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    Friday, January 8, 2021

    Borderlands The Magic of Borderlands 1

    Borderlands The Magic of Borderlands 1

    The Magic of Borderlands 1

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 09:12 AM PST

    I have been playing the Borderlands series since the original came out in 2009. I knew nothing about the game, but one of my three friends in high school said all four of us should get this game. We all did and started playing 4 player coop together over Xbox Live and man, talk about a good time.

    We played a lot of Halo and Call of Duty together, which were great games in their own right, but the coop, looting/shooting experience of Borderlands was totally new and so much fun. We all chose different characters (I went with Lilith, not knowing anything about what a Siren could do), and we were off. We ended up playing through everything as a four player squad, first and second playthrough, everyone eventually having all four characters maxed out.

    We dumped hours and hours into this game. And then Borderlands 2 comes out and blows our minds. We team up again and do it all over, playing through together with every character, enjoying the game like crazy. It improved the Borderlands experience in pretty much every single way and we loved it.

    Eventually high school ended and we all went to college and moved away. Some switched to Playstation or PC and our Borderlands group kinda fell apart. I played the Pre-Sequel and Tales from the Borderlands but it didn't have the same fun-factor without my squad. But BL2 was just so good, so I would always end up going back to that game. Even just playing solo it was so much fun. I ended up having it on 360, PS3, PC, PS4, and even Vita, putting way more hours into BL2 than I ever did into BL1. It really was and still is, one of my favourite games.

    Then, 10 years after the original game released, BL3 comes out. One of my original BL friends and I pick it up on PS4 to play together and man we were so freaking excited. We start playing through and the gunplay is even better than it was before. Jakobs weapons just feel so damn good. But the game (on Day 1) is plagued with issues, that kinda put a rain cloud over the whole experience.

    This isn't meant to be a negative post about BL3, but we didn't like the story at all, and every patch and update changed things up, in some good and some bad ways. The DLC's were alright but nothing special (in our opinion). We still played through with every character, through all updates and DLC, but eventually just felt so burned out, that we put the game down entirely after the release of Fluster-Cluck.

    When we were starting to feel burned out from BL3, we would try replaying BL2 or the Pre-Sequel, but the burnout had poured over to those games as well.

    But then last week, my friend and I decide we want to try and play BL1 again. We load it up and start playing and it is like we are back in high school, having the same enjoyment we always had with the game. We know this game like the back of our hands and we are just having the best time.

    Pretty much everything about this game is objectively worse than future instalments, but there is just something special about it. We can't figure out what it is, maybe nobody can, but there is just some magic in this game that makes it always fun, no matter how much the future games have improved upon it.

    So if you're feeling burned out from BL3, go back and play BL1 again. It's so damn good. I love it.

    submitted by /u/SenSei_Buzzkill
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    Can we get F’s in the chat for all those side missions you pick up in Normal mode and never complete?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 11:58 PM PST

    I played the Borderlands games completely out of order.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 11:21 AM PST

    I fell in love with this universe in Telltale's TftB, and because of that, this is how I experienced Pandora for the first time

    Tales from the Borderlands

    Borderlands 2

    Borderlands 3

    Borderlands 3 DLC


    And I plan on playing:

    Borderlands 2 DLC

    Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel.

    Anyone else play the games severely out of order like me?

    submitted by /u/TeamZiggler
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    Songs from Psycho Krieg?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 07:58 PM PST

    I recently finished the Psycho Krieg DLC, and in the final cut scene the host got dialogue, and I got a random song track. It wasn't the same song as what plays at the end when the credits go by.

    Is there any way to figure out what was playing? I'm fairly confident it was licensed music based on it having lyrics that sounded like maybe french?

    submitted by /u/JMeiK
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    BL2 TVHM Wilhelm

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 03:25 PM PST

    Wow this guy is hard. I can get him pretty low, about 30% of his health, but this rocket attacks and all that overwhelm me pretty easily, and since I'm playing a Melee Zero, I'm kinda frail. Where can I grind some levels out so I can make it easier on myself? I'm level 37 right now.

    submitted by /u/BigMounchi
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    Just got a random ogre drop in old haven from a random Lance soldier as Roland

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 10:52 AM PST

    Im set for the destroyer now

    submitted by /u/Phat_Joe_
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    TPS loyalty bonus

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 11:22 AM PST

    I've played Bl 1 and 2 on ps4 but not received the loyalty stuff, is there something I'm missing?

    submitted by /u/nick02911
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    Is BL2 UVHM worth it?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 05:21 AM PST

    Going through all the BL games right now to see which one I like the most, and I just started going through TVHM for BL2 and have noticed a major increase in difficulty. If it weren't for my melee Zer0 build, I'd be in the grave right now. So should I do UVHM? And if so, should I farm for gear before going into UVHM or just go on

    submitted by /u/BigMounchi
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    Played bl3 at launch, thinking of picking it back up. has it Gotten better?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 02:36 AM PST

    Hello! As the title says im looking to play bl3 again.

    I have only played this game on launch with zane and got him to tvhm and max level aswell. but for some reason i lost interest in the game fast, i couldn't do another character again because the story, or atleast the characters bother me so much, i know in a bl game the story isnt the main focus.

    When the game launched me and my friend loved the game, we loved the game so much we raced to get to lvl 50 first, and i won :). problem is after i've reached level 50 i didnt quite know what to do. in bl2 i would've started grinding legendaries and preparing for the peak but here i was bored and felt demotivated to do another character again. and since then i was never able to start a new game with the thought "well what do i do when this character is max level?".

    but since i have refound my love for bl2 i was interested in picking up bl3 again and playing flak (zane was my old character) but i got some general questions :)

    1) Are still 90% of the legendaries still dropped from random loot sources or do most have a dedicated loot drops now?

    2) How is the endgame now? what should i do mainly in it?

    3) are any of the dlc's good?

    4) how much has the game gotten better since launch?

    sorry for this mish mash of text.

    submitted by /u/Kl3XY
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    What was the price of Borderlands 3: Designer's Cut DLC during the Epic sale?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 12:27 AM PST

    I didn't realize I could just buy the 4th skill trees separately from the Season Pass 2. Just curious as to what this DLC was priced during the last Epic sale. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/ProgenitorX
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    Soo just like the 7th Planet from the sun, this bot turned sideways because of a collision with a fast object

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 11:26 PM PST

    So after both Saturn and Bunk3r, I thought, why not Uranus(bot)?


    Side note: screw hot loaders!

    submitted by /u/EternalSeekerX
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