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    Thursday, May 20, 2021

    Borderlands I'm just having a lot of fun

    Borderlands I'm just having a lot of fun

    I'm just having a lot of fun

    Posted: 20 May 2021 12:41 PM PDT

    I am very pleased with my borderlands 3 Moze build. Great damage great defense. The part that people don't like is the singular hp. Due to her skill set, I've replaced all of her health with the equal amount in shields. Then I have a relic that boosts her shields 100%. But you might be saying "Blainiel, don't you know shields are very vulnerable to shock damage?", and of course I thought about that. The shield I have chosen for this build is 100% shock resistant. But whats more? When my health is under 50% my gun damage is increased. At this point you might say, "so what, you've got a 138,000 capacity shield, you can still get killed easily" yes grasshopper that is a possibility, however, whenever I kill an enemy my shields increases along with my gun damage, this effect also has unlimited stacks. What does this all mean? It means my shield regularly has a capacity of 200,000+ and my gun damage is bosted by at least 100%. So one might think that I have died playing this way on the maximum difficulty, and to that I scoff. I cannot die in a way that matters. I have the powers of science and the survivability of a god. My enemies can't comprehend how quickly they perish.

    submitted by /u/blainiel
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    Borderlands 2 PC players, are us console players missing out on A LOT by not having effervescent guns, community mods etc? Or for the most part is everyone having the same amount of fun with everything that’s available to ALL players?

    Posted: 20 May 2021 05:22 PM PDT

    This question just popped in my head because whenever I look up videos on how to get the most out of classes or the best kind of guns to use the weapons sometimes are effervescent or the stat numbers are THROUGH THE ROOF 😅😅😅😅

    submitted by /u/masrk7384
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    The gluttonous thresher is one of the most erratic boss fights I’ve ever had the displeasure of facing

    Posted: 19 May 2021 11:08 PM PDT

    It keeps burrowing into the ground to move one inch and replenishes its shield faster than you can scream "I'M THE CONDUCTOR OF THE POOP TRAIN!!!!!!", I've heard that you can trap it at the door but it's tendrils STILL hit me, it's also telling that no matter what character I pick I'm always at a disadvantage with him, with Salvador I just got him at the right time with gunzerking and with Gaige DT was a great distraction but I can't kill it with ANY other character. 😅😅😅😅

    Edit: finally beat him with kreig but my point still stands 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃

    submitted by /u/masrk7384
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    Contraband Sky Rocket - Thoughts?

    Posted: 20 May 2021 04:35 PM PDT

    I personally use it on every character I have all the way into endgame. The damage is insane and even scales into UVHM pretty well. I just don't see much discussion about it and I've always found that strange. I understand tactically there may be reasons to use something like a fastball instead if you need to deal a lot of damage to an enemy very far away with a lot of accuracy and precision and most of your weapons are close range but yeah, just as an all around grenade I'm just always surprised to see how little its talked about. I'm guessing because it doesn't feel like "loot" since it is just given to the player. There's an alternate universe out there where BL2 made the contraband sky rocket an item that drops in the world with a level requirement and people lose their minds over how strong it is.

    submitted by /u/Me0w_Zedong
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    Anyone know any decent guns to use for late campaign true vault hunters mode?

    Posted: 20 May 2021 09:53 PM PDT

    Currently I am trying to get to the part where you take the vault key but am lacking decent firearms to do so. Anyone have any ideas for farmable guns in could use?

    submitted by /u/Revolutionary-Ad2668
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    Game Crashes Since Directors Cut

    Posted: 20 May 2021 08:40 PM PDT

    Hey all, Really looking for guidance because I would really like to play my game. Since the last way update, anytime I go into Echo and tab over to the Vault Card, the game freezes then crashes. No matter if I have just started up or playing for hours. Game is fine as along as I don't go to that tab. Has anyone had this issue on XBox One X? Thanks in advance.

    If Gearbox, I submitted a ticket. I'd really like to play my game I have invested over $180 in and been in since pre-order.

    submitted by /u/Down_Under_Wunder
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    Is it worth buying the version of borderlands 3 that includes season pass 2?

