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    Saturday, August 14, 2021

    Borderlands The Pre-sequel deserves more credit.

    Borderlands The Pre-sequel deserves more credit.

    The Pre-sequel deserves more credit.

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 11:18 PM PDT

    I just finished the game again today and I really enjoyed it, more so than when I replayed BL2.

    The story is more interesting and had more depth: Jack's character arc, Claptrap's story, even the hints at Wilhelm's bionic addiction which led to his loader-form in BL2.

    The quests were more fun: more interesting and there were funny, quick ones that weren't too tedious, and there were good references. There were still backtracking but for once I was curious as to the outcome of the quests.

    The game felt easier to go through: you finish the story, then the DLC, and wrap up. There's no real need to mess with TVHM/UVHM/DLC orders to get a challenge. The regular playthrough's levels scaled up nicely.

    The playable characters were the best. The skilltrees were more complex yet more rewarding, and it was easier to get to the interesting stuff.

    Claptastic Voyage > Dragon Keep. Don't @ me.

    Of course, I would've liked one or two more DLC's and a bit more loot, but I think its smaller scale makes it easier to appreciate the game without it wearing you out.

    submitted by /u/SamBellFromSarang
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    Game not starting

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 07:17 PM PDT

    BL3 won't start on my Xbox One. It says "for some reason borderlands 3 took too long to start". Advice??

    submitted by /u/NDX20k
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    nvr played BL1

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 12:01 PM PDT

    played bl2 and loved it, played thru bl3 and loved it too, played a bit of the pre-sequel but got distracted by life depression and couldn't finish, i intend to tho

    but is BL1 worth playing? i wanted to finish the pre-sequel before i got into the first, but i've been seeing BL1 talked about like crazy across multiple sub-reddits, kinda wanna take it as a sign

    submitted by /u/fuckumbai
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    There all top tier but wich is best

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 07:35 AM PDT

    If you rate all the borderlands games from your favorite to least, what would your list be.

    1. Borderlands 2
    2. Borderlands 3
    3. Borderlands tps
    4. Borderlands 1
    5. Tales from.
    submitted by /u/jaaybee89
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    thoughts on the new crimson lance colour in 3?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 04:48 PM PDT

    I was wondering what people thought about all the lancers being crimson in borderlands 3. It makes sense and certainly, knox and certain classes wore that colour including the sanctuary guards in 2 but 2 members I believe. I just kinda miss the classic steel look that I recall being common in borderlands 1.

    submitted by /u/MonsierDeLong
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    Never played a BL game before

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 08:18 PM PDT

    I have never played any of the Borderlands games in my life but 3 looked pretty cool and it's on sale rn wondering if I should pick it up. Also is it worth it if I'm going to be playing solo mostly?

    submitted by /u/Brutus-111
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    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 08:12 AM PDT

    Hi, Can someone help me do the Psychoreaver boSs?

    submitted by /u/Low_Boysenberry_4751
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    Looking for a specific post!

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 06:19 AM PDT

    Hi guys,

    A while ago, I came across a video of Scooters into from BL2 where it glitched and went mental. It made me laugh so hard, and in my laughter I forgot to save the post. I've tried searching the subs for it but I can't find it!

    Can anyone help? I'd be so grateful so that I can save.

    submitted by /u/pandapopppp
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    Anyone having trouble going into borderline for switch?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 03:35 AM PDT

    I keep getting an error and it's not letting me play any of the 3 borderlands on switch. Can anyone tell me why?

    submitted by /u/Thebigbaos
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    [Help] Borderlands 2 on Steam keeps kicking me from every game

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 02:54 AM PDT

    Whenever I begin playing BL2, the game lets me play for however long before kicking me out of the game. It seems to be something to do with my poor Aussie internet: every time my internet stops my game session disconnects (as it says in the little blue popup box), but when my internet comes back it kicks me from the game trying to reconnect. This is a problem, but it's made worse by the game getting stuck in a permanent "creating game session" loop where I have to ALT+F4 out of the game.

    Does anyone know any solutions to these problems? I mostly understand why it's happening, but it's pretty frustrating to have half an hour of progress reset by the game kicking me for trying to fix online features that I'm not even using -- without warning might I add. Any help would be seriously appreciated!

    (For further context: I have Borderlands 3 and never encountered this problem, so as far as I can tell it seems to be BL2 specifically conflicting with my poor internet)

    submitted by /u/Berdyie
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    [BL2] when did UVHM get so damn hard, or what am I doing wrong with Zer0?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 01:04 AM PDT

    I recently enjoyed an awesome solo run through UVHM + all DLCs with Maya, maxing out at level 80. I ran down the Harmony and Cataclysm skill trees to the end, giving me Scorn and Ruin, so I basically had a multi-elemental singularity + a slag BFG9000. I could walk into any battle and basically melt face, regenerate health, and clean up with a spray of bullets.

    Playing through as Zer0 now, I'm at level 52, and have only gotten to the end of the Cunning tree. I love the ability to toss kunai and basically batch-tag enemies with Death Mark + inflict elemental DoT, but it just doesn't feel like enough. I thought my weapons might have been too weak, so I spent a bunch of golden keys in order to flesh out my inventory, and it still feels like I'm falling short in dealing damage, as well as dying all the time due to lack of proper defense. I even have a level-appropriate DPUH, and unless I slag + Death Mark each individual target, it feels like a pea shooter.

    What can I do to make Zer0 a more formidable solo play in UVHM? Should I respec into another skill tree? Change my weapon/shield loadout? Or just play him differently/with a different play style?

    (Also, it may be worth mentioning that I started this character at level 30 via TFFS. Does this make a difference? ie., is a BoostedZer0 statistically weaker than a Zer0 that was built up up from level 1?)

    submitted by /u/aarondigruccio
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    Is borderlands 2 cross platform?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 11:03 PM PDT

    They recently added borderlands 3 crossplay but I'm not sure about borderlands 2. One of my friends are wanting to replay it but I don't have it on Xbox anymore, and he doesn't have a PC.

    submitted by /u/Cringesause
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