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    Wednesday, May 26, 2021

    Borderlands is borderlands 3 worth it?

    Borderlands is borderlands 3 worth it?

    is borderlands 3 worth it?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 12:47 PM PDT

    ive heard pretty much nothing but negatives about the game but they seem to either just be saying "its bad because its bad" or "its bad because the story is bad". so what do yall think?

    update: bought it along with the dlcs for 50 bucks. thanks everyone for helping me out

    submitted by /u/throwaway82025
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    Glitch weapon appreciation post

    Posted: 26 May 2021 11:48 AM PDT

    Glitch rarity weapons are extremely versatile weapons. With all the added abilities on them, the game has eased considerably, especially with the infinite ammo exploit I'm currently taking advantage of, Nisha has the best use of it especially using her crapshooter mod with wraith kills on Sterwin's 1st mission, my nephew was complaining about the lack of level ups and this has absolutely helped, within 3/5 minutes a level 1 character has reached near level 40 on TVHM

    What experiences have you had with glitch weapons that are A. Incredibly awesome B. Is insanely funny or any other aspect worth mentioning?

    submitted by /u/Makaze125
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    If I have a zero specd into sniper (including BOrE)and have a ladyfist from normal mode, could I theoretically get through TVHM until I acquire the ladyfist of THAT play through using nothing but the first ladyfist and a slag weapon?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 02:16 PM PDT

    I'd still look for better shields, class mods, gernades ect.

    submitted by /u/masrk7384
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    What's the second best Rocket Launcher currently?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 01:57 AM PDT

    I'm using a Yellowcake and I'm pretty sure it's gonna be nerfed soon but I'm worried they will overkill it like they did with the Flakker. What would be a good replacment RL to go for in the mean time?

    submitted by /u/Dongvclre
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    switch issue

    Posted: 26 May 2021 02:22 PM PDT

    Everytime i move around it jerks and is really hard to aim, i turned off motion, but it's really hard to aim, anyone have a fix for this?

    submitted by /u/ridenlow
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    Randy Pitchford teasing next Borderlands game will use Unreal Engine 5

    Posted: 26 May 2021 05:20 PM PDT

    Non-DLC Player

    Posted: 26 May 2021 06:10 PM PDT

    Last time I played Borderlands 3 was maybe a year ago give or take, I'm a lvl 50 ish Fl4K and I've played Borderlands 2 a crap ton and enjoy fighting raid bosses and getting rare loot. What kinda demotivated me from grinding were the guides I was watching where everyone would use DLC items. Would I get the same experience of 2 if I were to grind and max out my character in 3?

    submitted by /u/WHHAS
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    I wanna get into borderlands but im confused on the order to play them in.

    Posted: 26 May 2021 09:37 PM PDT

    Im very confused on which order to play them in, mostly the pre-sequel thing. Can someone tell me? Thanks

    submitted by /u/Evan_or_somthing
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    When running BL3, my computers fans do not run. Is this a common problem?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 06:41 PM PDT

    I've been able to play games like Rainbow 6 Siege, Halo, ect with few issues, graphical or otherwise.
    BL3 is the only game that I have to play on lowest settings, and for some reason, only BL3 won't have my fans run while I play. Is there any fix? Does anyone have this problem?

    submitted by /u/EmergencyCloud2080
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    i need help bc my game keeps crashing and its only the borderlands series

    Posted: 26 May 2021 05:59 PM PDT

    my game keeps crashing i dont know why but for some reason its only the borderlands games on steam and epic they keep saying the same message and they're all crashing when i start it, it looks good but when i get to the menu the game crashes this is the message it says

    LowLevelFatalError [File:Unknown] [Line: 653]

    BulkData compressed header read error. This package may be corrupt!

