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    Friday, June 25, 2021

    Borderlands should i buy the first borderlands?

    Borderlands should i buy the first borderlands?

    should i buy the first borderlands?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 03:57 PM PDT

    i own ever borderlands except the first one, i've played all of them through but i'm not sure if i should get the first one so i turned here for advice

    submitted by /u/ToastyRDMC
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    2 years.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 05:23 PM PDT

    After 2 years this crashes constantly on Xbox. Vault emptied twice. Lost guardian rank. Lost all skins. Now... I know the trolls are out there. Save it. Answer this. If you bought a new car, and it shut off every so often... would you care? I spent my money on a product. It fails.

    submitted by /u/ssgsefranek
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    What Bosses would You Want Recreated In BL3?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 03:58 AM PDT

    A very silly and small question that just now struck me. But if you could take any iconic boss(es) back from the previous games perfectly recreated in BL3 and completely adapted to the new game mechanics?

    I'm simply asking because I was thinking about all the Vault monsters from the game and just then realized The Warrior was one of them. And then I could go on to ponder what the Warrior had been like if inserted into BL3 instead. And I think it would be even more epic than the version we already have. Another one I'd like to see is KnuckleDragger and Captain Flynt & his Son. Especially if Zane gets special dialogue/drops from the ladder two

    Who would you choose to be remade in BL3? Let's just say its hypothetical free update that Gearbox is making and is hosting a community pole for who the first wave of bosses would be. Would you want their associates Legendaries be implemented back into the game if they aren't already?

    submitted by /u/MrMortyRickSummer
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    Shade and T.K. Baha

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 05:30 PM PDT

    I feel like they could be brothers. Similarities: 1. Red hair 2. Shades 3. Short sleeve button shirt 4. Same green wristbands 5. Same black gloves 6. Plaid pants 7. Crazy

    Shade https://images.app.goo.gl/MTfsmYvuzYPEGDcL7

    T.K. Baha https://images.app.goo.gl/8UcE4n45zDTLMfWB9

    submitted by /u/RoyalSoldierx
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    CRYO TURRET ZANE!! Crazy Damage & Insane Fire Rate

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 10:11 AM PDT

    Hey guys so I did my first ever build, If you guys could give it a watch and let me know what you think that would be awesome! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_VtNhRu4dg&t=100s

    submitted by /u/SiahZ_
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    Unique gun?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 03:32 PM PDT

    A while ago i had found a SMG on Krom's Canyon, and the bullets seemed to somewhat ricochet, are there anymore weapons like that in the game?

    submitted by /u/satanrulesearthnow
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    Frame Issues after Update

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 07:54 PM PDT

    I'm playing on an Xbox Series S, and since this latest update, the frames have been dropping insanely often and have had several crashes. Any word on fixes?

    submitted by /u/jharrison231
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    Borderlands 3 when I load up the game it crashes instantly

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 06:42 PM PDT

    Crossplay not working

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 02:39 PM PDT

    Anyone using crossplay unable to join friends? Keep getting a timed out error and connection issue but can play with other friends on Xbox.

    Update: there is a bug that migrates my game to offline mode every time I join someone on PC and vice versa for them too.

    submitted by /u/EverSevere
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    So what’s everyone’s thoughts on the casting for the movie?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 02:10 PM PDT

    My takes:

    While I would've liked for them to get Claptrap's original voice actor to play him, I'm kind of excited to see Jack Black's version.

    I'm excited for Benjamin Byron Davis as Marcus, though that might just be my inner Red Dead stan coming out.

    Idk how to feel about Jamie Lee Curtis as Tannis.

    Kevin Hart as Roland was an…interesting choice.

    I've never heard of any of the other actors.

    submitted by /u/TheGAM3RR
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    Loved BL1, meh on TPS and 2, but considering 3.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 05:28 PM PDT

    I wanted to see what people who have played all of the titles thought. BL1 is one of my favorite games and I still play it, but I didn't enjoy the sequels as much. I am wondering if 3 would be worth picking up, or if I should pass on it. In 2 I felt like the builds were a lot more pigeonholed and that if you weren't playing a certain way you'd really struggle, especially with end game content as enemies were pretty bullet spongey. I enjoyed in 1 that leveling added a lot more passive benefits that scaled you up, but weren't super gimmicky.

