 on TVM (no Mayhem - I am a scrub). Below are some guns that I have come across and remember really liking. Can you recommend other similar ones and I will google how to find them once I reach Level 65.

    Thank you in advance. Also what is the easiest and quickest way to reach Level 65 from 34. Some people have recommended turning on Mayhem Level 10 and doing Graveward boss a million times.

    Guns Category Justification
    One Pump Chump Shotgun (1) One Shot Potential. (2) No Need to Come Close As Other Shotguns to deal full-damage.
    Mind-Killer Shotgun (1) One Shot Potential. (2) No Need to Charge for full-damage.
    Lead Sprinkler Assault Rifle (1) Insane Damage from Explosions. (2) Decent Splash + Mob Clear.
    Damned Assault Rifle (1) Insane Burst
    Sellout Pistol (1) Decent Damage. (2) Spammability.
    Wagon Wheel Pistol (1) Ricochet for Mob Clearing.
    Occultist Pistol (1) Insane Damage to large / slow bodies.
    Infinity Pistol (1) Never reload.
    Nemesis or Hornet Pistol (1) Insane Burst (also love the triple shot kill).
    Quadomizer Launcher (1) Mob Clear.
    Nukem Launcher (1) Mob Clear.

    submitted by /u/foxmindedguy
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    What was your worst farming experience?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 09:32 AM PST

    I'll start. Pretty much the first time I ever truly tried to farm something (aside from the knoxx armory) was in bl2. I wanted an infinity pistol so bad. No lie I killed doc mercy more than 75 times. Probably at least 100 times. Days I spent farming him. ~10% drop rate and after well over 75 runs I had nothing to show for it. I was so defeated I stopped playing the game for years.

    I came back to the franchise eventually and I farmed countless other items and even farmed within different games. Never has my rng been as bad as that doc mercy farm. And it was my first time ever truly farm something. Still hurts to think about.

    submitted by /u/beefysponge
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    TVHM How to get to level 50 for Warrior?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 08:11 PM PST

    I'm finally at the end of TVHM and it's Warrior time. Issue is, I'm level 48 and I need to be 50. Who/What can I farm to get there?

    Edit: I'm a melee Zer0 on xbox, if that matters Edit 2: Beat it lol. There's this stretch of land at the far right that you can sit at and take absolutely no damage.

    submitted by /u/BigMounchi
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    What weapon would you recommend as a secondary to the plasma coil?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 06:39 PM PST

    I am a level 48 Zane playing on Mayhem 3. I just got Guns, Love, and Tentacles. I love it. HOWEVER, when fighting brutes, if I run out of ammo for the coil, I die. 100% of the time.

    I'm trying to find a good secondary for the plasma coil. I have tried so, so, so many weapons.

    A Dastardly Maggie, a Snide Trickshot, Melters, Shrikes, Collaborators, N-Systems, Asps, and even other SMGs like the Dark Army. So far the best candidate for a secondary is the Hornet. It's not even that good either. The Mayhem 3 weapons still don't help me on Mayhem 3.

    I'd also like to add that I'm using the MNTIS and SNTNL. I have a Booster Caltrop Shield that increases my movespeed by 15% while SNTNL is active, a Recurring Hex, a Greasy Berzerker Rush that increases SMG damage, Incendiary resistance, and max health, all by a decent amount, and finally, I have a Secret Silent Spy. +1 Commitment, +1 Our Man Flynt, +3 Headsman's Hand.

    I know that I'm in over my head playing on Mayhem 3, but better loot is better loot, even if it costs me 10 to 20 percent of my money every 10 minutes. Also the mayhem 1 and 2 modifiers I have right now are unbearable to me. In case you'd like to know, the mayhem 1 modifier is Galaxy Brain, which I hate, and for mayhem 2 they're lootsplosion (I like this one) and High Voltage. I can't stand High Voltage because it renders my favorite of the two firing modes for the coil completely useless half the time. 3 has freeze tag but honestly I don't mind it too much.

    So yeah. I'd really appreciate some tips on how to, you know, NOT die constantly. And I need a secondary, non SMG weapon. I want a recommendation on that too.

    submitted by /u/T1mek33per
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    Anyone else feel that the better BL3 graphics makes the game less Borderlands-y?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 12:29 AM PST

    Like I was playing the third game and even though the graphics in TPS and BL2 are cartoonish and bad so to speak, they just make it look casual, chill, and more funny.

    The graphics in BL3 make the game seem so serious and with the bad writing, it just makes it seem like a proper FPS story mode game and not a quirky game.

    submitted by /u/videogameocd-er
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