    0x00007ffbc9184b89 KERNELBASE.dll!UnknownFunction []

    0x00007ff61854826c Borderlands3.exe!UnknownFunction []

    0x00007ff61851a1ed Borderlands3.exe!UnknownFunction []

    0x00007ff61857bdfe Borderlands3.exe!UnknownFunction []

    0x00007ff619a02524 Borderlands3.exe!UnknownFunction []

    0x00007ff619a2a807 Borderlands3.exe!UnknownFunction []

    0x00007ff617c53fc4 Borderlands3.exe!UnknownFunction []

    0x00007ff61739b756 Borderlands3.exe!UnknownFunction []

    0x00007ff619a310db Borderlands3.exe!UnknownFunction []

    0x00007ff619a3c06d Borderlands3.exe!UnknownFunction []

    0x00007ff619a396d7 Borderlands3.exe!UnknownFunction []

    0x00007ff61847f98b Borderlands3.exe!UnknownFunction []

    0x00007ff617319ba8 Borderlands3.exe!UnknownFunction []

    0x00007ff61731ef6e Borderlands3.exe!UnknownFunction []

    0x00007ff61731efea Borderlands3.exe!UnknownFunction []

    0x00007ff6173275b9 Borderlands3.exe!UnknownFunction []

    0x00007ff61ae5c89e Borderlands3.exe!UnknownFunction []

    0x00007ffbca907034 KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction []

    0x00007ffbcb462651 ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction []

    PLEASE HELP i really wanna play this

    submitted by /u/Due_Duty6961
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    Hello Enthusiasts

    Posted: 26 May 2021 01:50 PM PDT

    Hey guys! I'm a teen that has just revisited BL1 from 360 too xbox one and I'm excited to replay it again!

    submitted by /u/P333333N122222222
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    I don't understand Kriegs bloodlust capstone

    Posted: 26 May 2021 01:09 PM PDT

    The bloodlust capstone looks really cool it says it causes a explosion every time you kill a enemy, but isnt the enemy dead? Whats the point of creating a explosion after you kill them like you might damage another enemy thats near to the explosion but that seems very situational. can someone explain it cause this is really confusing

    submitted by /u/Dolfamingosenpai
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    Help me. Please.

    Posted: 26 May 2021 01:09 PM PDT

    Does anyone have tips for Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot, the 20 round arenas, that DOESN'T include making a new character?

    submitted by /u/Shaquarfsha
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    Borderlands 2 dlc

    Posted: 26 May 2021 12:52 PM PDT

    I got the handsome collection on the epic games store last year. I really liked it, played all the games of the series (i'm playing tales rn) and next I want to replay BL2 probably on TVHM.

    I want to play the dlc too, but I don't know how that works, and if the handsome collection includes some of them. The only dlc I see avaliable is the commander lilith dlc. Help please!

    submitted by /u/NetrotosGamer
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    HDR makes the game saturated to hell

    Posted: 26 May 2021 12:48 PM PDT

    im on PC and i turned HDR on for Borderlands 3 and it looks deep fried now and i cant turn off HDR or down the saturation at all

    submitted by /u/RiderMusic
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    Handsome collection PS4

    Posted: 26 May 2021 09:51 AM PDT

    Need someone or some people who wanna play the handsome collection with me. I've heard this game is really good. Have a mic

    submitted by /u/PSWeebGo21
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    Is this series still worth and fun in 2021?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 04:05 AM PDT

    This is coming from someone who is relatively experienced with loot shooters, coming from games like tarkov, valorant and apex.

    I want to take a break from those and play something else and maybe have a fun ofline experience for once.

    So i have a few questions. How is the grind? Is the story any good? And is the multiplayer experience anything special? how does the gunplay feel troughout the series?

    Is the comunnity around this game still active? im thinking about streaming my playtroughs and maybe also making youtube videos if the series is fun so i would like to know if its also entretaining series that people would like to watch or if i should just play it off stream?

    I really like getting in to games that have passionate communities as i like to share funny clips and chat about gameplay stuff so i would also like to know if its anything like that also.

    I dont really want upvotes i just want to start a conversation so i can learn more about the series from people that have played it and not just a review channel on youtube.

    Thanks in advance to anyone that takes their time to answer.

    submitted by /u/Prestigious-Bee-8877
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    Looking for another PS4 player to help with “And they’ll tell two friends” :)

    Posted: 26 May 2021 03:30 AM PDT

    Chasing that platinum trophy… if anyone can help that would be amazing! My other half and I have been playing PS4 split screen and just need one other to complete the trophy - even better if we can help someone else get it too :)

    submitted by /u/Astralyne
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    Borderlands Movie

    Posted: 26 May 2021 12:01 PM PDT

    Has anyone seen the Borderlands movie cast? It looks terrible. It seems like they have gone for big names to pull people in instead of getting people perfect for the roles. Even though that isn't new, it is still so disappointing.

