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    Monday, May 17, 2021

    Borderlands Who played BL2 on Vita?

    Borderlands Who played BL2 on Vita?

    Who played BL2 on Vita?

    Posted: 17 May 2021 09:59 AM PDT

    Seriously, who played it on Vita? It's my only option and I love it, I'm chapter 14 with 50 hours in it, but I've heard that it's not good port and that not many people played it. So is there anyone who enjoyed it on Vita as me? Or am I enjoying it because I didn't have a chance to play it anywhere else?

    submitted by /u/maTEsbacc1
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    Help with the Borderlands 2 leveling (I don't own Commander Lilth)

    Posted: 17 May 2021 04:26 PM PDT

    So I heard the game has 72 levels + OP8, but I dont understand how many playthroughs do I have to do before reaching that level? I'm confused and I wonder if you could help

    submitted by /u/NotInstaNormie
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    Why is pre-sequel so disliked?

    Posted: 17 May 2021 02:11 PM PDT

    I have only done one play through of pre-sequel with Willhelm and I thought the game was a lot of fun even at times feeling it had better vault hunters than borderlands 2. I understand that the scaling is bad in the late game and how oxygen loss can be annoying, but it wasn't bad enough to say that the mechanic ruins part of the game as long as you didn't do air jumps I would rarely run out of oxygen. It a very fun game but I think it deserves at least a re-examination by the community. With at least some mod support the game could become something that we all could enjoy. All it needs is a little help and it could become the true borderlands three. But even the bass game is good my experience may be different than others though since I played through my first Playthru with a friend who is playing as Athena so we had both a great deal of survivability. Maybe if we both played Neisha and claptrap it could've been a very different experience my friend said that with his Nisha character he never got past the giant ship at the end of the game so it could just be that either playing with friends makes it a lot easier or it's just that some caterers are just not good to play due to their low survivability either way that is a full on the game designers do too the problem with power scaling. But to me I think that if you have pre-sequel and you want some borderlands look at it again if you have a friend put it up with them and see if you may be able to enjoy it I can at least say that the DLC is super fun for what DLC there was in the scaling is actually good.

    submitted by /u/cringlord25
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    Am I missing out on playing the other characters?

    Posted: 17 May 2021 05:38 PM PDT

    I've had a lot of fun with Timmy and his OP skillset, and Claptrap is absolutely nuts as long as you have a wide variety of good weapons at your disposal, but what about the other characters? I played Nisha up to 30 just because of her auto-aim, but never really gave the other three a chance. Any thoughts on cool builds or whatever?

    submitted by /u/PopeSpaceMonkey
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    Who can help me do ancient drags on switch

    Posted: 17 May 2021 05:22 PM PDT

    As the title says just tryna kill them 1 time for the mission so i can go onto uvhm

    submitted by /u/Azurus_II
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    Planning a Nuzlocke run and I have a question.

    Posted: 17 May 2021 04:46 PM PDT

    I want to run through one of the games with a Nuzlocke style rule set ( I only use the first piece of gear I find in a new area) and I was wondering if I should be allowed to keep/use quest rewards on the playthrough. Kind of leaning towards no but I was wondering what everyone else thinks.

    submitted by /u/DOUGfromEARTH
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    The strongest Vault hunter of all time? In game and in lore, who do you think it might be?

    Posted: 16 May 2021 11:01 PM PDT

    I've been wondering for a while who might be the strongest vault hunter in gameplay or in canon. I'm fairly certain about the strength of the bl2 hunters, and that Athena is broken in game and in canon. But i'd like to hear about what you guys think.

    submitted by /u/G0ldenGibus
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    This maybe a dumb question and it’s probably asked and answered hundreds of times but is there any true way to read only farm on console?

    Posted: 17 May 2021 01:10 AM PDT

    Question in title^

    submitted by /u/yonashay69
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    The tale of Nyriad led me to some assumptions.

    Posted: 17 May 2021 11:50 AM PDT

    It appears that the power of the Siren's were something to wander from people to people. I could say, that the Siren's power were actually gods. Since they cannot be truly destroyed. You can kill a Siren, but their power remains. Goes to another person. Or can it? I believe, that there is a way to cage a Siren's power. Vaults could do that. Nyriad intentionally died in such place so that her power would be contained. The power of the leech. When that vault was opened on the Eridian homeworld, then it's power got free, and sought for a new host. Typhon got laid on the elevator that is when Lada was impregnated with the Calypso twins. When the vault were opened, and the leech were freed, then it sought a host, and it has found in those unborn children.

    The logs also says that the Destroyer has the size of a planet, and that the eridium on Pandora is actually the walls of it's prison. The false vault which was opened in BL1 were meant to release a small part of the Destroyer. A part that could feed. I think that the creature we destroyed in the end of BL3 were also just a part of the monster. It wanted to escape, and that is why it let to be united with Tyreen.

    The final part an interesting warning. "You must never find the seventh." I think that the "7th" is a Siren with some incredible power. So much power, that the Eridians had to lock her away in vault to her doom. So that her power maybe contained forever. Just as Nyriad wanted to do with the leech.

    So we got an insanely powerful enemy that have not yet faced, and an insanely powerful Siren we have not yet know. The leech's power were pretty strong on it's own. Destroying life to become ever more powerful, and even absorb the power of other Siren's to combine their powers with them. Imagine a Siren with the combined powers of all the currently known Sirens, and yet. The leech was not imprisoned by the Eridians. It was not enough threat for that. But the seventh was. My question is.

    Were the seventh's power simply so great that it had to be locked away, or it's function were so dangerous that it had to be done?

    submitted by /u/Jewbacca1991
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    Does BL3 brick or crash Xbox Series S/X?

    Posted: 17 May 2021 09:31 AM PDT

    I got BL3 on sale because it was $20 and also has the next gen update but I remember hearing absolute horror stories that the game can completely mess up your console at the drop of a hat. I have a Series S and I remember hearing it a lot back when it released...just wondering if anyone has any recent insight. Last thing I'd obviously want is a messed up console. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/iBrokeMyKneeMan
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    [Spoilers] sirens

    Posted: 17 May 2021 03:25 AM PDT


    Known ones that are alive

    phase lock ava phase grasp amara phase shift tannis

    Others we have seen but are likely dead

    phase walk Lilith Phase leach tyreen/troy

    Ones we have seen but don't know the powers of

    Commander steele

    Commander steele powers? Does not have lilith's powers since we play as her in the game. Tannis's powers were angels and angel had her powers in that game. Tyreen's were locked away. Amara's powers seem to have came in early child hood and she looks around early to late 20's in the game. Around 13 years would take place after steeles death so this would be prime time for Amara to randomly get the powers except for the fact that they don't match colors at all though this does not mean much since Amara can apparently change her tattoo colors though the very dull blue does not seem to be one of them. The last one on the chopping block is maya's powers which more or less match the color but timing just does not make any since. Therefore I think that steeles powers are nothing we have seen before.

    Bl4 In the next game we will guaranteed have a new playable siren which means we will have all of them found out except

    The 7th Currently there is little to nothing known about them but we do know they exist

    submitted by /u/Revolutionary-Ad2668
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    Hey all, does anyone have a list of retail/physical release of all Borderlands games?

    Posted: 16 May 2021 11:42 PM PDT

    I'm talking all systems, all borderlands games. I was trying to figure out all physical releases. Like borderlands 1 on 360 had the regular game(not counting platinum hits) the add on pack, and game of the year. So does anyone know if there's an easy way to look and find all system variations of physical releases? I tried Wikipedia but they just have base games, no goty or add ons. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Shiny_Magikarp13
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