    Posted: 20 May 2021 07:52 PM PDT

    I have never played a borderlands game before and I'm on the fence of buying it, but the loot and unique guns seem like something I'd enjoy. Will I be missing out if my friends get the version including season pass 2 and I don't, am I likely to regret not getting the version that includes the season pass 2?

    submitted by /u/King_Kracker
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    Help - Terry (I'm a lvl 50 Siren)

    Posted: 20 May 2021 07:49 PM PDT

    Need help defeating Terry if anyone is down for it :)

    (PC version)

    submitted by /u/AveSatanna
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    [BL3] What are some lazy no-aim weapons? Auto-aim, homing, gigantic explosion, etc.

    Posted: 20 May 2021 07:16 PM PDT

    Huge fan of BL1 (Brick) and BL2 (Psycho) with a lot of hours on them and coming into BL3 fresh. For this Borderlands, I'm here for some fun and lazy gameplay where I don't have to aim.

    I'm thinking of a homing grenade Zane build with either Ghastly Call or Hex but I do need a weapon to accompany that. I'm thinking maybe a Rocket Launcher like Nukem with gigantic AOE.

    What do you guys have for me?

    submitted by /u/KijoSenzo
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    Finally finished Borderlands 1 for the first time

    Posted: 20 May 2021 04:45 AM PDT

    tl;dr rambling about the first Borderlands

    I've been a fan of the series since just before the second game released. I ended up getting the game on 360, and again as GOTY edition on 360 (base game disc broke) and on PS3. Brought and finished Borderlands 2 on PS3 and loved it. Same with Pre-Sequel. When I got a PS4 I got the Handsome Collection and beat both games again. Beat Tales, loved that. Got Borderlands 3 on release, still need to finish it.

    Yet somehow, through all of that, I never finished Borderlands 1. Through my entire journey, and multiple attempts, I never finished it. Furthest I ever got was Flynt, and that was back on the 360. I've played to Krom more than once, played past Sledge even more times.

    But finally I sat down and finished the damn thing. The changes made to the current-gen versions of the game are a godsend, truly. Minimaps made the game a lot easier to handle (even if it did make some missions ludicrously easy), and auto-pick up I couldn't live without.

    I gotta say: the game holds up really well. I forgot how much of an atmosphere the first game had. Even now I feel genuine dread when I'm playing through Sledge's Safehouse, with how eerie it is. I feel absolute contempt for scythids, hearing their screech and jump. Shooting cowboy-style with my fifth legendary revolver drop was like nothing else.

    The game's also really short. Much shorter than I'd expected. And outside of Tannis no character really gets any solid character moments. I forgot how much of a non-event almost every character is throughout the story, and there were a lot of moments where I felt like characters were meant to be bigger or more important. Like the Jaynistown missions: I barely registered what was going on because there was no unique dialogue or character models.

    Overall the game has flaws, of course, but god damn is it a fun romp. Glad I finished it, and I'm going for that platinum trophy. Doing the DLC missions on a second playthrough, and am definitely gonna be around again to ask if anyone's willing to grind out the five or so multiplayer trophies.

    submitted by /u/SUDoKu-Na
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    Alguien para jugar en Español?

    Posted: 20 May 2021 03:08 PM PDT

    Hablarme al priv porfavor. Juego en Playstation.

    submitted by /u/pupuso69
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    The Bearcat has never been a usable gun, in any game it’s been in. Why is this gun a meme?

    Posted: 20 May 2021 02:20 PM PDT

    BL2 it was a pearlescent (probably the absolute worst of them), and it was a similarly "rare" item in BL3 as a Mayhem 4 exclusive legendary, meaning you're fighting the strongest possible versions enemies in the game for a chance at the drop.

    Neither Axton or Moze can get value from the Bearcat in any way that would make it preferable to most other Purpler or higher rarity ARs.

    (And hey, since we're talking about "Legendaries that have always been bad and never been good", let's get a Whiskey Tango Foxtrot buff too. It's random, bad damage and SELF damage. Horrible.)

    submitted by /u/Deathmon44
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    I can’t start the hemovorous quest.