    They have casted Kevin Hart for Roland. Which is the worse decision of all the castings in my opinion. Firstly, why are they casting comedians for a film which should be most serious with some black comedy sprinkled in. I'm really hoping that they aren't going to make it a hollywood style of genre where it isn't a particular genre. It's a thriller/action/comedy mix where it is somewhat innocent. I want brutal, glorious violence and gore. I feel like the film has so much potential if taken seriously and done correctly. Instead of being turned into your typical hollywood movie for the family.

    To go back to Roland. I can't think of a worse person to play him than Kevin Hart. The dude is tiny and is about as intimidating as a chiwawa. Roland is essentially a alpha male type dude. Which is what it would take to survive with the lifestyle of a vault hunter. There is also such a large likelyhood of them casting Kevin Hart and Jack Black to make it funny to the youth. Although it is possible that they will not do this it is incredibly unlikely. The game is an 18 for a reason. It is made for adults who enjoy violence, gore and well thought out, intimidating bosses. Not children who want to laugh and be amused by a silly Kevin Hart and Jack Black. I hope they also incorporate different, special guns because that is a huge part of Borderlands.

    Which leads me to Jack Black. I just don't feel like he belongs in this film. Claptrap should just sound like Claptrap for the games. I'm also hoping that they will use CGI for Claptrap. If they replace him with Jack Black that will suck.

    Overall, I'm sceptical. I'm not saying that the castings are going to be detrimental to the film. But it is definitely likely and I just don't feel like Black/Hart type of comedy belongs in the film. Kevin Hart and Jack Black are goofy, silly type comedians. Someone like Samuel L Jackson I feel would be much better. He's funny but he is also serious and it is believable that he would be the ruthless killing-machine like Roland. I'm not saying that they should have casted Jackson but someone else similar would have been better. Black comedy is what I wanted with the film and I don't feel like Black and Hart will work. It will just become a cheesy, joke of a film. But who knows, I'll have to wait and see. I'm not a massive fan of them in general. I feel that they are more for children than adults, especially Jack Black. I still have a lot of respect for them however. I just don't think they belong in Borderlands.

    I would love to hear some of your thoughts. I'm sure that many of you will disagree.

    submitted by /u/joejamesuk16
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    do your characters work between handsome collection and standalone borderlands 2?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 12:35 AM PDT

    okay so, long story short. i played borderlands 2 to DEATH on xbox 360, buy an xbox one and low and behold borderlands 2 with all dlc is on gamepass. i play it even MORE to death and now its off of gamepass. now im itching to play it even more but im wondering if i can buy the handsome collection and all of my progress will still be there. i really dont wanna spend 40 dollars just to loose all my level 72 characters.

    submitted by /u/throwaway82025
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    Long-time fan looking for a reason to come back

    Posted: 25 May 2021 02:26 PM PDT

    Most of this is a rant, you can skip ahead for my actual question haha.

    Borderlands 3 left a sour taste in my mouth. I enjoyed the game, don't get me wrong. It's just that all my expectations narrative-wise were completely unfulfilled.

    What I enjoyed from the first two is that every character got fleshed out and made me actually care about what would happen to them. I mean, Jesus when Roland died I was actually shook.

    So coming from 2's huge success into 3, I expected more of the same sort of treatment with the characters. I even made a point to play through 2 entirely (all dlc included) and even went out of my way to buy Tales From the Borderlands knowing that those characters would be in the game.

    But sadly, what we got was fan favorites getting sidelined or just completely absent from the game. Brick and Mordecai played very minor roles, Axton and Salvador were reduced to just references (sad especially as I maimed Axton on my first ever play through).

    So I completely skipped most of the dlc. I think I got halfway through the Hammerlock wedding one before I completely fell off the game. I was wondering now that some significant time has passed. Have any of the DLC's made the game worth another run through?

    submitted by /u/_Astrogimp
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