    So, let me know what you think and thanks in advance!

    Edit: thanks for the replies so far. I am doing some reading too and am glad to see they got rid of slag. That was another aspect of 2 I didn't dig.

    submitted by /u/SuperDuperCoolDude
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    Why does Taylor Kobb switch jackets?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 05:17 PM PDT

    When we first see him, his jacket is black. When we kill him, he has a brown one like his brother, did he steal his?

    submitted by /u/RoyalSoldierx
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    Can't seem to 100% Guns, Love and Tentacles. What am I missing?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 03:06 PM PDT

    I'm trying to 100% Guns, Love and Tentacles but one thing has me confused. On the map screen for the planet Xylourgos it says I have 101% completion, but when I look at the challenges tab it says I have completed 11/12 in Negul Neshai and 10/11 in Heart's Desire. If I look at the maps for those areas the map is fully revealed, there are no icons left to be completed and I have no quests available on the maps or in my inventory. What am I missing here?

    submitted by /u/Dapper_Champion
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    Borderlands 3 Online Co-Op Lag (Series X)

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 08:35 AM PDT


    Just returning to the game to play with friends. I am experiencing terrible lag. I don't have any issues on any other games. My friend who is the host does not have any issues.

    Is this a well known issue and are their any fixes?

    submitted by /u/vordon123
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    Does Borderlands 2 support crossplay between the base game and the handsome jack collection?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 09:56 AM PDT

    I claimed BL2 last year on epic, and my friend is looking to get it this month on steam summer sale (both PC, windows).

    The one on epic games was the handsome jack collection (all DLCs and everything)

    The one on steam is the base game.

    Will it support coop over the two versions?

    submitted by /u/threadnoodle
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    Ui guardian rank bug thing?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 11:26 AM PDT

    So i play on pc, steam and i had this bugged tab button thing on the bottom of my screen for a while. I don't have unspent guardian tokens, and the funny thing is i installed a new os and reinstalled the game on a completely new ssd once. I did have some downloaded save files, but i don't think the bug started when i was on those characters. anyone have any ideas to fix it? link to image: https://i.imgur.com/NmMBlYQ.png

    submitted by /u/Lopeter
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    BL 2 Mechanics - Hit Bar type, Level Scaling and slag

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 11:03 AM PDT

    Hi guys, gals and enby pals,

    I'm doing my third playthrough of the BL2 story campaign, and I'm learning to embrace and love elemental weapons. I've noticed two things that I want to ask about:

    1. When shooting at an enemy who has a shield hit point bar and a life/red health bar, is their weakness shock weapons for the blue and red bar, or is it shock for both? I ask because in Opportunity, when fighting the human hyperion personel with the two bars, I see "RESIST" popup when I'm shooting them with a fire gun *AFTER* I've broken their shield with a shock gun.
    2. Am I correct in saying that zones in which a story mission occurs does not scale to your level, but any non-story zone in which you do missions (Caustic Caverns immediately comes to mind) that will auto-scale to your level?
    3. I realize it's a single-player game (vs. a MMORPG), but when you get legendary slag weapons that have a higher damage output then your standard or elemental weapons, is it all good to only fire until the enemy is slagged and then switch, or can you keep slagging away for the higher DPS? I'm only TVHM (not the ultuimate), and I'm playing Maya for her slag abilities. I'm skeered to play UVHM.

    Sorry if there are "freaking, duh?" questions, but I figured I'd ask. Love this reddit and these games.

    submitted by /u/utatheatreguy
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    Bounty of Blood vehicle issue

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 09:57 AM PDT

    Just started (obviously) playing with my boyfriend. When we get to the Blastplains there's only one vehicle and you can't spawn another? Anyone else had this?

    submitted by /u/HiImAlexXD
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    Long time fan returning to the series

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 07:14 AM PDT

    Hey I've been playing borderlands since 2012 and was a major fan. If I wasn't playing borderlands I was watching all O.G you tubers (joltz, Bahri, gothalion, MAK, Yoteslaya etc)I was super excited to play through BL3 but was disappointed my first 2 play throughs and combined with my friends switching to pc had no one to play with. Now with the addition to cross play I'm about to hop back in and play with them. Any recommendations on characters and their build types for a just a fun play through? Any recommendations or early tips for new game would be greatly appreciated

    submitted by /u/lmaooaml6996
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