    Posted: 20 May 2021 01:48 PM PDT

    I have the dlc and the safe in claptrap's room i was supposed to get the quest from can't be interacted with. How

    submitted by /u/BLUEAR0
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    Posted: 20 May 2021 11:47 AM PDT

    Yoooo I finished the warrior. It was a fucking bitch at first But once I got a hang of it. Damn one of the best boss fights I've ever played. Got a legendary Sniper first try too.

    submitted by /u/Atomicgojira
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    Official hybrids for borderlands 4 ?

    Posted: 20 May 2021 05:33 AM PDT

    Been farming for hybrids in bl1 and all of a sudden I thought that what if they introduce hybrids as an official rarity in borderlands 4 , what's your take?

    submitted by /u/Technical_Diet4893
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    Posted: 20 May 2021 10:30 AM PDT

    Which is the first skill tree I should go through with the doppleganger. I'm playing it solo and don't know which I should do first.

    submitted by /u/ObviousExchange9863
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    4 player hoarder Salvador stats

    Posted: 20 May 2021 10:29 AM PDT

    Just had this weird thought about the ammo regen on 4 ledendary hoarder Salvadors with and without abilities. This seems overpowered and how would this react to the chopper consumption?

    submitted by /u/Makaze125
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    A guide on Borderlands golden keys and how to obtain them

    Posted: 20 May 2021 10:10 AM PDT

    I've just reached level 46 with mordecai on playthrough 1 and I am not sure if I should continue playing untill I kill crawmax or if I should start playthrough 2 now

    Posted: 20 May 2021 08:27 AM PDT

    I have finished the base game, clap trap dlc, knoxx dlc (except for some side quests) and I am trying to choose between these 3 options:

    1- continue playing the game as it is until I finish the zombie dlc and knoxx's side quests (including that one with the high leveled boss) then start PT 2 (possible down side is that I would be too high level to enjoy it).

    2- continue playing the game as it is until I finish the zombie dlc and knoxx's side quests (including that one with the high leveled boss) then start with a new character that follows the PT guidline (since I probably would have experienced mordecai enough).

    3- don't continue playing with PT 1 and immediately start PT2 2 with mordecai (I would be a little overlevelled PT2 but it could still be enjoyable).

    I may be overthinking it all but I idk just looking for suggestions.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/CyperFlicker
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    4-player difficulty slider for bl1: goty enhanced 100% working!

    Posted: 20 May 2021 08:11 AM PDT

    There is only one 100% working way, use Nucleus coop for 4 players, create a 4 player game, alt+tab, all connect, alt+tab will return to 1 player and alt+enter=full screen, have fun!

    submitted by /u/No_Junket_9719
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    Alternative ways on getting the Bekah?

    Posted: 20 May 2021 07:30 AM PDT

    is it possible to obtain it from the Veteran's Rewards machine?

    submitted by /u/KatjaaRa
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    How do i use Atlas tracker darts?

    Posted: 20 May 2021 05:38 AM PDT

    So im playing a level 40 zane, crit/dps build (blue and purple skill tree). Im rly into atlaand dahl ARs, and was wondering how do the tracker darts work? Ik how to use tracker grenades and pucks, grenades work like grenade launchers, and can track any enemy in the blast radius, pucks have a longer ranges and can latch on to the nearest enemy. But how do the darts version work? they seem pretty lame, or maybe im using them wrong.

    submitted by /u/TygoFTW
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    The warrior

    Posted: 20 May 2021 03:34 AM PDT

    Yep. I'm at hero pass. First play through and as zer0. So just before I actually start the boss fight if anyone has any tips for the warrior and eventually jack himself?

    submitted by /u/Atomicgojira
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    Can borderlands 2 Handsome Collection play with borderlands 2 Game of the Year Edition

    Posted: 19 May 2021 11:41 PM PDT

    So I like to play with my friend and he got the handsome collection on the ps5 and i got the game of the year edition for the Nintendo switch but can we still play together or not?

    submitted by /u/Sunda018
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