• Breaking News

    Tuesday, April 20, 2021

    Borderlands Assault on the Dragon's Keep not only gave us one of the best DLCs in the game...

    Borderlands Assault on the Dragon's Keep not only gave us one of the best DLCs in the game...

    Assault on the Dragon's Keep not only gave us one of the best DLCs in the game...

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 12:41 PM PDT

    ...but also served as the first source of information for Borderlands 3, 6 years before release.

    Brick chose to be a Siren in the boardgame. Brick is a Berserker. BL3's Siren has the Phasezerker ability. Brink hinted Amara.

    This was a showerful thought that I had and just wanted to share.

    submitted by /u/coraltheinvencible
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    How to change games in Borderlands Legendary Collection on Nintendo Switch

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 03:39 AM PDT

    hi there. i feel really stupid, lol. i bought the Borderlands Legendary Collection for my switch, from Walmart, and i started playing the first game, and then decided i wanted to play the second, but i have no idea how to change games!! all i saw online was another reddit post about a different borderlands game collection, and something about the other games being in your downloads, which i don't think helps me?? but if anyone could help me out, that'd be really appreciated c:

    submitted by /u/marshmallowkittycat
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    Should I carry on playing as kreig?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 09:26 AM PDT

    I'm only about 30 mins into the game and I looked at all his skilltrees and most of his stuff also has a huge downfall. Is he supposed to be a challenge character or something? It's my first time ever playing borderlands 2 and I think I should probably play an easier character. Please let me know if all characters have downfalls or if it's just kreig aswell! Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Panda_lord123
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    BL3 Seein' Dead Zane mod

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 03:38 PM PDT

    Just have a question, for a pistol zane speed build, what is the best possible roll in terms of % can I get? Pistol Damage, Pistol Crit Damage, Brand weapon damage etc?

    submitted by /u/Reknowned
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    What is the directors cut ?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 03:39 AM PDT

    I'm confused about this version, is it complete separate version of the game or is it a free upgrade if you own the original BL3 ?

    submitted by /u/Kingboo95
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    Borderlands 2 - Connection lost

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 03:11 PM PDT

    Ever since the shift cross-play update, no matter on what character i play or which person i join, i lose my connection to the host. I dont know why this is happening but it's really frustrating because i only play co-op online but game is unplayable.

    Want to start a DLC with a 4 man party ? Can't do that, game screws me over and over, again and again. After i get disconnected, naturally i try using matchmaking to reconnect to the previous host but the game is no longer available even though its still active and all the other people are still in the game.This issue usually occurs after 20 minutes into the game, longest game i got to play was 1 hour and 30 minutes. It's random.

    Before the update it almost never happened, i used to connect to a host and play with him for hours without a single disconnect, but now .... off off, every time i join someone it feels like there is a ticking bomb that might go off anytime.

    I play on PC, Steam platform. If anyone knows a fix please let me know. I gotta mention that i have community patch installed but it only works when i am hosting, obviously, i am mentioning this in case it might be relevant/related to the issue but i doubt it has anything to do with it.

    submitted by /u/Ipsec235
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    [PS4pro] coop crashing

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 09:28 AM PDT

    Hello, Just a simple question, is the game (borderlands 3) crashing while playing coop through internet connection? I've already had a crash on pro performance mode but think it was related to ssd drive, not just being online. Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/revan922
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    My brother got borderlands 3 for free?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 12:17 PM PDT

    The title kinda explains it and im super confused lol. He turned on his xbox the other day and in his library was BL3 with all the dlc. Just sitting there ready to play. My xbox is gamesharing with his, but its not in my library. Ive never played it i dont own it. Neither of us bought it. Can someone explain this cause im super confused lol did it happen to anyone else?

    Sorry if this seems like a stupid post but i just wanna find out why lol

    submitted by /u/69classico69
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    Season Pass #2, worth it?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 11:28 AM PDT

    So I've been playing BL3 since it pretty much launched. As of now, the only DLC I have is the very first one that was released (The Moxxi DLC, can't remember what it is called). I've been interested in the Designer and Director's Cut of the game, and with it being on sale for the next couple of days, been trying to decide if it is worth the money, or should I just buy one of the other story DLCs?

    submitted by /u/Samoorewba
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    Is it just me or was that thresher in the bright lights flying city quest a lot bigger?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 09:16 AM PDT

    On my first play through I could've sworn it was bigger

    submitted by /u/johnny889l
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    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 08:37 AM PDT

    In Eden-6, is the weather (or sky) always that dark like it's almost night time? I've seen in other youtube vids that the world is brighter like its daytime.

    submitted by /u/Stetyx
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    Question about the handsome collection

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 03:52 AM PDT

    So I've had the handsome collection for about a year and I've only been playing bl2, I played a the campaign and the dlc and have started the pre sequel and just finished it I was wondering is the dlc free like the dlc for bl2 or do I have to pay for it ?

    submitted by /u/ciarandunne13
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    Level CAP

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 10:53 AM PDT

    What the fuck is the level cap (Bordar lands 3)(No dlc)

    submitted by /u/teabagmaniac
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    Get burned after shooting?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 11:00 PM PDT

    Can someone explain why i keep burning after i shoot in bl3?

    Moze Lvl 65, no Mayhem mode.


    submitted by /u/BabyLabruja
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    Playing co-op on PCs on Steam

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 06:17 PM PDT

    My wife and I are trying to play a co-op game of BL2 over Steam. Our computers are both on our home network and we can connect to Steam, we can connect to random public games, but we cannot connect to each other to play TOGETHER. Any ideas what we should try? I can send her an invite, she accepts the invite, and we get the 30-second countdown window and it gives us a timeout error. Same deal if she sends me an invite. We're running out of ideas here! Has anyone been through this before? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

    Background, yes, we have two legit, complete copies of the game with all DLC, no piracy or anything like that. Both of our installs are current at Build ID #5092522.

    submitted by /u/PenultimateTimmy
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