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    Sunday, March 7, 2021

    Borderlands I would love to see Borderlands 2 remade with the engine and gameplay of borderlands 3

    Borderlands I would love to see Borderlands 2 remade with the engine and gameplay of borderlands 3

    I would love to see Borderlands 2 remade with the engine and gameplay of borderlands 3

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 08:59 AM PST

    For me, borderlands 3 is the most fun game gameplay wise. The shooting and sliding all feels super crisp and nice. And on top of that, it is graphically gorgeous. The particle effects and slight changes to the art style really make it look so good. The biggest issue with the game is the writing. It is often times really cringey and some of the characters are really obnoxious and stupid just for the sake of it.

    BL2 on the other hand has probably the best writing and story of any of the games. I think if they were to rebuild BL2 in the BL3 engine that'd be a truly incredible game. They could add a bunch of small features that spice up the gameplay and make use of borderlands 3's movement. They could even retool some of the level design to make use of the new way exploding barrels work. They could also create a ton of guns that are similar to BL3 when it comes to wackiness and alternate firing modes. They could also change how some enemies and bosses work to better suit BL3's gameplay. While at the same time making use of the same dialogue and things like that from BL2.

    I know it probably will never happen but if it did that would literally be incredible and I would be 100% on board.

    submitted by /u/wsjarrett5
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    Borderlands 3 - Worth playing alone?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 02:46 AM PST

    I played and really enjoyed borderlands 1 & 2 - but mostly coop with a friend of mine. Now with kids, separate time zones, and my schedule will be overly erratic - playing with anyone consistently (where progression etc. is in sync) is very unlikely.

    So - is it worth it/still fun/viable to play BL3 given that? Either it's still good as a solo experience, or is it fine/easy enough to pick up and play with randoms and still have a good time (which is mostly a game-culture thing I think).


    submitted by /u/Mysnomia
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    I finally finished Bounty of Blood and DAMN. While Jackobs avoided fighting in the last Corporate War....

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 03:30 PM PST

    They sure as hell were planning on winning the next one from the looks of it.

    Good thing someone either grew a conscious about the Ruiner and Bombs, or realized that maybe this was a little evil even for them.

    submitted by /u/ParagonFury
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    The pre-sequel

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 07:24 PM PST

    I think they should remastered the pre-sequel and add new content mabey new dlc and raid bosses balance things out and keep the same engine.

    submitted by /u/slender_xfire
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    Search Teammate

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 08:16 PM PST

    EN: I have started with borderlands 2 weeks ago and have now a Zer0 level 55 in TVHM and a Mechromaner at level 39 in TVHM. at least I would like to say that I am quite experienced, despite my relatively short playing time. This is because I play very often and have informed myself as much as possible about all weapons and objects. I'm pretty good at TVHM so far. But I don't dare to play UVHM because it would be too difficult for me alone and I just lack a little experience. I only know that all opponents level up with you, that you have to hit opponents with a Grog Nozzle to defeat them much easier and that you need new things every 2-3 levels. I wouldn't want to play UVHM on my own, so I'm looking for someone who might want to play with me. I play on the Nintendo Switch and speak German. I would also play with an English speaker. I know the chance is relatively small that I will find a German Switch player here who would even like to play with me, but I'll just try my luck :) I know you ask something like that on Steam or Discord, but I don't like either that much ... (sorry for my bad English)

    DE: Ich habe vor 2 Wochen mit Borderlands angefangen und habe jetzt einen Zer0 Level 55 in TVHM und einen Mechromaner auf Level 39 in TVHM. jedenfalls möchte ich sagen das ich doch recht erfahren bin, trotz meiner relativ kurzen Spielzeit. Das liegt daran das ich sehr oft spiele und mich so gut wie möglich über alle Waffen und Gegenstände informiert habe. Ich bin soweit recht gut in TVHM. Aber traue mich nicht UVHM zu spielen, weil es alleine zu schwer für mich einfache wäre und mir halt ein wenig Erfahrung fehlt. Ich weiß nur das alle Gegner mit dir auf leveln, das man Gegner mit einer Grog Nozzle slaggen muss um sie viel leichter besiegen zu können und das man alle 2-3 level neue sachen benötigt. Alleine hätte ich keine Lust UVHM zu spielen, deshalb suche ich einen Mitspieler der eventuell mit mir spielen möchte. Ich spiele auf der Nintendo Switch und spreche Deutsch. Ich würde auch mit einem englisch sprachigen spielen. Ich weiß die Chance ist relativ klein das ich einen deutschen Switch Spieler hier finden werde, der sogar mit mir Spielen möchte, aber ich versuch mein Glück einfach Mal :) Ich weiß das man sowas auf Steam oder Discord fragt, aber ich mag beides nicht so...

    submitted by /u/EinStueckBambus
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    Handsome Collection Play through

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 11:42 AM PST

    Looking for someone to play through the entire collection from 1 through the Pre-Sequel. Recently got a ps4 but none of my friends play Borderlands:) Gamer tag is Prophet6265

    submitted by /u/JObidike7
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    [Bug] Need help with a bug on Moxxi's Underdome.

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 03:22 PM PST

    Replaying BL and all its DLC and now I'm doing the underdome. I make it to round 4 wave 5 and nine toes comes out. I kill him, walk around waiting for the new round to begin, then I see digit. The problem is that the modifier is low gravity, so when I start shooting at him, he fucking jumps out of the dome. Mordecai says, "so big, so angry, so dead." So I assume that he's dead and pinky should come out, but nothing. I've been walking around for like 20min. Is there anything I can do or do I just have to start all over?

    submitted by /u/Phreak_of_Nature
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    Need help platting BL2

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 10:23 AM PST

    Right now I'm stuck on getting two trophies which are reviving someone from my friends list and also beating Terramorphus. Wondering if someone can lend a hand.

    Edit: on PS4

    submitted by /u/jackops2
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    game freezing every few seconds while online fix? (BL2 PC)

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 02:02 PM PST

    I bought bl2 on steam but it kept freezing for 2-6 seconds every 10 seconds but i figured out that it only does that if you have steam online. when i turn off my internet or set it to offline it works fine but is there any other way because offline mode doesnt count hours and stuff

    submitted by /u/skrrtman1
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    [Steam] And They'll Tell Two Friends Achievement

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 01:24 PM PST

    I was planning on going pack through to 100% these games and I need help with this one, would anyone who has the achievement be wiling to let me pop in a game to grab it?

    submitted by /u/DamiexDW
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    Do you guys think we’ll get another spin-off between BL3 and BL4 similar to TPS?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 12:38 PM PST

    I think making an entire game take place on one of the new planets would be perfect. My biggest gripe with BL3 is how we don't really get to see a lot of the new planets. Imagine an entire game set on Eden-6 or Promethea.

    submitted by /u/FaithfulMoose
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    Guns that fill ammo

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 06:29 AM PST

    So im looking to take on the psycoreaver in mayhem 10, but I keep running out of ammo. Are there any guns, like the rowans call or the kings call, that will help me keep my ammo up

    submitted by /u/Ironmatt08
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    [BL1] [BL2] [BL: TPS] PS3 or XBOX 360?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 11:14 PM PST

    Looking at getting into Borderlands, as someone who is an Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 owner, which system do I play on? Which system has the nicer controls, graphics and frame rate? I also have a PS4, so can I transfer my BL2 save from PS3 to PS4 via The Handsome Collection for example? And then the same again to the PSVITA? And are there any added benefits playing Borderlands all on one system?, do you get any additional XP or exclusive weapons being a past game player all on one platform?


    submitted by /u/Report-Empty
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