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    Thursday, January 7, 2021

    Borderlands Is Borderlands 3 a good game to jump into if you're completely new to the franchise?

    Borderlands Is Borderlands 3 a good game to jump into if you're completely new to the franchise?

    Is Borderlands 3 a good game to jump into if you're completely new to the franchise?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 11:09 AM PST

    My 2 friends are also new to borderlands. any advice for us?

    UPDATE: Thanks for all your responses. As i'm not too invested in the story, i think jumping straight into 3 sounds like the best idea as it has the more refined gameplay

    submitted by /u/c46tn_
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    Bug in the Katagawa Jr. Boss fight?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 06:47 PM PST

    So, I was playing my TVH playthrough on Amara and get to the Katagawa fight, then he does the whole "clone himself and jump onto the towers" thing, and one of them jumps onto the generators. I shoot the generator and turns out that was the real Katagawa and I look at his healthbar, it just emptied. Shield didn't refill, it just deleted it all from existence. And this was at the the very start of the fight. Has this happened to anyone else?

    submitted by /u/Clash_Blazr50
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    Pandoracorn Shirt Wanted

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 07:58 PM PST

    Does anybody know of a way to find a pink Pandoracorn shirt OR get a rip-off cricut design? It's my absolute favorite thing from the whole fucking series.

    submitted by /u/Uber_alyssa
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    Looking for people to play BD2 on ps4.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 05:29 PM PST

    I am new to BD and got the handsome collection a while back when it came on ps plus. I started playing BD 2 last week and i am lv 11 already. But since i am playing it alone i get bored really quickly. If anyone want to play with me add me on psn: Mattizin69. English is not my first language so i am not very good ai it. But i can understand pretty much everything. Just my accent that is a bit off.

    submitted by /u/Mattlew0YT
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    Vaults that have been opened so far

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 10:49 PM PST

    Thought that I would compile a short list of all the vaults that have been opened so far across all the borderlands games

    1. Vault of the destroyer in borderlands 1

    2. Vault of the warrior in borderlands 2

    3. Vault of the sentinel in the pre sequel

    4. Vault of the rampager on promethea in borderlands 3

    5. Vault of the graveward on eden-6 in borderlands 3

    6. The great vault on pandora after defeating troy in borderlands 3

    7. Vault on nekratofeyo

    8. Vault of tyreen the destroyer

    9? Possible vault on xylourgos featuring big tentacle monster

    1. Vaulthalla (which by far is the best vault)
    submitted by /u/Randtastic19
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    Borderlands 3 without DLC: prospective purchase question

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 03:41 PM PST

    Hey folks! I've been a Borderlands fan for like 3 years now. I beat BL2 like a dozen times over the course of about 300 hours on XBOX, then did a playthrough for each of the Borderlands 1 characters and then 2 for the Pre-Sequel, so I'm pretty knowledgeable on the characters and story and gameplay mechanics and all that jazz.

    My experience with them is basically that I absolutely loved the gameplay in 2 and the Pre-Sequel, with the incredibly fun and diverse character classes and abilities, the gunplay and the satisfying feeling of progression and occasionally finding a cool legendary. I think their art style is really cool but often somewhat ugly, mostly due to technical limitations of the XBOX 360 era, but the games looked overall pleasing. I never delved into the endgame aspects people seem to love about BL2, as in the pearlescent weapons and UVHM and farming good rolls on weapons and such. It just never seemed that appealing to me, and I was perfectly content with just replaying the game with different characters and builds because the skill trees and combat are so fun and diverse.

    The story and characters are pretty much my least favourite aspect; Borderlands 1 is just sorta bland, though the dry and mostly unremarkable sense of humour was at least more tolerable than the over-the-top hit-or-miss jokes in Borderlands 2. The humour is either pretty good but nothing special (as with Handsome Jack and Torgue) or genuinely insufferable (as with Tiny Tina or Scooter and a lot of the other side characters). It's safe to say I played the game for the amazing gameplay first and only occasionally enjoyed the actual writing in the case of a few standout quests or likeable characters like Jack, Brick and Mordecai and Claptrap.

    Yes, I actually love Claptrap for some ungodly reason.

    The main takeaway is that while I didn't love the story in any of these games (the Pre-Sequel is kind of better but the humour is even less funny than before), I never hated them either. I never stop enjoying a game because the story was awful, as long as the gameplay is fun enough to keep me invested, which it was. So with all of this in mind, how do you think the game would appeal to someone like me? Before you ask, I sadly cannot afford any of the DLCs right now, so I want to know how the amount of content and replayablity in the base game compares to BL2 before it. Remember: I don't care about the story and characters or any endgame content like getting god rolls on guns or reaching absurdly high level caps without rewards other than said level caps! I've noticed a lot of people rag on both the Pre-Sequel and BL3 for failing to provide either a satisfying narrative or really deep endgame content like BL2 did, which is fair if you enjoy those but as someone who only loves replaying the game to experiment with the skill trees and characters and enjoy the gunplay without New Game Plus, they don't mean much to me.

    TL;DR: I love the gameplay in Borderlands 2 + TPS, don't care about whether the story is good or not, am not interested in grindy endgame loot to chase after but do want a fun core gameplay loop with enough replayability and character diversity to entertain me for say, 50 or so hours. Would BL3 without any DLC be a good purchase for me?

    submitted by /u/OknataSkeltro
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    Tvhm issues

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 11:30 AM PST

    Im having an extremely hard time playing through TVHM( i go down at least 4 times at every encounter) im axton i was told to not do sidemissions so ive been doing that but i really just want to do the sidequests so i don't die every 4.2 seconds how are you supposed too play this ik you have to go into UVHM at lvl 50 (i also have questions about that) if someone could dm me too that would be good

    submitted by /u/dylanidkafk
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    Want to buy Borderlands 3 inthe sale, but

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 09:38 AM PST

    it's any good? I have seen many not that good posts about it for the Xbox One S. How about now, a year later.

    submitted by /u/Fun_Abbreviations930
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    Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 02:15 AM PST

    I was wrong y'all. I hadn't played BL1 in years, and was kinda irritated when people talked shit about it. I remembered having fun playing it with friends.

    It's so bad. Oh my god. I'm trying to solo it right now and all of the shitty little things about it add up and make it just so fucking unbearable. No XP when you kill an enemy?! OMFG there's literally no point in playing this other than achievements.

    Y'all were right. The Underdome can suck it.

    submitted by /u/Vile_Bile_Vixen
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    Need amara skill build help

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 11:37 PM PST

    My least favorite and worse character. But i like maxing out all playable vhs. So what are good builds for her?

    submitted by /u/Archangel716
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