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    Wednesday, June 9, 2021

    Borderlands Just started playing BL1 after years of BL2. Any thoughts on the differences?

    Borderlands Just started playing BL1 after years of BL2. Any thoughts on the differences?

    Just started playing BL1 after years of BL2. Any thoughts on the differences?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 04:32 PM PDT

    I've put in hundreds of hours playing through BL2 with all characters. Finally decided to start BL1 before going after TPS and BL3. I've found BL1 to be a totally different game. The humor is less central to the story, game dynamics are tougher, and the music/sfx are more serious. Stoked on the experience. Curious what others have to say about it.

    submitted by /u/boredbrowse
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    Could the tiny Tina game be similar to the pre sequel?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 02:46 AM PDT

    Just saw a rumour of the tiny Tina game getting announced this week and was wondering if it could be similar spin off to the pre sequel.

    Maybe even be focused around the B team with Tina, brick, mordecai and Krieg being the playable characters. Hopefully this will be the case as they are some of the most entertaining characters in the games

    submitted by /u/Soaptimusprime
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    All hail!

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 11:26 PM PDT

    I just finished my first play though of BL3, and I did it with Moze built to avoid iron bear as much as possible. I was really surprised when I got Hail from Moxxi that I seriously kept using it from level 31 to 41. I really don't remember having that kind of longevity with it in BL2, and none of my other weapons have stayed relevant nearly as long. I heard this gun got buffed at some point; I don't know if they overdid it, but I enjoyed using the thing.

    submitted by /u/totallyshould
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    Creature Slaughter announcer voice

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 12:43 AM PDT

    Does anybody know who who did the voice of the announcer for the Creature Slaughter DLC because at times he sounds a hell of a lot like Murray from the Sly Cooper games. Especially when he refers to enemies as 'little guys'.

    submitted by /u/Zenom
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    If Wonderlands is a traditional Borderlands game, who would you like to see as the Vault Hunters?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 02:38 AM PDT

    As someone who mained Brick in BL1, I'd love to play as him again. Getting anyone from BL1 back would be great just with how much more interesting the skill trees have gotten.

    It'd also be cool if this is where we end up seeing Fiona again.

    submitted by /u/jdevo91
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    How big can the bank be in Borderlands 3? with all DLC and upgrades.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 03:15 PM PDT

    I never liked how tiny the bank was in BL2 considered the whole point was that you have a bazillion guns but I can only carry like, 30 at a time.

    Can't find any info on this, would appreciate help.


    submitted by /u/phen00
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    Eridium Farming (BL3)

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 05:11 PM PDT

    Looking for tips on farming eridium in Borderlands 3. Need a ton for gear re rolling.

    submitted by /u/jharrison231
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    Borderlands 2 DLC

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 05:29 AM PDT

    So, I finally got my girlfriend into Borderlands and she's about to beat the first game. I'm really excited for her to play Borderlands 2 since it's my favorite and I would like her to play through all the DLCs, the thing is, could that be possible without everything becoming under leveled and completely boring? I have UVHM installed, but making her start a game from there seems cruel since the only other shooter she's played is Borderlands, so she's not exactly experienced. I'm open to any ideas, thank you!

    submitted by /u/NAmorath
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    Single Playthrough Mod?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 06:56 AM PDT

    I played BL2 years ago for a few hundred hours on a single character. Max level and all the loot. I got really burned out on the game, mostly because you have to play through the exact same content on the exact same character three times to max things out. Mandating this much repetition is awful game design. I keep getting urges to play again, but then I remember that I'll have to play through three times just to max out a character and I uninstall it.

    Is there a mod that stretches the entire campaign and all DLC across all 72 levels so I can actually enjoy this game again?

    Not looking for responses about how it's totally fun to play the same content dozens of times to experience all the characters to their potential. Just looking for a mod. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/SzczeniarzBrzeczysz
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    Does anyone else find that phalanx shield and scorched earth are kinda counterproductive?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 08:38 AM PDT

    So I recently got the shield in TVHM and I got through the green tree on my normal playthrough but I try to hide in it for some cover and my turret will detect someone behind me, when it starts firing rockets it knocks me out of the bubble, anyone else have this problem?

    submitted by /u/masrk7384
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    Should I play through the Series?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 12:50 AM PDT

    I know it's an acclaimed series, and I also know it's a good quality game series. I am just here to see if you guys think it would be my type of game. The reason I am asking, is I got this guy in a discord that I belong to that is wanting me to play it with him, and play it more often. However, he is just rushing through the 1st game, starting the missions for me, leveling slightly higher than me, and simply carrying me through the game. All when I try to explore the surroundings, and if I am being honest, how he is helping me is sort of breaking my immersion and making me unsure if I would like the game or not. To kind of give a back ground on the usual game I would enjoy, probably my favorite game of all time is Sekiro, because it combines what I like about stealth games with what I like about games similar to Dark Souls, with a very slight metroidvania flavoring with the prosthetics. In stealth games you can explore and interact with the world to help you progress, and even if the enemies are too difficult to fight, you can find ways to still look around the world(which is why I like them). In Metroidvanias it's to a similar cause, but usually secluded to very specific tools, that have multiple uses for exploring the world(instead of many tools in the environment that usually have only one use each, like stealth games tend to have). While if you must fight enemies, I prefer it where you can defeat them if you are skilled enough no matter the power gap, which is why I like Dark Souls and games like it. Another one of my favorite games of all time is Guild Wars 2, which is a very large scale mmorpg, and thought to be one of the top 5 current most popular, because I love the player interaction, and for an mmo it does what I mentioned before the best out of the other mmos(that I know of). I like exploring the world, not just because, but to find what's around the next corner, to dive deep into the lore, maybe find a tough but possible enemy to fight, or another tool that unlocks more the map. For the same reason, I like turning over every note, reading every item description, and simply digesting what the game gives me, as all I want is to get to know the game that the Devs put their hard work into. Despite all this, one of the games I have enjoyed greatly in the past might not even fulfill a lot of the above, and that is League of Legends. The reason why I liked league was the possibilities for the different builds, due to the amount of champions, the itemization, runes, and team comps. Granted they have good lore as well, and this build diversity is another reason why I like gw2 and even dark souls games. So, I ask again, do you think Borderlands would be a game that I might like?

    submitted by /u/DrakoBlade
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    Opening backpack crashes the game

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 02:40 AM PDT

    So I recently started playing borderlands 2 again, but something strange started happening that never happened before, whenever I would open my backpack, my game would crash and a warning eould pop up that That one move used up all of the available memory. It never happens to when I open my map or my skill tree, only the map. So I'm wondering now if the only way to fix this is to buy more RAM or is there any other way for me to solve this problem?

    (I've already went thru some of the files and code and changed some stuff, it only made my game run better, it only changed it very slightly as all of my items are all just black spaces in the shapes of the guns)

    submitted by /u/NoahAMM
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    Friendship rules trophy help

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 01:02 AM PDT

    Would anybody be willing to give me a hand with the Friendship Rules trophy for BL2? I'd be happy to help you if you need it as well.

    PSN: ShiyaFenix

    submitted by /u/Zenom
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    Possible casting for borderlands film sequel:

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 03:56 AM PDT

    If they manage to make a sequel to the upcoming film I feel like Jeremy Renner would be a shoo-in for Axton, to me every time he mentions his turret when throwing it out his voice sounds like him, especially when he says "say 'hello' sweetie".

    submitted by /u/masrk7384
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